Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Injured With Style.

I went to remove my braces this morning, and it was raining when I came out from the clinic. The floor was slippery (guess with the headings and this sentence, I bet you know where I'm getting at).

Yes, I slipped! And as a natural reaction, people will tend to grab something nearby to prevent yourself from falling. There was nothing around for me to grab and it happened too fast. I pulled off some stunts (with style, heh) and managed to avoid myself from falling.

So, I didn't fall.

But my left ankle gave a hard knock on the pavement during the stunt. It was so painful that my hands have to hold on to my ankle for a while to sort of ease the pain while chanting the pain away. When I thought everything was okay and ready to drive, thats when I saw blood on my palm, the same palm that was holding my in-pain-ankle.


I drove myself to the clinic, got it sterilized and wrapped. Doctor asked if I want any stitches and I said no. I guess the laceration isn't very deep la, should be quite superficial only, I hope. It was the impact on the bone la that was painful. So I was given MC, painkiller and a tetanus jab (my left arm is still heavy from that tetanus jab) and am free to go.


Doctor repeated soooooooooooo many times that I musn't mustn't mustn't let the wound touch water. How to shower like that?

Ahhh, time to apply Science again!


I enjoyed my shower without having to lift up my leg nor worry that it'd be wet. For once these non-biodegradable plastics are quite helpful :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Non-Lactose for Gastritis Patients.

Its common that whenever someone is down with gastritis, one would ask them to consume milk. What a myth!

Do you know that milk would worsen the case instead of relieving it? Okay, not really worsen but its true to a certain extend depending on what milk.

Fact #1. Milk is (slightly) acidic! Most milk has a pH of around 5.5 or 6 which is deemed slightly acidic (neutral = pH 7). So, slightly acidic substance definitely would not aid in relieving the already overproduced (acidic) gastric juice. Unless you can find the alkaline milk (magnesium milk)

Fact #2. Milk = lactose. Lactose, when left reacting with the (overproduction of) gastric juices (HCl), one of the end-products would be CO2 because fermentation would take place. Do you know that most of the time, these 'gases' are the one that causes your gastric pain? I'm sure your doctor would prescribe you drugs to relieve the wind colic whenever you have this pain. So, that's the point! Why do you want to produce even more gases when we were supposed to take in something to remove the gases?

Fact #3. Non-lactose milk are not milk. Some "brilliant" people would then suggest that one should then take a lactose-free milk. By the way, when its lactose-free, its not called milk anymore (please refer to Fact #2)! No lactose = no milk. Then, stop calling these lactose-free product as milk! They can be called beverages, drinks, consumable products or whatever but not milk!

In conclusion, when you have gastritis attacks, dont take milk! (But no coffee too okay!)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Stye Is Not For Perverts.

This is stye.

You know, whenever one gets a stye, they'd go, "owhh! Did you peep on a girl when she's bathing?" or somewhere along that line. What a myth weyy!

'Cause as far as I can recall, I don't peep on guys/girls when I was younger but I got that before! And I'm not that kind of normal kid who would just accept any facts without any proof. Like, how the stye grow just by looking (at naked people)? And what's the process in getting that stye thingy? And I totally forgotten bout this question ('cause I havent had that for so long!) and finally the answer came to me.

Its a Staph. aureus infection!

Ahah! That explains! That explains the infection caused by this bacteria, a common normal flora on our skin PLUS such infection would cause inflammation and hence the pus! Yes, the yellow thingy that comes out after a while! This answer finally satisfy my 'cravings' for my unanswered question since a kid.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Effervescence In Stomach.

So last night I was at steamboat buffet with the youth again. Someone mentioned that shells of fried prawns can be eaten. And something came to my mind.

Do you know what will happen if one takes so much of those fried prawns with shells? And why?

Answer is.. bloated feeling. Why? 'Cause the prawn's shell is calcium carbonate (CaCO3). So when they reach your stomach, they will react with the acid of your gastric juice (HCl) and based on stuff that we learned in form 4, carbon dioxide (CO2) should be released. Hence, bloated-ness?

CaCO3 + 2HCl --> CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O

Heh, interesting eh? I'm not a nerd btw.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I'm In Awe of You.

Was dining with Agnes just now at EuroDeli @ Damansara Kim. The food, the ambience -- I would think they deserve 8.5/10 (they deserve more, but definitely everything would need room for improvement)

We were talking bout camps and everything and suddenly Agnes said, "You'll make a very good doctor"

I personally think that I'd make a better teacher in relating science and medicine to people around me. I love sharing and I bet you can feel my passion and enthusiasm when it comes to talking Science.

