Friday, April 10, 2009

I am back!

I really enjoyed some much needed rest in the mountains this week, unfortunately the week went by so quickly! I came home Wednesday and had to go back to work, but the boys stayed behind to continue some maintenance on the camper...nothing really exciting going on for me, except I was a scrapping fool, got 16 pages done and a mini fun! Except I don't have my camera with me so I can't take photos of all my new stuff, it will have to wait til next week.
Today I am off to shop with the girls, my daughter and her friend, it prom dress shopping time...we already have one, but need to get shoes, jewelry, and alterations...I would normally do the alterations but her dress is beaded and needs some hand work so I am thinking I will leave it to the pros, unless it is too expensive, then I will make the time to work on it!
I can't believe that it is Friday already, the weeks just flew by...seems to happen that way now that I am getting older! No fair! Gotta find me some youth juice! Hoping to come back soon with some good shopping news...I will for sure update today with all the good finds!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spring Break

Yippey! It is spring break for my kids this coming week! I know they are so ready for a break from school! As for me, I need a break too, but I just can't take the time off work, so we are only having a short trip this time...we leave Sunday for the mountains for a couple of days, should be fun! Of course we are going to clean our place and get it ready to sale...kind of bitter sweet. Oh well, it is just life and right now we could use the money in our pocket and not have to worry about the upkeep of the camper.

Nothing new in the creative department to share today...just haven't been in the mood lately. I do have layouts from Monday, but I haven't unpacked them from my bag to take pictures of...just call me lazy, or too busy! I think I like the latter one.

I will share with you a little book that I made as a make n take at one of my card swap get togethers, don't think I ever posted it here...think we made it in February, I am so behind...I keep meaning to add photos to it but no time!

Hoping everone has a great weekend! I know I will because I am working today and then we are having a big steak dinner, should be yummy! That is another story to tell, got some filet mignon's on sale this week for $8.99 a pound, but apparently one was mismarked and I paid 54 cents for it!!! Didn't even realize until I was home! It has been a while since we had a steak dinner, with us watching all the money that is just not an economical meal, but I just really wanted it! Going to start our spring break off right with a little BBQ and enjoy some much needed R&R! Not! I will spent the next 3 days cleaning! Campers get very dusty in the winter. I will have access to the computer and internet so hoping to get a post or 2 in...trying to get better about posting even if it is just a little something!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

It's Hump day!!!

So it is already the middle of the week and I feel like I have been so busy I can't even remember what day it is!!! I want my life to slow down! There are just too many things screaming for my attention, kids, housework, errands, homework, meetings, etc. I just don't have enough hours in the day to get it all done! Think I am slowly loosing my mind!!! The good news is spring break is next week for our kids...makes things a little easier, I can at least sleep in! We are going up to the mountains to our camper for part of the is bittersweet though because we are getting it ready to sell. I am so sad that we are selling, but need to move on and make some changes in our life. One day we will be able to afford it again and get a better camper! Of course with the state of this economy we may find it difficult to sell, so we shall see.

On the kid news front Miranda made both the football and basketball Varsity cheerleading squad! I get to be president of the program one more year! Yay for me! Devon went to a follow up dr. appt and his stomach infection seems better, but we still keep him on some of the meds for another month. Devon did however get in trouble on the bus, there is this girl that likes to bully him and I have been talking with the bus driver for several months and nothing really changed until my son had enough and won't a not so nice letter and threw it folded as an you can guess that he got in trouble. Lucky me getting a call from the asst. principal on Friday afternoon. So everything is good now, but we have not let him ride this bus this week, just want things to settle down after that incident. Apparently this little girl gets in lots of trouble on the bus and at school, so it was no surprise to the asst. principal when I told him of all the previous incidents, we did decide to put Devon in a group class to help him with friends and give him some time to talk to the counselor. I am so worried about him, he is the smallest in his class and seems to get picked on alot, instead of deal with it he gets angry, he holds it all in and then will explode...not a good thing. I am sure if we continue to talk with him and teach him to make good choices then it will be better for him. Didn't mean to go off on a tangent, but I am feeling like this situation is consuming my time lately and it certainly helps me to talk about it, or just write it on my blog.

In personal news, I had a migraine this weekend...guess it was all the stress that caused it. Made me so sick on Sunday. I was suppose to head to Lake Lanier for a work party and sleep over on a house boat, but ended up waiting until late Sunday to get there...took me taking my meds twice before the headache dulled enough for me to function. Of course I get to the party and have no fun at all, it was too loud so I went to bed while the others had a blast! I did enjoy the next morning when we went for a cruise on the boat. I think I will have some photos later in the week to share, haven't had any time to look at my camera and go through them...maybe later!

I will leave you with these photos from a few weeks ago. Me and a few friends from work went to see Kate Gosslin speak and one of them got to go and meet her! We were so excited and jealous for her!

