Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts

Monday, 29 January 2018


 First pictures of our little barn.. Well a tiny corner of it.. 

For those that don't know we had a moment of madness last year and made the decision to sell our beautiful Falmouth home and buy an old barn that is in need of total renovation..

We still haven't unpacked! We are waiting for John the architect to do his designs just waiting for him to get back to us..
 Meanwhile we had a dry day to get some washing done.. Nothing like a line of white sheets on the line..
We have also been back to Prussia Cove for a winter break.. 
Here are just a few photo's for you to enjoy..
 Bessy's cove
 Carn Euny
 Carn Euny
 Chun Quoite

 View from the Lodge
Nature's 6' high Kelp installation.

Sunday, 30 November 2014

My husband has been stripping....

The lounge floor, he is far too old to strip.. 
Professionally that is.. Ha..ha..ha!
 Now what treatment to give it? Varnish? Wax? It is very yellow/orange at the moment so might have to put my thinking cap on.

Monday, 16 December 2013

Recycled Christmas Wishes from...... 'My Cornish home to Yours'...

My 'beach-combed' Christmas heart.. 

If I'd have got my act together and taken more photo's as I constructed this post could have been called 'A recycled heart tutorial'.. But as you may have realised things are a little difficult at the moment.. Too many hospital visits and too much to take on board.. This is all the creative energy I have managed to summon.. 

I brought a very cheap Christmas heart from Wilkinson's in Falmouth.  And yes, it was on 'sale' of course. Cheapskate that I am. I decorated it with my collection of beach finds from Church Cove. So, using tangled bits of net and fisherman's string, seaweed and other bits and bobs that were still clinging to the rope, I wove it between the wreath and tied it on with the orange netting. Easy peasy. 
Collecting beach treasure at Church Cove

When walking on the beach we always take a carrier bag to collect the rubbish that visitors leave behind and the plastic waste the sea delivers to the shore. Recycling and beach clearing at the same time..  It is amazing what you find...

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Just a little local colour..

Look to the right... Bit of a grey old day...
 Look to the left...........
Straight forward if you please..... The pub is just below and a little to the left....
The nottage Maritime Institute, is situated on the waterfront of my little home village.  It is a fantastic place where you can learn to build a dingy using traditional methods of working, look at the clamps that are holding the planks in place.
I think that these boats are called 'Stem Dingy's'.... please don't ask me what a 'Stem Dingy' is, I haven't got a clue, just love the process and thrilled that traditional skills are not being lost.
Every summer their is an exhibition of work by local artists which is always worth a look, this year my favorites were Alison Stockmarr - Textiles and Paper and Barbara Pierson - Painter.... Have a look at the homepage nottage-maritime-institute   you'll enjoy it I'm sure. 

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Wivenhoe mud!

This is where the fishing boats more up, just down the road from me.
I know it might be a grey old picture to some of you but to me it's not grey at all, I can see a thousand colours.. mud glorious mud..

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Spring is in the air...

I hold my hands up..........I am guilty.....

I take pictures and don't really look at them, I have decided to do 'Spring Clean' my hoard (I get carried away and have thousands)... I intend to pick out a few that I truly love and discard the rest.

While getting on with my 'deleting......... I mean Spring Cleaning' I found these photo's of the River Colne which were taken earlier this year. I must walk down to that river some days with 'eyes wide shut', looking without seeing, just clicking merrily away.

Once again I realise this little village, my home, is wonderful magical place... (There is something in this cleaning thing..... I must do it more often..)

Click, Delete, Click, Delete
........Only another 1,000,000,000 photographs to go through...

Have a good day everyone...I'm off for a walk with my eyes wide open..
