Sunday, January 17, 2010

A week wasted!

So when I was feeling sick 2 weeks ago, I was! I went to the doctor to find out that I had another sinus infection and bronchitis. Needless to say I spent 10 days in bed. I went back to work this week but it was really hard to get back in the swing of things. Especially since I have spent a week and a half in bed. Today is the first day I have woke up and actually feel normal. Think I am finally coming out of this thick fog I have been living in for the past month. Since before Christmas when I got the flu, I just don't think I ever really recovered from it. Of course I had to keep going so that I could get through the holiday and then with the new year starting I had so many other deadlines to get through and things to get caught up, none of that happened since I have been sick, but now I am slowly getting it all back together. My daughter started the daunting task of applying to college...can't believe that it is already time for that! I remember yesterday her being a little girl that liked to play with my rings and losing my high school class ring! Now she has one and she hasn't changed any, she lost it!!! Oh well, we can get it replaced for only $50, so that is what we will do. Anyway back to colleges, she is choosing to apply to 9 schools, with only 1 being out of state...we have told her we didn't think we could afford to send her out of state. We should start getting notifications by mid February! Such an exciting time for her! Below is a picture of the college she most wants to attend...
Last fall my daughter and her boyfriend went to the Clemson Homecoming game and stayed with some of our family up there for the weekend. She had a blast and ever since she has been dead set on attending that school...she is obsessed! I don't want to burst her bubble, but it is out of state and we are just not sure we can swing it...but I always say to never give up on your dreams, when there is a will there is a way!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

A new week and why do I still feel sick?

I thought I was starting the new year off right, but I came home from work on Saturday with a sore throat. It is now Monday and I have a stuffy nose, sneezing, and sore throat. I am sick again! Yikes! The flu got me down several weeks ago, but hopefully this is just a cold. Still though it has slowed me down some, took a 3 hour nap yesterday and just not feeling like myself. I have so much on my to do list that will just have to wait a couple more days. I gotta just take this nudge from God telling me to slow down and rest a little.So I know it sounds funny but today I am thankful to be sick, it is my nudge to take a chill pill and enjoy the down time, that I never allow myself.
So to keep up with my grateful journal:
1. thankful to be sick
2. my kids go back to school tomorrow
3. for friends
4. my job that I truly love, even though some days I don't want to go!
5. Jammie days, I have had so many of them lately!

Below is a picture of another apron I made and gave as a gift to my online Cricut group, we had a Secret Santa swap and I made this along with giving some fun, scrapbook goodies! I actually made this the week I was sick with the flu on the last day before I finally felt better. It turned out to be my favorite one!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year's!

So I am not one for resolutions, but this year I am going to try and be a better blogger. Actually I want to start making my blog be like my daily journal. When I was much younger I kept a journal, actually I used it as a devotional too. I would write different scripture verses in it that I would read and like to remember. I use to also write 5 things daily that I was thankful for, I remember at first it was the general things like family, friends, etc. But as time passed I would put things like being sick or that I was thankful for bad times...I guess I was thankful that God had shown me these "blessings" to teach me and show me. So I remember really feeling so together in my thoughts when I wrote in the journal on a regular basis. So for the first time in over 15 years, maybe longer I am going to do it again.

Today I am thankful for:
A short day at work
A handy husband(he helped me hang a vinyl verse on the wall that I could not get straight)
Great children
A day of rest
A job-the past 2 years have really been so interesting for my hubby and myself with our job situation.
I am especially grateful that I have a senior in High School-can't wait for her to experience the next chapter in her life!
Enjoy your evening as we ring in the New Year!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Just wanted to wish all my blog friends a Merry Christmas! Hope you had a wonderful, joy filled day! And Santa was good to you!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

My life is like a freight train!

So we are halfway through the month of December and I have only managed to get one lousy post done! It is such a shame that I don't have more to say cause my life is so busy!!! I think that is the problem, too much going on and not enough down time to write anything! We enjoyed our trip to Disney World the first week of the month and since coming back I have been battling a cold that would not leave! So after 9 days I went to the Dr. to find out it is the flu and a sinus infection. I have spent the last several days in I finally feel that my head isn't spinning and I can actually appear human again!
I did manage to make a little gift last week for my monthly card swap group. I am really proud of how it turned out, now I just want to find more time to make another one! Here is a photo.
In other news I haven't even started my Christmas shopping and we are only 1 week away from the big day! I don't know where the time went but I gotta get myself organized and feeling better so I can get some presents under the tree! My kids are going to start thinking there really is no Santa!!! OF course they know that this year we are trying to be a little frugal so it won't be as big of a Christmas as they have had in the past, that is ok though cause we are together and Dan has got a new job! That is the best news we have had all year!!! He started last week and seems to really like it, lots to do in a growing company. We are just so thankful, our prayers were answered.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Whirlwind week!

This week is proving to be super busy! I am working only 2 days this week and then we leave to go to Disney World! We are so excited the High School Chorus is singing the Candlelight Processional in Epcot and we are going down to see them perform, plus enjoy a couple of days at the parks! We so need this little min vacation. Should have tons of photos when I get home to scrapbook.

In other news my husband found a job! We are so thrilled about this opportunity. His commute will be a little longer than it is now, his job is in Kennesaw! We are just so happy that Dan has got a job. He starts mid December, so keep us in your prayers! This will be a new adventure!

Gotta get to work, I am hoping to get some more time to blog this week. I have lots of new stuff to share but no time to upload photos!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Just wanted to wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving! I will be spending the morning cooking and then enjoy my husband's family for the afternoon. Here are a few photos from last year's Thanksgiving to share!