Saturday, March 12, 2011

Momma Mia

March 21, 2010 little Miss Mess Maker, Silly girl, Binky lovin, Drama Queen, my little sweety turned ONE!
Pics of the little fam party we had for her...  she mighta just woke up, she looks a little concerned in most of the pics.  Lane's secretary made her cake for her cuz we all know that I am not even a teeny bit good at that. Lane was outta town for work so he couldn't whip up a masterpiece either.  This year I think he may have a little something special in mind, so stay tuned... for her 2nd bday!

Jared and Mia
Nice scarf Carter!
I am diggin Zoeys face in this one, just staring at her like "sure wish it was my bday"

Cole is just diggen this party I think... (almost as much as rookie)

So one of my best goods comes to visit sometimes and we love it!  Luckily she came and got to celebrate with us!  She brings out the best in my boys... just look at them!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Crazy hair day...

So this may or may not look too crazy to some of you.  If you are wondering what is so wrong about it, it might be time for you to update your hair style!  So Dawson begged me to let him grow his hair out last year.  I did for a few months and it was shaggy, sad, and he looked a little unloved. So I told him I was gonna cut it but since "Crazy Hair Day" was the next day at school he talked me into cutting his hair into a mullet.  Well, maybe I talked him into the mullet (aka business up front and party in the back, or the shlong) but he was all over the idea when he saw what a "mullet" was.  It isn't the good ol' classic one you see quite often floating around these parts but it was decent enough for a 6 year old!
No judging cuz I cut the back off the minute he hopped off the bus.  This year for crazy hair day we cut it into a full on Hawk.  I should snap a shot of it before I chop it off.  Again he looks a little shaggy, sad, and unloved so I need to do it soon!  Oh yeah, and no offense if you have a mullet or your boyfriend or your mother in law has one.  They have been trying to come back for years and in Europe are quite the thing so you aren't alone.  Try as they may i don't see it ever making a full come back though!)
Dawson kept saying "YEAH BABY!"  Cole kept saying "Can I have a bullet too?"

Just her

Here is a hand full of pics of the Queen of the house leading up to her 1st birthday. I figured I should get these up before her 2nd birthday rolls around... in about 2 weeks! The bottom ones are youngest and goes up to oldest. Sorry, too tired to fix that.

Christmas 2009

I am sorta remembering now one of the reasons I gave up on the ol' blogging regularly thing. I cant stand waiting for the freaking pictures to upload! I should maybe work on my patience, instead of giving up.
Okay, so can you believe that it has taken me this long to post pictures of my only daughters 1st Christmas?? Disappointing I know.
Well, they were spoiled as usual. We stayed home this year and only got stuck (in the snow) 2 times on our way out to my parents house.
Cole had the flu for the 2nd time in a weeks period but he didn't let that slow him down. Good times were still had though.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

November 09 (i think)

I am thinking that this is some of November and December....of 09. Sorta embarrassed but not enough to not push publish post! My in laws are on another mission in Japan. Part of my reason for wanting/needing to get updated and stay updated. The Gparents and the Gkids.
Cole being "funny"
Daws watching ICarly or something awesome like that.
Mia wearing her cute hat that Lisa made her.

Mia reading, I mean destroying our bookshelf. A daily occurrence...still.
Little Miss. The hair she does have carazy and food on her face.
Waiting for church.
the 3 musketeers.

Cole turns 4

a year and a half ago!!! Sorry folks. I told you, I can't just start now... I have to pick up from where I left off. So here are a few pics from Coley's 4th bday. I think it was a good one. Can't really remember too good. We sure love that little guy. He asks us over and over, "do you think I am funny?"

Lame cake but Lane wasn't in charge of it (I was) so natch it was bound to suck. My mom and dad stopped by to have a bite and give him his gifts.