Anyway, as I was sharing bout the satisfaction we get when our friends receive the knowledge and how they relate it in their life, applying it and see facts becoming alive (not just for the sake of memorizing).

You know, most scientists are atheists. They don't believe in God. They only believe in proofs, and believing the existence of God without seeing them would be a difficult thing for them and almost impossible.

To them, there must always be a law or theory behind every phenomenon, supporting them with proof but how do one explain bout the disappearance of cancer tumours in last stage patients?

How do one explain when the blind without a retina can see?
How do one explain when a deaf man without the three ear bones (no vibration) started hearing?
How do one explain when a lame man can walk?
How do one explain when the sick people got healed when hands were laid on them?
How do one explain when dead people, died for 3 days were raised and going around sharing the good news?

How do one explain all these? When natural power says cannot, supernatural power will take over. As easy as that, as long as we believe.

You know, the more I study bout human, the more I'm amazed by God? Imagine, it took the scientists good 10 years to identify and complete mapping the entire Human Genome when God carefully created them? How all these genes with the different codings actually give rise to different unique person with different phenotype and God created each person carefully and wonderfully and uniquely and at the end of the creation, He'd say, "This is beautiful"

The more I study bout which gene, or how the apostopsis (programmed cell death) between my fingers was done so that my hand can hold things. Just imagine all our fingers were stuck together as one hand and they were not separated, I cannot even type all these out on this keyboard by allowing my fingers to dance on the keyboard, what more stretching one finger from another on the guitar frets to produce music? If not for the apoptosis that God has already thought of at his creation process.

You know, the more I study how each chamber of the heart functions, how it controls (ECG etc) the speed and amount of the blood flow throughout our body, or the more I study bout nephron and how they only allow certain solutes to pass through the collecting ducts so that no unnecessary water loss happens, or when we study how the liver controls the whole body's metabolism... take into consideration how God carefully put all these together and at the end of the creation, all he said was "This is beautiful"

The more I study bout all these, the smaller I feel.
The more I study, the more I know bout Him
The more I study, the more I'm amazed by Him.
The more I study, the smaller I become.

I can only stand in awe of You, the maker of all things.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Do you know why M&Ms melt in your mouth and not in your hands?

Actually that's not only true to M&Ms but all (pure) chocolates generally. Only M&Ms applies science to its slogan.

The reason behind it is because chocolates' melting point is 370C. In your hands, the temperature is still below 370C and they will not melt yet unless you grab it in your palm for a while and this causes the heat energy from your body (370C) to be transferred to the chocolates and melt them. So that also explains why sometimes M&Ms do melt in your hands eh

Friday, January 23, 2009

Something Bout Jogs.

Today, I met my senior, Suet Leng during our usual jog sessions. Man, I haven't met her since she left secondary school and she's still so much taller than me! More than one head! I bet she's a six-footer now! And when I had to look up so high just to talk to her, and guess what she said?

"Don't worry, you can still grow. Take me as your benchmark"

Grow horizontally it is! No more verticals for me edi la, so sad!

If you've read this post of mine before, I mentioned that its an official thing that I cannot grow anymore. So yeah, I've to face the reality boohoo!

I bet she isn't aware of my age. You know, one thing about seniors are that their impression of you stays put with the year they last meet you. Unless you're still in touch with them. For example, Yee Pam still thinks that I'm form 3 now and she insisted that I'm still underage for 18pl movies or to go clubbing. I've grown and I'm no longer the small kid that you all though that oI am.


Talking bout jogs, have you wondered why one feels a sharp pain on the muscle just right below the ribs when you haven't jogged for a while? That's definitely not an appendicitis I assure you! That's just to show that you're not fit. Its basically spasms of your muscles because of the lack of oxygen. If you suffer from this, you may want to adjust your breathing mechanism a little? It's also known as stitch, so yeah you can google bout it if you want to know more.

And another common jog annoyance is the itch on your thigh up to your gluteus maximus (yes, whayying, the butt muscle). This 'itch' is caused by the blood circulation. As you all know, all these endurance exercises require a lot of energy, and all these energy can be harvested by the respiration (C6H12O6 + 6O2 --> 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy).

That also means we need alot of oxygen as well to get more energy. Because of this, our arteries and blood capillaries kept expanding and contracting in repeated mode to allow more blood flow. And yes, this repeated expansion and contraction actually delivers signal to our brain and somehow our brain interprets it as itch.

