Monday, April 26, 2010

Flip Flapping Away

Last week at my 3T class I got share with the ladies all the great reasons to have some Flip Flaps in your stash. 

Reason #1 - you can add a ton of photos to a page without it looking cluttered or too busy. 

Reason #2 - they make great interactive elements to your scrapbooks. 

And reason #3 - they are great for adding additional journaling.  Or, if you have something private you can use it to keep you journaling hidden.  

Flip Flaps also make great mini-albums.  

Oh, here's a tip they are Flip Fl-A-ps - not flip flops...totally different thing. 

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


It isn't often that I even think to take a picture of me.  I am usually almost always behind the camera.  So I thought I would share a recent moment of forward thinking when I actually turned the camera around and snapped a photo of myself.  I am also making a concerted effort to give my camera to other people to snap some shots of family events - so I can be included in the pictures. I will no longer be the mystery person, obviously there, but not there - if you know what I mean.  Obviously I was there because I scrap the stories behind the photos, but I am not there because I am rarely ever included in the photos on the pages.  Does that make sense? I hope!

New Episode of Art & Soul

A new episode is up over at CTMH.  You can find it by clicking the on the badge above.  Once you are at my website click on the CTMH TV tab.  The episode is titled Live Your Dreams and is 12 minutes long.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

What do you think?

Do you like the new look?  Just wondering.  I think it looks fresh and springy!
Have a good one.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


These were a couple of Easter cards I made.  I was playing around and just love the results.  Not my usual style. But it is always good to stretch and grow.

Here are some pictures I need to get scrapped.

I love this one of my daughter and our dog.  She took this picture.  Love it!

This one is going to be all about my kiddos first trip to Fudruckers.  Kari loved the milk shake. 

I know this picture is a little odd.  I was making biscuits the other night and pulled out the buttermilk and I had the best memory of my Grandma.  She loved buttermilk.  I alway thought that was odd, but to Grandma buttermilk was a real treat.  So I am going to scrap a page about this memory.  Whenever I look at buttermilk I think of her.  I can even hear her giggle.  

That is why I love this amazing hobby of ours.  It tells the stories of our hearts. 

Have a good one. 

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