Monday, December 28, 2009

Oops! "Me Time Monday"....on Tuesday!

Well I kinda slipped up's Tuesday, but yesterday (and last week) were kind of hectic.

We had a fabulous Christmas and hope you all did too. We were very spoilt with gifts, ate lots, slept lots and generally loved catching up with friends and family.

I love Christmas and it's my aim this coming year to bring a bit of the magic and special nature of Christmas to every day - celebrate year round!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Me Time Monday - 14 December

We are officially in the countdown to Christmas mode in this house. Every day my three and a bit year old daughter wakes me up with the question "Is it Christmas yet?"'s kinda the yuletide version of "are we there yet?" and is repeated with alarming frequency for the rest of her waking hours...I'll be glad for the day when I can say "yes!!". And then it's all over too soon.

Personally, I love the whole festive frenzy - people rushing around the shops with a manic grin on their faces, carols ad nauseum, everything sparkly and bright.....ah, it's Christmas!! The weekend before last hubby and Sophie made a gingerbread house - it's the cutest thing and we've decided to open one present each on Christmas Eve and eat the gingerbread house and sing Christmas carols - it will be the start of our little family tradition.

I'm excited about Wesley's first Christmas too - he's only 7 weeks old, so he won't remember it, but I'll have fun with it all. Have bought him the cutest little bib that says "Mummy's little pudding" and a Santa hat - so adorable!! I'll try and capture a photo when he's awake and not feeding.

Right, well better go - have lots to do while the little man sleeps - see you next Monday!

Alrighty then....I'm coming out of the fog!!

The last 8 weeks have been a bit of a blur really.....I became a hermit in the last few weeks of my pregnancy and just mooched around at home in a nesting frenzy. Then of course there was the birth of our gorgeous son, and then those first six weeks just flew by in a haze of feeding, not sleeping and wondering how on earth to get through another day with a high energy toddler to cope with!

But, we made it, and now he's starting to sleep, so I can get some semblance of 'me time' back into my life!! Starting with - my poor, neglected blog!!

So, from now on I'm going to try and post once a week - I'll call it 'Me time Monday' may not be interesting, and it might not even make sense, but I'm going to try and be accountable.

Wish me luck!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Seriously lost my blogging mojo....

I've been so busy with being pregnant and nurturing a new life that I've lost my blogging mojo. Hopefully it will come back at some stage, but until then, I'll continue to lurk, occasionally comment and if the mood strikes me - post!

Take care out there in bloggy land!!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sock Monkey

I have been wanting to make one for ages seeing as they are so expensive in the shops, but hadn't gotten around to it until earlier this week. I think it's pretty good (if I may say so myself and especially because I had to do it all by hand because my sewing machine decided to chuck a tanty!) for a first attempt, and now I want to make more!

Sophie loves it and has carried it round everywhere (and I mean everywhere - it has to sit on the potty when she is on the toilet!!) for the last few days and taken it to bed every night. She told me she loves it like she loves Mummy and Daddy - awwww!

Next I want to make a stripey one for a friend's baby shower - I figure it will be something quite original!! For the baby though, I'll embroider the eyes and nose instead of buttons - safer I think!

Thanks to Heather for her instructions so very long ago....I finally did it!!

Without further ado, here is the as yet unnamed sock monkey...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Progress on the '34' list - almost done!!

