Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Visit to ENT

recently, bawak harraz jumpe our beloved paed...tkde demam ape pun, just we suspect harraz ni selalu runny nose + batuk berkahak sbb allergy / resdung...nyakit sama cam abahnya...sbb pagi2 selalu dia bersin, idung berair n dgr batuk berkahak...t'hari, ptg mmg jarang2 dengar....setelah paed check2, dia pun suspect the same thing sbb tekak tk merah pun...kalau batuk2 biasa tu tekak or tonsil akan merah...

so, doc chia bg :

  1. Montelukast @ singulair
  2. Aerius utk allergies/runny nose
  3. Mucosolvan utk kahak
  4. Antibiotik  - Zyhtromax x silap...
so far, lepas 2 hari makan ubat2 ni...alhamdulillah mmg batuk dah tk dengar or sangat2 jarang dengaq...hidung pun clear tk leleh2 dah...doc cakap batuk tu sbb hidung dia berair n ganggu pernafasan yg bersangkut ngan salur tekak...sbb tu dia terbatuk - mcm reaksi kepada runny nose lah....

dis week, en somi plak...jumpa Pakar ENT kt Gleneagles...plan nk jumpa dr Palaniappan...ENT yg sama yg aku jumpa masa tonsil teruk + mulut berulser teruk dulu, tp dr Palaniappan tk available @ jumpa Dr Oh...ape lagi....kena wat endoscopy la kannn...siap dpt print out images ala2 ultrasound gitu kikikiki...

doc cakap mmg ada keradangan kt idung en somi...mana tknye kannn dah lama sangat dahhh dok batuk2, bersin camtu...baru skrg nk pegi kannn...then doc prescribe ubat yg ekceli function dia lebih kurang macam yg harraz dapat:
  1. Aerius ( utk allergies tp dos org dewasa la)
  2. Flumuicil ( dos utk org dewasa...harraz pernah dpt seblom ni)
  3. Antibiotik
  4. Nasal Spray
Alhamdulillah tgk tu ada progress, batuk berkahak tebal dah berkurangan...dan bersin awal pagi pun berkurang...lg 2 minggu kena pi wat endoscopy lg utk tgk ada perubahan tak kt keradangan tu...kalau tkdak or still sempit, MAYBE kena minor surgery utk besarkan laluan udara tu...en somi kata perbesaq longkang macam JKR dok buat tu wakakak...tkpun tebuk lubang idung dr 2 jadik 4...haa lg efisyen kan ekekkeke

apa pun harap 2-2 beranak ni cepat laaa sembuh dr nyakit allergy or resdung ni...aku ade gak resdung tp tk sampai tahap cam derang...sbb aku rajin gi buang resdung hihihi...en somi eksyen, konon nk buat kt ustaz shahul hamid bla bla...dr harraz tkleh jalan sampai dah nk dpt adik pulak ni tk pi pun lagi adoiyaiinye punnn...

ok tu je nk update wat masa skrg...=P

Friday, April 20, 2012


minggu lepas ada buat lasagna bolognese bersempena kepulangan + permintaan kakanda + utk merasmikan oven baru mak itew aku pun bajet macam terer siot buat ni la aku share skek resipi yg aku guna ek...for reference je la...aku prefer baca 2-3 resipi then mix n match yg familiar dgn italian food ni aku rasa tkdek masalah nk wat lasagna ni...sedangkan Garfield pun bley wat kan (dalam movie) hihihi

Bahan2 utk kuah bolognese:

kuah spageti any brand yg suka...1 botol biasa tu pun ckup
minced meat...guna 3/4 ja dr 1 tiub (any brand)
capsicum - potong2 dadu
lada hitam (aku prefer guna lada bijik tu then tumbuk sendiri)
bawang putih - cincang
bawang besar - cincang
button mushroom - hiris ikut saiz kesukaan
sayur2 (brokoli, carrot) kalau suka...potong dadu2 jugak
cabai mesin 2-3 sudu bg yg suka pedas2 skit

Bahan2 utk white sauce:

susu 2-3 cawan (aku guna fresh milk)
tepung gandum 2-3 sudu
lada hitam tumbuk halus
cheddar cheese (2 slice)
4 spoon of butter

1 kotak kulit lasagna (aku guna San Remo) tk guna semua pun, bajet tgk ikut bekas yg digunakan lah kan...

Step 1: aku rendam kulit lasagna tu dalam air suam2 panas + minyak 1 sudu utk elak melekat2 antara satu sama lain...satgi dok buat sumbang mahram plak dalam bekas tu kan (off topic!)

