Monday, March 2, 2009



Does anyone ever think about how much you kan learn from these particular little creatures?

These simple odd little guys sit at the bottom of the sea floor and mind there own bussiness.

But every so often a grain of sand gets into there mouth. This peace of sand agitates them so much, but they can not do anything about it. They are helpless!

Now you may asking yourself: "What does this have anything to do with me, or life at all?".

Well i am going to tell you!

When this not so rare accurance happens, the clam itself secretes something that covers the entire grain of sand in a glossy substance, thus making a pearl!

Now what can we take from this? When something bad happens to us, what can we do about it?

We can choose to let it continue to bother us for ever, or we kan make it into something beautiful! It is totally out choice.

Bad things happen to us all of the time. Life is hard, everyone knows that. It probably wont get any easier until we die, but we can choose to grow and learn!

So what if something is goin on that you dont like, do something about it. No one has the control in your life that you have. No one can make you happy, they can help, but in the end YOU are the one making the decision. YOU are the one putting on the smile, and YOU make your life what you want it to be.

I dont quite know if any of this really makes sense, i hope i got the point through. The idea just came to me while listening to some Sigur Ros.

Turn those grains of sand (bad situations) into a beautiful pearl.

The one thing that is different, is that the clam is killed in the process of retrieving the pearl. But dont let that discourage you!

Saturday, February 7, 2009



What is a scar to you? Is it just a mark that defaces the surface of your skin? Is it a sign of manly-ness that you show off to your friends, and a conversation starter? Or is it just a scar?
Well scars mean something different to me.

When i talk about scars i think of something different. I think of them as reminders of past events, as lessons learned, as visual consequences of ones actions! Im talking about scars that may not be physical. Im talkin bout ones past and history.

You see everyone has scars, and everyone goes through problems. The thing that varries is how you react to it, how you take it. Do you learn when something happens? Or do you resent it?
Some scars are bigger than others, some problems may be bigger. But we kan be the ones who change how they affect us, we are the only ones who kan do that!

When a problem arises we should not freek out, or scream at the Heavens and feel surry fer yerself. You should take everything into consideration, and have faith. I have learned that if you go into anything with the will to learn and grow, the experience will end up making you a better person!

Now, im not saying to ferget about these things. I'm saying that you should learn from them! Always remember the things you learned, just dont hold onto those things so that they retard your growth.

Learn and move on, never to make the same mistakes again!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Tonight i drove down to check on the cows water. It was dark, quiet, really peaceful, and yet a little bit lonely. I just sat in the car, with the music of DIDO, and looked around me. It was a wonderful time to think. The cows walked over, and then it was just us.

I sat there listenin to the soft music, and takin interest in everything around me. And thats when i realised what ive been missing.

The pasture is part of me, and so are the animals that live there. But ive been so caught up with other things that i fergot about that part of myself. I mean ive been sick, and school keeps me busy, not to mention ive had musical practice all the time. But those are just excuses.

Excuses are like armpits, THEY ALL STINK!!

Then i began to wonder what else i, and even others, are missing. I miss the afternoons i used to ride my bike out to the middle of the pasture and play my guitar to the cows, while watchin the sunset over the rockies. But i let life get in the way, and thats not acceptable. It made me really think. I looked at Bob, the bull i had raised myself. And i thought about all of the easy and relaxing memories i had.

What are you missing?
Think about the little things that make you happy.
Do you know when to get off the computer and just have a nice time to think?
Remember what is important, and stay intact with the true you. Dont become subjective to the ways of society until you are just another drone who follows the ads on the television, doesnt talk to anyone unless its through texting, and cant make a decision without the help of a big brand name company.

Learn to turn off your cell-phone and just get out there. It is amasing how nature and some good (meaningful) music can shut down all outter influences and show you the world. Look at things different and dont listen to what the radio has to say, its just garbage anyway.

