Thursday, March 25, 2010

I have been tagged by my cute sister, Jenna. I'm not much for participating in tagging, but here's for you Jen.

4 shows I like to watch...
1. Oprah
2. The Biggest Loser
3. Modern Family
4. The Office

4 things I am passionate about...
1. My family
2. Nature
3. Life
4. My family! Did I already say my family? They are the best!

4 phrases I say a lot...
1. I love you
2. Don't torment the cat
3. What do you want for dinner? This if for Marlow since he will not eat what we make for dinner.
4. Do you need to go potty?

4 things I have learned from the past...
1. Make the best of any situation.
2. Never think my kid will never do that, because they will.
3. Don't make quick assumptions.
4. My mom had soooo much patience when we were growing up. Amen to this one!

4 places I want to go...
1. Europe
2. New York
3. Africa
4. Disney World

4 things I did yesterday...
1. Went to work
2. Took a bike ride
3. Filled the car with gas
4. Made dinner

4 things I am looking forward to...
1. Easter
2. Going to Idaho
3. Tax return
4. The weekend

4 things I love about Winter...
1. Watching the snow fall
2. Watching the excitement on Marlow's face at Christmas time.
3. Hot chocolate
4. A warm cozy house

4 things on my wish list...
1. Laptop
2. Sunshine
3. Vacation
4. Is it sad that I can't think of anything else right now?

4 people I am tagging...
1. Tara H.
2. Kara B.
3. Melanie M.
4. Monica O.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Family Pictures


Marlow was a 'monster' as he called himself and was Mayli a peapod.

Marlow turns 3

I'm a little behind on posting, but I can't forget to spotlight Marlow celebrating his 3rd Birthday. With Mayli in the house now Marlow doesn't get as much attention as he used to, but he has adjusted very well and is quite protective.

Here are some of my favorite things about Marlow. He's...
-a wonderful Big Brother.
-so genuinely loving and caring.
-smart and loves books.
-is very athletic and has a great throwing arm.
-is so happy.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A big day for our sweet Mayli

Mayli was blessed on Sunday and Matt did such a great job, the blessing was beautiful. We are so fortunate to have such wonderful family and friends to enjoy this wonderful day with us. Mayli is so loved already.

Utah State Fair

It's always fun to go to the fair to see the animals (or to watch Marlow check out the animals), people watch, and eat fair food. We were sad to have missed the Burley fair this year, but it was fun to enjoy the festivities closer to home.

Marlow wanted to go on the big yellow slide, but changed his mind as soon as he was on his way down it. It was higher and scarier than he thought it would be.

Ta Da!

After many hours of hard work Matt is done with the kitchen, minus a little bit of trim. I guess it never ends, but we are so glad to have such an open and functional kitchen. I'm not much of a cook, but with an updated kitchen it can be fun.