Beautiful Sunshine

OuR LiTTle GiRls JouRneY cOnTINuEs iN tHe LaNd of kANgaRooS, KoaLA BeARs, PlaTYpuS N wOMbaTs..

Friday, February 6, 2009

Smart Conversations with Shannon

Happy New Year everyone!!!

Not sure how many of you are still reading my post since it has been a long time since I posted anything here. We have been busy with people coming to visit. I have posted most pictures of our holiday with friends in Facebook. Am sure my readers are connected to it. Neways, these are some smart conversations David n I had with Shannon. All these happened sometime last year…

At the playground

Shannon: Daddy, I want to climb that thing….
Daddy: So high! I’m afraid of heights (Yes, it is high)
Shannon: I’m not scared of heights…. Mummy is not scared of heights….
She pondered awhile, then turned to Daddy and said,
Shannon: I think God created women like that.

Concept of past tense

Mummy, I bringed the thing yesterday…..
I putted the bottle…

Eaves dropping on our conversation

Raj n Margaret live 2 minutes walk from our place and sometimes we refer them as our 2minutes neighbour. One day, we just asked Shannon (I think Kevin n Evie were with us then…)

Shannon, do you know who our 2 minutes neighbour are?

She replied, “Raj n Margaret?”

Oh, we just have to be careful of what we say now….

With Lucy n Megan Mak

Lucy n Megan were amazed at her vocabulary. To us, is the way Shannon speaks but they said that she speaks very maturely for a 3 year old.

Shannon: Mummy, where is my lip chap?
Mummy: I think it’s in your pocket
Shannon: Not in here
Mummy: The other pocket?
Shannon: Not in here either…

Taking out her Dora sunglasses, she said, “My lens are dirty…”
Mummy was tired n rested on the sofa. Not rested, but lie down. Lucy was there at the living room sitting on the floor. Shannon wanted to play….

Mummy: I’m so sleepy, I want to sleep here.
Shannon: Don’t sleep. It’s so embarrassing!

At the airport, we were at HERTZ to pick our rented car. Apparently, there were no more Corolla’s available for us so they upgraded us to a Statesman car. This conversation took place at the HERTZ booth…

There were 2 people behind the counter. The man attended to David while the lady overheard our conversation. David carried Shannon n sat her at the counter.

The man: I’m sorry there’s no Corolla available today. It was due for pick up on Monday n we have rented the car out. However, there’s another car available, which is the Statesman.

David: Oh, I have no problem with that. (Smiling because it is an upgrade)

Shannon: Daddy, are you hoping for a BMW?

The lady: I can’t believe my ears!

The man laughed….

Shannon: Daddy, you always don’t get what you wish for….

Shannon and football

When Kevin n Evie stayed with us, Evie taught her to say, “Liverpool is boring”. Evie even taught her a tune along with that phrase. She has been singing it till today. She also added another phrase that is, “Sports is boring”.

When we watched the musical WICKED, Raj helped to babysit Shannon. He taught Shannon to say “MU is the best!” He even texted David to tell him that Shannon is not on David’s side. So, when we picked Shannon up, Raj asked her, “Shannon, who’s the best?”
Shannon answered, “BMW the best!”


Once Shannon asked, “What is sighing?”
I said, “ Haaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiii”
Daddy said, “Ah yaaaaaa…….” (shoulders down and made the lizard sound-“tsk”)
And to our surprise, Shannon sighed and said, “Oh.,dear…..” n put her head down.

Shannon with Mummy

Mummy: What do you want to be when you grow up? An engineer like Daddy?
Shannon: No….
Mummy: I thought u wanted to be an engineer like daddy? A doctor?
Shannon: No…
Mummy: A teacher like mummy?
Shannon: No….
Mummy: Then, what do you want to be?
Shannon: A Mummy!

A few days ago, Shannon out of a sudden said this to me…

Shannon: A Mummy’s job is very difficult.
Mummy: huh? What’s so difficult?
Shannon: Got to cook, take care of children, make “mem mem” (milk)…
I just laughed. When David came home, I told him what she said and he also asked…
Daddy: Is Daddy’s job difficult too?
Shannon: Yes….
Daddy: A toddlers job like you is easy right?
Shannon: No, it’s difficult too…
Daddy: What’s so difficult?
Shannon: Got to do colouring….

Both of us look at each other and went ????

That’s our little girl!

Smart Conversations with Shannon

Happy New Year everyone!!!

Not sure how many of you are still reading my post since it has been a long time since I posted anything here. We have been busy with people coming to visit. I have posted most pictures of our holiday with friends in Facebook. Am sure my readers are connected to it. Neways, these are some smart conversations David n I had with Shannon. All these happened sometime last year…

At the playground

Shannon: Daddy, I want to climb that thing….
Daddy: So high! I’m afraid of heights (Yes, it is high)
Shannon: I’m not scared of heights…. Mummy is not scared of heights….
She pondered awhile, then turned to Daddy and said,
Shannon: I think God created women like that.

Concept of past tense

Mummy, I bringed the thing yesterday…..
I putted the bottle…

Eaves dropping on our conversation

Raj n Margaret live 2 minutes walk from our place and sometimes we refer them as our 2minutes neighbour. One day, we just asked Shannon (I think Kevin n Evie were with us then…)

Shannon, do you know who our 2 minutes neighbour is?

She replied, “Raj n Margaret?”

Oh, we just have to be careful of what we say now….

