Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Photo of the Day: Certified Kosher

(And extra crunchy as well)

hat-tip: JoeSettler

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Tuesday, November 09, 2010

PA Arrests "Divine" Blogger

Talk about close to home -- the GodolHador of Qalqiliya has been arrested by Palestinian Authority security forces. The PA News service, Maan, reports:
QALQILIYA (Ma’an) -- Residents of a conservative northern West Bank city were surprised when security forces detained a controversial blogger whose postings on Facebook had infuriated Muslims.

A high-ranking source in the general Palestinian intelligence services told Ma’an that the detainee, who was not identified, was arrested in Qalqiliya. He refused to give specific details and would not identify the detainee. However, Ma’an has learned from other security sources that the man “who claimed divinity” is a 25-year-old university student.

The sources say security services have pursued the man for more than two months until they finally caught him at an internet café in Qalqiliya while updating his Facebook profile on which he claimed he was God and that he was angry with his subjects.

Conservative Muslims had been angrily following the blogger's postings, many of them altered verses from the Koran, the Muslim holy book, as well as caricatures of the prophet Muhammad that had been published in Danish newspapers. Hundreds of Facebook groups had asked that the man's account be deleted. After Facebook closed his group, the young man started a blog, Enlightenment of Reason.

Although he had not been identified by the PA, supporters of the blogger have indicated that he is 26 years old. He has identified himself as Waleed Al-Husseini and, in an August blog post, defended his beliefs.

"Muslims often ask me why I left Islam," he wrote. "What strikes me is that Muslims can’t seem to understand that renouncing Islam is a choice offered to everyone and that anyone has the right to do so. They believe anyone who leaves Islam is an agent or a spy for a Western State, namely the Jewish State, and that they get paid bundles of money by the governments of these countries and their secret services. They actually don’t get that people are free to think and believe in whatever suits them."

He added: "I would like to emphasize that by writing this article, I did not mean to imply that Christianity or Judaism were better than Islam, and the reader should not fool himself into thinking that I only reject Islam among religions, all of which are to me a bunch of mind-blowing legends and a pile of nonsense that compete with each other in terms of stupidity.

Although secular political beliefs are not uncommon in the occupied Palestinian territories, the expression of views seen as hostile to the dominant religion is viewed by many as incitement rather than free speech."
Arabs following my blog seem to feel the same way about the following statement as it sort of describes me rather well:
The positions taken by the blogger were so out of the mainstream that many in Qalqiliya were surprised to learn that he was Palestinian.
OK, so I'm not Palestinian...

The article claims there's now a support Facebook group for the blogger: "In Solidarity With Waleed Al-Husseini," that states "Criticizing religions is pretty much allowed in countries with Muslim majority; people publically criticize Christianity and Judaism in mosques, published books, national and pan-Arab TV stations, and even in public schools. It's criticizing of Islam that is only not allowed." However, I haven't found a link to it yet.

The post added: "Allowing such action is not only double standard, but a violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It also could make a dangerous precedent that may open the door for further persecution, than already is, for irreligious and other religious minorities in societies with major Muslim population."

Moral of the story: This is just a sampling of what we can expect to see in the budding pseudo-State of the Palestinian Authority.

...And blog under a different name.

h/t: David H.

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Movie Review: New Turkish Blockbuster Libels Israel

In one of the highest budget films ever made in Turkey (over 10 millions dollars), "Valley of the Wolves: Palestine," inspired by the May 31 Mavi Marmara Terror-flotilla ship, will hit theaters in November in about 100 countries around the world.

Movie Trailer: Subtitled into English

The childish plot depicts a "Delta-Squad" of elite Turkish commandos arriving in Israel to "take revenge" for the deaths of the Flotilla terrorists, killed by IDF soldiers. Their "target" is an eye-patched Israeli officer, Moshe Ben Eliezer, who "planned and managed the raid" of the Mavi Marmara. Of course, many people planned it, but why let facts get in the way of a pathetic Turkish film?

Further departing from reality, the movie shows scenes from aboard the Marmara, with IDF naval commandos firing automatic live gunfire at the helpless peace activists.

The film is one big libel scene from start to finish, and is typical of new winds of Jihad and anti-Zionism blowing through Turkey.

With friends like Turkey, who needs Hamas?

This film rates zero cups of Turkish Coffee, on the Muqata Film Scale.

