So it's Sunday evening and I just realized that I haven't posted in a bit so here goes. The duck finished my taxes today and I'll be writing a check but then I knew that was coming. I just wish those jerks in DC would spend it a little better. Going after the president is not helpful, he's doing what he said he was going to do and the country is in much better shape than before his election so just let him alone please. You don't have to like him as a person but at least give him credit for the accomplishments.
I was asked why I haven't been on a cruise in a while and gosh, why bother? Other than the ocean I have the same amenities right here where I live. I really love dressing for dinner in the evening and going to the dining room and then having entertainment afterward.
I've been sleeping in a bit lately, why not? Life is grand here.
Hope you are having a lovely week y'all. I know I am!