Dong was extremely anti-foreign, and gave full support to Cixi and the boxers. General Dong committed his Muslim troops to join the Boxers to attack the 8 nation alliance. They were put into the rear division, and attacked the legations relentlessly. The westerners called them the "10,000 Islamic rabble". Casualties suffered by the alliance at the hands of the Muslim troops were so high, that the United States Marine Corps was called in. A Japanese chancellor, Sugiyama Akira, and several westerners were shot to death by the Muslim braves. It was reported that the Muslim troops were going to wipe out the foreigners to return a golden age for China, and the Muslims repeatedly attacked *foreign churches, railways, and legations, before hostilities even started. The Muslim troops were armed with modern repeater rifles and artillery, and reportedly enthusiastic about going on the offensive and killing foreigners.
Another Muslim general, Ma Anliang, Tongling of Ho-Chou joined the Kansu braves in fighting the foreigners.
On June 18, Dong Fuxiang's troops stationed at Hunting park in southern Beijing, attacked Lang Fang. The forces included cavalry at 5,000 men, armed with the latest magazine rifles.
General Dong Fuxiang a muslimBattle Summary
The Muslim troops led by Dong Fuxiang defeated the 8 nation alliance force led by the British Admiral Seymour at the Battle of Langfang on Jun 18. The Chinese won a major victory, and forced Seymour to retreat back to Tianjin by Jun 26, and Seymour's western army suffered heavy casualties.
After Langfang, Dong Fuxiang's troops only participated in battles inside of Beijing.
Dong Fuxiang's Muslim forces defeated the westerners led by Seymour on August 1 outside of Tianjian at the Battle of Beicang, bombarded the city, defeated the westerners at Taku Forts, and mined a Russian paddle steamer at Shanhaiguan, inflicting many casualties upon them. The Battle of Shanhaiguan was also fought, with muslim troops deploying mines against Russian ships.
Summary of battles of General Dong Fuxiang:Ts'ai Ts'un battle, July 24, Ho Hsi Wu battle, July 25: An P'ing battle, July 26: Chinese army at Ma T'ou, July 27.[16]
Chinese Muslim troops from Gansu of the Qing imperial army serving under General Dong Fuxiang; they were also known as the "Kansu braves" or "Gansu Braves".
6,000 of the Muslim troops under Dong Fuxiang and 20,000 boxers repulsed a relief column, driving them to Huang Ts'un. The Muslims camped outside the temples of Heaven and Agriculture.
List of people who served in the Kansu BravesDong Fuxiang
Ma (Muhammad) FuxiangDuring the Xinhai Revolution in 1912, Ma Fuxiang protected a Catholic mission from attacks by the Gelaohui
(Gelaohui - was a secret society and underground resistance movement associated with the revolutionary Tongmenghui led by Sun Yat-sen and Song Jiaoren) in the Sandaohe district, and he also protected another Catholic mission from attacks in 1916. He and his nephew Ma Hongbin received the Order of Leopold (Belgium) for their work.
Ma (Muhammad) Fulu
Ma (Muhammad) Fuxing
Ma (Muhammad) Anliang
Inilah asalnya bendera tentera Muslim Qing Dynasty 1862-1890
ini yang terbaru kalimah Tauhid/Rasul telah dihilangkan.
Kalimah Tauhid/Rasul di Niu Jie Mosque (built in 996 and was reconstructed as well as enlarged under the Qing Emperor Kangxi (1622-1722).
List of Ma (Muhammad) Clique generals and officers("Ma" being a common Hui rendering of the common Muslim name "Muhammad")1st FamilyMa Zhanao
Ma Anliang
Ma Guoliang
Ma Tingran
Ma Tingxian
2nd familyMa Qianling
Ma Fuxiang
Ma Fulu
Ma Fushou
Ma Hongbin
Ma Hongkui
Ma Dunjing (1906-1972)
Ma Dunjing (1910-2003)
Ma Tung-hou
3rd familyMa Haiyan
Ma Qi
Ma Lin
Ma Liang (general)
Ma Yuanxiang
Ma Bufang
Ma Buqing
Ma Bukang
Ma Buluan
Ma Zhongying (Ma Buying)
Ma Hushan
Ma Jiyuan
Ma Chengxiang
List of Wars Fought by the Ma CliqueDungan revolt
Panthay Rebellion
Dungan Revolt (1895)
First Sino-Japanese War
Boxer Rebellion
Xinhai Revolution
National Protection War
Kuomintang Jihad in Gansu (1927-1930)
Kuomintang Pacification of Qinghai
Chinese Civil War
Kumul Rebellion
Sino-Tibetan War
Soviet Invasion of Xinjiang
Xinjiang War (1937)
Second Sino-Japanese War
Ili Rebellion
Kuomintang Islamic Insurgency in China (1950–1958)General Ma Bufang announced the start of the Kuomintang Islamic Insurgency in China, in January 9, 1950, when he was in Cairo,
Egypt saying that Chinese Muslims would never surrender to Communism and would fight a guerilla war against the Communists!
credit to: The Malay Press