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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I'm having a Party!!!

I have become a blogoholic.
I can’t seem to get enough.
The stories, the pictures, the constant
inspiration! I love it all. For me, what makes it most special is the friendships I am making and the never ending give and take of creative ideas. They rise and swirl around us all. You only need to spend a small amount of time hopping from one blog to another to find incredible artwork, beautiful gardens and interiors, and heartwarming stories. My idea for this party came from 2 places.

One of course, was the wonderful publication, Where Women Create.
If you haven’t picked up a copy yet, I highly recommend it. The second came from a fabulous woman named Denise over at BellaDreams. She posted some photos of her new Studio space, that were just wonderful. So it got me to thinking... I bet there are hundreds of gorgeous studios and workspaces out there.
Rooms that are whimsical
or elegant, or clever or all of the above!!! So I am inviting you all to
join me for my first ever blog party.

Share your creative spaces!!!

Is your space at the dining room table? Do you have a room of your
own? Have you converted a closet?
And what do you do in there? What kind of things do you create?
There is a little bit of voyeur in all of us don’t you think??

So, come on and join in the fun!

To participate, just leave me a message on this post along with the address of your blog. I will add you to my link list on my sidebar. On July 24th, post your photos and stories about yourselves and your creative spaces. Then we will all have a great time coming over and visiting all the wonderful, creative spaces that you all have made for yourselves!!
To help me promote my event, please take the party poster and add it to your sidebar as a photo with a link to my blog (or this post.) And ,if you
are feeling generous,
a post on your blog about the party would be awesome!

Thanks so much!! I really hope to see you there!!!


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Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Hi Karen,
I'd love to do this and first let me say thank you for giving me enough room to clean up my petite room in time for the event. I'll grab the button and I'll post about it early next week too. I enjoy Where Women Create magazine, but haven't seen the latest with Marie Osmond yet... gosh, hope it's not sold out. Okay, I'll be there - thanks for the invite.

Debra said...

Dear Friend of Mine,
Let's Party together with all of our blog friends. Your invite is perfect and it's so nice to see what you've been up too. I will invite all my friends to your party, they have great spaces and ideas. My studio is my favorite space and I'm still decorating it with new things, so July it is to show off. Girl, You Rock!!!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea! I am so glad that you gave us some wiggle room to get everything presentable.

Come July 24th I will be ready to party! ;o)

Sara said...

This is a wonderful idea! To bad I'm out of town for a couple of monts and I will not be able to participate but I will put the poster on my blog. I can't wait to see all the pictures. Maybe I can participate next time.


The Rustic Victorian said...

Hi Tracie,,,I did enjoy our chat the other day,,,have you mailed anything yet??? Ya, know I think you need to be in WWC...submitt some photos!
Have a wonderful day!

Sheila Rumney said...

Yes, please count me in on this one! Thanks for the invite!

Unknown said...

Whew! Sorry you haven't heard from me lately. It's been like a surgery ward around our family lately! I'm at my daughter's house right now, just brought her home from the hospital! I'll put your party button up on my blog right away and really talk it up! I'm sure it's going to be tons of fun!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Karen so much for the invite! Sounds like so much fun and I would love to partcipate so you can sign me up! Can't wait to see everyone's spaces!

Elyse said...

hi karen!

when i saw your comment on kelly's blog my first thought was -- is this the karen valentine from "room 222"?" a dated reference, i know!

your party sounds wonderful and i would like to join in. i will add your badge to my blog.


Elyse said...


i will blog about this soon and let you know

did i mention that your blog is wonderful? beautiful layout!


MaygreenFairies said...

Ohhhh count me in Karen, I love a party!! Hugs, Mandy x

The Feathered Nest said...

Hi Karen!!! I'm in girl....I show it all the time on my blog though...but I'll take a ton of photos for the event ~ I'll post about it too!! Thanks so much for inviting me ~ how fun! xxoo, Dawn

The Painted Nest said...

Hi Karen, Thank-you for the invite. Count me in. Now I have a reason to clean up the studio. I might need to hire some help!!!(hehe) I'll post about it soon. Just pulling some things together at the moment. Great idea!!!! ~~~~Blessings, Deborah

Debra said...

Can't wait to attend! What a FABULOUS idea! Please add me to the list and thank you for asking!

Joy Jones said...

Hi Karen! Thanks so much for coming to visit my blog so that I could come back and find yours! Beautiful! I'd love to come play for your party...thank you very much for the invite. My studio is a whirlwind right now but this party will give me a great excuse to get things back in order...and also an excuse to play with my camera! I'll do a post tomorrow about your party to help spread the word ~ xoxo Joy

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Post is up. Can't wait!

