" name="description"/> Just My Little Bit: 2014

December 12, 2014

Watercolor Flowers

I got a new set of watercolors and I’ve been practicing with them.

Not great but I like it.

Linked to Paint Party Friday

December 11, 2014

Documented Life Project Wks 47 - 50


Surprise, I joined another group. Documented Life Project - 2014.  I’ve always wanted to combine a planner and art and this was the best way for me at the moment. 

I made the journal I’m using for the project using letter sized file folders and my sewing machine.  I wasn’t sure the sewing machine wouldn’t tear the paper but it didn’t. It’s holding up really well. The gesso I add to it will strengthen the seam line.

Wk – 47 - Ojo Landscape – This is a spa we frequent in Northern New Mexico named Ojo Caliente. We love the place and I painted this after our last trip…This is a picture of the cliffs that are next to the hot springs pool. The spa has them lit up at night and they are beautiful. They even look cool when you’re in the pool as the snow is falling as it did this last trip in November.Ojo Landscape

Wk – 48 Gratitude – What else would you journal about over the Thanksgiving weekend?Quotes this time as there are too many, to name, things to be grateful for.


Wk 50 – Dream Vacation – As long as I’m dreaming I might as well go in a hot air balloon.

Dream Vacation

What new groups have you joined recently?

November 11, 2014

Happy Veteran’s Day to all Vets.


Thank you for your service.

The tag says: 

Thank you for the sacrifices you and your families are making.
Our Vietnam Veterans have taught us that no matter what our positions
may be on policy, as Americans and patriots, we must support all of our soldiers with our thoughts and our prayers. ~~ Zack Wamp

Today is also the 8th anniversary of my dad's death. He was a vet having served during WWII, stationed in France. Miss you dad!

VeteransDay 2014

November 2, 2014

Still drawing faces


I started out to draw a few sets of eyes; just eyes so I could get in some more practice but she wouldn’t sit still for just eyes.  She said all or nothing.  So the full face it was. Sometimes you just have to do what the muse wants to do. .

October 5, 2014

It’s Sunday


Spent the early part of the day harvesting veggies from the garden and boy did we get tons of eggplant, zucchini, butternut squash, and sweet potatoes. I see a roasted vegetable and quinoa salad in our future.

Then there is the new face.  What can I say, I like drawing faces.  This is is a little too dark around the hairline but I like it.  This one was started with ink because I was foolish enough to think I could join INKtober 31 (361 ink drawings in 31 days).  Well, I did join only to figure out it was over my head.  I’m not an ink person.  I like to erase too much.  In other words, there isn’t a first line that I like let alone love.

It ended up being a colored pencil drawing. 

October 4, 2014

What are/were you up to on Sunday?

October 1, 2014

Sadly 29 faces -September 2014 has ended

Here is my entire collection for the month.

Sept 2014 Faces collection

I hope you enjoyed the challenge as much as I did.

Thank you for visiting. I really enjoyed your comments.

September 30, 2014

29 Faces #29


Yay! I did it! Drew 29 faces in 30 days. That was fun and I needed the practice. Believe it or not, I wish it wasn’t over yet….I need the push to create everyday and I love drawing faces.

Thanks to Martha of Ayala Art for once again hosting the September edition of the 29 Faces challenge.  It takes a lot work to pull the challenge off and she does it so well.

The drawing is 3’ wide.

29 Faces #29


Thanks for stopping by. Please visit the other 29 Faces participants listed on: http://29faces.blogspot.com/p/sept2014.html

September 29, 2014

29 Faces #27 and 28

Posting two today.


29 Faces #27



29 Faces #28

Thanks for stopping by. Please visit the other 29 Faces participants listed on: http://29faces.blogspot.com/p/sept2014.html

September 27, 2014

29 Faces # 26



29 Faces #26



Thanks for stopping by. Please visit the other 29 Faces participants listed on: http://29faces.blogspot.com/p/sept2014.html

September 25, 2014

29 Faces #25


29 Faces #25

Thanks for stopping by. Please visit the other 29 Faces participants listed on: http://29faces.blogspot.com/p/sept2014.html

29 Faces #24


#24  Sorry about the weird angle. I couldn’t get a good picture due to graphite shine. I think I need to start scanning the pictures.


