Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday is pool day!

Since summer began I have been going to my friends pool every Friday. We have now decided that Friday is pool day all summer long!!! Thanks Julia for putting up with us every week! It is truly the highlight of our week! Here are some photos from last weeks pool day. The kids have so much fun playing with Julia's little one and now we have started to say that Miranda has a new boyfriend because Zachary loves her so much! He knows a cute girl when he sees one! Just look at the photos below and you can see how much fun we are having!

I have really been emjoying the lazy days of summer, but I feel like they are not lazy but busy, busy, busy! Although it is a very happy busy!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Last month's Card Swap card!

I usually try really hard to get my card for my monthly card swap group up around the time of the gathering. But with the addition of the new puppies that just didn't happen! So finally I had a few minutes to sit down and share this card. The theme was 3's. So I chose 3 colors, 3 panels, and 3 layers (besides the base of the card). I bought this stamp months ago at a stamp show and almost forgot I had it. The fish just screamed bright fun colors, all of which are from stampin up. Can't remember the colors, but they are from the bold bright collection...think they are only orange, tempting turquoise, and yo yo yellow. I used a technique with the stamps to stamp them on a craft mat then use an aqua painter to paint them on the fish. Great way to match your paint to your paper too! I once painted right from the ink pad and that messed the pad up...learned my lesson the hard way!
I did use my cricut to cut the oval scallop and oval and stamped with the title phrase. Pop dotted it for some dimension and that was it! I have to say this card took me forever to put together and when it was all said and done I was so over painting and glittering! So the card for this month's theme was much simpler!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

3 posts in a row, that is Incredible!

Shocking as it may be, I have found the time to actually have had 3 posts go up on the blog in a row! I have been saving all my things that are crafty and fun to share! Now is the time, I have been saying over the last couple of years that I promise I am going to get better at this blogging thing. Well I have learned that you just have to jump right in and start posting, even if you think your life is boring someone else might find it interesting! So here I am trying my best to start posting on a more regular that might not mean everyday but let's try for a couple of times a week! Summer is in full swing at the Goswick house! We are enjoying pool days, craft days, and lazy days! It has been fun and we are only into week 2! We are not going away on vacation this year so we are planning to do a few things around town. Devon has already gone to the local water park, White Water with some friends! Thanks Jay! Next week Devon starts rock band camp, that should be totally fun rocking out all week! The music center where Devon takes lessons gave us a week of camp free. It was so exciting for us since we can only afford to send him to 1 camp over the summer and he had already chosen Acting camp. I think since his rockband class got cancelled through the school year they music center felt bad that he did not get to perform or record his "CD" so they offered the summer camp! We are so thankful for their generosity!
Below are the next set of layouts that I have been working on...been keeping my scrap stuff out on the kitchen table and working on a page here and there. Makes my family a little crazy because half the table is a mess, but it makes me very productive! I have been participating in a few monthly sketch challenges over at It really helps me get motivated to scrap. I need all the motivation I can get, I have so many ideas floating around in my mind and by the time I get around to scrapping the event I forget what I had originally wanted to do. I am sure that happens to all of us! Still it feels like I am the only one that feels this way!!!

Maybe I will be back tomorrow to show you a few more things! For now I am off to a pool day with friends!

Monday, June 13, 2011

I told you I would be back!

As promised I am back on this lovely Monday morning with another post! The dogs are up, they have been fed, walked, and our now happily playing. It's kind of their morning routine. I try to squeeze in a little computer time while they are playing...sometimes that proves to be trouble as they are getting into everything they can find! I do find that gating off areas of the house that I do not want them in has really helped, but unfortunately my house has that open floor plan so that it is hard to find gates (cardboard boxes) large enough to cover the openings. I have gotten very resourceful in my options! Just look at the photos below...funny the things you will do to keep those animals out of trouble!
Here the girls are just chillin, right before they were looking for trouble!
The cat sits on top of the table just watching the action. Secretly she wants to be right in the middle of it...but then reality hits and she realizes there are 2 of them and only 1 of her! She's outnumbered!!!

My creative barriers! These are old cardboard and chipboard pieces that we use to paint on, also good for doggy gates too!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The best of intentions

Oh I had the best of intentions to blog every day, but the demands of new puppies threw that idea right out the window! Can't say I don't love having the new dogs in my life, they are a pure joy! Did I mention a lot of work too!!! 2 is twice as nice, but twice the work! We do have a good routine going now and they really are settling into our family nicely. The cat may even secretly like them! Haha!
If you can believe this I have managed to be crafty this month. Not as much as I would like but still got a few pages done for the scrapbook. Really need to get myself organized and finish the photos from 2009 so that I can get onto 2010...only 2 years behind in my scrapping. Actually still have photos of the kids from years ago to scrap, but just don't know where to start!

Anyway I now participate in a challenge over at every month. It is a sketch challenge and really gets me motivated to scrap. Which is what I need monthly, a little motivation and time!

This challenge that I do has 4 weeks of sketches and the challenge runs mid month to mid month. Once they are all in we start voting on our favorites, then there is a tally and more voting to find a monthly winner. I think the winner gets sent some kind of RAK but since I have never won I have no idea. I don't do it for that reason, I do it to get some ideas and really to be honest to get some pages done!

I promise I will be back tomorrow with another post, I have a few more pages I created and want to share, even a card or 2!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

New babies to keep me busy!

So over the weekend I was surprised with not 1 but 2 new puppies!!! My husband and kids went to go look at some abandoned puppies that my sister's inlaws had and they ended up bringing both of them home! They are jack russell/beagle mix, called jackabees. I feel like a new mom getting up in the middle of the night, early morning feedings, and constantly being on call! Actually they are a great addition to the family and once the "training" period is over they are going to be such a joy!

Both of them have decided they love to lay in my flower bed. So now a few of my hostas and daisies are a little smushed. This weekend I have got to find a screening or netting to put around my flower bed so they will not have access to it and more of my flowers aren't ruined!

The above photo is Sami. She is easy going and a really people pleaser. She wants to be told what to do and follow orders! I can tell she is going to be a cuddler, she loves getting on your lap and curling up to sleep.
This is Zoey, otherwise known as the problem child! Haha! Actually she is quite good, but just a slow learner. It has taken her a couple of days to figure out my commands and do them correctly. She also likes to whine a little and has a terrible time trying to get comfortable when it is time for a nap.

I can't wait for some time to start making scrapbook pages of them! I can already tell they love the camera!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

This is what I have been doing!

Hey folks! Been a very busy month of April for me...didn't realize that I would still be busy in the spring after I gave up all of my volunteering positions! Anyway my son was in the play The Wizard of Oz and after a very long year of rehearsals and classes they finally got to perform. I was in charge of costumes, only a few but still it was a lot of work! Here are some photos from the evening's performance!
Of course we had to take a few family photos with the "star". You never know if he will become famous one day and forget we are family! So gotta have prove with the photos!

Here he is very relieved to be getting the makeup off his face...think it made him just a little hot! I am as always talking to someone as I remove the makeup!!!After the show the family and friends went to a local restaurant called Little Azio's for some dinner. Great little place that has tv's in the booths. The kids always love that feature. Then we ended the evening at Bruster's to celebrate the successful show!