1. Declutter the house – 1 room per month should be quick enough!! (All done!)
2. Clean out our garage and sell/donate what we don't use (this goes for #1 also). (Done!)
3. Make our bedroom pretty and functional.
4. Stick to the budget – create weekly shopping lists/meal plans. (Done every week so far)
5. Plant (and maintain) a garden for and with my daughter.
(Done! and she loves it!)
6. Do one activity per term with my daughter (dance, swimming, music etc). (Swim T1, Music T2, Playcentre T3 and 4 - so Done!)
7. Go on date nights with hubby – aim for one per month......this one isn't going so well - we've done 3 this year!
8. Sell our house.
9. Buy a bigger house.
10. Wear nice lingerie under my clothes. (Did so, well until I got pregnant anyway!!)
11. Listen, instead of just hearing, what people say to me. (Trying....)
12. Read 50 books. (Up to 46 so far - nearly there!)
13. Create an artwork.
14. Frame all the pictures and artworks that are waiting to be framed.
(Done! and finished the picture wall too!)
15. Socialise more with friends – make an effort! (Have definitely been doing this!!)
16. Start Christmas shopping early in the year.
(Almost finished Christmas shopping - only have hubby and Gran to go!)
17. Take a family holiday. (This is in planning stage...)
18. Blog more often. (Oops!)
19. Cut and colour my hair. (Colour is done.....cut I've decided not to do now...)
20. Do something every week that's just for me.
21. Start sewing again. (I've been doing quite a lot of sewing for Sophie)
22. Get to goal weight by the end of the year (that’s 6kg to lose). (This one is on hold until AFTER the baby arrives!!)
23. Exercise one hour, at least 3 times a week. (Same as #22)
24. Sort through my wardrobe – be ruthless! (Done!)
25. Take my daughter to the zoo. (Did and it was awesome!!)
26. Visit my gran every week. (Loving this one!)
27. Spend more time with friends and family – enjoy them! (Yes if Mum isn't busy!)
28. Practice more ARK (acts of random kindness).
29. Sort out the garden – make it low maintenance – and then actually maintain it! (Done!)
30. Find a pair of sunglasses that actually suit me. (Done!)
31. Write in my daughter’s journal more often. (Have done so every fortnight so far)
32. Play more and be silly more.
33. See at least 2 movies IN the movie theatre – perhaps with hubby?
34. Try a new recipe at least once a month. (Have tried quite a few new recipes this year, so yes!)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ups and downs.....

The downs: Sophie fell into the corner of the deck on Sunday afternoon, split her lip open (top and bottom - no stitches thank God!!), and knocked a tooth back (so far it's staying in).....then developed an infection during the night Monday night and has hardly slept, ate or had much fun all week. She seems to be on the mend a bit now, the antibiotics seem to have kicked in. Spent most of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights in her bed comforting her and holding her while she cried herself to sleep.....poor bubba! (Thank goodness we forked out on her mattress though - it's really comfortable!!).

The ups: Due to not sleeping much, Sophie is chatting to herself late into the night (read 11/12pm!!). Last night, both hubby and I were exhausted and getting a bit frustrated that she just wouldn't go to sleep.....then we heard her singing.....the alphabet song - a,b, c, d....etc - so, so cute!! I didn't realise that she knew how to sing it and she sang it perfectly - all the letters in the right order and everything!! We were lying there listening to this tiny little voice singing out and both just filled with pride - it's moments like that that make it all worth it!! Then I said to her "Go to sleep Sophie" and she yells out "ok Mummy!".....wish it were that simple!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Polyvore Challenge......

Seen it about on a few friends blogs, so decided I'd jump on the bandwagon.

The challenge is: create an outfit based on jeans, a top and whatever accessories you want to add - what is your twist on this basic outfit? Show your personal style.

My outfit is classy and feminine with just a bit of quirk and sexiness - all that I aspire

Sunday, July 5, 2009

In a baking frenzy!

Have a friend coming over tomorrow, and will be baking carrot/ginger muffins with cream cheese icing and chocolate chip cookies....but the baking bug has hit me big time so I can't wait until tomorrow to get started!

Came across this fantastic recipe for super easy scones recently on a forum I frequent and will be making these today (in a few minutes actually!).

3 cups self raising flour
1 cup cream
1 cup lemonade (must be fizzy - doesn't matter if cold or room temp)

Mix all ingredients together to form a sticky dough. Cut into individual scones and bake at 220 degrees celcius for 10 minutes.

There you go - easy peasy! I'll report back on how yummy they are!! With pics if I can stand the wait!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Feeling a bit low actually.....

Just feeling a bit sooky lala and sensitive at the moment, and it doesn't help when you have comments like this given to you:

Re: discipline of a very challenging two and a bit year old "I find that 'X' only really acts up when I don't pay enough attention to her....are you ignoring Sophie a lot more recently?" Yeh, that's helpful....thanks.