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Monday, November 08, 2010

St. Pancake's Propaganda Trial

(Every time the term "St. Pancake" gets posted, people get very annoyed. Please read, at the end of this post, Jameel's explanation for the origin of this nickname, if you're one of those that gets upset.)

If you weren't sure the Rachel Corrie (Saint Pancake) trial was nothing more than another propaganda attack on the legitimacy of Israel's right to self-defense against terrorism and its supporters, then Corrie's parents made it utterly clear with their latest antics (which I'll get to at the end of the post).

The NYTimes has an article about the current Rachel Corrie trial.

I’m going to discuss some of the important or interesting points of the article.

If you want more information on the Rachel Corrie lies and fraud (Pallywood), I recommend you read/view the following articles/site: StoptheISM, SmoothStone, Daled Amos (especially his part about the contradictory statements by the doctors in the Gaza hospital) and LennyBenDavid.

What's interesting are the partial pieces of information slipped in there provide a clear picture as to how these radicals (including Corrie's parents) try to delegitimize Israel and our right to defend ourselves.

The article discusses the lies that Rachel Corrie promoted in her letters. The NY Times excuses one of those lies because "Ms. Corrie was writing as an incensed activist, not an economist."

But the lies don't end there as the NY Times reports how misleading photos were sent out by the ISM activists.

"The day that Ms. Corrie was killed, her fellow activists sent two photographs of her to news agencies that were then transmitted around the world. The first one showed her standing in an orange jacket with a bullhorn addressing an approaching bulldozer, and the second showed her crumpled on the ground, near death. The clear implication was that the two pictures were sequential, whereas the first was shot hours earlier with a different bulldozer. "
But not only did the activist try to trick people into believing that the photos were connected, the NY Times leaves out is that there are photos that the ISMer are publishing about Rachel Corrie that were simply photoshopped.

The NY Times gives equal weight to the claim of Israel and Corrie regarding the homes in question...

"The Israelis say the houses in question were the source of sniper fire and arms-smuggling tunnels. Ms. Corrie, by contrast, wrote e-mails home saying that the families she met were gentle people whose houses had been shot at and whose children were harassed for no reason."

But since the last Gaza war, we all now know the undeniable truth now about the weapons smuggling tunnels that Rachel Corrie was helping protect.

Meanwhile, the Corries claim they have no connection with how the memory of their daughter it is being promoted.

"Asked what she thought of how her sister was viewed, she said her family did not consider itself anti-Israel and was not responsible for the way in which Ms. Corrie’s name had been used by groups and causes. "
Apparently the Corries have no problem with the way their daughter's memory has been "hijacked". Which is not surprising as they are doing the same.

Cindy Corrie, founder of Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace & Justice:

We at the Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice salute the Olympia Food Co-op Board of Directors for their recent decision to institute a boycott of Israeli goods. We also applaud community and co-op members who have advocated on behalf of this measure.

They aren’t out for justice or truth. First because they’ve been spending their time in court trying to “out” the drivers of the bulldozers, not because that will bring out “truth”, but apparently so that they (and the ISM) can then go after them personally.

But as I said in the beginning of the post, the Corries are complicit partners in these antics, as they too are pulling the same shtik.

The Corries’ lawyer is not trying to find the truth. He is fighting a propaganda battle for the Corries.

In court their lawyer pulled out a small toy bulldozer, a small piece of play dough, and a big Raggedy-Ann doll. His message, how could the driver of the small bulldozer have missed seeing such a big Rachel Corrie.

The truth is though that Rachel Corrie, not a tall girl, was standing kneeling or sitting in a trench. The bulldozer blades are around 8 feet high, and the driver sits another few feet above. There is no way he could have seen her where she was kneeling.

But that is not the message that Rachel Corrie’s parent want to project in their delegitimization war against Israel’s right to defend itself – in a war zone.

So they instruct their lawyer to continue the delegitimization tactics in court.

Rachel Corrie's mother wants to try to portray Rachel as a civilian in a combat zone. But that's not the case. Rachel Corrie acted as a non-uniformed combatant for terrorists. Which makes her a terrorist too.

Update: Jameel adds the following.

Every time the term "St. Pancake" gets posted, people get very annoyed. The term originates from the LGF website, when the ISM chapter of Victoria announced a memorial pancake breakfast, in the memory of Rachel Corrie!

After ISM realized that their joke at Corrie's expense, was also being used to make fun of the ISM, they removed the text.

