" name="description"/> Just My Little Bit: 1/1/12 - 2/1/12

January 19, 2012


Hello!  My name is Linda and I’m addicted to my computer in general and specifically to Pinterest . That addiction is affecting my art journaling. Or I should say…it’s creating a lack of art journaling.  I’m having fun with it but I finally had to break away to smear some paint on a page. 

I do have to credit Pinterest for allowing me to find the image of this woman. She is so lovely.


If you’d like to see what interests me, you can find me here: 


January 15, 2012

Pinterest is eating away my time.

I have been so lazy this week and haven’t done much art.  Instead, I joined Pinterest and that is how I wasted my time this past week.  OMG there is so much to see on that site…I LOVE IT!!  It’s introduced me to all sorts of websites that I’d have never found otherwise….but, My oh My,  it’s a time gobbler. I have been on site and the various blogs that it links to for HOURS and HOURS and the bad thing is that I haven’t even made it past the DYI and Craft category. Yikes!  But all was not lost, I did learn how to make laundry soap, dishwashing soap and liquid hand soap…Whoo Hooo,  Boy are we ever going to be clean around here. hehe

Anyone else having a hard time staying away from Pinterest?  If you have never been there, you are in for a treat! Click the link above and you’ll see why I’ve been enthralled.  If you decide you’d like to join, let me know and I’ll send you an invite.

So I got to feeling bad that I hadn’t posted recently so here are some of the art journal pages I worked on last week. Nothing spectacular unfortunately:

The page below is my Jan 1st, 2012 spread. The section on the right is actually a flap that I added to the page and it lists just a few of the things I’m looking forward to in the coming year.


With the flap folded, you can see my word for 2012….Joy. Our family has had enough stress to last us a lifetime. What we need is more JOY.


Nothing special here, just some daily entries.



One thing I did learn is that composition notebook paper doesn’t take paint/gesso well.  I may have to resort to using my chalk pastels if I want color.

January 3, 2012



Another page for the Traveling Art Journal group.  This page is for Sarah, whose theme was “Home”.  Trav4SarahCooper




The quote not shown was “A house is not a home until it contains food & fire for the mind as well as the body. ~~ Ben Franklin


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