Re: toilet training "My eldest was toilet trained at 18 months but of course she was a much loved and wanted child"....oh, so my child not trained at 2 1/2 years is because I don't want her or love her enough....thanks for that.

Re: a present given to someone "Oh that really wasn't should have just given me a card....but maybe that would have cost you more"....yeh, yeh, I know you're joking, but that's not nice.

So, after a week of being kicked while I'm down, I'm just going to the bottom of the garden to eat worms.....see you when I get back.

Monday, June 22, 2009

OOPS! and Blog This Challenge #5

Everyone loves Holidays. Everyone has had a holiday - be it a great big backpacking adventure, a luxury weekend away,a caravan trek as a kid with the family taking in Big Bananas, Big Prawns, Big Pineapples et al, Camping in the neighbours yard under the stars for a few nights. Elaborately planned holidays, impromptu 'let's get out of here' holidays. Blog about a holiday you've had that stands out - adventure, relaxation, family, friends, disaster, hilarious events! Who were you with? Where did you go? What made it so memorable? Share a photo if you want!

Well I guess I've been a bit awol with the blogging challenges, somehow I keep missing out the announcement of the challenge and then forgetting to check....anyway....somehow we are up to challenge #5 and i thought I'd better jump back in!

This one's an easy one for me - the best holiday I can ever remember is one of the first family trips we went on. We had to get up at midnight and be shifted out to the car, which as a 7 year old is horrendously exciting in itself and then travelled all night to get to our destination, which was the not so nicely named Coffin Bay in South

On the surface, this holiday should have been an absolute disaster - miles from anywhere, no entertainment, no tv, rained the whole time, stuck in a little holiday house with my family and not even close to the beach......but it was wonderful. We talked, played games, painted and got time to just 'be' which was exquisite and rarely done! I have no photos from this holiday, except the pictures in my mind, which I often refer to on a rainy day.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wedding Anniversary update

Had a lovely lunch on the weekend with hubby, just the two of us! It's been ages since we've been on a 'date'. Lunch at a restaurant by the water, quiet and intimate - lovely food and great conversation....oh, and Tiramisu to die for!! Almost made up for being sick on our actual anniversary!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Wedding Anniversary!

5 years today.....some days it feels like forever (in a good way) and in some ways it seems like we are always discovering something new about each other. Love you babe!

We were supposed to be going out to dinner tonight with Mum and Dad babysitting and I've been looking forward to it all week, but wouldn't you know it, this morning I wake up sick as the proverbial dog - must be a growth spurt in the bubba.....argh!

Will have to postpone it until the weekend and have a long leisurely lunch and maybe trawl some baby shops if I can convince

The 5th anniversary is traditionally wood, so I've bought him an olive tree and a gorgeous big terracotta pot to put it in until we move to a bigger house (this year hopefully!!). He's been wanting one for ages, and despite asking a million questions over the last few weeks, I hope he hasn't guessed what it is and is surprised!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

When I grow up.....

Blogged Challenge #1!

I've recently joined a blog ring, to help keep my blog fresh and (hopefully!) interesting!

The first challenge is:

Challenge 1: When I grow up.A ballerina? A vet? An astronaut? As a small child, what did you dream of becoming? Tell your story, on your own blog, in words, pictures or a combination. The choice is yours. As long or short as you like.

Funny, I was just thinking about this the other day. Watching my daughter grow up and wondering who she will turn out to be got me thinking about my childhood and the careers I was so sure I would hold when I 'grew up' (still got some of that to do really....).

First I wanted to be a ballerina, but stumpy little thighs and general lack of coordination scuppered that one. But I tried really, really hard to look the part, and I did love my ballet lessons!

Then it was air hostess, (I'm sure there's a more PC name for them now, but meh), but again, my general stumpiness prevented that one. To this day I have travel reaching the overhead bins!!

The final and most long-held dream in career terms was vet. I love animals and still do, but I hate needles and anything to do with blood (and still do!), so that one was sunk as well.

I guess as a child I really wanted to do something I love, but when I actually started working I fell into a career and learned to love it. However, I do think that underlying all of those things was a theme - to entertain, nurture and make a difference, and I think my 'career' now, of stay at home mummy is the epitome of all those things and what's more, I love it!