Tiedupmemories said...

Hi Karen! Nice to meet you! I found you through My Petite Maison.I love your style! We have similar style homes!Love cottage,shabby chic,country french all in one!I'm thinking about adding my name to your party list but I'll let you know soon. I need to organize and clean it up massively to look good enough to show if you know what I mean. Thanks for the invite.

Tristan Robin said...

I'll definitely participate!

... and I'll add your button to my side bar!

thanks for inviting me.

Shell said...

Hi Karen,

I'm laughing as I'm reading about your party because my "creative space" is a NIGHTMARE right now!! I have STUFF everywhere, because my wonderful EX-Marine son has moved back to my small bungalow. So,,,the office/craft area is now his bedroom. I adore him being home. I'll take the creative chaos anytime after having him leave home at 18 and subsequently serve two terms in Iraq.
So,,,yes, I'd love to be part of it, my warts and all.

Embellished Bayou said...

Count me in, I love a good party!!

Unknown said...

OMG My space sucks A mess in a tiny space!! But Oh to get to drool over all the other spaces great idea!! Hugs Julie

Lynn Stevens said...

Hi Karen,
Well this sounds like alot of fun, I,ll never make where women create but hey I'd Love to share my space!
I'll post your button next week and be ready on the 24th!

Dawn-Hydrangea Home said...

I would love to participate. Time to organize my space!

Deb said...

Hi Karen
Where Women Create is one of my favourite publications & your Where Bloggers Create idea is fabulous. Thanks for the invite ~ count me in ♥ I'll write a post about it today :-)

Faded Charm said...

Hi Karen~
Thanks so much for the invite. I'd love to join your "Party" and think I might have things organized by then. I've been wanting to clean up anyway and this gives me motivation.
Enjoy your day!

Magic Moonlight said...

I'd love to do this, Please add my Name to the list, I will add the picture to my Blog, Thanks, Blanca

Empty Nest Full Life said...

Found you by way of Embellish, and I am enjoying reading, however I seem to create wherever it is convenient for the moment, however I wish I had a special space. I will see what I can come up with. Jackie

Maison Douce said...

That sounds like a wonderful idea, thank you so much for the invitation!! I have posted about my little sewing/guest bedroom before, so I hope people won't mind seeing it again...!!

Patina said...

Ok, I'm in it sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks so much for having a party and for giving me enough time to get cleaned up for it.

Unknown said...

Hi Karen,
My friend Blondie told me about your party. This sounds wonderful. July 24th, that gives us plenty of time to prepare something fun.


Linda K. said...

Since my little blog got under way I've been working on my little creative area. Picked up some cute furniture on craigslist and added old linens, labeled jars, recycled shelving etc. etc. It's humble but 'no place like 'my' creative space!' Gladly adding your post and badge to my sidebar. Thanks Karen!

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Karen, that is such a wonderful idea. Sign me up. I'm really looking forward to seeing all those creative creating spaces.

Caleen said...

Hi.. I would love to be a part of this. I have a small area but, I still love it.. I will grab the button and post later.. I need to get the magazine.. Sounds like so much fun.. count me in..

Diane said...

Oh, this sounds like so much fun. Count me in. That will give me time to spruce up my little blog spot to invite everyone in. Diane Pinecones & Roses

Geralyn Gray said...

This is a terrific idea--I would love to participate. I love looking at studios on the two peas in a bucket site and I can't miss an issue of Where Women
Create. Thanks for the invitation and I will put your lovely button on my sidebar.

Eila A said...

Hi Karen! What a wonderful idea your bloggers' party is! I'd love to join, but the problem is that I'm not sure if I'll be with an internet connection on July 24th. I'm pretty sure I'll be in my little summer cottage then, and that is really just a cottage, located on an island in a big lake, 20 km from where I live. But if I can make it, I'll be at your party!

Teresa said...


You have a beautiful blog! I'd love to join in your party...this will be the inspiration to organize my creative corner.

June said...

Hi Karen,
Sounds like a great party. Count me in, I would love to participate. So much fun.

Claudia said...

I'd love to take part, although I live in a tiny cottage, so I create all over the place! I've just discovered your blog through Tracie and plan to spend some time looking at your posts! Have a great day.

Oh, in case I was unclear - please sign me up!

LissyLou said...

I like this!! I'll take part x

Unknown said...

I would love to participate... and see everyone else's space too... what a FUN IDEA!

Shell said...


I'm SO excited! When I posted to be involved with your party as you may recall I just laughed at all the creative chaos in my home!!