With Lucy n Megan Mak

Lucy n Megan were amazed at her vocabulary. To us, is the way Shannon speaks but they said that she speaks very maturely for a 3 year old.

Shannon: Mummy, where is my lip chap?
Mummy: I think it’s in your pocket
Shannon: Not in here
Mummy: The other pocket?
Shannon: Not in here either…

Taking out her Dora sunglasses, she said, “My lens are dirty…”
Mummy was tired n rested on the sofa. Not rested, but lie down. Lucy was there at the living room sitting on the floor. Shannon wanted to play….

Mummy: I’m so sleepy, I want to sleep here.
Shannon: Don’t sleep. It’s so embarrassing!

At the airport, we were at HERTZ to pick our rented car. Apparently, there were no more Corolla’s available for us so they upgraded us to a Statesman car. This conversation took place at the HERTZ booth…

There were 2 people behind the counter. The man attended to David while the lady overheard our conversation. David carried Shannon n sat her at the counter.

The man: I’m sorry there’s no Corolla available today. It was due for pick up on Monday n we have rented the car out. However, there’s another car available, which is the Statesman.

David: Oh, I have no problem with that. (Smiling because it is an upgrade)

Shannon: Daddy, are you hoping for a BMW?

The lady: I can’t believe my ears!

The man laughed….

Shannon: Daddy, you always don’t get what you wish for….

Shannon and football

When Kevin n Evie stayed with us, Evie thought her to say, “Liverpool is boring”. Evie even taught her a tune along with that phrase. She has been singing it till today. She also added another phrase that is, “Sports is boring”.

When we watched the musical WICKED, Raj helped to babysit Shannon. He taught Shannon to say “MU is the best!” He even texted David to tell him that Shannon is not on David’s side. So, when we picked Shannon up, Raj asked her, “Shannon, who’s the best?”
Shannon answered, “BMW the best!”


Once Shannon asked, “What is sighing?”
I said, “ Haaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiii”
Daddy said, “Ah yaaaaaa…….” (shoulders down and made the lizard sound-“tsk”)
And to our surprise, Shannon sighed and said, “Oh.,dear…..” n put her head down.

Shannon with Mummy

Mummy: What do you want to be when you grow up? An engineer like Daddy?
Shannon: No….
Mummy: I thought u wanted to be an engineer like daddy? A doctor?
Shannon: No…
Mummy: A teacher like mummy?
Shannon: No….
Mummy: Then, what do you want to be?
Shannon: A Mummy!

A few days ago, Shannon out of a sudden said this to me…

Shannon: A Mummy’s job is very difficult.
Mummy: huh? What’s so difficult?
Shannon: Go to cook, take care of children, make “mem mem” (milk)…
I just laughed. When David came home, I told him what she said and he also asked…
Daddy: Is Daddy’s job difficult too?
Shannon: Yes….
Daddy: A toddlers job like you is easy right?
Shannon: No, it’s difficult too…
Daddy: What’s so difficult?
Shannon: Go to do colouring….

Both of us look at each other and went ????

That’s our little girl!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Grandma's first delightful telephone conversation with Shannon (Written by Atta)

24 December 2008

This is the first time Grandma had a long and meaningful conversation with Shannon over the phone. Even though Shannon is good at talking, she had always shy away from having a conversation with anyone over the phone.

Today Grandma was talking with Daddy over the phone, and towards the end of the conversation, Daddy passed the phone to Shannon and told her that Grandma wanted to talk to her. She picked up the phone and started speaking.

Shannon speaking clearly and confidently: “Grandma, what u want to talk about”
Grandma “I got some Christmas presents under the Christmas tree in Malacca for u”
Shannon replied: “I also got two presents here”
Grandma “Have u opened it.”
Shannon “No I only open it on Christmas day”
Grandma “So u must come to Malacca to take your present”
Shannon answered “ U bring it over when u come next year”
Grandma then told her jokingly “Atta can come to Melbourne and bring u back to Malacca and Grandma will send u back in March next year”
Shannon “No, cannot come, I am starting school in February, next year I will be four years old”
Shannon then end the conversation abruptly by saying “ Bye “ and put off the phone.

Grandma is amazed that a three and half year old child can provide prompt, clear and intelligent answers.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

27 October 2008
Mama n Kong Kong had a few more days with us and before they left back to Malaysia, we took them to Sorrento. It's abour 1 1/2 hours drive to the South of Melbourne.
Hotel Sorrento is the landmark of Sorrento and was built in 1871
We walked through Sorrento History Park which was established since 1870

David and Shannon

The park features a variety of interesting trees

The Park is very near the sea...

Shannon not in the mood to look at the camera

Shannon, jumping to her Daddy

Friday, November 28, 2008

Helping Mama with Curry Puffs

Shannon love's curry puff. She doesn't mind even if it's slightly spicy.

The bigger curry puffs are made by Mama n the smaller ones are made by Shannon
The young chef at work

Very into her work...
Paying attention to details-making sure the lines turn out well and nice at the edges

Young chef needs to stand on a stool and telephone book to work comfortably

A closer shot at her work

Very serious eh?

"Hi Mummy, did i do well?"

Cooking for Grandma

21 October 2008
As usual, once a week we'll talk to Grandma and Atta through the internet and web cam. That evening, Shannon decided to prepare a meal for Grandma.

"Here Grandma, your Curry puff"
Continued cooking again....

Sunday, November 23, 2008


21 October 2008
After hair styling, Shannon played with the soft blocks...

Shannon and Isabell