Saturday, August 20, 2011

There are no coincidences . When I read what Fee had to say it was like reading my thoughts. I had the week before, been asked by some younger ladies in the Church to help with sewing and also some suggestions for homemaking. I have plans in place for this but I needed to look at my own life. Heart first. I have started my exercising again. No excuses this time.
Also a help for menu planning::When you make the family meal,if it is a casserole make double or a lot more than needed and  freeze. It is handy on those days when you run out of time(get caught up sewing) you have a meal ready or you can give one to a sick friend or "neighbour" doing it tough.

Friday, August 19, 2011

 These 2 blocks are for BOM's on my very favourite
    Craft Forum
The charm block is in Oasis and has  such lovely muted colors.
The Red , black and  white is a 12" block chosen by each lady doing the swap, a diffrent one each month.I chose these colors for my DH They are his teams ' colors.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

they both look a bit wonky . nice in real life. I so like the OASIS moda fabric.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

So Sorry

I was going to be such a good blogger . A lady asked me today :how do you get time to do everything?. I told her you have to get  your priorities in order. Then I remembered reading this yesterday, FEE
is organising anyone who wants to join her in getting our houses in order and appreciating what we have .take a look at her blog. She has a  beautiful shabby chic personality.
Today--I took time to have a coffee with a friend who has just lost her mum.Then I visited the elderly ladies from units next to our Church. I am not saying this to make people think the better of me, but when I came home my boys had returned from their football and we had a lovely time together. I have now spent time in my garden and seen all the bulbs popping their little heads up. Now I can play with my goodies from the craft fair.

proud parents

proud parents