But,,,,I can't stand it, I have to share,,,,ta-da,,,,I'm getting a STUDIO!!! My BFF is a property manager and she actually NEEDS me to occupy one of her vacant buildings......So I get private space, 4 blks from my home WITH a drafting table and private entry!

Feeling like a prayer was answered and I'm on my creative way!! Frankly, I'm not a religious zealot, but have asked for guidance as of late and I feel as if the path is being paved for me...

Anyway, I don't think I'll have to take pictures of my dining area or breakfast nook,,,,,I think I'm going to have a bonafide creative space!!

Hugs to you and yours!

Suzanne MacCrone Rogers • Italian Girl in Georgia™ said...

Hi Karen,

I found you through Tracie's Petit Maison...what a fun idea, and I wish I could participate. I know it will be a success and I hope you will do it again next year or sooner. Have fun...I may crash the party!


candy said...

I found your blog from blog hopping today :)
Thought Id say Hi!
:) Candy

Anonymous said...

H Karen!

Came from Tracie's---what a great concept for a party!!

Count me in.....lovely...thanks for hosting......

Stop by anytime.....this will be fun!!!!!!

love, kelee

Claudia said...

Dear Karen,
I added the date and I've made it so that a reader can click on the button and go to your site.


Unknown said...

A lovely idea - I'm very new to blogging but I have a small, messy studio; I would like to participate.

Shell said...

thanks for your reply and your encouragement! I can't wait to get my hands on my space and make it my own!

Keep you posted!

Unknown said...


I should have specified before, so sorry! :)

Phillipa. said...

Your party sounds great fun, please let me join, I promise to clean up a tad first. Phillipa.

Jamie Fingal said...

What a fabulous idea. I have seen the publication "Where Women Create" and Quilting Arts version "Studios." My art studio is not in my house and I love my space to create fiber art.

Uncanny Festoon said...

I can hardly wait. So want to see your bogging place.

Pellie / Penny said...

Hi Karen,
Wow! what a wonderful idea. Please count me in. I just love to party.
I will post your button on my blog it later this week. Thanks.

Jodie (everything vintage) said...

Hi Karen...
The buzz is all around about this wonderful party you are hosting so I just couldn't help myself to join in!
I can't wait~
everything vintage

Ozstuff said...

HI Karen! Keep in mind you are asking a digital freak about her workspace so my story is pretty boring! I am lucky to have a roomy study with high Cathedral ceiling. My tastes in life are simple (and cheap) but if I am going to spend money it will be on a heeyuge monitor, upscale computer and all the bells and whistles which is my case are every piece of digital art software known to man. Oh, and a change of digital camera once a year because there is always a better model coming out. I would like to say I have a tidy study but that would be a lie. I work much better where there is mess about (apparently).

Such a Wondrous Place this Faery Space said...

This sounds lovely! Blessings from Amy Sperry Faldet! Add me to the list!

Rebecca Nelson said...

Ok...I can't believe this but I'm actually going to JUMP IN and do this! :) I think it will be fun! Thanks for giving us all enough time to clean things up...

I'll be ready with all the trimmings...when July 24th comes around. Hope everyone does FAINT! Lotta stuff in that little room of mine!

Thank you, Karen! Wonderful idea!


Mammabellarte Rita Reade said...

It's a great idea. I wish I had more time...to get ready but soldering classes are going on for this week. I hope you do this again. Ciao

Anonymous said...

Hey!! Count me in!!! I would love to do this! gives me a reason to finally finish my room! haha big mermaid hugs


Melissa Miller said...

Hi Karen, :)
It's so nice to meet you!
Isn't blogland wonderful?
I do agree with you my new friend.

What a fantastic idea for a blog party! I don't have a specific room to create in but I may think of a way I could join you before then. How fun!

I have added myself as a follower to your inspiring blog and you are welcome to do the same at mine.

Hope to see you soon.
~Warmly, Melissa :)

Melissa Miller said...

I also meant to tell you I love the way you display your photos on your posts!

How beautiful! :)

Desires of the Heart said...

Hi Karen,
I would love to participate on the 24th for your "Where Bloggers Create spaces". This will be sooo much fun! What a great idea. Thanks, Linda

Linda said...

What a great idea, I would love to part of this event, and it motivates me to finish off the painting in my craft room.
Cheers Linda

Michelle said...

I love looking at other people's studios and creative spaces! What a great idea!

Tanza said...

Hi Karen,
WoW!! What a wonderful idea.. I LoVe the book, where Women Create !! Isn't it soo fun to peek inside a Creative Womans' studio.. Can't wait to see Rebeccas' again.. It's just Gorgeous !! I could soo live in her room !! Very romantic, cottagey, and comfy.. I'll be waiting to peek inside all of these wonderful studios !! Great idea !! hugs to you ~tea~xo

Martha's Favorites said...

