Sister Pile Up!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

They came back!

They went up to the Science Center to play and some how found butterflys!
I knew this 12 year old was calm but I had no Idea she could be still enough to have a butterfly land on her!
My two and a darling cousin, Oh how I missed my girls! I am so glad to see their cute little faces! They came back!!! The man and 2 of my girls returned from a 10 day long trip to Seattle. They were visiting with family and exploring many fun things about the Pacific Northwest. They had a good time with many of their cousins on the Man's side of the family. But Oh how I missed them!!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Life ?

Why do we have those times in life when we totally question the value of our existence? Those times when you read strange books and they speak to you. Or those really wierd movies which seem to make sense when you are slightly off your normal routine. What is it about brain chemistry that makes those times so significant? I found a fun Quote line in my book today. It was based on Hymn Title lines. "As sisters in Zion, we who are called to serve are all enlisted to go marching, marching forward because the world has need of willing men to all press on scattering sunshine. We wonder if we have done any good in the world today, because we have been given much and want to do what is right, keep the commandments, press forward with the Saints, and put our shoulders to the wheel going where He wants us to go. However, as the morning breaks high on the mountain top, truth reflects upon our senses, and while we still believe that sweet is the work, we also realize that we have work enough to do ere the sun goes down. And thus we ask Thee ere we part, where can we turn for peace? Kerry Blair I found it amusing, I liked the way she linked it all together....

Friday, July 13, 2012

Summer Heat

So it happens to be Summer time! My friend Jennifer mentioned that I have been slacking off - Actually she asked me if I was aware it has been 2 months since I last wrote... Nope, I sort of got busier than I usually am. Goodness it is hard to adjust to constant changes. I don't know how you all do it! Blogger changed, My kids are changing. My cars are needy. My man is fishing. That is a lot to deal with! So My oldest son is being a super trooper - He is serving as a missionary in Joshua Texas. (I think) He sometimes rides a bike and sometimes drives a car. He doesn't mention the temperature at all. I think the his NOT whining about the temperature is pretty awesome. I on the other hand have been warm and grouchy and whiny. It has been about a 100 degrees here, with stinky fires, and my vehicles presently have no A/C. The twenty year old lincoln we aren't sure when we will deal with it's issue, but the Van is sitting in the shop hoping it's vent can spew forth cold air again instead of just hot! We were driving up to Layton for a doctor's visit when it gradually stopped blowing cold air, and then worked it's way up to HOT air. It is a long drive. We had to have Slurpees - to help keep us from getting all of our moisture sucked out of us on the way home. Then a couple of days later we had to go back to the Doctor's office and he noticed Rachael was hot and sweaty when he was treating her. EWWWH a girls worst nightmare, to be slimy and hot when someone has to touch you. She has had more fun with sweat this week. She had three days of Ballroom practice. Pretty awesome work out but Sweaty! She realized they were all dripping sweat, so it wasn't just her. One boy she was dancing with had to wipe his face off before they could do a dance step that brought them really close together. On the day she had to introduce herself to others she was wearing gloves due to allergy treatment. She let them all know she was wearing the rubber gloves for allergy treatment, not because they have Cooties!
I realize we don't have humidity, and I am grateful for that right now, but some times I really do feel as if I'm in a desert. I am pretty sure the dryness just sucks the life out of you at times. So for today, Have a nice cool day, if not? Go get a Slurpee! Or a Lemonade!