Keep your jogging sessions more regular will do the trick, and not by scratching yourself uh :)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Maybe Uh?

I was conversing with Amanda just now and I found out that its true that most people don't really apply what they've studied. I mean, who'd actually apply things we studied like algebra or differentiation or calculus in our daily lives right? Maybe only the engineers do.

But isn't life all about Science? Our everyday life will definitely be consists of Biology, Physics and Chemistry mixed altogether that we cannot even make a distinct separation between these. Life itself is Science! Agree?

Manda feels that I'm a thinker. Maybe I am. Like for example, who bother thinking why would the sound of water become softer as they fill up the water bottle? Well, a weirdo like me do! That's because there are lesser (air) space for the air molecules in the water bottle to vibrate as the water fills up the water bottle hence giving a lower amplitude?

Ronnie once asked me why will there be blue-black. Is it because the cells of that bruised part died? The answer is no.

I don't know how true is it but I personally think its because when we bruise ourselves, the blood vessels of the bruised area will rupture and caused them (the blood) to leak into our tissue under the skin (the blue-black is actually the colour of our blood under the skin). And usually the blood will clot together forming a large clot under the skin. The macrophages of our white blood cells will detect the antigen of these foreign particles (blood under the tissue) and will usually clear these 'foreign particles' up. It will heal on its own within a few days/weeks (depends on the individual).

If you notice, the olden days people don't need to study Immunology to learn bout the macrophages and antigens and whatnot. They just rub the bruise with some force in order to heal faster. Its true you know. Reasons? When they rub it, the blood under the skin will not clot together as one huge blood clot. They will be more evenly spread providing a larger surface area:volume ratio so that more macrophages can do the work at one point of time (increased rate of reaction!). Hence heal faster la.

I don't think any textbooks will tell you the process of bruising or how's the process of getting rid of the blue-blacks but its all application. Interesting eh?

Maybe from now on, you'd like to think bout them? It's interesting la. The more I learn or apply, the more I'm in awe of God because He's the creator of all these things!

Think bout it :)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Based On Observation..

I just came back from badminton.

Looking at my wet attire, I came to conclude that our dorsal (back) sweats more than our ventral body. I mean, comparing the whole length from shoulder to the sole of my leg between my dorsal and my ventral.

I supposed this happens to everyone as well eh? Have anyone wondered why? Maybe that explains the lesser fats portion on our dorsal body because they're all used up!

And the ventral part of body sweat lesser, no wonder la the presence of tummies and what not.

p/s: good news to those who doesn't wanna have big bumps at the dorsal side, they sweat more profusely! =)

Edit: Not sweat, but perspire. I got reminded when correcting Jo in mamak just now. Only animals sweat, and I'm not an animal =)

Monday, October 8, 2007

Cadeaver is cool!

This post is not meant for faint hearted people. It is okay if you don't feel comfortable and leave this post unread.


The following conversation took place last Saturday morning..

mk: Cadeaver is cool!

vy: Who is that? I just woke up

mk: dead body.

So cute right? She thought its "someone" by the name of Cadeaver as if I'm saying 'Tom is cool' or 'Jerry is cool'.

So, Cadeaver is cool!


Yeah, we were given the privilege to visit the Medical Faculty of UKM.

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group picture at the lobby of UKM, KL campus

The group was too huge, so we were split into 2 groups and take turn to get into the dissection hall. So, my group was led to the Anatomy Museum first.


It's a place full of dissected limbs, embalmed and preserved in formalin for studies purposed.

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Cross-section of a REAL right foot.

In our body, supposedly the nerves and blood supplies are of same colour. In order to differentiate them for studies purposes, the nerves were painted in yellow while the arteries were painted in red. But they are REAL nerves and arteries behind these paint coatings. Take note of the skin, its reaaal! Haha!

I wonder how many souls are in this museum. LOL. Alright, jokes aside.

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2 months old embryo

This embryo is still intact in the amnion sac with its nutrient and oxygen supply via the placenta.

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5 1/2 months old foetus

The following foetus is a still-born baby. He was about to be given birth till his mother met in a car accident. Both could not survive.

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9 months old foetus

I believe he's a chinese boy, from the observed features. Somemore got so much hair lehhh..

Most of these preserved display foetus are aborted by their mothers, for God-knows-what-reason.

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Cross section of the skull (the left side)

This is literally somebody's REAL head. Here you can see the exact content and location of our brain and what not.

This is not all yet.

The coolest part is that..

