Tuesday, September 21, 2010

So get this....

I have a brother in law named Jason. He is in the finalist for a fantastic scholarship! If you wanna do something awesome and have 2 minutes to spare... please hop on over to my sister (his wife) Geri's blog and see how you can make a difference!!! Go here

Thanks a million!!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Family Pics.....

My lil sis Geri took our fam pics back in October.... so here are some of our fave's. (sorry to you facebook'ers, this is old news)
It is crazy to me that our little lady is now over a year old and is so much bigger and grown up and full of drama! I have heard people talk about their girls being drama queens but I didn't really think mine would be....uhhh wrong! Love her to pieces though!
The boys are such awesome big brothers. They adore Mia so much and luckily she loves them right back... most the time!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Didn't think I would get to October so quickly now did ya? Well, after I finished up September I realized that Lane was done with the treadmill, had ran a mile on it, and had left me downstairs alone! Since I am flying solo I don't feel so bad for pretending to listen when I am actually blogging.
When I was preg with Mia I remember being scared to death about the 3rd child thing! Everyone warned me it was the one that "did them in". So this whole time I have been thinking, man I must have it together cuz having 3 kids is not bad at all! I actually love it! So as I am handling it just fine I sit back and realize that nothing in my life is the same! My blog sucks. My car is a mess. I rarely put ALL my make up on. Then it hits me. It is maybe not hard but it is definitely different! Things just don't get done like they use to, and that's ok.

Just got back from somewhere and Dawson is always so willing to help get her out of her car seat and set her loose!

She is such a happy little lady...we love her!

I am diggen her cankles! Cole didn't want her to fall...

Who me?

I sadly missed this little party. (i hate the smell of pumpkins=GAG) Good thing they have the best dad ever and did it with them while Mia and I were gone!

being very precise
ok... remember how I said he got in that bike accident back in Sept. well now I am thinking it must have been October cuz he is still looking pretty rough! (sorry, too lazy to fix that error)

We planted grass and shrubs and trees! Well we did trees a long time ago but our grass turned out better than we had thought it would so soon! We seeded it ourselves (we meaning Lane)
She use to entertain herself so nicely..... not so much anymore.

Daws watching Disney, Mia eating her toys.

I loved it when she started crawling around and became real curious about everything.

Waiting patiently for me to get dressed so we can go!

Hmmm for some reason that seemed real boring... ah well, that's us! See ya next month!

Well Hello There

Were you all wondering what the heck happened to me? Well, I am not sure what happened actually. It doesn't surprise me though cuz I am the same way with writing in my own personal journal! If I have let it go too long I get overwhelmed in trying to catch up (i am a detailed person) My mom always has to tell me to speed up my story or she is done listening. Rude I know but I think she is right when she says that it takes me a full two hours to tell a story that took two hours to actually happen. (my poor husband I know)

So I have come up with a plan here. I am going to catch up by months. That way I can drop a few pics (cuz blogs are more fun with them) and try real hard to remember something from way back when......

Well, it is hard to believe that after having our 4th child I lost 50 lbs and adopted twins. Lane also got his PHD at Harvard University and we are just enjoying life! haaa ok I haven't been gone THAT long!

Well, we finished our basement and Lane is assembling my new treadmill! YAY! I felt guilty staying upstairs where it was nice and cozy watching A.I. so I decided to come down here and join him BUT got mighty bored (no offense honey) and grabbed his new laptop! (that is another reason i haven't blogged, our old one was STRUGGLING!)

Did I mention that I have been sick the last 2 weeks? The first week it was Strep and then last week it was the freaking flu! UGHHH The weird thing is... I still feel queezy! I swear it sounds like a cell phone is on vibrate in my stomach. So annoying!


Daws finished up flag football. He loved it and it was fun to watch. I must say, I personally prefer to watch soccor. More action!

Waiting for their lunch....
He has been riding a big bike for about a year now with no trainers and sometimes he forgets that he is just 4 and tries to act like the "bigger" dudes on the block. Well, he crashed and burned... it was so sad!

Mia found some choco chips on the floor that Cole dumped and was pumped!

Chillin on her blanky

Chillen at the State Fair on Lanes Birthday. He hated it lots.

The boys were too little to ride the good rides. Cole wasn't impressed.
Bobbi and I went to my friend's shoe party that lives around the corner. The older 2 babysat the younger 3. We were nervous but they had a blast! Notice the guy in the suit coat... his name is Myles and when Bobbi went to pick him up at his house to come play with Carter he ran to the back (he had on hoop shorts and a t shirt) and came back with his suit and tie on! He said he just felt like looking sharp. HA!
Alright, well that's a wrap for September... stay tuned for October.