The pay in monetary terms is pretty bad, but the joy I get from seeing my daughter's face and hearing her little giggles, watching her learn new things and delighting in the world around her - priceless!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day

Had a lovely Mother's Day.....hard to believe that next year I'll be a Mum of 2!

Having had a test run on Saturday with a 9am sleep in and then woken up with toast in bed (thanks hubby!), Sunday I was greeted by a sleepy little girl saying "Happy Birthday.......Happy Mother's Day Mummy" (with much and presents!

We went out for breakfast, which was lovely, except that I was really in the mood for pancakes and they didn't serve them! Oh well, a fresh fruit salad and toast had to make do....haha.

Then we spent time with my gran and my parents - it's amazing to have 4 generations of females in our family to celebrate such occcasions with! Then in the afternoon I went shopping with my mum, sans child - a rare treat! We browsed, chatted and had coffee together - priceless! Ok, I also did some shopping.....but that was just a bonus.

All in all a lovely day spent with the people I love the most in the whole world - my family!!

On a side note though - it's suprising the number of cafes that DON'T serve pancakes - what, is it difficult? Or are they a casualty of the whole low carb lifestyle.....either way I think it's a silly idea!!

I'm kind of sick of the whole 'let's dictate how people eat' thing.....quite frankly I think there is a lack of personal discipline in eating and it is unfair for those who are able to control what and how they eat!!

Bring back the pancakes!! Ok, off my soap box now.....Hope you all had a lovely Mother's Day and spoiled your mothers - they are very, very special women!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Another goal....well on the way!

I also set myself a goal to read 34 books this year (because I'm 34!) and so far I'm up to 22 - I think I'll make it! (Now I'm thinking 50 as a medium sized goal and maybe even aiming to double the original goal by December 31....we shall see!)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

I've been interviewed!

Chantelle from fat.mum.slim interviewed me for her everyday everybody series and it's up on her blog now!

Quite exciting really, and I had to think hard about some of the answers!

Go and check it out if you wanna!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Advice to my younger self.....

I had the most fascinating and eye-opening conversation with an old school friend yesterday, in which I discovered some very interesting things about our relationship back then which would have been very different if we knew the things we know about each other and the world in general now, and whilst lying awake last night, I was thinking - what advice would I give my younger self?

If you can put aside the obvious time travel restrictions and the serious creepiness of facing 'yourself' at a different time in your life......think with me......what would you say?

To my 10 year old self: "I know that moving to New Zealand from Australia seems like the end of the world, but you WILL cope, and you will make some fantastic friends who you will still be friends with in 20+ years (and that's not old you little smart alec!!)"

To my 15 year old self: "Live a little - study isn't all there is, the world is a big place and you need to learn world smarts as well as book smarts. And that boy does like you, be brave!"

To my 20 year old self: "Okay, enough with the living - slow down and smell the roses! You are burning the candle at both ends and the sides and you are going to crash!! Take one thing at a time and solve it, don't try to be everything to everybody - you can't please everyone!! Oh, and your body is fantastic - don't put yourself down - you won't be this skinny for a long time!!"

To my 30 year old self: "Being single is ok for now, the right man is coming along all in good time. Take time to be you. Get back to what matters - family and friends - reconnect yourself"

I'm only 34, but that seems like good advice for my younger self at those stages - now to find out how to time travel!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The project is revealed!!

The project I alluded to a while back.....can now be revealed.

Drum roll new (additional) blog!

Go check it out if you want to!

Sunday, April 19, 2009


It's raining today, and normally I'm not a huge fan of rain, particularly when stuck indoors with a very active toddler, but today I'm grateful. I'm in a stay in comfy clothes inside, just relaxing with a cup of soup kind of mood and thankfully Sophie is happy to play with her new train set while I tuck into my new book.

It's the small things that make me happy! She's happy, I'm happy, the garden is soaking up the lovely rain - the world is a lovely place today!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

The egg hunt!

