Sunday, February 21, 2016

Week 3 of 52 Week Photo Challenge

Well, I ran into this blog where Alsha from "Alsha's Space" is hosting the "52 Week Photo Challenge" and thought this might help to keep me blogging at least once a week even though my primary blogging topic is quillting. I so have to take photos of the quilting projects I post.

The deal with the "52 Week Photo Challenge" is that each Sunday, Alsha willl post a topic to photograph. She then puts up a Linky where one blogs about what "this word means to me" and shows the photo taken to depict the topic.

The word for this week was "yoga". I used to do yoga at a local gym and I really love it. Now, I just never seem to find the time. I'm too busy quilting :) When I do yoga now, I use my Wii with the Wii Fit Plus when I manage to get around to it, so here is my YOGA photo.

Click here to go to "Alsha's Space" and see other's YOGA photos.
That is all.



You have til March 15 to join the Neighborhood Block Party

The Neighborhood Block Party is alive and going well. We continue to receive house blocks. Today I'm posting a couple of blocks sent in by Laura, one for the Party and one for charity.

This first block is so unusual and pretty. I would not have thought of using a plaid for the house but I love the effect. You can bet that I'll be making a plaid block soon. Love it!

I also like this unusual block. The rock walls look just like some of the houses in the little town where we have our ranch house. This house is adorable. I'll have to look for some of that layered rock fabric.
Thanks for your house block, Laura!
There's still time for you to join the Neighborhood Block Pary and send in your house blocks. They need to be received by March 15. Click here or on the house below for information about the Neighborhood Block Party. See you there!
That is all.


Saturday, February 13, 2016

Neighborhood Block Party

Good Saturday Morning!

Lovely houses continue to arrive from Neighborhood Block Party participants.

This adorable house was sent in by Maria. Don't you just love the bright, cheerful colors, not to mention those owls in and under the tree. Just wait til that doggy notices...

And this house reminds me of a beach house. It even appears like it's surrounded by sand. This pretty house sent in by Erin reminds me of relaxing summer days.

You still have time to join the Neighborhood Block Party and send your house block in. At the request of some participants who are needing a little more time, we will extend the date for the drawing to March 15th. Now that gives you more time to sew up a block and get it mailed in. Maybe you'll be the lucky one to win some beautiful house blocks. I was a lucky winner one year and was able to make this quilt.
Click here or on the photo below for info about joining the Neighborhood Party.
Don't forget to show-off your house at Ida's linky. Click here to link-up and see what others have done.

That is all.


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Hexie Wall Hanging DONE!

It's "Piece Yourself Together" Day and guess what I've finally finished...


I began working on this wall hanging quite some time ago. I need to do a little research through my quilting journal to figure out how long I've been working on this but those of you who have been following my blog know it's been a long time. My sister Ida made the little house in the center which became the focus of the wall hanging. She first made a little house block like this for Beth's Neighborhood Party one year and I commented on how much it looks like our ranch house so before I knew it, Ida had made one for me. It's surrounded by hexie flowers which I've been sewing on forever. By the way, some of those green hexies just below to house were made by our own Anthea. She sent some to Ida for her OZ wall hanging and Ida gave me a few because they fit so well with mine.
Click here or on the photo below to find out Anthea's blog at "Hibiscus Stitches" to see what others are doing with their hexies.
That is all.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Neighborhood House Block Party

Welcome to the Neighborhood Party!

House blocks are beginning to arrive from those who have already joined the Neighborhood Party.

Ida has made three! Just look at this cute skinny house with that skinny tree and the darling cat in the window.

Then there's this crazy wonky house which is adorable with the Raggedy Ann & Andy dolls and another cat.

Isn't this church block beautiful, down to the stained glass windows and the bell tower?
Mary has sent this cute, cute block. You have to love that ATV trying to drive up the side of the house. That will certainly get rid of the "blah" anyone in that house may be having.

Beth, the originator of the "Neighborhood Party" has sent this colorful house. Look at the pretty flowers growing nearby, as well as those darling girls sitting on the fence having a chat.

You still have plenty of time to make your house block and join the party. We'll draw the winner(s) who will receive several blocks (depending on the number that get sent in) on March 1st. Click here or on the house block below to join the party. These two blocks are my contribution to the party.


That is all.