Step 2: Buat kuah bolognese

  1. tumis bawang putih...dah wangi, masuk bawang besaq yg dah cincang2 tu
  2. kalau nk masukkan cabai mesin, masukkan sekarang...kacau2 jgn bg bawang tu hangus
  3. masukkan lada...biar masak sat 2-3 min
  4. masukkan daging cincang...goreng2 sampai masak
  5. masukkan kuah spageti...kacau2 lg
  6. masukkan sayur2 kalau nk masukkan...pastu button mushroom
  7. buh garam secukup rasa
  8. lada benggala @ capsicum masukkan last...3-4 minit seblom tutup api. reason: overcooked capsicum akan buatkannya rasa pahit2 nnt....ok siap! biar berkuah sikit supaya serap elok dalam kulit lasagna nnt...

Step 3: White sauce

  1. panaskan butter...sampai cair
  2. masukkan tepung gandum dan keep on whisking...pastikan api tu sedang2 takut burn tepung tu...whisk sampai likat tepung td
  3. masukkan susu sikit demi sikit dan JANGAN stop whisk! proses yg melenguhkan ketiak, i know tp hasilnya ! yummeh!!
  4. kacau2 sampai takdak lumpy tepung td...then masukkan garam + lada hitam secukupnya...teruskan whisk
  5. masukkan cheddar cheese yg dah slice2 td utk mudahkan proses pencairan...whisk kacau2 sampai cheese dah cair n white sauce creamy elok...kalau pekat, tambah susu....
utk video guideline cara wat white sauce leh refer sini:

Step 4: layering process

  1. griskan sikit bekas yg nk buat lasagna
  2. first layer buh white cream pastu buh kulit lasagna
  3. sapukan white cream atas kulit lasagna
  4. buh kuah bolognese td...jgn terlalu nipis, jgn terlalu tebal...
  5. taburkan mozarella cheese (grated) atas kuah bolognese td
ulang2 layering kulit - white sauce - bolognese sauce - cheese - kulit

top layer, white sauce dan buh la cheese sebanyak mana anda mauuu...macam yg aku wat baru ni...mak yong tk hengat donia taboq penuhhhhh

lupa nak habaq...seblom wat white sauce tu panaskan oven 180 degrees...ok lepas siap final layer, cover dengan aluminium foil...aku wat cani sbb tkmo part atas tu burned sgt nnt sbb tempoh masak dalam 40 min...dah masuk dalam oven 30 min, kuarkan, buang foil yg cover utk allow topping tu masak garing skek macam dalam gambo bawah ni.....cani baru santekkkk....then siap lah! tunggu la 10 min ka 15 min camtu baru potong utk elakkan layer falls apart bila dipotong panas2 sgt....

setelah dipotong.......tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:

lasagna yg  berjaya adelah kulit masak elok (lembut) dan sebati dgn kuah...dan kulit topping tidak meleding...lalalla selamat mencubaaaaaaaa!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Walking Dead Season 2 - quick review

ok recently The Walking Dead series - my favorite tv show has just ended their season 2 part 2 (i guess)...eventho the epi shows very late around 11 pm every Friday, yet i still manage to keep my eyes open to watch the show...hihi

ok here's my quick review and i'll go based on characters:

 Rick - i totally understand your feelings and why you had to kill Shane. seriously, i do...if i was in your shoes, i've killed him earlier! maybe i'll killed him when they're leaving randall behind at a school on sumthing...Shane i'll kill shane to protect the group

Carl - STAY IN THE HOUSE for god's sake! Dale's death is totally YOUR FAULT! live with it!

Lori - i'm a woman but sorry, i don't get you! you should support your husband's decisions and understand his situation! blaming or keeping the distance for killing Shane is really showing that you're somewhat indecisive...if you told him (rick) that you'll support his decision no matter what, so please proof it! don't be such a melodramatic - drama queen! you're in the middle of pre-apocalypse! wake up!! keep your humanity terms and definition updated!

Shane - dude, i'm quite sad with your departure in this season 2. i know you seems unstable but i do understand your feelings. though you're unstable sometimes, but when it comes to deciding something that relates to the safety of the group, you're RIGHT! sadly, the other's refuse to listen it when it comes from you...if they listen to you earlier -  not to look for Sophia, the group might already reach a better place than the farm...i bid u farewell dude!

Daryl - ok if i'm a female character in this series, Daryl is definitely will be my choice as a partner @ mate...he's straight-headed, keep things simple and PROTECTIVE...i like....(please dun call me names ok haha)

Dale - a very sad departure in season 2...for good i hope =P

T-Dog - still dun understand much about you though

Andrea - i hope she'll be safe...she's a true fighter

Glenn - keep your head straight already got the blessing from Hershel, so take gud care or Maggie please!

Carol - shut up, straight up and don't be such a pussy would ya!!

Sophia - RIP

The BIG question: who is my most favorable character in The Walking Dead?? 

absolutely...........DARYL!!!! ~ngeeeeeee


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