Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bed rest=crafty time

Since I have been on bedrest for the last several days I have found myself bored out of my mind. I decided to dig through my craft bins and pull out some old and forgotten craft projects. One of which I use to love to make. Baby socks crochet with buttons and beads. They are so fun and festive for any little girl. I guess I use to make them for my niece many years ago, but once I got wrapped up in scrapbooking I never went back to them again. Well I really forgot how much fun and easy they are to make. I have made 8 pair of socks since Tuesday. I think that is a pretty good accomplishment, since I have not crochet in 4 years. I actually only know how to do a chain stitch, but that is all you need to know to make these socks. Here are a few photos of what I have made.
I did get a call from my dr. yesterday afternoon telling me that my strep test came back positive. I had 3 cultures done because I kept telling all the dr.'s that I had strep but they would not listen. the rapid test came back negative so they didn't culture it. Well finally my family dr. listened to me. So I am happy to report that I now have antiobiotics and should be feeling better soon. I do still have the spinal headache but I can tell every day that it is continuing to get better. I did sleep in today till noon and rest always helps a sick body. It was the first night since last week that I almost slept through the night, I did wake up 2x to go to the bathroom but that is ok, the fact that I found a comfortable position to sleep in was good enough for me! Also I have managed to get on the computer today and start uploading my vacation photos, that is a good sign that I am tolerating staying in one position longer than 30 minutes at a time. I do know that I can't push it or I will be back at square one. So for now I will take long rests in between my moments of normalcy! Or what seems like normalcy.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Life just happens

Hello to my poor, neglected blog! I am so sorry to be putting you on the back burner lately, it just seems that this is the last thing on my mind when I have so many other things going on in my life,.

First let me start off by saying I took a wonderful trip out to Las Vegas, spent a long weekend with my hubby, then the rest of the week with some girlfriends. We had a blast! Came home to a sick kid, Miranda had strep throat really bad, took her back to the dr twice before she got some relief. Enjoyed a nice, quiet, and relaxing 4th of July. Then went back to work and all hell broke loose! So to speak! Woke up last Thursday morning not feeling well, thought maybe I was getting a sinus infection so I took my meds and went to work. Bad idea! Got about half way through the day and started feeling really bad, kept getting chilled, ended up vomiting and becoming delusional. I was rushed to the ER to discover I had a 103 degree fever and was talking all kinds of craziness. Took lots of tests and spent the night at the hospital, after several attempts at doing a spinal tap they decided to wait for radiology to do a guided lumbar puncture, using ultrasound to see the area they need to remove the spinal fluid. Those tests came back negative and they sent me home saying I just had a viral infection. I spent the next 2 days vomiting, terrible headache, and neck pain. Went to a dr. in the box on Sunday and he immediately sent be back to the ER. He said that I should have never been released in the first place because I was still having fever and showed signs of dehydration. So back at the ER, they ran some more tests, got my filled up with 3 liters of iv fluid, one with caffeine in it, kept me there for about 8 hours then sent me home with orders to go back the next day for a blood patch. Got up Monday morning called my regular dr. went to see her and then was off for my blood patch. They check you into outpatient surgery and do all the necessary things required. I got my 3rd iv and some meds, then off for the blood patch. I think that was the worst thing they had done to this point...(no, Thursday night with the 2 failed attempts was the worst). The dr. said that in some cases this won't help, but we would have to wait and see. Needless to say I am the exception to every rule and it did not I have been spending my days and nights laying flat, changing positions often, and taking all kinds of pain meds to relieve this headache. So far nothing has made it go away.
Went back to the dr. today and I am out of work for the rest of the week, possibly next week too. All of this because a lousy 103 degree fever! Who would have thought???
So I have no photos to give you since I have not been getting crafty. I did manage to take a load of photos from my vacation and even some of fireworks on the 4th but I have not uploaded them from my camera. That will be my home for tomorrow or Friday, get those uploaded. Until then, I will just continue my many hours of bed rest and trying to find a comfortable position to sleep.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Forgive me for neglecting you my dear blog!

I know I have been neglecting my dear blog, but life just happens. I think after the week of graduation I needed to just let some things go for a little while and this just happens to be one of those things that I let go. I was doing so well and starting to post on a regular basis, then I just fell off the face of the earth!
I am back now, still feeling like life is so busy and the weeks just pass by so quickly. Where does time go? I feel like I blink and another day goes by. Guess that is the way it goes as you get older...well I am fighting getting older everyday, I want to stay young so I can remember the days and feel like a kid with no cares in the world! Don't you remember those carefree days of your youth, when all that was important was who you were going to play with today, and hope that the ice cream man came to visit that day...miss that time so much. Of course I wouldn't go back if I couldn't take the knowledge and wisdom that I have now. I would also totally skip those terrible teenage years, who wants to relive that drama! Anyway, just thinking out loud about the past and wishing for time to slow down. More than anything I want to remember time with my kids and the fun things we do together.

So I have been somewhat busy taking care of my house and doing yard work, and yes a little crafting...I have not been totally closed off from the world. I did manage to get sick one day last week and the illness lingered for days, nothing like having a stomach bug hang around for 5 days!
Thank goodness that is behind me and I can move on with my summer!

