Saturday, October 22, 2011

I'm the lost blogger!!!

I have taken a very long break from blogging.  It was just neccessary as my creative mojo has flown out the window!  Nothing exciting has been going on since I finished up my friends album that I made her as a gift.  Guess that just really burned me out!  I finally decided maybe I should post the rest of the pages from the album that I made in a little over 3 weeks...who said you can't do a 20 page scrapbook in 3 weeks, they are crazy!  Of course I do think that is my reason for lack of mojo!  Sorry ahead of time that this is a photo heavy post!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Always busy

Life has again gotten too busy for me to have time to post anything new.   I came back from my girls trip and immediately got busy with my little man Devon.  He was sick and we have been to several dr appts and one day turned into 2 and then 3, then before I knew it 2 weeks had past and I had not taken the time to update my blog.  I find that when my life gets busy the blog becomes secondary.  It just does not seem important.  So I am back with nothing new to share.  I don't even have photos from the girls trip.  I broke my little point and shoot camera and did not realize it until I was trying to take photos during the trip!!!  I did however start a gift album for my friend at work.  She gave me photos of her parents and told me that she would pay me to do an album, well she went back to school for massage therapy and I have been getting massages while she is in school and they are not allowed to take money for the service, so my gift to her at graduation will be the album.  I know this will mean so much to her.

This was my first time doing heritage pages, it is a little out of my comfort zone, but I am going with it.  Here is the first page.  Since this page I have made 6 more and hoping to get another 10-13 done before I give her the album.

I will be back as I progress with the album to show more photos!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Girl's Weekend!

Hello all! I am off to a girl's weekend in Charlotte, NC. We are attending CKC convention. Kind of excited to spend the entire weekend doing what I love scrapping and shopping! Be back soon to tell you all about it!
If you are reading this Julia-prayers to you for a speedy recovery! I'll be home soon and I'll come for a visit!

Monday, August 15, 2011

You make me smile!

Here is a card I made for my group blog that I am involved in. For more details visit cricut world.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Here is a sneak peek

Still finding myself extremely exhausted from the wild weekend! So I only have a few photos to share from the party, gotta get some energy to go through the 170+ photos that we took!!! I was impressed with my hubby though, not only did he make the dinner and the homemade cheesecake for dessert he got me some great presents!!! Woohoo!

Promise more photos to come...I gotta get some more rest first!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Recovering from the Best Birthday Party Ever!

Miranda and I had the best birthday party ever. With about 30 of our closest family and friends to help us celebrate...I am taking today to recuperate but will be back tomorrow with photos to share!

Friday, July 22, 2011

My break lasted weeks!

I got so busy after my trip to the mountains I never got back into blogging! That is the story of my life really, sometimes I get so wrapped up in other things that something else gets pushed to the back burner. I am sure that is how all people are, but for me I want balance. That is a struggle I have everyday...BALANCE! I want to balance fun with work, time spent with the kids and hubby, chores needing to be done, etc. When I think of balance I get a little overwhelmed and then have to realize that I can not be everything to everyone, cannot do everything for everyone. It is normal for people to need breaks from the everyday life and some can last longer than others! So the past few weeks have just been a mental break for me. I have continued to craft, actually craft more than usual...See all the pages below that I accomplished! I won a challenge at for the page titled Celebrate. It was the first time I have ever won a challenge, it was kind of exciting! So in a way I was busy this month, just busy doing other things!

Sorry to bombard you with a picture heavy post but I wanted you to see that I have been doing things, just not a priority to blog. I am not going to promise I will blog more often because every time I do that I feel guilty when I don't actually do it. I do however have several more projects to share so I will be back with those!