Good Saturday to you on this windy March day in Northern Iowa where the weather continues to act like a roller coaster. Last Wednesday we woke up to a blizzard and yesterday a lot of that snow was already gone because temperatures were rising.. We are supposed to get a high of 65 on Monday?! The only animal we've seen out and about has been Charlie when Joel takes her outside to do her business. The Blizzard didn't seem to bother her at all.
Speaking of blizzards it has been a lot like our life the last couple weeks. I shared on Facebook earlier than our neighbor moved from her two bedroom ranch style home. Joel went over and talked to her family and ended up looking at the house. Then he brought me over to look at the house and we went back and looked at it a third time. Joel has been over a couple more times checking it out. Long story short we contacted a realtor and our house is on the market! We have an accepted offer on the ranch with a contingency if this one sells. Basically this is a very nice house but it has a lot of stairs and they have become a bit more challenging. This option seems the best for us, being able to stay in the neighborhood with Joe's bike trail right out the door. But only God knows what's best and we are praying that if this is not the door for us to walk through it will not open!
Speaking of houses, it's a lot of work to move it's a lot of work to show your house and it's a lot of work to purge and organize. One of our daughters says we're already so organized that it doesn't need much to be open to people looking at it. That's good to know. Speaking of what's good to know, most of the time I feel at peace with whatever the outcome of this adventure is. If the house sells okay. If it doesn't sell okay. Getting the house ready and hearing other people's comments about it has made me appreciate it more! One showing was done through FaceTime. It's a whole different world now!
Thinking about moving has me going back to remember a few of our 23 moves over the years. As an officer, the military packed us up and moved us. As a pastor we often used U-Hauls to drive across country. One move to Montana in 1980 had someone from one of the three churhes Joel served coming with a cattle semi.....there was actually still some straw in the truck where we put our furniture. That was a fun move! When we moved from Illinois to New Mexico in the Air Force as an Airman, we took what fit in our 1960 Ford....with me pregnant and throwing up in a garbage bag all the way there. This move would be across the street. Moving was always a new adventure that we mostly enjoyed but having lived in this house 20 years and both of us creeping up on 80? Adventure is not quite the word I would use.
Our oldest celebrated a birthday this week! Happy birthday B...... and and a dear friend celebrated her birthday too! Every year we get to celebrate is definitely a gift! Happy birthday Lana.
Joel has not been working in the workshop because he'd have to get everything out and put it all away if someone wanted to see the house. He's been in his office taking care of taxes. I have been walking as much as I can with a complaining hip. The house has smelled like homemade bread homemade soup and cookies this week . My 6 months of check up at the dermatologist was all good. Love that! The chiropractor is helping my hip. Love that! We've been watching a new show with Ted Danson on Netflix. A Man on the Inside . It makes us laugh! Love that!
And speaking of love it's time to say what we're grateful for this week. We're grateful for the snow we had because we needed the moisture. Grateful for a warm house during the blizzard. Grateful for the sunshine that his melted almost all the snow already. Grateful for Charlie who has been a great distraction for the grandparents. Grateful for a good report at Dermatology. Grateful for homemade soup homemade cookies and homemade bread. Grateful for the memories of all the moves we've made over the years. Grateful for our future here or across the street! Grateful for all the phone calls, the texts, the emails, and the photos that are sent our way to stay in touch. Grateful for all this and so much more.
Enjoy your weekend!