29 Faces #24



Thanks for stopping by. Please visit the other 29 Faces participants listed on: http://29faces.blogspot.com/p/sept2014.html

September 23, 2014

29 Faces # 23


This is #23… getting close to the end

29 Faces #23

Thanks for stopping by. Please visit the other 29 Faces participants listed on: http://29faces.blogspot.com/p/sept2014.html

September 22, 2014

29 Faces #22

#22 already…...

29 Faces #22

Why the big laugh? He heard this joke: 

An Irish woman of advanced age visited her physician to ask his advice on reviving her husband's libido. "What about trying Viagra?", asked the doctor. "Not a chance", she said... "He won't even take an aspirin." "Not a problem," replied the doctor. "Give him an Irish Viagra." "What is Irish Viagra?", she asked. "It's when you drop the Viagra tablet into his coffee. He won't even taste it. Give it a try and call me in a week to let me know how things went."

It was a week later when she called the doctor, who directly inquired as to her progress. The poor dear exclaimed, "Oh, faith, bejaysus and begorrah! T'was horrid! Just terrible, doctor!"

"Really?, What happened?", asked the doctor.

"Well, I did as you advised and slipped it in his coffee and the effect was almost immediate. He jumped straight up, with a smile on his face, a twinkle in his eye and with his pants a-bulging fiercely! With one swoop of his arms, he sent me cups and saucers flying, ripped me clothes to tatters and took me then and there passionately on the tabletop! T'was a nightmare, I tell you, an absolute nightmare!"

"Why so terrible?" asked the doctor, "Do you mean the sex your husband provided wasn't good?"

"Freakin' jaysus, it was the best sex I've had in 25 years! But sure as I'm sittin' here, I'll never be able to show me face in Starbucks again."

Thanks for stopping by. Please visit the other 29 Faces participants listed on: http://29faces.blogspot.com/p/sept2014.html

September 21, 2014

29 Faces # 19, 20, 21

You’re eyes do not deceive you, there are 8 faces on this page not three. But since they are small and I sketched them over three days, I’m only counting them as three. I knew the weekend would be busy with only small chunks of time, here and there, to work on the 29 faces project. So my challenge was to draw as many small faces as I could over the weekend, all on the same page (the page to be completed at a later date)

I have to tell you, pencil drawings are not easy to photograph, especially in low light. The graphite picks up a sheen and obliterates the detail of the drawing. Oh no, I’m not making excuses for the bad drawings, only the bad photograph. :)

I think I like the top left and the bottom left faces the best.

29 Faces #19-20-21


Thanks for stopping by. Please visit the other 29 Faces participants listed on: http://29faces.blogspot.com/p/sept2014.html

September 20, 2014

29 Faces # 18

I spent so much time on the last drawing that I needed just a quick one this time.


29 Faces #18

Thanks for stopping by. Please visit the other 29 Faces participants listed on: http://29faces.blogspot.com/p/sept2014.html

September 19, 2014

29 Faces #17

Here is number 17…oops looks like I’m 2 days behind. 

I call it Peek-a-Boo.

29 Faces #17


hanks for stopping by. Please visit the other 29 Faces participants listed on:


September 16, 2014

29 faces #16


#16  Sorry for the poor photo. Poor lighting.

29 Faces #16

Thanks for stopping by. Please visit the other 29 Faces participants which are listed on:


September 15, 2014

29 Faces #14 and 15


This is #14:

29 Faces #14

This is #15 and my favorite to date:

29 Faces  #15



Thanks for stopping by. Please visit the other 29 Faces participants which are listed on:


September 13, 2014

29 Faces–#13


She said “Don’t cross me Mister!” in a very terse tone of voice. ….

29 Faces #13


29 Faces–#13Thanks for stopping by. Please visit the other 29 Faces participants which are listed on:


September 12, 2014

29 Faces–#12

Not much time today so just a quick sketch.

 29 Faces #12

Thanks for stopping by. Please visit the other 29 Faces participants which are listed on:


September 11, 2014

29 Faces #11


A profile view today!