...we had HANDS ON EXPERIENCE on the dead bodies!

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How cool more can that be? You bet.

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It's real cool when you get to weigh both the kidneys with your both palms, their lungs, their heart, their uterus and even their balls?

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Each layer can be flipped open. The skin, the muscle (for identification) and you can feel for yourself the arteries, veins and nerves!

We even tried opening the eye to see if the eye balls are still in there.

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Eevon, Yuan Ding and yours truly, taken at the eerie corridor

Professional looking huh?

That's all for now, have a nice day! =)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Slimmer Lookings?

This is Dolly Parton.

To guys, she has all the properties. She's famous for her small waist but large boobs.

Another pornstar like Yip Chi Mei?
She's a Grammy Award winner for her singing and acting profession.

(Google bout her if you want to know more)


Wanna know a secret to look real slim, with real small waist?

Remove your "floating" ribs. Yes, you heard me right.

Everyone has 12 pairs of ribs (symmetrically).

But the 11th and the 12th rib are floating ribs.

Apparently, these ribs are of no use to us, prolly just a spare support to us (which I doubt they can support much).

Thus, people remove them (by a surgery) to make themselves look slimmer, with better shape.

Dolly Parton is one of them.

This DOESN'T mean any of you should follow okay.

Just a good-to-know thing.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Gimic to "look taller"

I know a secret.

Do you know that we're slightly taller early in the morning when compared to afternoon or late evening?

Slightly taller by a maximum of 2 cm only la.

But hey, that makes up almost an inch okay! Better than none.


The secret lies behind the intervertebral's disc (the dark grey part in the diagram below), the disc that's terkepit (stucked) in between your spinal vertebrae.

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Water is the major component of the nucleus pulposus (the light blue part).

So, when we take in water in the morning, it bulges thus addding to our height before we get dehydrated in the evening losing those water.

So, when your school teacher or your medical doctor wants to measure your height, make sure its done in the morning.

Note for Su Ann and Amelia: Please don't drink so much water!


Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Fusion of long bones

Below is one of the lecture slides from my lecture (like, duh?)

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Okay, do you see a long bone labelled femur?

That's supposedly the longest bone found in our body; around 18 inches (45 cm) in length.

"Long bones fuse at age 21 years old"

And when we grow taller, this bone is the lengthening-bone. There is this thing called the "secondary centres" or the "growing centres" in this bone. In other words, once they're fused; NO MORE GROWING.

I just turned 21, so....


Monday, July 30, 2007

God vs Scientists

MbrLike I've mentioned in the previous post, I love science.

I wasn't born in a Christian family and I only accepted Him in Dec 2001. That's like, almost 6 years now?

Before that, I never believed the existence of God.. just like other scientists (tho' I wasn't and still not a scientist YET). I always doubt and ask questions like... the existence of dinosaurs and whatnot, which was not mentioned in the bible. I haven't read the name "T-rex" in the bible, all I hear is cattle, cow etc. God mentioned bout how He created the earth, the world.. but He forgot to mention other planets in the bible?

To me, "proof" is everything. They explain everything. Just like in a court, a suspect is innocent until they are proven guilty. I want to see it, then I'll believe it. That's not faith. Because faith is something that you believe although you couldn't see it. I can't see God, thus I don't believe. That was last time. Now it's a different story altogether. I can don't believe anything and anyone BUT GOD! He's my best friend!

If any of you know me since young, I DON'T STUDY BEFORE EXAMS. Well, this statement only valid till primary school and prolly lower secondary.

To me, the definition of exam is "Testing the level of your knowledge, till which level you have understood".

Because if I study before exam, the results will be considered as bias already, since I studied for it. Reminder: that was for primary school. Even if I study now, that doesn't guarantee a pass. What a contradiction.

My whole family weren't believers back then. I remember mom would make us kneel down in front of the Chinese altar and the same prayer would be uttered, "God, keep me healthy and help me to grow" (something like that, translated from Canto). Well, it didn't work. I often fall sick and I'm still SHORT!

I was exposed to Christianity when I was in standard 6, aunt Jessica will bring my sister and I to the children's rally in Grace Church, Klang every month I think.

There was once, I secretly uttered this prayer, "Jesus, if you are the real and true God that the people here proclaims, show me yourself. Let me be in the first position in my class".

And true enough, I got the first placing in my class. (Reminder: I don't study in primary school) I didn't believe it straight away. I asked for confirmations and time after time, God is always faithful with me and He answers ALL my prayers. God is good!


There was once, when this conversation took place in Heaven between a scientist and God.

