We went through alot of trouble to search for this place in the Kota Laksamana area, with a blend of housing estates and shophouses. Drove around the place umpteen times, searching up and low for any visible signs of it. As it turns out, we've actually driven past it a few times without noticing because they do not have any visible signboard in front of their shop. The only clue we've gotten is the BBQ pit they have parked in front.
A no-frills outlet where you get to catch a glimpse of the Sungai Melaka, while munching away sticks after sticks of satays. What's so special about them ? Well, not much places offer pork satays in Malaysia simply because majority of the stalls are operated by our Muslim friends. You should head out to try it, instead of the usual beef, mutton or chicken satay. Another thing that's special is the satay sauce, mixed with pineapples. Much more appetizing than the conventional satay gravy, in my opinion.