Taylor loves kindergarten. Going every day, all day, hasn't seemed to phase her much. She's a bit tired at the end of the day but still has enough energy to fight with Corinne whenever possible. They are the best of friends and worst of enemies. I thought the time apart would do them good, but they start fighting almost immediately after we pick Taylor up from school and during the whole walk home. Once the fight is resolved (because I threaten them) they're back to playing again. This is the norm, but Corinne always greets Tay with a huge hug and screams, "Taylor!" prior to arguing. They're funny girls.
I went to Back to School Night last week and it was surreal. I still can't believe I have a child in elementary school. Looks like I'll be volunteering every Thursday in Tay's class and I'm excited. Taylor's teacher, Mrs. Evans, is brilliant! She went over the things being taught this school year and I was blown away. It's nothing like kindergarten used to be. There's enrichment teachers every day teaching music, dance and art, a smart board that the teacher uses that makes an old school chalk board look pathetic, and curriculum that goes above and beyond letters and numbers. I'm so excited for Taylor because I know she'll be challenged and have fun at the same time. We are VERY lucky!
Having Corinne to myself during the day is kind of fun too. We have a library play group on Tuesday and gymnastics on Friday. Other than that, we just play and I get to listen to what she has to say, uninterrupted. She misses Tay and asks about her every hour on the hour, but I think she's enjoying being the center of attention.
I'm back to work too and it's nice to be back with my deaf kids twice a week. It's safe to say that summer is over. I just wish the summer heat would beat it too!
More pictures from my new camera. Can't wait to take a class and learn how to use it even more. What you talkin' bout, Willis?Who farted?My little ballerina who hates dance class, is now back in gymnastics where she's the happiest kid on the planet.We've been spending Saturday mornings watching Wes play basketball. I let the girls dress themselves last Saturday, and they walked out of the house in these lovely ensembles (below). Mittens and snow hats in 109 degree heat. Not a fan of the loud buzzer.Running to see daddy after his game.Fashionista!My hero!