Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I know that it has been a long time since I have posted anything. I was just looking at my list of post and there are a lot that I forgot to post almost a year ago. I am going to post them anyways just for those (grandparents) who care. I have lots of pictures to bombard my blog with. Hopefully it won't take me another year to add them to my blog..

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"Look No FEET"

About a year ago, maybe longer, Umpa (Tyler's dad) found a power wheel at a job, and they were going to throw it away. Umpa decided to take it and give it to Lizette. It wasn't working so Tyler was able to fix it. He even modified it so instead of having a 6 volt battery he put in a 12 volt battery. Needless to say it goes pretty fast but it is a favorite toy around our house. Lizette likes to do "tricks" on it. The other day she said, "Look! No FEET!" It was really funny. Then she wanted Anders to ride with her. He thought it was the coolest thing ever. FYI- Tyler was right there even though you can't see him in the picture.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Swim Lessons: Seahorse

Lizette took swim lessons this month with her best friend, Penny. Lizette loved going to "swim school" as she likes to call it. Her class was all girls. The swim instructor David had his hands full. Lizette did really well, she is such a little fish just like her Dad. I was a little worried, because this was her first time taking lessons without one of us in the pool. Luckily, she had her best friend Penny in the class. Lizette did so great. I was worried that the teacher wasn't watching her close enough because she spent most of the time underwater. She was on the step trying to swim with her head underwater and kicking her legs and moving her arms as if she was doing laps. I am glad that she enjoys the water and that she has so much confidence. Anders enjoyed the water sprinklers at the pool. Maybe next year he will be taking swim lessons as well..

Thursday, February 25, 2010

First Solids

Anders had his first taste of solids when he was a little over 6 months. I knew it was a pain to feed a baby solids, I just forgot how annoying and almost unbearable it was. As to be expected he didn't like it at all. It took a really long time for him to like any food. Now he is doing a lot better. Thank goodness.

Friday, November 27, 2009


Lizette loves putting stickers on Anders. What a trooper..

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Onions Anyone!

After church, Tyler was cutting an onion for dinner. Lizette kept saying, "I want one. I want one." We tried to explain to her that it was an onion and that she would not like it. She kept on saying, "But I like it. I LOVE IT!" Tyler decided to give her a fourth of an onion to show her that she didn't like it. But as a stubborn Barton she had to prove us wrong. She ate like ten bites before she decided she didn't want it anymore. Tyler and I were laughing so hard that she ate that many bites.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


So now that Lizette has a little brother. She has adjusted better than I thought she would. She loves Anders. She almost always loves to hold him.She always tries to play with him and loves to try to make him dance. I still have to tell her a million times a day that she has to be gentle with Anders and that he is just a little baby. Every morning Anders and I wake Lizette up. She loves it when Anders lays in her bed with her and she gives him a stuff animal to play with or she "reads" him a book. I know that sometimes she wants more attention from Tyler and I but she never takes that frustration out on Anders. Since Anders has been a really colicky baby the crying has been driving me crazy, but she never gets mad. She just hugs him and says, "It's alright Anders. I'm here, I love you." It is really cute. I know that they are going to be great friends.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009: Attack of the Killer Bees

For Halloween, we decided that Lizette and Anders would go as bees, because we were getting two bee costumes. This was the first year that Lizette really understood the concept of Trick or Treating. On the morning of Halloween, we went to the pumpkin patch to get pumpkins for the whole family. Lizette wanted EVERY pumpkin. We finally had her choose just one. Anders didn't care he was asleep the whole time.

After nap time for the whole family, we carved pumpkins. Lizette, Anders, and I carved simple faces on our pumpkins. Tyler carved all of our faces on his pumpkin. It turned out really cute. We lit them at Tyler's parents house, because we weren't going to be home for the night.

We went trick or treating with some of my cousins, and Lovstedts' aka Penny. Lizette and Penny had lots of fun going trick or treating. Lizette thought it was the greatest thing ever. Anders' was asleep in his bee costume the whole time.

After going around the block, we went to Tyler's parents house for Lizette to say Trick or Treat, and to eat a couple pieces of candy.

After going to see Grandma and Umpa, we went to see Auntie Doris and Aunt Kathryn. Lizette was the only trick or treater they had all night, so of course she got a lot of candy. Luckily Auntie Doris had a small trampoline so Lizette was able to work off her candy that she had that night.

Overall it was a wonder Halloween. But someone was very tired at the end of the day.

Friday, October 23, 2009


Lizette keeps thinking Anders needs to wear glasses. Poor child.

He is such a great sport.