Friday, July 30, 2010
Well, it's official!!!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
TWT - Lilly on Water
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Progress: Week 2
Until next time...
Thursday, July 22, 2010
TWT - Visions in Plaid
This dress needs to come out of my closet a little more often - I love it! I just don't wear dresses on a regular basis, and don't really get a lot of good excuses to wear it. Maybe it's time to just make one!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Progress: Week 1
Friday, July 16, 2010
Blog Roll: Sew a Straight Line
I found Sabra through Sew Much Ado a month or so ago when she shared the domesticated skirt on the We Did it Wednesday. I've had a lot of fun going back through her old projects & look forward to her sewing lessons as she works her way through an old sewing textbook. I think it's a fantastic idea & know her blog is a great resource for new ideas & instructions.
Be sure to check her out!
Until next time...
Thursday, July 15, 2010
New Goals
Today I’ve come up with a few new goals for the next month & a half!
--Create at least 5 items per week.
--Try at least one new pattern per week.
--Don’t post any finished projects on FB. One of my big roadblocks to the Etsy shop is items keep getting snapped up from friends on FB. I will continue to blog new projects though, so no worries here! This will also be helped by the fact that I will no longer be showing off items at work after next week.
--Have the Etsy shop fully up, running, and partially “stocked” by the end of August.
--Start planning Christmas presents. :)
--Get everything ironed out with the Origami Imposter bag, and maybe (maybe!) post a tutorial.
So…let’s see how this goes! :)
Until next time…
TWT - Raven Baby
She has always loved to sleep with her head up on something – anything. I don’t see how this could have been comfortable, but it wasn’t the only time we found her sleeping like this. Even now, she’s most happy when she can lay with her head up on a pillow, a blanket, or even a different floor surface than the rest of her body.
Until next time…
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
LOTS of pockets!
Side note - also happy to have gotten smart & thought to use the coat rack to hang purses on to photograph instead of the pantry door. :)
You can't really see the flap from here (more on that in a bit), but it attaches to the inside of the purse with a magnetic snap. Oh boy do I love these magnetic snaps. The flap is the polka dot print that matches the lining & "pant style" pockets. These pockets are great for keeping phone, sunglasses, & keys nice & handy.
Here is is where the flap is supposed to sit - on the outside of the purse. Somehow I managed to sew it in backwards though, and of course didn't realize it until it was all sewn together & I was getting ready to put the other half of the snap on. Thankfully, it actually works out pretty well attaching to the inside, I just happen to like the way it looks better this way, but at least it's still functional. Can't beat that kind of mistake. :)
Two simple flat pockets on the inside & a nice flat bottom. I forgot to take a picture of it sitting on the counter, but because of the nice heavy interfacing I used it actually sits up nicely & doesn't slouch. I didn't intend for it to be quite that sturdy, but again, a happy thing (I won't call this one a mistake!).
I'm thinking I could make the bag reversible, but then the cool pockets would be on the inside. It doesn't really work with this one because the interfacing is so rigid, so it sits funny, but it's another option.
(Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! Or the messy countertop.)
You might be asking - why I didn't have my fantastic hubby take the picture for me? Well, he looked pretty similar to this, only sans the moose. :)
My original plan after finishing this up was to not make one again any time soon! But of course I had to go & show it off at work & now have a couple orders for more. Oh, the trouble I get myself into sometimes! :) But really, I think most of my troubles were due to the fact that it was my first run through the pattern and most of the work was done when I was dog-tired & late at night. Some daytime sewing should move things along at a better pace next time.
Changes in mind for next time: wider straps - these ones are just a bit too narrow for me (about 3/4"); going to try a single strap from the sides instead of the double straps; thinking about sizing it up; thinking about chopping it shorter, but keeping the same basic shape/size otherwise; maybe adding a divider on the inside. Ummm...I know there were more I thought of as I was going to sleep last night, but they're long gone by now. I think I'm lucky to have remembered this much. :)
Until next time...
Work in Progress
This is the bag lining, with the pocket made from the main body fabric.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Keyka Lou Envelope Clutches
I love these Keyka Lou envelope clutch patterns & have had a lot of fun making them. I picked up some more of her patterns as well & can't wait to try them out. Her instructions are fantastic & come with lots of good pictures. Definitely check them out if you're interested - or just order the finished product from me! :)
If you want to see my progression from where I started to where I am now, go from the bottom up. If you don't care & just want me to get on with it already & see what I've made, then be lazy like I am right now & just read top down like a normal person. :)
Here's the clutch I just finished up, and being the last, it's by far the best of the group. I'm getting the round corners worked out & am really happy with how the button & loop worked out. As you'll see eventually, my first attempt ended up with way too big of a loop of elastic, the button not quite centered with the loop, and the flap coming way too far down on the clutch. I'm happy to be improving.
My first attempt at embroidering a project (I'm not exactly counting the brand the other night). Just some simple stitching around the polka dots on the outside. I'm pretty happy with it. My stitches aren't perfect (it is my first try, after all!), and I kind of wish I had gone with a lighter pink instead of picking one to match exactly. Either way I love the effect though & look forward to more embellishing with embroidery. The top of the flap is still pretty wonky here where I had to slip stitch it closed. The last one (see above) was much better.