Scientist: Lord, we don't need You anymore. Science has finally figured out a way to create life out of nothing. In other words, we can now do what you did in the "beginning"

God: Oh, is that so? Tell me..

Scientist: Well, we can take dirt and form it into the likeness of You and breathe life into it, thus creating man.

God: Well, that's interesting. Show Me.

So the scientist bends down to the earth and starts to mold the soil. God interrupted..

God: Oh no, no, no... Get your OWN earth.


That was a good one from God! LOL. We still need God.

Well, many time we all tend to play God. Most scientists do. They would come out with theories that go against what's preached in the bible to show that God doesn't exist or so.

But I personally believe that God do exist and we learn science to help to upgrade the quality of living; to explain what God has done and not to create life. For example, the more I learn the molecular genetics, the physiology, the human health anatomy; all I could do is to stand in awe of God's marvelous creation.

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Taken in Port Dickson by Yuan Ding (Sept 2006)

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Taken in Penang (May 2007)

God, I stand in awe of You.

Lastly, would love leave you readers with these 2 questions that my brother once asked me. I have already told him the answer, but I would love to hear from you. Drop the answers at the comment box please.


1) Darwinist believes that evolution has taken place by natural selection. The theory said that from our DNA and fossils, our forefathers/closest relative is of Chimpanzee (I think). So, are we descendents of that? But in the bible, it says that Adam is the first man God created (he's not a chimp or anything). So, who is our real forefather?

2) Explain the existence of dinosaurs which was not mentioned in the bible; whose fossils were found at the seabed.

I'll leave you with an article (Click here to read) hoping that you will not be misled while in search of the answers. I believe the bible is the answer to everything. Pray for revelation from God as He reveal the answers to you.

Be blessed and enjoy.

Till then, signing OFF

Saturday, July 28, 2007

I love Science!

Since young, I love science.

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When I was a kid, I don't play barbie dolls or masak-masak like other children. Neither catching-catching nor hide-and-seek too. Not that am abnormal, wait, okay, I'm unique.

When I was 5 years old, mom enrolled me into a Chinese kindergarten hoping that I could read and write a little bit of Chinese. I disliked learning Chinese, I don't know why but I just dislike it. In less than 2 weeks, I dropped out quitted. I even bit my teacher's arm when she grabbed me so tightly while asking my mom to drive off quickly every morning. Yes, I literally bit her arm and ran back to the car. From then on, am unschooled. I don't know any ABCs or 123s. Prolly I was the stupidest person of my age.

So, I loitered for another year at grandma's place, under her care. I have nothing to do, so I'll just lie down on the sofa and laze around. I remembered watching grandma switching on the ceiling fan for me.

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And am amazed. It got me thinking.

"Grandma just press the switch, and the ceiling fan starts to turn. How can this happen? What makes it happen?"

So, I started checking what connects the switch to the fan. And I realise, there's a cable that connects both the main switch with the fan. And grandma mentioned that fan cannot be switched on when the power supply is cut off. Meaning, there is something called "current" that moves via the cable from the switch to the fan? And guess what? I was just 5 years old at that time. Thinking a little too deep huh? I find it freaky, now.

Mom finally found an English kindergarten. I like it there! Finally, I learned how to read, from scratch. I was already 6 years old; the final year before I stepped into primary school. I was placed in the last class (Pre-school 4), of course. I love English. I learned well, and thank God, in less than 2 months I was already the top reader in the class. My teacher had to leave for Makkah halfway through, so the students in my class were streamed. I was streamed into the first class and graduated there. So, thank God am no more the stupidest, prolly the second. =P

During my lower primary school days, I usually follow grandma for "walking" sessions around the neighbourhood in Teluk Pulai. There was once when I found bird feathers on the ground. I'm amazed by it. And idea came to me again.

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I cleaned those feathers, and I insert my broken pencil lead tip through the hollow end of the feather and making it my feather-pencil. I always watch olden days people writing with feathers (in televisions) thus, I also want the same. That was the start of my innovation ideas.

In standard 4, we were taught about electricity and the conduction of electricity. A simple electric diagram was taught by connecting wires to batteries to the light bulb. I received a revelation there.

I was not tall enough to switch on the lights in my room at that time, thus making it difficult for me to find stuff at night. So, I designed this instead.

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My head-lamp

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It's consist of a bulb, bulb holder, switch, battery, battery holder and wires only.

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And it works! It shines at night, when I switch it on.