Sophie had been ill last week (gastro - yuk!) and thus I wasn't sure how she would go with her first ever Easter egg hunt, but I thought I'd give it a go anyway. Daddy distracted her while I raced around the yard putting eggs and little bunnies out for her to find.

She was a bit confused at first, but quickly got the hang of it and was racing around squealing with delight every time she found something - saying "look, look, look!" and then naming the colour of the object. It was very cute.

My mother-in-law had sent her an Easter basket for the collection of Easter eggs and Sophie's eggs are stored in this as we eke them out so there is not too much crazy sugar high behaviour!! There was quite a haul!

I think she was pleased with the outcome of the hunt!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ticked another item off the list!

Today, I did #5 - planted a garden with my daughter. It was so much fun. We dug out the old garden from a half barrel, then went to the garden centre and I gave her pretty much free rein to choose her own plants. I think she did a lovely job too - the colours all coordinate nicely. I also planted baby carrot seeds, and lemon thyme for a sensory experience, and bought a cute little green watering can. She is so proud to water her little garden, and I think it will be a lovely thing for her over the next little while to watch the seedlings come up and then eat the carrots!

Here is our efforts:

Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Happy Easter everyone!!

I am currently snacking on a hot cross bun, fresh out of the oven, that I didn't even lift a finger to make - thanks hubby! Yummy! Daughter is asleep on the couch, so I thought I'd do a quick post to wish everyone a happy Easter, and then get started on my new book.

I hope everyone is having a safe and family happy easter, not indulging in too many chocolate eggs!

In our local town, we have a Jazz festival, so might check that out tomorrow...

And I will post photos next week of Sophie's easter egg hunt in the backyard - too cute!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Major progress on the 34. List!

1. Declutter the house – 1 room per month should be quick enough!! (Only the office to go!)
2. Clean out our garage and sell/donate what we don't use (this goes for #1 also). (Done!)
3. Make our bedroom pretty and functional.
4. Stick to the budget – create weekly shopping lists/meal plans. (Done every week so far)
5. Plant (and maintain) a garden for and with my daughter.
6. Do one activity per term with my daughter (dance, swimming, music etc). (Swim Term 1)
7. Go on date nights with hubby – aim for one per month.
8. Sell our house.
9. Buy a bigger house.
10. Wear nice lingerie under my clothes. (Have been doing so - matching even!)
11. Listen, instead of just hearing, what people say to me. (Trying....)
12. Read 50 books. (Up to 17 so far)
13. Create an artwork.
14. Frame all the pictures and artworks that are waiting to be framed.
15. Socialise more with friends – make an effort! (Have definitely been doing this!!)
16. Start Christmas shopping early in the year.
17. Take a family holiday.
18. Blog more often. (Oops!)
19. Cut and colour my hair. (Colour is done.....cut I've decided not to do now...)
20. Do something every week that's just for me.
21. Start sewing again. (I made one skirt for me and a toy for Sophie)
22. Get to goal weight by the end of the year (that’s 6kg to lose). (1kg to go!)
23. Exercise one hour, at least 3 times a week. (Yes, well.....)
24. Sort through my wardrobe – be ruthless! (Done!)
25. Take my daughter to the zoo. (Did and it was awesome!!)
26. Visit my gran every week. (Loving this one!)
27. Spend more time with friends and family – enjoy them! (Yes if Mum isn't busy!)
28. Practice more ARK (acts of random kindness).
29. Sort out the garden – make it low maintenance – and then actually maintain it!
30. Find a pair of sunglasses that actually suit me.
31. Write in my daughter’s journal more often. (Have done so every fortnight so far)
32. Play more and be silly more.
33. See at least 2 movies IN the movie theatre – perhaps with hubby?
34. Try a new recipe at least once a month. (Have tried 3 new recipes this year, so yes!)

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I was tagged by Katy of MamaKat and Katy of Wife.Mummy.Me for this one!

The Rules:

1. List these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
3. Tell 7 unspectacular quirks about you.
4. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
5.Link the person who tagged you.
6.Leave a comment for each blogger.

It could be nice if you post a personal photo with this post.