29 Faces #11

I feel like there is something not quite right about it but I don’t know what.  If you know, please leave me a note in the comments.  Constructive criticism is welcome.

Thanks for stopping by. Please visit the other 29 Faces participants which are listed on:


September 10, 2014

Sept 2014 - 29 Faces # 10

This is a little departure from was I was doing but I thought I’d take a break from the pencil and paint a little. 

Actually used I used: Napkin tissue for the background, gesso, pencil, acrylic paint, Prismacolor colored pencils, and watercolor pencils from Derwent.


29 Faces #10

Thanks for stopping by. Please visit the other 29 Faces participants which are listed on:


September 9, 2014

29 Faces #9


This one was done in light and dark blue CarbOthello pencils … and an eraser. ;)

29 Faces #9

Thanks for stopping by. Please visit the other 29 Faces participants which are listed on:


September 8, 2014

29 Faces – #8


Face 8 – a guy this time.

29 Faces - #8

Thanks for stopping by. Please visit the other 29 Faces participants which are listed on:


September 7, 2014

29 Faces #7

This is #7. One week down. :) 29 Faces #7

September 6, 2014

29 Faces–Day 6


She’s looking a little concerned.

29 Faces- #6

Thanks for stopping by. Please visit the other 29 Faces participants which are listed on:


29 Faces–Day 5


This is Day 5 of the challenge. 

29-Faces Day #5

Thanks for stopping by. Please visit the other participants which are listed on:


September 4, 2014

9/2014–29 Faces #4 Pouty Boy


Wow this one was harder than I expected.  The angle of the face made it hard to get the eyes looking in the right direction and the mouth pouting in the right place. The top lip still isn’t exactly right, a little too thick.  But that’s it for tonight.

Hope you like him. From Hemlock Grove, meet Roman Godfrey (AKA actor Bill Skarsgard):

29Faces #4

September 3, 2014

29 Faces– Sept 2014 #3


Day 3.  I gave myself a challenge for today. It was to draw a small face well. I find the tiny features difficult to draw. I need more practice. :).

The photo I used was of a child in a cute knit cap. What I ended up with is a woman in a knit cap way too young for her age.   Looks like I need practice with children's faces too.

29 Faces - #3 complete

Thanks for stopping by. Now go visit the other participants at:



September 2, 2014

Sept 2014 - 29 faces 2nd

More practice :


I'd love to read your comments.

September 1, 2014

Sept 2014 - 29 faces #1


It’s that time of the year. Time for another 29 faces challenge by Ayala Art at http://29faces.blogspot.com/p/sept2014.html

This is the 1st:

29-Faces #1

March 12, 2014

Creating in Lifebook 2014 class


I went from not spending time on my art to doing almost nothing but.  Here are some from Lifebook:

Week 5 - Sugar Sugar with Marieke Blokland



Week 6: Spray Ink Love with Tamara Laporte


Week 8 - Joy of Intention with Alena Hennessy



WK 10 -Positive Life Connections

WK-10-Positive Life Connections-web

I was going to post my art from Journal 52 but I think that’s enough for today.

February 19, 2014

What I didn’t do while I was away.


I bet you thought I disappeared, didn’t you?I did sort of…..I hadn’t been doing any real art since I posted last April and before that Christmas 2012.  Oh I’d been doing some crafty stuff but nothing that really excited me enough to post. 

In January 2014, I joined Tamara Laporte’s Lifebook 2014 to get me inspired again and so I’ve been immersed in the lessons.  Here’s is what I’ve produced so far:

My word for the year is Nourish.

Week 1

The class was Warm up exercise and an  Inner Artist Guardian with Tamara Laporte



wk 2

This class was A Happy Affirmation with Micki Wilde


Wk 3

The class was Creativity & Play with Carla Sonheim and I loved it. I hope to be able to take another class with her again.

WK3-Carlas Class-sm

Wk 4:

This was from Be True to You with Kelly Hoernig.  The class wasn’t about recycled materials but I took that liberty since that was being true to me. I used coffee filters for the flowers, browns paper bag for the background, cut letters from old magazines and used white plastic bag for the tag tie. This was fun page.


I think I’ll save the rest for another day…. if anyone is still reading…comeback soon for more.


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