Hi: Just discovered your blog and it is wonderful. I would have loved to join your party. Maybe next time. I enjoy Where Women Create magazine, so I think this would have been too fun. Oh well, next time. You are so create, thanks for sharing. Martha

icandy... said...

Hello Karen! Could I please party with you? :) I'd love to take part in this... you have such a cute blog!! Thank you for sharing the creativity! :) I'll post the badge right now!

Christina xx

debi said...

Oh, this sounds like fun...I love looking at other people's creating spaces! Please add me to the list.

Jennifer Stricker said...

Hi Karen
What a great idea! I just read the magazine "where women create" and it was very inspirational. I'd love to have mine listed. I'll have to take new photos ;). Jen

Kimberly said...

Hi Karen, Thanks for visiting my on my new blog. Dawn is so generous! I am so excited to join this fun party! I have a small space that I am setting up as a studio so that I will not be making my velvet roses at the kitchen table anymore. I have my before pictures that I will post next week, then it is GET BUSY time to get organized and cute! Thanks for the kick in the pants!

Karen The Graphics Fairy said...

Hi Karen,
This looks like so much fun, sign me up please! I'll be using this blog http://fleurishnews.blogspot.com/
I'm hoping this will motivate me to finally get my space fixed up the way that I've been wanting too! I guess I better get started, I have lots to do! Yikes!!

paperbird said...

I would love to join your party. This will be so fun.

Anonymous said...

I followed the trail to your blog from Vanessa's Fanciful twist. Great idea for a blog party-love love it. Please add me to the list and I'll be there.
See you soon.

Tracie Lyn Huskamp said...

Hi Karen.. would LOVE to come to your PARTY.. Thank you kindly for the invite...

Now I need to go take some new pics..


Lynn Stevens said...

I,m so glad I came back to double check .I thought it was tomorrow!
I,m ready already tho!

Charmaine said...

Came to you by way of The Graphics Fairy. This sounds fun! Count me in: http://randalswife.blogspot.com (now I gotta get it all cleaned up and organized so I can take a decent picture!)

cindy-stitches-n-stuff.blogspot.com said...

Hi Karen, thanks for the invite. Count me in. You have quite a few people here, I hope I make it to you side bar.


Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Yes! Count me in! This will be my first blog party and it sounds like great fun! (I'm going to grab your poster for all to see on my blog!)

(And, by the way, I have a GIVEAWAY going on...so please come over and sign up! Everyone is welcome!)

Rebecca said...

Great idea...I have a couple studios both need cleaning! Great incentive. Enjoy your blog, thanks!Rebecca

Beth said...

please count me in !!! I will put your blog event on my blog to !! can't wait to see all the inspiration what a great idea !!!

Summer Gypsy said...

Hi there! Your blog is so lovely! I found you by way of Coralie's charming blog. I'd love to participate! I think that I can get the "studio" all dolled up before the date!! I am grabbing the button to post. I will be doing a post in the next few days about this great party!!! Have a blessed weekend!

Martha's Favorites said...

I want to party! Count me in! Thanks for the invite! Martha

Mason said...

great idea! :)

Susan @ www.peanutpetunia.blogspot.com

peggy gatto said...

What fun!!!
Thank you!

Kara Ward said...

Great Idea...I will be there to share the love...just got my studio ready for showing...need one shutter for a shelf and all done! Kara

The Studio at Crow Haven Farm, LLC said...

Absolutely count me in for your Event that you are hosting... What fun this will be and I'm always amazed how we all creative in such different spaces... Would love to join in on the fun. My Blog is www.thestudioatcrowhavenfarm.blogspot.com

Thanks and see you later.

Lady Pamela said...

May I join you for the studio party? I love the publication 'Where Women Create' so I think you have a fantastic idea here. I wouldn't miss this for the world!

A Fanciful Life said...

Why, yes, great idea! I love to see the fabulous spaces that we create it in. I will put this on my calendar (and post the badge as soon as I finish perusing all the tea party blogs today!). I have the book and latest issue of Where Women Create and find it so inspiring. Looking forward to this!


Leslie said...

Count me in! I would love to do this! It gives me the perfect reason to finally finish my room and get it organized!! LOL!

Annabelle said...

Hi, Karen! I just found your blog the other day. I'd love to participate in your party. I just moved my studio from one room to another & this will help me to finish it. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Hey girl, I came over from someone's blog and I just have to join in the fun! My blog is sandy-sandyscreations.blogspot.com

See you then!

Sandy xox

Melissa Valeriote said...

Oh this sounds like sooo much fun. LOVE it! Count me in please.