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Mun Sheung with the head-lamp

I was just standard 4 back then! Mun Sheung (pictured above) is currently standard 5. Our size and height were similar, so, yours truly was about there?

I love innovating unused stuffs. Mainly from recycling unused items, modifying them to be a brand new useful stuff. For example,

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a watering can!

You will be amazed on how an empty-unwanted-Milo can could do to your plants. They can help to carry water, watering the plants. During standard 4, every class was assigned a kebun (yard) to plant vegetables. I was put in-charged for this by my class teacher, Pn Giam. And I came out with this milo can thingy, sticking something to the front end as the head, with the help of some nails and screws; they worked!

Also, Hydroponic Garden was an "in" thing at that time! Every family wants to have a set of it! My family was exceptional though. Somehow, revelation came to me and I designed a mini hydroponic garden using these..

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along with polystyrene as it's cover. It looks exactly the same, just like a miniature version of the real one. This design was placed in the Pameran Sains (Science Exhibition) as a creative innovation.

But mom calls all these junk anyway. Guess I was a little too nonsense when I was younger.

I have a secret, I wanted to be the first person to step on planet Pluto last time. I vowed that I would be the first scientist to invent my transport there. But it's sad that that it will NOT come true. Anyway, Pluto is not even a planet anymore. Sigh.


Nevertheless, I still love science!

I'm never disgusted seeing these. Any internal organs is nothing for me, I'm sure for you too. You can see them heaps in Grey's Anatomy.

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Left eye ball

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blood is never an issue. But, no amputated limbs for me please! It's gross. Can't take it for the moment.

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Trained for CPR. Competent!

During my first year in Monash University, we were allowed to play with toads and mice.

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Yours truly at work, dissecting with aid of pretty girls

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The cut-opened toad, the membrane.

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Now that you know which is the heart, take a look at the following video. The heart still beats!
Reminder: The toad is already dead

We were learning about the nervous system, and you know how muscle twitches when a certain nerve is stimulated, right? Oddly, toads' nervous system could still respond eventhough they are dead up for 2 hours. And here, I stimulated it. Pay close attention to the jaw part of the toad to see the muscle response.

Hint: Muscle twitched during flash lights, because my friends were taking photo of it with flash on!

Wonderful right? God's wise creation.

Next, we also played with mouse. White mice.

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Descendants of Stuart Little

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We crucified him. We prayed before we started dissecting him. What a worthy death!

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His internal anatomy. Cool huh?

By the way, he's really smelly when it's cut-opened. Because of the big intestine.

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I brought mask (curi-ed from Mun Sheung, that time got haze ma), thanks to the advanced information by Elaine, my (pretty) lab demo ^^.


Forgot to include this picture that I've uploaded. Very important!

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Pik yi with the naked mouse; Sheena and Li Hua with the skin!

My friends, other group literally DESKINNED the poor mouse!!

Right, if XiaXue ever happen to come across this blog post, she'll prolly nominate me as one of the most disgusting blogger. Right..

So, after all these I could boldly conclude that..

MUN K LOVES SCIENCE.. definitely NOT the lab reporting part.
Urgh~ Talking bout it, have to get back to my reports now.

I thank God I'm not in any other faculties like Business. I'm not very good in science but I know I'm lousier in others.. So, if I take them...

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you'd need to visit me there.

Signing OFF,

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future Medical Scientist wanna-be


Xue Wen said I looked like a guy in this picture, an annoying one.
Yoong Kang says I looked like a long-haired leng zhai; but not his style of gay partner. He prefer short hair with built-body.
When Joeanne first saw this, her first sentence was "bergaya!" -_-"

Do you think that I'm annoying too? Ahh I'm such a paranoia!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

B o n e s

I always enjoy Anatomy.

We were given REAL bones to play with in the previous lab session. I repeat, REAL HUMAN BONES.

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These are the collection of bones for the upper limb. Basically the arm, this is the right arm. Like some Chinese Word Character, right?

These bones are preserved and varnished for the use during practical exams for medical student where we need to feel every inch of it, and describe if there's a dent, or a projection, sharp, blunt, rough, smooth, the anatomical terminology and so on... for each part of each bone.

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The bone extending from our shoulder to the elbow.

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Ulna (below) and radius (above)

The fore arm extending from the elbow to the hands.

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The entire fore limb (right arm of a deceased)

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My friend and I, we were hand-in-hand

This is the fake dummy skeleton where we also learn from.

Nice right? Enjoy!

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Yours truly. In the eerie-looking laboratories corridor

Till then, signing OFF