Ok, finally, i found a cheaper place to deliver the baby.. I will be delivering my lil angle in QHC Medical Centre, which is 5mins from home.. Delivery via c-section will only cost me max RM7k for 3 days 2 nights package.. Ok, this is indeed a good news.. And the one who will be responsible for my complicated pregnancy is Dato Dr Subra.. He's willing to accept me as his patient.. pheww..
Ok, one problem relieved!
Now, there's another came up..
Everytime when i did my check up, my baby seems to grow BIGGER than it supposed to be.. Last Monday, during the scan, my baby's is measuring as if his that I am 31 weeks pregnant. By right, I'm only reaching to my 29th weeks.. And the weight is almost 2kg now! wow, is this normal?
Well, now, my Dr is puzzled to determine the date of my delivery. By right, if delivery via c-section will be conducted 2 weeks earlier than EDD.. But now, we dont even know when exactly is my EDD.. hmmm...
And, i have to be super careful now, since ive already in the scary "7months stage" that the baby MIGHT want to deliver now (depending on the capability of my uterus)... But so far, the Dr said that my torn uterus is still in a good shape.. alhamdulillah..
And that's not the worst case, my husband probably couldn't be with me should i deliver early... :( He'll only be back after 2nd May 2013...
Ok, i just hafta keep on praying and praying.... May everything runs as smooth as it is supposed to be.. ameen.. ameen..