The first mini envelope clutch. I just used some of the scraps I had sitting around from the pillow cover bags & the failed cutting for the Origami Imposter bag (which I swear I haven't forgotten about! It's just so much easier to work from actual patterns & instructions instead of just making sense of what's in my head!). The sewing on the flap of this one isn't too terrible, but not great either. I also need to find something other than these little snaps to use as closures, I'm not happy with how they look once they're sewn on & they feel like they're going to pull off the clutch every time I try to unsnap them.
Size comparison between the regular & mini envelope clutches. I'm considering trying to resize the pattern a little to get a mid-size & maybe a bigger one, but that's WAY down on the to-do list.
This one uses the same fabric as I used for my domesticated skirt (speaking of which, I really need to take some new pictures since I got it all hemmed up!). I used some of the fabric to make another skirt for a lady at work who liked mine & thought she might like a matching clutch as well (turned out I was right!). This was the second large clutch I made & it came together much quicker & easier than the first since I had an idea of what I was doing. Unfortunately I wasn't paying attention when I cut the lining fabric & of course all the butterflies ended up on the inside where they can't be seen. Go figure.
I definitely like the magnetic closure on this one & had intended to use it on the one I made today (brown & pink paisley, above), but forgot to add the piece to the pocket & was forced to use the button & loop again (which actually worked about much better than expected).
The very first clutch! My friend's birthday was July 4 & we were meeting them to go out Saturday night. I knew I wanted to make something for her but didn't know exactly what yet & hadn't gotten a chance to actually do it. About 2:00 Saturday afternoon I finished up with another project I was working on & decided I would make her one of these (we were leaving the house at 5:30 & I still had to shower/get ready to go out). It took about 2 hours, including time to cut out the pattern pieces, so I was pretty darn happy with myself.
Like I said before, the elastic on this one got a little long & I made my seam allowances too small, so when closed, then button ended up being practically at the bottom of the bag. I also centered it on the bag, not on the loop closure, so it's a little wonky. Overall, it didn't turn out bad though & I was pretty darn happy for my very first try.
So that's my (reverse) progression through the envelope clutches. I'm in the process of getting fabric cut out for my next project & can't wait to share it!
Until next time...
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Cherry Lane Textiles
I think the umbrella one on the lower right is my favorite.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Take a stab at it...
My first attempt at embroidery. Not too shabby! I decided to just play around on a piece of scrap fabric & kind of wish I had used something a little bigger now so I could make some sort of patch out of it, but it's not too tiny (the design itself is about 1.5 inches across), so I may still try to do something with it. At the very least it's going up on the bulletin board.
Sometimes life gets in the way of…well, itself
After my marathon sewing session this past weekend (one pillow cover bag, two large Keyka Lou envelope clutches, one small envelope clutch, and a domesticated skirt) in the midst of our house projects, I haven’t touched the sewing machine all week. Tuesday night I did cut out fabric & iron on interfacing for another set of envelope clutches, but then I realized I cut the fabric pieces too small, decided I was too tired to bother with it, and haven’t gotten back to it yet. I have major plans for this weekend to finish up those clutches & try out some new patterns, but in the mean time, I’m just taking a break.
You see, we’re going through some pretty big changes in our household. Not only are we in the middle of a not-entirely-voluntary-half-house-remodel (which has things in total chaos, the only plus being that I’m able to set up the sewing machine in the living room), but Nick just decided to change roles at work, and I just quit my job (as in, gave notice today!) to take one much, much closer to home. Thankfully, I’ve had some time to think over the decision & am at the point that I am very comfortable with it, and know it is the right choice to make. I’m not going into this wondering if I might be making a mistake, which is much more comforting, but didn’t make giving notice this morning any easier.
With the combined stress of the house stuff and both our job issues (though, thankfully, Nick’s was only a week or so process, instead of months-long), I haven’t been sleeping well and my crafting mojo has finally taken a hit. After the fabric cutting incident Tuesday night, I decided it was a good idea to hang up all things crafty, and take a break, even if only for a couple days. The relief of having today over with makes me feel ready to jump right back in though, and I’m excited about trying out some new stuff in the coming weeks.
The best part of all this job stuff is that I am gaining back quite a bit of time I was losing every day sitting in traffic & waiting for Nick after work, so I should have more time for stuff around the house and more crafty crap! And, as a treat to myself, I’m taking off a week between jobs! While I know I will have some house duties to take care of, and have been threatened with a growing honey-do list, I plan to take a majority of the free time to sew-sew-sew & get my Etsy shop fully up and running!
So that’s life in our little corner of the world right now, hope yours is going well!
(okay…so maybe there was a little more crafting talk than I expected…)
Until next time…
Thursday, July 8, 2010
TWT - Jamaican Sunset
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Blog Changes
Argh...just looked at the blog in IE & it doesn't look the same as in Google Chrome...back to the drawing board. :(
Until next time...
Saturday, July 3, 2010
A word from the now wiser
Thursday, July 1, 2010
TWT - America
Until next time...
Blog Roll: B Sew Crafty
And she has the coolest name ever. Hi Bree! :)
I’m already a follower of her blog, B Sew Crafty, and was planning on featuring her first when I started my blog roll posts, so now seems like a perfect time to start! Quick, go visit her & then when she gets to be one of the super famous blogs, you can say you followed her way back when she started out.
I had planned on waiting to feature her until I got to try this great tutorial, but didn’t get to it last night like I had hoped, so I’ll have to update on that later.
Bree is just starting out on her crafting blog, similar to myself, and I can’t wait to see what she has to share. She also introduced me (though I’m sure she didn’t know until now) to Keyka Lou Patterns, which I’m really looking forward to trying out.
Until next time...