Heather Ales said...

Oh my! This is the perfect thing to get me energized to work on and tidy up my studio! I found your event through Sheila Rumney's blog. I'm definitely RSVPing to attend and participate!


Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm your Mesa neighbor! love your blog and would love to participate in showing off my work area. we just moved to a new house and I've been having a ton of fun setting up my new "area".
:) Missy

Sandy said...

This sounds like delightful delicious fun to take a peek into the creative world of so many talented ladies. I'd love to join in! I'll be posting on this in the next day or two.

You have a wonderful blog and I can't wait to browse around some more.

Sherrie said...

How very exciting! What a great party plan you have. Please count me in!

It will give me the motivation to finish my studio that I am putzing around on.

Whisperings 13 said...

How much fun! I simply love getting a glimpse at other artists creative spaces! Such inspiration indeed! Count me in! Devine idea! Kudos!
Wadsworth-Noll Studio

Sandy said...


I realized yesterday that I forgot to include my blog address:

Quill Cottage

I am post on your event today!

The French Bear said...

Sounds like fun, count me in! I will be on holidays but this will be a chance to plan ahead for a post!!!! I can't wait to see everyone's studios!!!!!! Thanks for the extra time to clean it up!!! Haaha...... or take pictures of the real thing!!!
Margaret B

Linda Summerfield said...

What a lovely idea, I love seeing the creative spaces of other artists! Please count me in!

Anonymous said...

Please sign me up- I'd love to join in and post my art room that day! xo natalea

anythinggoeshere said...

I would like to join the party showing our creative spaces. Anything goes here.

anythinggoeshere said...

I would like to join the party showing our creative spaces. Anything goes here.

Teacup Mosaics said...

Oh this sounds so fun, and a great reason to tidy things up. Great idea and please count me in.

Connie said...

Count me in, sugar!!!!!!!! Squeeeeeeeal, that's my favorite thing to do - view other creative places, chickee. I'll be there......

Tina said...

Hi Karen
Found your blog through Quill Cottage. I would love to participate. Thanks
Tina @

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Hi Karen! Love your blog! Please add me to the list of party goers! Sounds like so much fun!
bunny hugs,

Becca said...

Hi Karen,
I would love to be part of the festivities! I just bought the Where Women Create mag last night, perfect timing :)

Leigh said...

Would love, love, love to participate!


Jennifer Hepler-Takens said...

I would love to welcome you to my studio! Halloween creating is well underway! ~Jennie


Mam'zelle M. said...

oh beautiful idea...Count me in !!!

SL said...

Count me in on the party! See you on the 24th.

Megan Chamberlain said...

I love reading your blog and think this is such a wonderful idea, it is so nice to see the spaces that other people create in. So I would like to join and thank goodness there is still time to get my corner of the world tidy.

Shannon @ Silver Trappings said...

Oh, how fun! Count me in too, please! I can't wait to see everyone's space.

My blog is Silver Trappings and the address is www.decorating-ideas.blogspot.com


Holly Campbell said...

This is my first visit to you blog, and it is lovely! My space isn't much to speak of, but like others have mentioned, this is a good motivation to tidy up a bit! Thank you for the invitation!

Wendy & Megan Chamberlain said...

An incredible idea. My creative corner is on the landing of our stairway, not a big space but a lot happens there! Would love to take part in your party.

Anonymous said...

A beautiful idea... and a gorgeous blog ! I am pleased to participate.
Look forward to seeing pictures and happy to share a piece of my universe...

KV Creative Designs said...

Hi Karen,
I too would like to participate. I love magazine "Where Women Create"!

Artful Blessings,

Jayne said...

Yes, Karen, count me in.

Fun idea and maybe we'll all help each other! Surely I'm not the only person to need new ideas!

Jayne at

Dosha said...

Dearest Karen,

I would be honored if you would include me in the festivities -- I am rather new to the blogging world and would love to befriend other creative minds!

Warm Wishes,


Sonia said...

My studio is about 3 months old and I love showing it off. So happy to have my own creative room. Count me in. My blog is Vintage Rose Designs (http://www.vintagerosedesigns.blogspot.com) Thank you for organizing such a wonderful event.

Kim said...

Thank you for the invite...i'll pass the info along!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Great idea Karen! My house is in disarray right now because some rooms are packed up and others are holding areas (we are trying to get our house ready to list). I will look forward to peeking in everyone's "window"!

I put the beautiful button you made available for this event on my sidebar! Wondering if you have a "grab my blog button" I'm not seeing to add to my list of bloggers (also on my sidebar)?

Jan Thomason said...

