Thursday, May 12, 2011

New babies to keep me busy!

So over the weekend I was surprised with not 1 but 2 new puppies!!! My husband and kids went to go look at some abandoned puppies that my sister's inlaws had and they ended up bringing both of them home! They are jack russell/beagle mix, called jackabees. I feel like a new mom getting up in the middle of the night, early morning feedings, and constantly being on call! Actually they are a great addition to the family and once the "training" period is over they are going to be such a joy!

Both of them have decided they love to lay in my flower bed. So now a few of my hostas and daisies are a little smushed. This weekend I have got to find a screening or netting to put around my flower bed so they will not have access to it and more of my flowers aren't ruined!

The above photo is Sami. She is easy going and a really people pleaser. She wants to be told what to do and follow orders! I can tell she is going to be a cuddler, she loves getting on your lap and curling up to sleep.
This is Zoey, otherwise known as the problem child! Haha! Actually she is quite good, but just a slow learner. It has taken her a couple of days to figure out my commands and do them correctly. She also likes to whine a little and has a terrible time trying to get comfortable when it is time for a nap.

I can't wait for some time to start making scrapbook pages of them! I can already tell they love the camera!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

This is what I have been doing!

Hey folks! Been a very busy month of April for me...didn't realize that I would still be busy in the spring after I gave up all of my volunteering positions! Anyway my son was in the play The Wizard of Oz and after a very long year of rehearsals and classes they finally got to perform. I was in charge of costumes, only a few but still it was a lot of work! Here are some photos from the evening's performance!
Of course we had to take a few family photos with the "star". You never know if he will become famous one day and forget we are family! So gotta have prove with the photos!

Here he is very relieved to be getting the makeup off his face...think it made him just a little hot! I am as always talking to someone as I remove the makeup!!!After the show the family and friends went to a local restaurant called Little Azio's for some dinner. Great little place that has tv's in the booths. The kids always love that feature. Then we ended the evening at Bruster's to celebrate the successful show!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My week at Cricut World Blog

Thought I would let all my peeps know about my week at the cricut world blog. I am part of a group of ladies online that share the same love of scrapbooking and cricuts. We started a blog in February and now each week we get a turn at posting different cricut cut crafts (say that fast 3x) So finally this is my week. I would have posted to my blog sooner but I actually forgot that I should invite some of my friends over for a look. So if you get some free time go see what is happening there. I am trying to post something every know me, that could be a real challenge since I neglect this little blog so often!
In my defense, last week was spring break and we were away in the mountains at our camper enjoying some much needed down time! I had a blast, sleeping late, scrapbooking, sitting outside and enjoying the weather. It was definitely a great week! I was a little sad to see it end, but glad to be home and back to my reality. I am finding that the more I stay at home the more I really like it!

I did manage to take some really cool photos this week of some butterflies, thought it would be nice to share.

I will be back tomorrow with some more photos from the camper...don't forget to check the cricut world blog daily too for my crafty stuff!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sorority Formal

Today's post is a little picture heavy but I wanted to share the photos I took of my daughter and her date for her sorority formal. I just love the color of her dress and how we did her hair to compliment the one shoulder of the dress. We went to Mac and had the most wonderful make up artist do her make up. I now wish I would have taken a photo of her eyes closed, they looked amazing with 5 different tones of purple shadow. It was a long day of getting things ready but I really enjoyed being with her and watching her transform. It was a girls day that started with mani's and pedi's, then off to lunch, then to make up and shopping and lastly with hair and photos. Fun times together! Not sure if she will treasure this time but I certainly will! She is growing up so quickly, really in just a blink of an eye. Seems like yesterday she was a little newborn. Can't believe she will be 20 in a few short months!~ No way am I old enough for an adult child!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Finally a day to relax!

Wow I can't believe I finally have a day to relax and do what I want to do!!! I feel like March is always such a whirlwind month. This year especially since I missed most of February due to the kidney stone. Glad to report I am back to normal and no signs of any future stones. Just gotta remember to drink lots of water, so I am on a 90 ounce a day regimen. I know that is a lot of water, but it has really been good for me. The other thing that has happened is I am not drinking sweet tea anymore...oh how I miss my dear friend!!! I have always loved sweet tea, but I want to make sure I never get a kidney stone again so I have bid farewell to sweet tea. I will only have it on the rare special occasion, but no more making a gallon to have at home anymore. It is just too tempting!I have not been taking too many photos lately, not sure why but I think it has something to do with feeling very overwhelmed with the 22,000 that I have on my computer now! Since I am a scrapbooker I feel compelled to take photos but do not have the time to scrap them all! Plus there are tons of photos that probably should be deleted all together. I don't seem to have the time for that though. One of my many projects for any day...

I did manage to go shopping with my daughter this weekend and pick out a dress for her spring
formal. Here is a photo.
The original plan was to make a dress that we had purchased the pattern and fabric for last year. But we were in a bit of a time crunch, the formal is in less than 2 weeks! Yikes! So I opted for going out shopping to see what we could find. Glad we found this one and it was a steal! We spent more on the jewelry for the dress then the dress itself! Can't wait to see her in the dress and her hair and make up pretty and exciting! I am also glad that I will have the day off since the formal is on a Friday so I can be there with her spending the day together getting her ready to go! The bonus is she has a new boyfriend that she will be taking to the formal and he is a really nice guy, finally she found someone to treat her right!!

I gotta get on with my "do what I want to do" day!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Harry Potter Birthday

It was a blast! My son had the best 12th birthday ever! That is what he told me, anyway! All the hard work and exhaustion paid off! Here are a few photos highlighting the event.

I am not sure I can top this birthday unless I go broke! This will probably be the last big party we do before his sweet sixteen! That is only 4 years away! Yikes! Better start planning now! I have a busy day ahead of me, gotta make cupcakes for the baby shower I am hosting tonight and the weather is really cold and rainy today. That after a 75 degree sunny day is depressing!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Baby shower fun!

Hello friends! I have been busy since I am back to my normal routine. So busy that I have almost forgotten about posting all my latest and greatest crafty items! For the past 2 weeks I have been working on a friends baby shower decor. I am so excited that my friend Julia and Matt are adopting a baby from china. I wanted to make sure and give her a shower she will never forget. Below is 2 collages of some of the items I have been working on for the shower. I really hope she likes it as much as I have liked creating all the fun items!

I will be back later this week to show you all the fun items I have been creating for my son's birthday party! It is Harry Potter themed! I have never really gotten into that crazy movie or books so now is the time to learn everything I can!!! I only have a couple of days to finish all the million candles I have to make to hang from the ceiling, yikes!