Let the people around you know how you really feel, and just live you life.
Stop and Listen,

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Gluten Free

All my life i have fought health problems. In 5th grade i was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis (a nasty arthiritis), I've had asthma my whole life, and many other things. I've gone through many different things to try and help my body, bu its just hard. But recently I've been on a Gluten Free, Sugar Free, and almost Dairy Free diet. Many ask me how i do this, but the answer is simple.

If i cant say no to not eating certain things, how will i control any other decision in my life? If i cant just ignore the temptation of these few things, how will i face other temptations that come along? Not only does this diet help me with my health and physical strenght, it strenghtens me as a person. I have the power to say no to anything that is tempting yet not so great for me. Even the things that "everybody" is doing, i can say no to. I mean, everyone around me that i know is eating sugar and gluten normaly. And thats fine, but i can still say no to it. If everyone learned this lesson think of how great it all would be. All you have to do is tell yourself no, and DONT listen to what anyone says about it!

Also i decided that i would make my change RIGHT THEN. I didnt set a day to start, er even say "Tomarrow i will do it". I just went off all of it right then, and that made all of the difference. With all habits or temptations you want to break, you HAVE TO just start. Dont act like yer gunna start "soon", just do it right away. Tell yerself no and deny yerself of what it thinks you need. YOU know whats best fer yerself, and need to follow that. Dont listen to anyone else because what your doin is "crasy" er "dumb". Because you know you can do it and thats all that matters.

Just by doin this diet it changes the way i think and work through every aspect of my life. If im not goin to put sugar er white flower in my body, then why the heck would i do drugs er drink. It doesnt make sense. Its been about 6 months since ive had sugar, and now im not even tempted bout it. It almost makes me sick just to look at it, and honestly frustrates me that its such a big deal to other people around me!

Remember whats really important, and fight fer whats right!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas is here!

Well, Christmas is here again. Fer my whole life this has been my favorite time of the year. I love everything about it; the snow, the joy, family, giving, and two weeks off of school!

I love the feeling of joy that everyone spreads around, and the sight of snow covering the ground. Nothing makes me as happy. People all around come together. I love all of the ads on the radio and tv, and i love the decorations.

So, all in all, I love Christmas. I love to surround myself with the people i love and care about. I love hearing the Christmas Story, and learning about Christ and being reminded about what he has done for us!!

So for this Christmas i would ask you to really think about what is important, and let the ones you really care about know.

Merry Christmas,


Sunday, November 30, 2008

Me- the basics

Well, where do i start?

I live here in little ole Elizabeth colorado and love it. We are on 35 acres, and i have many memories here. Where we live allows me to have many animals and the things that i love. We have 'bout 6 head of cattle, llamas, and my dog Dakota. It is very soothing to be able to access the outdoors easily through your backdoor. But nature is just one of my loves.

I have always been influenced and attractred to art and music. I think they are great ways of expessing yerself, and sharing emotions and ideas. I like to think, and convey myself through the things around me. I have played the guitar on and off for 'bout 6-7 years, and just recently began playing the piano. I dont usually listen to music that is what you would call "popular". My friends haven't heard of half the stuff that i love. When asked what my favorite music is its easier just to say "whatever is playin on my i-pod". I love music that is full of meaning and emotion, not the junk you here on yer average station.

Ever since i can remember i have been very interested in art. I love to play with color and shape and create new things. Behind each piece of art is a reason, or something the creator wants to share. I love to create abstract art. Many people do not get it, or even agree with it, but it means so much to me.

Since i can remember i have been close to nature and animals. From my first dog Duke to my bull Bob whom i raised from the day he was born, it just feels right. A few years ago i got into plants as well. It started with carnivorous plants, but spread out from there. I feel a great connection with anything living. I strive for information, and do what i can to find out how things work. I find influence and peace in the creatures around us. I love to lose myself in my surroundings. Its not out of the ordinary for me just to take my guitar and sit out in the pasture fer awhile.

When i was in 5th grade i was diagnosed with Arthiritis. I have never had much great health, and that might be why i think so much. I have had to overcome much physical pain, our bodies are imperfect. But our minds are boundless!

I am not one to seek much attention. I naturally keep to myself for the most part. I like to think. And i feel emotion.