Friday, October 24, 2008

Big Day and BIg News

What a day!
Not that it was full of ah ha moments or just jam packed but, we did have 2 big things happen that we have been looking forward to!

I have only ever bought 2 other cars in my life. A Honda Accord, a Mitsubishi Diamante, and today we bought a freaking mini fan! And guess what, I couldn't be more excited! Who would have thought, me wanting a mini van.... but let me tell you, I was pumped! Ever since I rode in my sisters (cassie) about 6 years ago I thought to myself.... well, maybe I could do a van someday, and that day has come! We went with the Honda Odyssey. Seems so big to me right now but I am sure once we put another kid or two in there it will feel just perfect!
Our other big news is that today we found out if we were going to be picking out boy names or girl names in the next few months....... I had very mixed emotions on this. I know that everyone expected me to just want a little girl so badly. Part of me did and the other part wanted a boy. Why couldn't it have been of each?? (cuz Heavenly Father knew I couldn't handle it I am sure) I think my head wanted another boy and my heart wanted a little girl (weird i know, mom no making fun!) and here is why. First off, I love boys! They are so fun and busy, and goofy, and silly, and I just know how to have boys. I have all the clothes I could possibly need (those of you who know me know how true this is) and I have trains, dinosaurs, transformers, dragons, swords, Lego's, airplanes, cars, and all the things to keep a little boy company! So having another boy would be a piece of cake! On the other hand, I have always wanted a little girl (what mom doesn't?) I always imagined doing little pigtails and little bobs and all the fun (time consuming) stuff that comes along with dolling her up! OH the clothes (since the selection is twice the size of boys) the shoes, the bows and bands, the bracelets, and all the pink you can stand! (i loved it when my friend ashlee said that her laundry went from darks and lights to darks lights and pinks)hehe
BUT I have never had a girl so it all seems so unknown and scary to me, so I opt'd to "think" I'll take a boy, it sounds easier to me so I will hope for that route.
Well, I will stop rambling and share with you the news that we found out today...... can you believe it?

Lane said he knew it all along but I must admit I am a bit shocked....but VERY excited! No wonder this pregnancy seemed to be a little different than my other two. No wonder I have zits like a teenage boy with a squeaky voice! No wonder I can't focus on much or finish a sentence with out saying, "what were we talking about?" (not sure why that would happen cuz i am pregnant with a girl, but that is how this whole 4.5 months has been.)
I am very excited and am feeling better so no more complaining from me! Except about the gas pains, heart burn, zit attack, chubbiness, food cravings, tiredness, and the emotional state I am in.
Just joking... I really am grateful to be in the situation I am in. If it means going through all that and more... BRING IT ON!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


OK I am about 3 tags behind so I will try to get going on them! This one is from my sister Cassie. (thanks Cass)

8 shows I love to watch:
1- Grey's Anatomy
2- Ugly Betty
3- Private Practice
4- Dr. Phil
5- Oprah
6- American Idol
7- So You Think You Can Dance
8- The Bachelor

8 favorite restaurants:
1- Cafe Rio
2- California Pizza Kitchen
3- Noodles
4- Ruth's Chris (only been there once)
5- Carino's
6- PF Chang
7- Formosa Grill
8- Quizno's

8 Things that happened yesterday:
1- Did 3 cut/colors and 3 cuts
2- Went to Sam's Club to load up on Nursery snacks
3- Called 7 people to ask them to sub in for Primary teachers
4- Ate dinner at Taco Bell
5- Stayed up WAY too late watching the dvr
6- Pulled up my jeans about 90 times cuz my stomach is starting to grow and push them down!
7- Waited up til 12:30am waiting for Lane to get home from NYC!
8- Enjoyed the late evening with my 3 fellows!

8 Things I am looking forward to:
1- Actually look pregnant instead of just looking chubby!
2- My in laws getting home in 3 weeks from their 18 month mission to Japan!
3- Getting a bigger car for our growing family. (this weekend)
4- Brushing my teeth (in a few minutes) they feel a bit fuzzy.
5- Having a full day of feeling ok. I shouldn't complain, cuz I do feel much better than I did the first 4 months!
6- Finding out (this weekend) if this little bundle is a boy or girl?!?!
7- Keeping a more strict schedule of my hair days. This week was brutal! 6 days straight with no husband at nights to tag team!
8- A date with the Mr.

8 Things on my wish list:
1- I could do better about going to bed at a decent time!
2- I had more time to do play groups and activities with my boys.
3- I wasn't nervous to do Sharing Time this coming week!
4- I didn't have to wear glasses every single day! (my eyes can't deal with contacts)
5- I was about 5 inches taller.
6- A maternity massage
7- My little Gma could feel back to normal!
That this Country wasn't in such a huge financial mess!

8 People I tag:
1- Anyone that hasn't posted for a week or more! Come on, it will give you something to write about!
2- Anyone that likes doing these things, they are actually quite fun!
3- Kim T.
4- Kellie F.
5- Ashlee
6- Karen

7- Katie M.
8- Becky S.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Don't let these two fool you!

What is it with siblings? They will get along so fantastically and you just couldn't be prouder then with no warning they are fighting and going for blood? I am writing this a day late cuz yesterday these two little monkey's couldn't be in the same room with out having issues with one another. Today they have been the best a friends. Kids may be a little on the Bipolar side. Ya just never know what your gonna get!

From the mouth of a 2 year old...

Just a few little conversations I have had with Cole recently that make me just love this age so much!

Cole: "Mom, guess what I want to be when I get bigger?"
Me "What Coley?"
Cole "A hot dog guy!"
(he is obsessed with this little hot dog stand we have here on Main St.)

Cole: "I am going to kiss a girl!"
Me "Why do you wanna kiss a girl?"
Cole: "Because I love them!"

Cole: "I really wish I could hold a little baby right here in my arms."
Me: "You can hold our baby after we have it"
Cole: I don't wanna hold that baby, I wanna hold the baby that is in my tummy!"