7 facts about myself:
1. I was adopted age 18 months and I'm spectacularly grateful!
2. I'm short - not Oompa Loompa short, but pretty short nonetheless.
3. I am a proud South Australian, even though I haven't lived there since I was 10.
4. I love to read....really love to read!!
5. I love dogs - even those supposedly ugly Chinese Hairless ones.
6. I am suprisingly careful with money now, I wasn't always this way!
7. I always wanted to be an air hostess, but I was too short.

7 unspectacular quirks:
1. I have a thing about firemen - always have....
2. I have very small hands - my wedding ring is an H 1/2.
3. I am a spelling nazi (or so I've been told....)
4. I arrange my books by colour of spine.
5. I love vegemite - won't travel without it.
6. I still have my favourite childhood toy - Ellie the Elephant.
7. I don't eat fish, unless I really, really have to.

My 7 people to tag:
1. Kylie
2. Kir
3. Andrea
4. Simone
5. Heather
6. Kristy
7. Charlene

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Well, well, well....

I'm supposed to be blogging more often, but just lately a huge project (which cannot yet be revealed) is taking up a whole lot of my time and energy and I keep forgetting to come in here.

As soon as I can tell you more I will, until then, I will be quite absent-ish!

Monday, February 2, 2009

The thrift finds.....

1. This gorgeous sleeveless blouse with ruffle detail. It's super thin so it's nice and cool and the detail gives it that certain something I think! I've been looking for something like this for ages! ($2.50). I also bought the bangles to go with it, but I'm not sure on those.....($2.00). I think I will put an extra button on the bottom though, as post baby belly really shouldn't be bared anymore!!

Closeup of the bangles - they have a graduated colour from white through to a dark blue:

2. Now, this is just incredibly soft and just slightly fluffy. I was attracted to the flower detail on the front and the gorgeous muted colour. It has 3/4 sleeves and is quite light, so perfect for that in-between weather that we get so much of here. It also has a nice wide boat neck to show off those (Priced at $3.00, then discovered storewide 50% off sale! Yay me!). I am happy with it....really! I just look somewhat pensive, still trying to work out this self-timer thing - I have zero patience!!

And, just because I cute little princess decided she wanted to 'pose'.....sorry it's out of focus, but it was on self-timer and it snapped when she was moving, and then she decided she didn't want to stay still any more

Saturday, January 31, 2009

If I were a boy....

I was tagged by Kylie for this one.....a curious little test indeed!

1. Put your iTunes or Windows Media Player or Ipod on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your next answer.
Check shuffle is on again...
3. You must write that song name down no matter how outrageous it sounds!
4. Tag friends who might enjoy doing the game as well as the person you got the note from

'Does anybody really know what time it is?' (Chicago)

'I hope you Dance' (Ronan Keating) - quite true really!

'Never going to leave your side' (Daniel Bedingfield) - well, fidelity is important!

'Make me Smile' (Chicago)

'My Love' (Justin Timberlake)

'Irresistible' (Jessica Simpson) - uh huh...

'Gotta get thru this' (Daniel Bedingfield)

WHAT IS 2+2?
'Run' (Leona Lewis) - yeh I never was good at

'Days go by' (Lifehouse)

'Only Human' (Jason Mraz)....well true!

'Let me entertain you' (Robbie Williams)

'Lovestoned' (Justin Timberlake)

'Save the last dance' (Michael Buble)

'Say you, say me' (Lionel Richie)

'Single Ladies (Put a ring on it)' (Beyonce) - pmsl...

'Angels' (Robbie Williams)

'Home' (Michael Buble) - spooky!

'In the air tonight' (Phil Collins)

'If you're not the one' (Daniel Bedingfield)

'If you leave me now' (Chicago)

'Apologize' (Timbaland/One Republic)

'Rock and roll all night' (Poison) - well their outfits do at least!

'Father and Son' (Boyzone) - it does!

'Lucky' (Jason Mraz)

'Let him fly' (Jessica Simpson)

'Safe in my heart' (Foreigner)

'I can't stop loving you' (Keith Urban)

'Bleeding Love' (Leona Lewis)

'If I were a boy' (Beyonce)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Yes! Found it!

