OK, that's someone else's pug but I couldn't resist! Happy Halloween everyone! We are expecting the usual flood of trick or treaters tonight and will be sitting out on our front steps until the candy runs out. Usually I get the dogs dressed up (to Mark's dismay) and they sit outside with us but I think it might be a little cold this year for our pampered fur babes!
There has been no change in our status this week but one of our new adoption friends got the good news yesterday that she passed court and will be traveling to get her daughter on November 16! We are so happy for her and relieved, quite frankly, as it took a few tries to get through court. As we are learning, waiting to get a referral is only half the battle. Getting through court seems to sometimes be an even bigger challenge and not everyone makes it through the first time. People can fail court for a variety of reasons, not all of which we fully understand yet, but one reason lately is that a new document has been required since the courts reopened in October (for those who don't know, the Ethiopian courts shut down for a few months during the rainy season). Our hearts go out to those who are having trouble getting through court. It must be agonizing to know your child is waiting for you and not be able to get to them.
We have also learned that Ethiopian adoptions are rapidly becoming increasingly popular and it is my understanding that each agency is now only allotted a certain number of court appointments per week. The combination of the new document, lots of adoptions and limited court dates seems to be slowing things down and our agency has upped their referral estimates from 3 - 5 months to 4 - 6 months. Alas, we knew that this could happen and that things can change quickly in an international adoption. We are hopping to be approved and officially on the wait list any day now, which means we might still be on track to have the kiddos home by next summer. We are, however, mentally preparing ourselves for missing that window, which would mean waiting out the rainy season to bring the kids home next fall. Either way, we know that Gladney will be doing everything they can to get us through this process quickly and we are getting closer every day! We hope to have some good news to report next week!
I know some of you are wondering how the nursery is coming along and hoping for some pictures. I promise, they are coming soon, but we decided to clean out every closet, drawer and shelf before launching into the remodeling of the rooms. We have just finished weeding out all our books, the basement, and we emptied the storage locker that Mark has had since before we met ('bout time!). Trying to fit two childern into your life sure is motivation to clear out the clutter!