Wednesday, November 7, 2007

It's been a while...

So what have we been up to, you may ask? We have been hard at work finishing our basement. I have to say I am so lucky to be married to such an amazing and talented man. I've helped here and there with the little things, but he has done everything else. And I mean everything. (hanging doors, wiring, framing, sheetrock, etc.) He's amazing!

We were able to get the walls finished and painted just in time to have Marlow's 1st birthday party. Marlow is one lucky kid to have so many aunts, uncles, cousins, grandmas and grandpas that love him so much. He drew quite a crowd for his party. We had about 40 people, mostly family, here for the occasion. It was a bit of blissful chaos, but so much fun!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Yellowstone - Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day weekend was so fun! We had the opportunity to take Mom & Dad Watson through Yellowstone with us. One of our first stops before we got into the park, was to take a picture with the beautiful Teton Mountains in the background.

Working for Prism Papers we have a line of cardstock called Prismatics, so we had to stop and see the Grand Prismatic Spring! It's just amazing to see all the amazing intense colors within one spring.

We had a good time enjoying the scenery and great company!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Hyrum Lake

Camping at Hyrum Lake this weekend with the Watson family was so fun! It is always great to be able to spend quality time with them. We enjoyed fishing, boating, and playing games. Marlow enjoyed playing in the sand and eating it too. Yum, doesn't it sound tasty. We are fortunate to be part of such a great family.

Marlow's big boy car seat

Marlow loves his new car seat! He is so happy to be able to face forward now.
He also has 6 new teeth and is just about walking! He loves to walk, but gets nervous when he's not holding onto something or someone. He's just growing up too fast.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

4th of July Festivities

It is nice for finally have a chance to catch up on the blog.

For the 4th of July this year we went up to Idaho and stayed with Kip and Jenna's family. We had so much fun! We started off by taking the kids to the parade. They loved it, despite the 100 degree temperatures.

Later that night Kip, Jenna, Kandi, Brett, and a few others threw an amazing party with a yummy barbecue and incredible fireworks show! They even had a jumping house for all the kids!

Then the next day we went water skiing and tubing! It has been so long since I've been water skiing, I just loved every minute of it Even the jello feeling you get after you get out the water.
Then on Friday, Jenna and I were driving through town when we say a older man in front of the Post Office laying on the hot cement by himself. I appeared that he had fallen down the steps and didn't even have a chance to catch himself before hitting the hot sidewalk. We pulled over and ran up to see if he was okay. He was face down, unconscious and bleeding from his nose. I called 911, and they responded quickly and were very careful in taking care of this gentleman. I sure hope he was okay, but we weren't able to find out any more about him. I just makes you sick to think that could be your grandparent or parent and you hope that if something happened to one of your loved ones that someone would stop and help.
Then later that day we were all on our way to Twin Falls and came upon another accident. This time a car had gone completely underneath a semi trailer. It didn't look like there was any way that the person inside that car could have lived through the accident. Luckily she just before she went under the trailer, she laid her upper body into the passenger seat. Once everything came to a stop, she was still conscious and all her body parts were still intact, despite the whole top part of her car being sheared off. They had to extricate her from the car, but I'm sure she lived through the whole thing. It was a pretty crazy day!
Through all the exciting activities we had a great time. We have such great family and just love being able to spend time with them!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Nature Walk

Monday night we went upto Mirror Lake with the Budge family. As we were walking around the boardwalk Kara & I are just talking and Matt & Mike just stop dead in there tracks "What was that?" All the sudden a big moose comes bustling by. It was amazing! What a beautiful animal?

We had a great time, it's been a while since we've been able to truly appreciate the great outdoors. It's wonderful to be able to live in such a beautiful place. Thanks Mike & Kara for inviting us, it was a great idea!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Messy Eater

Marlow loves eating his baby food and it shows! At this point I just let him feed himself and then gave him a bath.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Wedding Weekend

This weekend was so fun! It started on Friday when the whole family;
Mom & Dad
Kandi & Brett's family
Jenna & Kip's family
Chad & Kacee's family
Bret and kids
all traveled to Nephi to stay the night. Since Tayli was getting married in Manti on Saturday, we all decided to stay in Nephi so we wouldn't have to travel as far Saturday morning. We all had a great time swiming in the pool all evening. Marlow loved the water!
Then Saturday morning Chad's family, Jenna's family, and our family left for Manti. We were running a bit late and started out going the wrong direction. Anyway, once we were headed in the right direction going way too fast we came upon a huge herd of sheep being herded down the middle of the road. I was hoping we were going to end up having lamb chops for lunch.

We made it safely and just in the knick of time. It was so nice, and it was such a beautiful day! They are such a cute couple and great for each other. Later we went to the lunch and then the reception at Jake's parents house. It was a long but fun day!