Miranda is working 2 jobs this summer, which amazes me that she has so much motivation to do that! I know that she will be so happy at the end of the summer when she has lots of money saved! I think she is concerned when she goes to college we will not be helping her any so she wants to have some money set aside. I think that is a good idea that was she won't nickel and dime us to death!
Devon is chilling at home, he has enjoyed some fun times with friends and a school camp. Next week he will attend an acting camp and in July he starts private guitar lessons. So exciting.

Dan and I will be leaving next week for a week long trip to Las Vegas! I have never been and am really excited about going. I am not much of a gambler but I gotta go and see what all the hype is about. My only concern is I am not a night owl and this city doesn't start until about 10om, boy am I in trouble!
HOping that in the next several weeks I will get back to regular posts on this blog. I made a promise this year to get better and so far I have been blogging on a weekly basis, until my June Hiatus. Sometimes I guess we just all need a break!
Here are a few crafty things I have been working on this month...

I will be back tomorrow showing you all the scrapbook pages that I have done this month. I really have not had the time to be crafty but I managed to squeeze it into 2 days this month and got a lot done!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Graduation Day!

It is finally here! I know you thought I would have a photo of the graduating girl, but not yet as she does not actually graduate till tonight. Those photos will come later. Today I am focusing on all that I have been doing leading up to today. Working on lots of projects for my daughter's grad party. All the decor was handmade. As much work as it was to make, it also brought me joy! I love that I can make beautiful things out of nothing. Here are so pre photos, just of the stuff piled in the dining room getting ready for its journey!

Please ignore the other stuff in the picture, like my dining room centerpiece! I didn't remove it while I was working on things...just piled stuff on the table as I would finish it. It will feel good to get all of this packed up and moved to the party site, the sad news is I have to bring it back here to store it, no idea where it will all go! Some of it will find a home with a friend, the big blue bucket is hers, she let me borrow a few of them and all the centerpieces, I just made minor adjustments to them so they would match the party colors. My daughter wanted bright, fun colors to match her personality. She got them, pink, purple, yellow, orange, lime green, and turquoise. She also loves Gerbera daisies so on all the centerpieces they have ribon and daisies. The photo picture is buckets of flowers and pictures for the display table, I have tons of framed photos and those buckets to be on display...also I have 2 scrapbooks one from all 10 years of cheerleading and the other is from homecoming one year...been working on a high school album, but I did not finish it...maybe before she leaves for college I will have it done. I also made some banners, one that says congratulations Miranda and class of 2010. These kinds of things make me happy, seeing it all come together. Can't wait for tonight! We are expecting about 60 to 70 people! Lots of friends and family coming to celebrate with us! My heart is so full!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I got nothing for you!

But a long, busy day at work! I really have nothing to share today, but since I was on a roll this week and have blogged every day I wanted to keep going.
I did manage to finish 10 graduation cards for my daughter's friends, that is a good thing because starting Saturday we have a ton of parties to attend.
Today I have to be at work early for training, always hard to go to training on a work day because it makes the day seem that much longer. Of course I can't complain because my boss brings in the best people in the business to give us training and it is really a great thing!

I am so excited about the end of the school year, things are winding down and we will have a much needed break. I love those lazy days of summer, doing nothing, playing outside, sitting by the pool. Can't wait!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

We are so proud!

Can you believe I am posting for a 3rd time this week. Don't be so shocked! I am just so excited we went to honors night last night and my daughter will graduate with honors and also received a scholarship! We are so proud of her and all that she has accomplished during high school. We also know that she will do well in college because she has such a drive to succeed! Here are a few photos highlighting the event last night.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It's only Tuesday

I feel that my week is coming together much better today, even though it is only Tuesday! I ended up being super productive yesterday and getting a lot accomplished, made me feel better and really helped brighten my mood!
Today I am tackling the long list of things to get done for my daughter's graduation party. I am starting now that way I won't be in a panic next week trying to get it all done. I always seem to procrastinate and then get overstressed in the end. Not this time, I am going to pace myself and hopefully be able to enjoy the moment a little more.
Today is my monthly card swap group get together, unfortunately I will not be joining the girls for the night. My daughter has been invited to honors night and I am so hoping she receives one of the scholarships she has applied for. Anyway it is more important to attend tonight's honor event then the card group. I did remember to photograph my card and I went ahead and photographed my friends card too, cause I like it so much!
The first card with the tulips is my friends card that she made. I think it is my favorite because tulips are my favorite flower. The weird thing is I have never grown tulips in my flower beds, not sure why I don't go out and buy the tulip bulbs and plant them, but just never done that! Note to self: buy some tulips to plant this fall for next year.

The second card is the one I made, I have been wanting to do some type of rainbow card for a while and just could not decide on one design, this one just came to me and it evolved. Not sure it is my most favorite card, but it does make me happy and it was fairly easy and quick to put together. Next month's card group is at my house, should be a fun time!

I can't believe I have posted 2 days in a row to my little ol' blog...amazing! Guess I have more to say with as much activity that is going on in my household right now! Who knows maybe I will be back tomorrow with another post!