Everyone seems to be telling what a great idea this is! And, then I come along, cringing, and tell you that I'm probably going to kick myself for saying, "Oh, Karen! Please, I want to show you my studio!"
My nickname for my studio is 'crackhouse'.....I'm going to have to do some housecleaning or will be forced to post pictures of a studio that looks more like a community dump then it does an art studio!
But, either way, count me in and hope you're the inspiration that I need! LOL, Jan

Jan Thomason said...

P.S. I'll not only add your invitation to my blog, but I will do a blog post inviting all that read my blog to the festivities!

Jan Thomason said...

P.S. I'll not only add your invitation to my blog, but I will do a blog post inviting all that read my blog to the festivities!

Sarah Bradford-Burton said...

I love your idea! I just organized my own blog party today too...please check it out and think about participating!
Please add me to your blog roll, I can't wait to clean up my creative space and show everyone! Super cool!
My blog is www.differentdog.com

Jan Thomason said...

Good grief, if I had any brain cells left, I'd be dangerous....three comments.
I must have set a record.

I need to give you my blog address:

Hopefully, there won't be a #4!

Cottage Way of Life said...

I love Where Women Create. Where Bloggers Create is a great idea! It will be great fun to get to peek into everyone's studios.


fawndear said...

I've been working on getting my room ready but haven't commented yet because I didn't know if it would be. But now I'm pretty sure I can do this. So please, please, please let me come to your party.


Thanks for the inspiration.

Rhondamum said...

What a fantastic idea! I love seeing other artists work spaces. I just know I will find so many wonderful ideas. Please count me in! Thanks!


Shannon said...

This is super modivation for me!! Love your blog!! Nice to meet you :) See you on the 24th!

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Hi Karen:
Thanks for the invitation to your blogger party on the 24th. Please count me in! I'm really looking forward to it!
See you then!

AliGripp said...

Well I found out about this through my dear friend Kara a couple of weeks ago. I cannot wait to see everyones spaces! I think this is a fab idea! I love the Where Women Create Series!! Thanks so much for hosting this wonderful blog party!!

Brynwood Needleworks said...

P.S. You can find my blog at:
Sorry I forgot to mention it in my first comment!

oldgreymareprimitives said...


Well, I just found you when I joined White Wednesday and now here is another fabulous idea!

Count me in for the party please. What a way to get me to tidy up the joint after crafting for a local show and Etsy. I'll be able to do the party and take pics for WW at the same time. Woo-hoo.

See you on the 24th!


oldgreymareprimitives said...

My link back and blogger profile is not working this evening argh!, sorry, so here it is:



Willnnabel said...

Sure sounds like fun. I love seeing other peoples "spaces" and how they keep things and work. One of the reasons I love the Magazine "Where Women Create" now we have the "blog version" Very Cool! Thanks and count me in!


Terri said...

Saw this on Debra's blog...I won't be home that day but I still can post pictures of where I create.
And when I get home share in some of the fun. So I'd love to join the party.

https://terrisbloomingideas. blogspot.com

a Pocket Angel said...

Karen, I LOVE your blog!
I'd enjoy being part of your party.. "Where Bloggers Create" Sounds like such great fun!
Thanks so much :-}
~Mary~ IsabellasCloset

m i c h e l l e said...

Holy Moly!!!

Looks like there's going
to be a WHOLE LOT of
inspiration to look at
on July 24!

I'd like to join in too!

Can't wait...

and thanks for hosting such a
fun blog party!


GranthamLynn said...

I would love to do this. What fun! But oh my gosh that only gives me a few more days to finish my room makeover. Can't chat gotta go get to work on getting it photo ready. LOL. I'll grab your button. BTW I am adding some more giveways too on my blog my party is the 1st. Some crafty items comin' up. Come back by and check it out! Thanks for the invite.

Her Art Nest said...

Hi Karen,
Would love to try to do this. Please sign me up. I need to do some serious straightening! What a great idea. ~Nancy
Her Art Nest

maryboys said...

karen - i am so eager to see each and every blogger's space! this is a wonderful idea, and please do count me in:) and thank you so much for hosting this, too...


peggy gatto said...

I am now a follower!
I added your picture for the party and the link!!
Great idea.
I will be away then and back the 28th! I will post then if that's ok!

Anonymous said...

Wow love your blog....I would sign up..I live in a beach cottage but it is a creative mess..

Dusan Nadrljanski said...

Super ti je blog...mnogo mi se dopada

Unknown said...

