Showing posts with label Feeling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feeling. Show all posts

Thursday, October 1, 2009

My Kungkung & Popo.

My grandpa is a quiet man. Just now, during lunch he told me something very random yet touching. He said (in cantonese),

"You know, I'm most happy whenever I see you. It doesnt feel this way when I see the rest"

Then grandma agreed with him too and she mentioned that even with just my voice over a phone call already makes her day.

It feels really good to hear this from your old people, especially when you know that they appreciate your every gesture and effort. I personally believe despite our busyness in life, we should also spend some time with our loved ones, be it our family or extended family, and in my case, especially the elderly like my grandparents. I remember spending some of break time back in uni days, buy some light refreshment and drive over to my grandaunt's place to visit and it made her day.

My grandma always share with me on how honoured and proud she is to get to see me grow (she took care of me), chauffeuring her around, buy her meals and spend time with them. For them, they don't need the money or luxurious life anymore. All they need are just some love and care, the family essence. I believe your grandparents feel the same too. I can tell that she's very proud of me (my filiality :P) and she'd parade around bragging bout me or tell everyone that i'm her granddaughter and that I'm very good to her and let people be envious -.- (typical grandparent uh)

I love my grandparents.

One of my biggest fears is the eternal separation later on. Anyway, I believe seeds were planted and God will make them grow. Amen?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ideality? No way!

Is there such thing as an ideal world? Sadly, the answer is no.
Justify Full
I remember when I was much younger, I used to dream of ideality. You know, like I want my father to be a guy who holds me on his lap, loves me, smiles at all times, listens to me whenever I tell him tales from my classes, asks me to join him washing his cars, splashing water at one another and loves my mom. He must also be some cool happening guy who can mingle with my friends and my friend must find him friendly and not scared of him. And my dad should be someone who knows how to explain why and how i'm wrong and teach me the right from the wrong with facts and examples and not with physical violences.

Also, I want a mom who knows everything bout me, loves me for who I am, understands all my problem and try to advise good solutions instead of pointing fingers or scold me, someone who would share my ups and downs with, someone that I can confide with, someone who will stand up for me, be in my shoes and will not be shaken by other people's influence.

All along, I wanted an older brother who's proud of me, bring me out even with his gang of friends, chillout with me, listen to my problems, not a nerdy boring guy but one with his own unique cheekiness, spends time with me and pampers me. Oh, and he must be good in both academic and sports too!

To me, an ideal family would have everyone so united and take care of each other's back. An ideal family would have everyone sharing everything with everyone and support and encourage and love.

... actually, I don't know where I'm getting at right now. I believe this could just be a standard, a standard that no one can follow. If not, there won't be needs for Jesus to come. I believe I'll experience all these when I get back to heaven.

"Lord.. please forgive me for having such thoughts. I want to breathe right now, I really want to breathe. I thank You for what You've given me, and for now I just pray that You'd manifest Yourself even more in my life, in this family. Open up our blinds eyes and unlock our deaf ears, I pray, and that we'll be transformed into Your image more and more. I surrender my soul to You once again. In Jesus' Name, amen."

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The World Without Strangers.

I was out from the clinic and as I was walking towards my car.. guess what I saw?


I'm not sure if this is how it looks like when they make love? We all learn that in Form 3 Science Chapter 3 but does it apply the same for insects? I mean, how?


Like that?


On my way back from work last evening, I decided to call a good friend that I haven't heard for quite some time now. It was a good catchup I must say. We chatted from LDP all the way back to Klang, through the jam. I was glad that someone was accompanying me all the way, after a long day's work.

We've known each other when we were 16. She was a very shy person and we got close after the camp only, after I came back from Kuching. The wonders of internet I would say. She's a real great friend that you can confide in, an awesome person to hear you out and yet secrets will be kept with her, a darling to everyone.

I was packing my room just the other day (its sparkling clean and tidy now) and I found the box of letters that she sent. Memories!


And as I read some of them, I find it super hilarious la. I mean, omgosh, we were so childish/funny/weird/cheesy/fill-in-whatever-adjective-you-want-here la!


But truly, it was then when our heart really speaks. There was no pretenses, there was no falsehood, there was no hyprocricity, it was all just genuine friendship that builds other up.

"A true friend is when you can sit next to that person, not talking but yet enjoy each other's presence"

6 1/2 years have passed, more years to come. I believe.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Heart Speaks.

Yesterday's feeling was a mixed one. Excitement, joy, familiar accents and dialects/languages (and smell, heh!) -- In short, I really miss them, like alot.

I believe sometimes we don't mean what we say, especially when we say we miss someone etc but this time, I really do. The feeling was definitely different and you know, you can just smile all day long in their company and with their (usual lame) jokes along with their crazy gestures.

Yiwei, come back more often so that I have all the excuses to meet up with you all :)
Justify Full

On side notes, thank you to all of you who wished me through text messages or facebook or those who brought me out for meals to 'celebrate'. I really appreciate every gesture and thoughtfulness of yours. Xuewen and Amy, you girls never fail to place your birthday wishes on the hall of fame in my heart. Hugs!


These days alot of people have been telling me that Mun Sheung looks so like me, is that true? Well, I still beg to differ.