The perfect skirt - the right length, gorgeous fabric, some colour for my wardrobe.....and a great price!! It was reduced from $99 to $30 (which I thought was a bargain), and then when I got to the checkout, the lady said....that will be $22 - we are having a % off sale today! Score!!

Anyway, it's just divine, 100% silk and so floaty....sorry for the crappy photo, couldn't be bothered hauling out the tripod today....I've got some great thrift finds to show you too, but they can wait until next week I think.....can you? Tee hee...

Without further ado, here is the aforementioned (gosh I love that word...) skirt:

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I'm making progress on a few items on my "34" list....particularly in the areas of decluttering and selling off stuff! Unfortunately this is combined with a complete lack of progress on the buying new house front, the market is very depressed here, and it doesn't look at all likely for this year.

However, I have (inspired by a friend) started a 'vision board' where I put pictures of things I want to achieve - houses, bedroom looks, wardrobe looks etc to inspire me to continue to put positivity into my universe - counter the negative that can come from not getting what I want immediately - hey I am generation X!!

We have our very first playdate at our house today, S and I have been attending our coffee group weekly since she was a few weeks old, and we have been to quite a few playdates at other people's houses, but this is our first one at our house - I don't know who is more excited - me or her!! Should be fun....

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Last night I had a long soak in the bath, for nearly an hour (and if you are a parent, you'll know how rare this is!!).....smothered in luscious bubbles courtesy of a Lush Ma Bar. Candles, solitude and a warm bath....with the only interruption being my husband bringing me a Magnum Mini....and asking if there was anything else I needed.....Could my evening have been any better? I think not.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Well I've decided to rebrand my nickname for a long time at work was "mummabee" because I was always mothering someone (mothering? smothering? LOL). And seeing as my thrifting efforts have been, well let's face it, few and far between and not likely to get any less sporadic, I've decided to re title and refocus my blog in the hope that it will spur me to blog more often. So now you are going to be subjected to all kinds of randomness - fitness, fatness, fashion, findings, fabric and allsorts of fabulousness! We'll see how it all goes - hope you'll stay along for the ride.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

34 Things I'd like to achieve this year.....

Jumping on the bandwagon of lists, which it's no secret I love wholeheartedly....I have decided to post on my blog the list of things I want to accomplish this year. I will be 34 in a few days, so I decided that was a nice number of things to do.

Disclaimer: this is not a New Year's resolution list - I don't believe in making them (and besides if I do, I don't keep them and they end up snowballing....). I plan to do the occasional post to update on things that are accomplished.

Without further ado, here is the list:

1. Declutter the house – 1 room per month should be quick enough!!
2. Clean out our garage and sell/donate what we don't use (this goes for #1 also).
3. Make our bedroom pretty and functional.
4. Stick to the budget – create weekly shopping lists/meal plans.
5. Plant (and maintain) a garden for and with my daughter.
6. Do one activity per term with my daughter (dance, swimming, music etc).
7. Go on date nights with hubby – aim for one per month.
8. Sell our house.
9. Buy a bigger house.
10. Wear nice lingerie under my clothes.
11. Listen, instead of just hearing, what people say to me.
12. Read 50 books.
13. Create an artwork.
14. Frame all the pictures and artworks that are waiting to be framed.
15. Socialise more with friends – make an effort!
16. Start Christmas shopping early in the year.
17. Take a family holiday.
18. Blog more often.
19. Cut and colour my hair.
20. Do something every week that's just for me.
21. Start sewing again.
22. Get to goal weight by the end of the year (that’s 6kg to lose).
23. Exercise one hour, at least 3 times a week.
24. Sort through my wardrobe – be ruthless!
25. Take my daughter to the zoo.
26. Visit my gran every week.
27. Spend more time with friends and family – enjoy them!
28. Practice more ARK (acts of random kindness).
29. Sort out the garden – make it low maintenance – and then actually maintain it!
30. Find a pair of sunglasses that actually suit me.
31. Write in my daughter’s journal more often.
32. Play more and be silly more.
33. See at least 2 movies IN the movie theatre – perhaps with hubby?
34. Try a new recipe at least once a month.