Hi! I am just a week into participating with my own blog and would love to jump into it with your idea of sharing spaces!
We are on vacation, but I'm hoping to find computer time while we are away and will try posting the advertisment of the party on my blog. Which is: alittlebluesky.blogspot.com

Thanks so much! Lynn

Dusan Nadrljanski said...

hope to be ur friend

Vintage Papers said...

this sounds so fun! :) I better start cleaning the studio :)

karlascottage.typepad.com said...

I'd love to join, thanks!


Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Karen, what a fabulously wonderful idea. I've come over via Tracie's blog. Count me in!

The Vintage Vagablonde said...

My goodness this is going to be a BIG blog party...count me in~I have been working on my space a bit so this is the perfect time to share it :)

Sheri ~Pawsh Poodle

Cheryl Connell said...

Sounds great! I got here from Hold Dear. My blog is fromthepines.blogspot.com.


Michelle Frae Cummings said...

This is truly a wonderful idea! Please count me in!

Keli McKinley Hansen said...

hi there... count me in! thanks


Anonymous said...

Since I just picked up a FAB desk, I think I'll join in. Sounds like fun and inspiring! Great idea.

Anonymous said...

I am in! I have never been to a "blog party" before! Thanks...
Dancingly, Denise
watch me as I scrapbook, declutter and knit my way through 2009:

Stephani Gorman said...

Hi Karen, This sounds like so much fun! Hope there is room for one more!:) I would love to join in the fun. I will post your sweet invitation! Hugs, Stephani

Jane said...

Karen: Thanks for the invitation. Your party was the catalyst for me to finally get my blog started.....thanks!



Kathy said...

What a wonderful idea! I read about your party at The Feathered Nest and would love to join in. ~Kathy


Karen said...

I'm in! This sounds so FUN! Now if only I could get your link to post!!!!! I emailed you - At the very least, I can get the picture . . .
Count me in!!!!

blessings said...

Fabulous idea! I love it. Can't wait to participate.

I'd like to post from my other blog: frenchcupboard.blogspot.com so if you could link that one, I'd sure appreciate it!

Blessings... Polly (frenchcupboard & countingyourblessings)

Steph Jordan said...

What a great idea! You rock. Cant wait to send my pics in. My blog is www.diviacity.blogspot.com

Your Blog is gorgeous.

Boogdoodle Beads said...

Oh what a great idea! I'd love to show off my brand new studio and I'd love to check out some ideas for improving it! I totally need to get that magazine! BTW, my compliments on your blog. It is gorgeous. I have blog-envy.


Unknown said...

Hi....just came across your blog and what a wonderful idea.....count me in for the party.....xo jana

Julie Ranae said...

Absolutely fabulous! I will be there and will feature this event on my blog in a post as well as signage. Great inspiration for all types of art!

Seth said...

Tremendous idea. Who doesn't like to see creative spaces? Just found out about this from Kathryn at KV Creative Designs. No time for me to post but I look forward to going on the tour!! Thanks for all the hard work I know this must have taken!

Sue said...

OOooo, please include me in the studio tour! What a great idea, Can't wait to visit all the creative spots!! I will grab the button and post about it.

Cindy said...

If you have room for one more, I would love to play. When that book first came out, I just could not stop looking at it. So many of my favorite artists were in there, and it was a thrill to see where they worked. And the magazine follows along the same lines perfectly. I look forward to each issue. Thanks for hosting and I look forward to all of the wonderful studios to see.


V I N T A G E O L O G I E said...


What an AWESOME idea ... I hope it's not too late to participate, I always seem to be jumping on the band wagon at the last minute!

I'm a fan of the magazine WWC ... but I'm always wanting to see more when I get to the last page. Looks like this blog party is going to fulfill that need for sure!!

Count me in!! {...please}
Off to clean-up my spaces ...
Hmmmm...maybe "before" and "after" pics?


Amanda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amanda said...

What a great idea! I love "Where Women Create" magazine. I can't wait to see where bloggers create!
Fantastic. Count me in!

PS-I just added a post about the party on my blog! I hope we get lots of bloggers in on it! See you all soon!

Lizzy B vintage found jewelry said...


What a great idea! I just read the latest edition of Where Women Create and can't wait to re-organize my cottage!
See you soon-


Kdottie Designs said...

Karen~ I would love to do this......count me in. I will post about your party today! I better get busy cleaning!

Cathy said...

Oh my goodness I almost missed this! Thank you to Margaret of The French Bear who clued me in. Yes, please add me to the party list and I'll be there with bells on! I can't wait!

Cathy ♥

The Chateau of Remnants said...

Please add me!! I hope it's late!! Sounds like a great fun!

cindy-stitches-n-stuff.blogspot.com said...

Hi Karen, I was just checking all your party people. It's very exciting. I see I'm listed. THANK YOU. This will be fun.

Sonia said...

