Thursday, May 28, 2009

Oh Crap.

That's right. My baby crapped on herself and me tonight. Oh what fun!! I had to change her, me and by the end of it I had poop everywhere: on her head, in my fingernails and all over her blanket. And here is my question: how can 10lbs of adorable make an entire house smell like a truck stop!?? Seriously....I had to throw in an entire scentsy bar to make that one go away.

So now she is all clean and in her pink jammies and smiling at me from her bouncy seat. I love her-and her poop. :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Happy birthday to Allie! She turned 7 today! We opted to not have a friend party this year and to just celebrate her birthday as a family. It was a nice day and I think Allie had a great birthday. Here are a few pictures of her day....

No birthday cake for this girl....she always wants birthday cupcakes "with sprinkles please."
Ya know those cards that sing and talk when you open them? Well this one was Barbie wishing her a fabulous birthday and at a whopping $3.50 it was a huge hit. Go figure....

Allie LOVES to read. She reads anything and everything that she can get her hands on, so Easton and Olivia gave her some Junie B. Jones books that she didn't have. They also gave her....

....a bunch of gum. I don't know what it is with my kids, but they would do almost anything for gum. The other day I told Easton I would pay him $5 to pull the weeds underneath the trampoline for me. He just stared at me. So then I offered to buy him two packs of gum instead. He had every weed gone within an hour! I bought him his two packs of bubblegum and a bunch to stash away for when I need some cheap child labor. ;) Well, it's official. She is growing up! Wanna know how we know? Just take a look at her face when she opened a pair of new shoes....
It must be hereditary. I get the same feeling/excitement/mania over new shoes. :)

Ahhhhh.....nothing says summertime like flip-flops.

The one gift that Allie had asked for was an Ipod. Well, of course we weren't going to buy her a "real" Ipod, but we did get her a Sony MP3 player that I personally think does everything that Paul's Ipod does. You can tell by her face how excited she was. She thinks it is an Ipod and we aren't going to tell her any different ;) She is now the proud owner of a $40 "Ipod" that is loaded with every Disney soundtrack known to man. I'm afraid we may never hear her speak again....

We always let the kids pick where they would like to go out and eat for their birthday, but Allie decided that she wanted to stay home and eat sloppy joes for her birthday dinner. What?? I can't say I wasn't dissapointed. I was hoping for Olive Garden, which is what she usually picks. Ohhhh was cheap I guess. Funny girl. She gave me two thumbs up for the sloppy joes.

Enjoying birthday cup-cakes.....*sigh* I love these three little people. (Ya think they look alike?? lol!)My "fabulous four"

Sisters. By the way, I believe this is the first picture that Olivia isn't screaming her head off while one of the kids hold her. Maybe she is starting to realize that they aren't going anywhere and that she needs to get used to them? :)

Allie also decided that we would all go swimming on her birthday. So we all headed down to the natatorium, and because Olivia enjoys water about as much as a cat does(bathtime is TORTURE), I sat in the balcony and took pictures.

I had to put this picture on. She is smiling now and I almost got it on camera while they were swimming. She is such a mommy hog! She loves it when we are alone and she has my undivided attention. She won't smile for anyone else....(and I love it.) Look how fat her cheeks are. I nibble on them all day long.

Sloppy Joes, "ipods", shoes, swimming and cupcakes. Yeah.....I'd call it a perfect seven year old birthday. :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Ten Years Ago Today...

I made the best decision of my life and married Paul. I can't tell you how many times over the last ten years I have marveled at that one decision. It will go down as one of my finer moments in decision making -hands down. Not that the brilliance of it was to my credit because at 22-years-old, the fact that I was able to "tune-in" enough to receive an answer to a prayer is a miracle. At the time I was deeply absorbed in my college life living: late night cramming sessions, meals of top-ramen,working a crappy job, etc.. Not a lifestyle that is conducive to receiving spiritual guidance-I will tell you that! So it is pretty remarkable that I didn't screw this up(and believe me-I tried to.) I'm thankful that "HE" knew me better than I knew myself at the time and made sure that my answer came like a hammer on the head. Impossible to miss, impossible to ignore.

Paul.....I'm glad we can still get in a car and talk non-stop from here to Vegas. I'm glad your my other "spoon" and can still make me bust out laughing. I love how you try to pretend like you don't care about the lawn, but are constantly working at it. lol!I love that 90% of your thoughts are about me and our kids. I've had a charmed life and I credit you with most of that. Of course, we have had ups and downs, but mostly ups-and that is what matters and counts. I think we just keep gettin' better and better-don't you? Here's to the next ten! Love your guts. :)

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Perfect Dress

You know when you find that perfect dress? The one that screams your name? Well, that is what happened when I saw this blessing dress for Olivia. It was everything I wanted it to be. Simple, sweet and beautiful-the perfect dress.

Okay, ready to be done with pictures.....
And speaking of perfect....look at these cheeks!