Monday, January 26, 2009

New look to my blog

I am so thrilled I finally learned how to change my background for my blog...I know that sounds silly, but I have really been struggling trying to figure it out. I am loving getting these free backgrounds from HERE! Check them out, they have tons of different options.
So I have been working on lots of deadlines for much is going on and I just don't have enough time in the day to get it all done. I am so glad to have the season almost over, nver before have I felt this way, but this year has just been one of those years! Life itself has been crazy! I keep thinking I need some down time, but actually I just need an assistant to do some of my work for me!!! Like that would ever happen!
I do like this time of year for me because I spend more time at home, maybe not time with my family because I am preoccupied, but home based is a good feeling!
I will be back later with photos of my latest creations...been working on cheer stuff and got tons more to do!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Love is in the air!

I am trying this year to be so much better about updating my is working...although I am not posting daily but maybe once a week. It's a start!

Today is my sisters birthday! Thought I would give a shout out to her in case she ever comes and reads my blog!!!
Happy Birthday Maria-hope it is a wonderful day!!!

Here are the latest cards I made, since Valentines is around the corner and I have a little card group I am a part of...I thought what the heck! I am never so on top of the holidays, they usually come and go so quickly and I always think...wish I had time to make something. Well this time I did, tell me what you think...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy New Year

As will everything in my life it is always a day or two...or even a week late!!! So I try! Happy New Year! This year has started off in a frenzy! I still have Christmas decorations up at my many of you still have yours up? I am hoping this weekend to find the time to take everything done and get back to some normalcy around here. HA! HA! Who am I kidding? the Goswick home! Okay, okay...just want to get on with the next adventure waiting around the corner! Don't know what that is going to be, but I know that January marks a busy time for cheerleading, we have banquets to plan, fundraisers to do, budgets to make, pictures to edit, gifts to be bought, all of the crazy end of year stuff! So from January to mid March I have my hands full of cheerleading related things!!! Makes me a little crazy just thinking about it!!! Just think in a little over a year Miranda will graduate and I may never have to think about cheerleading I a little sad, NOT!!! I will miss it yes, but other doors will open and I will do other things...what I don't know. As for now I hope to learn the word no! That is a good start!
I am not one for making New's Years Resolutions but I do like to think of a word to focus on...this year it is going to be HOPE!
HOPE-for a better life
HOPE- for a better economy
HOPE-for a closer family
HOPE-for more time to spend together
HOPE-my kids will clean their rooms
HOPE-my cholesterol will go down with out taking medication!
HOPE-a heathlier year for my family than last year!
HOPE-Miranda can choose a college she is excited about attending
HOPE-that we can afford that college!
I just have so much to hope for this year...what are your hopes for the year?

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

More crafty goodness!

This week is proving to be really busy at work, so when I come home I am not really in the mood to wrap presents or make anything but I did manage to make these little gifts for my family on Sunday! I have a few other things that need to be done, but no time to do them! Maybe I will finish early tonight and get some things accomplished. We did manage to watch a Christmas movie together as a family last night. Christmas Kaper...not a great movie, but it was good to spend time with the kids and hubby being all together!

We are not exhanging gifts with them this year, but I didn't want to go there empty handed so I made these frames with pictures of the grandkids. Hope they enjoy them!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

It is getting closer!

Here are a few of my crafty items that I made this week for my kids teachers and some friends. It has been hectic this week being the last week before Christmas. Devon got sick and did not attend school the last 3 days. I had to juggle my schedule around to stay home with him in the morning and have Miranda watch him in the afternoon so I could go to work! Needless to say it has been a little stressful at our home!

The pail is filled with candy. I got the pails from the dollar section at Target, I just love that section. I always find cute things I can alter and give as gifts. The little note book is a post it note holder. These were quick and easy to make. I am sure their teachers will like them!

This jar I made to with an old mayonaise jar. I like to save all kinds of glass jars to use as a gift later on. I filled this jar with hershey kisses after altering the outside with papers, tags, and ribbons.

So today I am working! It has been busy at the salon this week! I am so grateful. I have Sunday off and then I work 3 days straight, then off for 2 weeks!!! I am so excited to have some time off, I really need it!

Gotta run, gonna be late for work!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sneek Peek

So I just wanted to give you a sneek peek of what I have been working on the past week! As it gets closer to Christmas I am in a rush to get all of my projects much to do and such little time. I am almost finished with the cards, just need to get labels and finish the letter, I still have teacher gifts to make. I forgot that Devon has 2 teachers this year so I had to start on something else for her last could I be so forgetful!!!

The excitement is building at my house as we get closer to Christmas Day! I have finished my shopping for Miranda but still need to get things for Devon. He wants Legos, lots of them. I just have to find the time to visit the Lego Store in our area and hope they still have the sets he wants...he might be really mad if he doesn't get this one he has been hoping for!

I gotta run so that I might get finished with our family cards today! My goal was yesterday, but it was just too busy! I am hoping today will be better and I will be focused on the goal at hand!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas Party

Just thought I would share a few pictures from my hubby's Christmas Party on Saturday. For the first time ever I had my hair done in an updo!!! I know that sounds silly, but I was so excited! I have always had short hair and never been able to do anything up with it, but the girls from work said no worries they could do it! I am thrilled with how it came out!

We had a nice time at the Christmas party, talked with lots of Dan's coworkers and met some new faces, had great food and even better dessert! It was a fun night out just the 2 of us! That does not happen often enough!

I have not been in a festive mood this season, but getting dressed up and going out really helped that. Also just trying to be grateful for the things that are good in my life is lifting my spirit. I have to remember that when days seem tough, it could always be worse!!