Hello, I had signed up a while back but dont see my blog on the list of participants. I have been working on my post today, getting ready for the big day. Just wanted to make sure I am on the list... Cant wait for tommorrow!!

Lori said...

Hi Karen, Just found your invite today (the 23rd!) just in time for your blog party. I'd love to participate, but am afraid I may not live up to the standards of these other gals. You see, my creative space is for Scrapping. I am a vintage gal, collecting vintage items for my home and using them in my paper arts projects, so I do hope that I won't disappoint anyone. Do let me know if it's okay to still participate! I will add your invitation to my blog and hope my followers will join in! BTW, I just adore your blog!!!

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hello Karen,

What a great event to have! I'm so sorry I can't be a part of this right now. I'm in the process of putting together my new studio and nothing is unpacked a this point..it's a mass of tables and totes...LOL

I do hope you will have this again..I'd love to participate the next time. :0)

I'll be sure to surf around to see everyone else's spaces!

Have a great day,

Gail said...

I'd love to participate! I'm at littlebeachdesigns.blogspot.com

Tammy said...

Wow I just ran across this on another blog and I'd like to include my little creative space in the party please.

my blog is:


Myrna said...

Hi Karen!
I hope it's not too late to enter..I just got back from Nevada City where I snapped some darling pics of a store with a cute studio...she's a blogger, too, so I guess that would count!!

lulu said...

Hope it isn't to late to get to play!
Just found you thru Masion Douce. My work room is a mess but it has some bits of whimsy I would love to share. Great idea, Thanx Linda

M.L. @ The House of Whimsy said...

Oh goodness, I feel like the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date! If it's possible, could you enter me as 'House of Whimsy'? Much appreciated!
I just left a message on your Party Post as well. : )

One Shabby Old House said...

Oh my I must have missed this post.
I do want to join in today if it is not to later.

Lori said...

Karen, thanks for the invite to join your party...sadly, i don't have a studio...yet...i am enjoying seeing what the other girls are sharing though...i have already toured several beautiful studios...thanks for hosting such a great party!!!

Boxwood Cottage said...

Hi Karen,
I'm brandnew to your blog, just found it today through someone elses blog and saw what I missed argh, but I was so delighted to see your fab party and I wish to jump on the bandwagon last minute. I already did a Where bloggers create post over at my blog and hope you'll add my blog to your party links and that you'll come over to visit me!
Thank you for hosting such a fab party!
Best wishes from Germany

Kate said...

Hi Karen! Love your blog, I just found out about the party and wasn't sure if it was yesterday or today. In any case, I just recently started my blog and ironically enough did a post yesterday with a pic of my space before I even knew about this wonderful party! Here's my site: http://petuniadarlingsweets.blogspot.com/
Is it too late? I'm happy to put up a post about it!

Donna said...

Oooh, how fun! I just now learned of this party through Claudia (Mockingbird Hill Cottage). Here is a link to my creative space post, if you are still accepting participants:



Judy @ In His Grip said...

I love looking at other people's studio spaces. I showed my studio in a post a while back and here is the link.

What girl does not love a party

Rose Garden Romantic said...

I am a little bit late, but I am participating today! I can't wait to see all of the other lovely studios!
With so many to visit, I think it may take a few days! Haha!

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...


After thinking about it I would like you to add my blog to your list of creative spaces to visit.

I'm gonna show the space and tell what I'm gonna do with it...

Sorry to be late...just decided it would be fun to be part of it even though I'm not finished.


Thanks so much for including me,

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...


oops, you can list me as:

dream kingdom designs

Hugs, Steph

Luisa Migon said...

Karen, I couldn't resist!!! I came to your party too!!!

What a delicious idea! And your space is perfect to create!!!

My space is here! Come to visit me! :O)


Luisa Migon said...

Karen, please, add me!!!

I'm too late, but I'm having much fun! And I'll have more fun tomorrow, when I'll visit EVERYBODY!!!

Thanks, Karen!!!


Luisa Migon said...

I'm here once more, Karen!

I'm visiting the studios this morning, and my mouth is wide open! :O))) So beautiful places!!!
Spaces of dream and creation... But mine is so simple... In any case, add my "*ponto zero", please! http://luisamigon.blogspot.com

You gave me the precious opportunity to knew fabulous people!

Thanks once more!


Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

No joke! This is my studio:


Sometimes it looks a lot better than this, but not while I'm working.

Inka said...

I really wish I had heard about it on time. I had so much fun going down the list and discovering such great storage ideas I felt I needed to give back so although I am two days late I thought I would post a few pictures anyway. So stop by Inkaland if you have the time :) http://inkastamps.blogspot.com/

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