Friday, January 13, 2012

Tess and her brothers

I thought this picture was SO cute of Talen and Tess. Her brothers love her so much. It's crazy to think about how much this one little girl is loved.
 What a stud!
 Love it!
 This was Tess's first time trying a cherry. She wasn't sure what to think about it.
 She ended up liking it... I think???

Concrete- finally!!!

Yay!!! We finally are getting a concrete driveway in our back yard leading up to the shop. I am SO happy!!! It drove me crazy to just have the gravel driveway because no matter what we did there were always weeds. Seriously... no matter how often we pulled and no matter what we sprayed the weeds were ALWAYS there! This was Ed prepping the ground getting ready for the concrete.
 Tess thought it would be so fun to ride with Ed... until she actually got in with Ed, then she was NOT  a happy girl!
 They had to do a partial pour and had to come back a couple of days later to do the rest

Of course I forgot to get a picture of the completed driveway... darn it, but we sure love it!!! It is SO nice not to have the weeds anymore and the concrete looks SO nice!

Boating at Palisades

We went boating with my parents up to Palisades. It is a beautiful lake and it was a gorgeous day. It started off a bit chilly and we thought it might rain but it turned out to be so nice! One thing I will never forget about that day is that one of Tess's jelly shoes went to the bottom of the lake. I was so sad because she wore them all the time. Thankfully I was able to find another pair!

What a fun relaxing day! Can't wait for next summer!!!

Fourth of July

The Fourth of July was so nice and warm this year. Last year was a bit chilly so we were grateful that we didn't have to freeze at the parade this year. We did our usual thing... we backed up Ed's truck to the beginning of the parade route behind all the people so we go to sit up high and watch the parade and it's also a quick get-a-way once it's over.

 After the parade we went home and relaxed so Ed and Tess went slipping-and-sliding! She loved it!!

 This was the first year that we didn't go down to the river and watch the big firework show. I was kind of sad but I was outnumbered. The rest of the family wanted to stay home and do our own firework show. Over the weekend we had gone to Alpine to get the "good" fireworks so we had our friends over and lit off our own fireworks!

 Run guys run!!!
 I think all the dad's had more fun that the kids :)
What a fun day! The 4th of July is definitely one of my favorite holidays. I love being with family and friends, the BBQ's, the parade, the fireworks and who am I kidding? I LOVE the heat!! Happy Fourth of July!

The Cabin

We went to the Taylor's cabin for the weekend over the weekend of the 4th of July. We always have fun when we go with them and we are thankful that they allow our rowdy boys to come :) Tess loves being outdoors!!

 Tray and Jayden getting ready to ride dirt bikes
 Marinda and I rode in their Rhino while all the boys rode dirt bikes and four wheelers.
 Tess loved it! She was so happy to be riding outdoors. Marinda was kind of scared to be driving the Rhino by herself but she did great!

 Ed and his faithful little follower (Talen). Seriously, how cute is that?
 Tess had to take a turn too!
 Our crazy son Tegen thinks he is a lot bigger than he actually is. He had to go for a ride on Ed's HUGE dirt bike, but he did a great job!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lagoon- Get ready for the Murdock's!

A-Core had their annual company party at Lagoon again this year and of course we had to go! The boys loved every minute of it, especially now that they are getting big enough to ride all the rides. Ed's a party pooper because he hates rides but the boys and I ride them all! Ed usually gets stuck baby sitting and pushing the stroller or hanging out at the Kiddie rides with Talen. Oops... I should feel guilty, but I don't.

 Tessa with Uncle Cody (Bubba) and Aunt Ashley
 Talen, Ed and Papa riding Rattle Snake Rapids- and getting soaked!
 Poor baby- she did SO good! She was stuck in a stroller almost all day and it was HOT. She is so sweet and was pretty content to watch the happenings going on around her.
 Sharing a cool drink on a hot day
 Sharing? Not so much!
 Love this kid! He was SO excited that he was big enough to ride almost everything this year
 We actually convinced him to ride the swings. He was petrified at first but then we ended up going on them over and over and over- he loved it!

 Poor baby. She was exhausted
 Tessa's one and only ride... The carousel.
 She wasn't too sure about the ride but didn't cry because she's such a good girl.
We had a blast as usual... can't wait to go again!