The invitation read as follows:

The Rachel Corrie Memorial Committee of Victoria Invites you to a pancake breakfast at Denny’s Restaurant Sunday March 12 , 2006 10 am.

The Public is invited to a memorial pancake breakfast at Denny’s Restaurant on Douglas Street near Finlayson, 10 am, Sunday March 12, 2006 to celebrate the life and untimely death of Rachel Corrie, Peace Activist with the International Solidarity Movement.

There will be a reading of selections from Ms. Corrie’s letters and diary, followed by a ceremony at Topaz Park, where a stone cairn will be erected in her honour.

Attendees are encouraged to wear their keffiahs, and to dress in black.

No weapons, drugs, or alcohol please.

ISM offers many ways for you to get involved in the struggle for Palestinian freedom. Whether you’re thinking of traveling to Palestine to work with us, or you’d like to work to educate your community about the reality in Palestine, we welcome your involvement.

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Friday, November 05, 2010

In Memory of RivkA - Obituaries from Israel

My friend RivkA's (from the coffeeandchemo blog) family is getting up from shiva today.

The Jerusalem Post has an obituary about her in today's paper (link)

Haaretz has an obituary about her (link)

RivkA's friends have created a Breast Pump Lending Center ("Gemach") and Consultation Service in her memory, called Meneket RivkA.

May her memory be a blessing, and may her family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Yerushalayim.

A sketch of RivkA by her daughter,
on a "coffee and chemo" date with her.

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Thursday, November 04, 2010

Offensive Sign in Jerusalem (Photo of the day)

The following new "offensive" sign in Jerusalem has been making the rounds...

Translation: Passage to men on this road,
(Women feel free [to dress as you wish])

hat-tip: MP of Modiin.

For those who fail to appreciate the sign, it's in response to these:

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Al-Qaida in Chicago

Last week an Al-Qaida plot was foiled to blow up two synagogues in Chicago. The bombs, caught in transit, apparently physically originated in Yemen.

But to choose those targets Al-Qaida needed to have local terrorists physically on site scouting out locations.

Not to make anyone uncomfortable, but that means there are currently Al-Qaida terrorists running around free in Chicago. That is, if they haven't flown over to New York or LA in the meantime.

In other news, Israel blew up an Al-Qaida terrorist in Gaza who was planning an attack on US and Israeli targets in Sinai.

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Video Interview with Captain Stabbin' from "We Con the World"

getting ready for the "Hebron Flotilla"...

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Wednesday, November 03, 2010

If the US loses Iraq and Afghanistan there won’t be peace in Israel or "Palestine"

Jameel is busy working on the Coffee and Chemo blog for RivkA, so he asked me to cross-post this here too:

Conventional wisdom in the Obama administration is that somehow peace between Israel and local Arabs is the lynchpin for peace and success in Iraq and Afghanistan. Some Obama officials have gone so far as to imply (if not say outright) that US soldiers are dying because of Israel.

The problem is that once again the Obama administration has the situation completely backwards.

Peace in the Holy Land will only be possible once there is peace and democracy in the rest of the Middle East.

The US troubles in Iraq stem from Iran and other Islamic fundamentalists. And Afghanistan? That’s been a problem ever since the Russians got there, if not before.

And let's not get started on Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Lebanon.

And none of them were caused by the problems of the Holy Land. They were caused by fundamentalist Islam and their individual dictatorial forms of government (and the colonial powers that created these artificial Arab states in the Middle East).

And the solution to their problem has nothing to do with Israel (or Jameel trying to expand his house).

But the opposite is true.

If the US is unable to establish, implement and maintain a strong and stable democracy in these two countries which are lynchpins in US Middle East policy, and if the US can't bring Iran back into the cradle of civilized countries, then the US will have no credibility in being able to implement a solution to the Israel-Arab war either.

As Sharansky pointed out, you can only make a real, lasting peace with a stable democracy.

Egypt is eventually going to go over the Islamic edge, and the Kingdom of Jordan is probably not long for this world either. And Lebanon may fall to Hezbollah any day now (seriously). And meanwhile, Iran will be destabilizing everything.

The PA and Hamastan have both long thrown out their fictional fronts as a democracy.

Any peace treaty with them isn’t worth the paper its written on, as there is no other incentives for them to keep the peace (Egypt at least has US military aid to prop up the government).

It's the failure of US policy to implement democracy that is preventing peace in the Middle East.

Let the US start really introducing freedom and stable democracy into these hard-line belligerent countries, and peace will naturally fall into place everywhere else.

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