Sunday, August 23, 2009

Our beautiful Mayli Anna has arrived!

She made her entrance on Monday, August 17th at 2:52am, weighing 9 lbs 3 oz. We only had to stay in the hospital a day and a half, and are doing great. Mayli is so sweet and is such a good baby. We feel so blessed to have her in our home.

Sunday, August 16th I guess you could say I broke in the new kitchen, because that's where my water broke. I didn't think it was very common to have your water break, but I gues it's common for me since my water broke with Marlow as well.

Marlow was so excited to meet his baby sister, he was just beaming!

Leaving the hospital.

Mayli's 1st bath at home.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Kitchen Progress

My husband is AMAZING!!! He is remodeling our kitchen and when I say remodeling, I mean gutting, moving pipes, changing the layout, replacing doors & windows, etc. Here are some pics...

Marlow loves to help Matt. So when Matt got out his pipe wrench, Marlow ran to his room to get his pipe wrench to be just like Dad.

After many late nights and a lot of hard work it's coming together. We have wonderful family and friends and I have to thank them all for helping us out. They let us use their washer & dryer, and helped lay tile, install the sliding glass door, borrow their truck, and more (you know who you are). We are so blessed.