Sorry for such the long post, but I felt like I needed to get all of this out!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Crazy Day!

So today I had to be up really early and out the door for a meeting at work...Dan was out of town so I put dinner in the crockpot before I left...somehow I had a million things to do so getting out of the house on time proved to be almost impossible. One of my important things to do was to photograph another card I made for my next month's card swap group. We are only suppose to make one card for each of our 12 members, but this month I went crazy! I just couldn't help myself...I saw this technique in a book and just had to try in my oh so little spare time I just whipped this up!
The ladies in my card group call me an overachiever...I just can't help myself, call me what you want, I am a crafting fool! Whatever I am, it is such a stress reliever to come home and do a little crafting...or spend my day off in pj's and crafting. It 's all about the craft to me!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy Tuesday!

I have been so happy to be home for the past couple of days...I have really needed the rest and relaxation...just to be home with no pressure of deadlines hanging over my head!!! Makes me so happy! Really I am! I spent the day yesterday with a friend, she is going back to school so we went and got all her registration in order, I had to shove her through the doors, literally! She is really nervous about going back. We also enjoyed a lovely lunch outside, because the weather here in GA was just beautiful is another story, overcast, getting ready to rain.

Spent the afternoon catching up on Oprah, I had a whole week's worth of shows to watch...boy I never can sit for that long of a stretch, but I did and really enjoyed the down time...only to get a call from my hubby asking if I could take Devon to scouts, he was not going to make it in time, so off we went...ended up being some special Arrow of Light ceremony and the kids got awards so I am glad that I went.

Today I am home again and hoping to do some more crafting and laundry...not looking forward to the latter, but someone has to keep up with it!!! My hubby is out of town for the night for work so it is me and the kids, that means we can eat a crazy dinner like breakfast or soup, maybe mac and cheese! All I am saying is it is easier to cook for only 3 and we are not so picky about what's for dinner!

So I wanted to share my latest card for my card swap group in April...I can't believe I am done with it! I usually am scrabbling at the last minute, but not this time...I really enjoyed having the time to be creative and I think it shows! I did things that I might normally not do because of the time constraints but since I was not pressured I went for it...hope you like it!

Gotta go to the store and find a storage solution to some of my scrapbook stuff...they are on sale this week so I thought I would hop over to Hobby Lobby and take a look at what they have...I am constantly in need of changing it up! Hoping to get back quickly so I can get back to crafting! Happy Tuesday!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Hello, my friend!

Have you missed me? I know I have not been good this month about just happens and I got too busy! It was all I could do this month to get through a day! I do have some new creations that I want to share with you. I didn't have time for much personal scrapbooking this month, but I did make several gifts and cards...they are all so cute!
This first one is the card I made for my card swap group...I totally love the fun spring colors and of course the egg shape of the card! The card says Eater Blessings, because the theme this month was blessings or luck...the cards that everyone brought were amazing...will post those when I get a few minutes to take photos of them! Here is one my friend made for the group...

I love the lime green, black, and white color scheme for this card, the stamp says Blessed beyond measure...we had to search for these scallop punches...we bought the nestabilities square, it took us a little while to figure out, but really like the finished card!

My next photo is the last bit of cheer gifts I made for our end of year banquet...I don't know why I didn't take more pictures...but this was all I had, oh well! I made these cute albums and little pillows for each of the coaches , also included a gift card for starbucks and sonic in their gift! Who doesn't love a little coffee and fast food!! LOL!

Hopefully I will be able to continue to post something to my blog this week, I have so much to share...and life has slowed down for me just a bit...I actually stayed home all day on Sunday...if you can believe it! In fact the whole family was home, I think some of us didn't know what to do!!! I did enjoy some crafting and was a good day!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cheer invitation

I thought I would finally share the invitation to our cheer banquet that I made...I made it several weeks ago, but am just getting around to posting it! I have not been good this week about blogging. Things have just come up and I have not taken the time to sit down and make myself type something!!! Anyway, these invitations were really easy to make, just figured out the measurement of the card, then printed them out on cardstock, cut them, and punched all the pawprints! 240 to be exact, boy did my hand hurt after that!

I did have a good weekend with friends, we spent both days crafting! I went to Archiver's on Friday the local scrapbook store for a card class and stayed all night to scrap, then I worked was really busy, then off to my boss's house for craft night. We made the cutest wine glasses!!! I had so much fun painting and decorating them...I have officially decided that for all birthday's this year I would be giving the wine glasses! They are so festive and fun!

The same night we painted wine glasses we also painted dish towels, I wanted it to reflect me so this is what I came up with...I love the way it turned out and I decided to hang it on the end of my kitchen island, I can look at it when I sit at my table doing crafts...makes me so happy!