Thursday, September 09, 2010

'New Dawn' Soldiers Arrive in Iraq

WASHINGTON - As the first U.S. soldiers to deploy exclusively for Operation New Dawn have arrived in southern Iraq, officials are investigating a shooting incident that left two American soldiers dead and nine others wounded in Iraq's Salahuddin province yesterday.

The lead elements of 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment from Fort Hood, Texas, have arrived in Iraq and are preparing for their new mission. The regiment previously deployed three times during Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Known as the "Brave Rifles," the combat-capable, brigade-sized unit will continue the mission of advising and assisting Iraqi security forces in five southern provinces. The unit replaces the 3rd Infantry Division's 3rd Brigade, one of the first heavy brigade combat teams configured for an advise-and-assist role. The 3rd Brigade deployed from Fort Benning, Ga., a year ago under Operation Iraqi Freedom.

The Brave Rifles will operate under the 1st Infantry Division headquarters as part of U.S. Division South. The unit will advise and assist Iraqi army, federal police and border guard units, as well as State Department-led teams.

Operation New Dawn represents a change in the mission of U.S. forces in Iraq from combat missions conducted by U.S. forces to stability operations conducted by Iraqi security forces with U.S. advice and assistance.

Meanwhile, U.S. Forces Iraq officials have begun an investigation into the Salahuddin shooting, in which an Iraqi soldier also was killed.

A preliminary review of reports from the scene indicates the attack was deliberate, officials said, adding that the detailed investigation will clarify the facts and actions of all involved.

Army Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan, a U.S. Forces Iraq spokesman, expressed condolences to the families of the soldiers killed or wounded.

"Though this incident is tragic and our first concern is for our comrades and their families," he added, "it doesn't affect our strong commitment to the mission of advising and assisting the Iraqi security forces as they continue to sacrifice each day for security and stability in their nation. We stand firmly beside them."

Deployed air refueling unit helps fuel the Afghanistan surge

by Staff Sgt. Jeremy Larlee, 380th Air Expeditionary Wing Public Affairs

SOUTHWEST ASIA (AFNS) -- Whether in support of airlift missions or combat operations, aircraft fuel delivered by members of the 908th Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron here is vital to the success of this surge.

The 908th EARS' KC-10 Extender aircrews deliver more than one million pounds of fuel in support of Afghanistan operations daily. That total is approximately 50 percent of the total amount of fuel distributed in the Afghanistan theater.

Using either an advanced aerial refueling boom or a hose and drogue centerline refueling system, the KC-10 can refuel a variety of U.S. and allied military aircraft within the same mission day or night. There are three main wing fuel tanks and three large fuel tanks under the cargo floor. Combined, the six tanks carry more than 356,000 pounds of fuel.

Lt. Col. Jimmy Shaw, the commander of the 908th EARS, said the Afghanistan missions are challenging. In particular, there are numerous communication difficulties due to the rugged terrain.

However, he said his aircrews are able to overcome the difficulties.

"The bottom line is they task us and we perform," he said. "It's rugged and it's difficult and you are not in friendly territory."

The squadron's aircraft perform more than 450 sorties monthly, the colonel said. In the past, aircrews spent 30 percent of their time deployed, but with the increased operations tempo, they now spend 70 percent of their time deployed.

Colonel Shaw said it is not rare for someone to be deployed three times in the same year, and the members of the 908th EARS are able to keep up the heavy tempo due largely to the flexibility and professionalism of the maintainers.

"They really have to jump through some impressive hoops sometimes," he said. "The fact that those guys can show up every day with a great attitude and continue doing the great things they do is amazing."

A symbiotic relationship between operations and maintenance is necessary for successful missions, said Capt. Thomas Fiordelisi, the 380th Expeditionary Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Extender Aircraft Maintenance Unit officer in charge.

Even though they have been deploying at a heavy rate, they take pride in their work because they know it is for an important cause, he said.

"With the increased operations tempo our skilled maintainers are in heavy demand," Captain Fiordelisi said. "They love doing their job because they know they are contributing to something that is special."

Colonel Shaw said the high number of missions has his aircrews performing at their best.

He said he sleeps well at night knowing that the refueling mission in Afghanistan is in good hands.

"We have never been more proficient," he said. "At this mission, I have no worries whatsoever that our crews are at the top of their game."

Milcom Blog Logs - 8 Sep 2010 - USASA MidWest Collection Site

Time for another exclusive HF blog log report from the radio ranch at the USASA MidWest Collection Site.

3384.0 HF-USB
0113Z - Link-11 data transmission

8992.0 HF-USB
0205Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) w/ Reaper-24; qsy 11220 if no joy return to this freq (needless to say no joy 11220.0)
0213Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) attempts to contact Reaper-24 (again no joy)

Robins AFB Freq Change

For my friends here in the southeast US, Robins AFB has changed its tower frequency from 320.100 MHz to 316.125 MHz effective immediately. This is a known ATC nationwide assignment.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Milcom Blog Logs - 7 Sep 2010 - USASA MidWest Collection Site

Time for another exclusive HF blog log report from the radio ranch at the USASA MidWest Collection Site.

3308.0 HF-USB
1100Z - AFA7ZK NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM2 net:AFA5HF / AFA5RK / AFA5ML / AFA5CS / AFA5PL

3390.0 HF-USB
0102Z - Navy/MC Region 4 MARS 4X9B net: NNN0BIF

3392.0 HF-USB
0103Z - Link-11 data transmission

4007.0 HF-USB
0031Z - NNN0SVW NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Missouri MARS 7H1B net: NNN0PQK / NNN0THC
0104Z - NNN0KRX NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Illinois MARS 5I1B net: NNN0GRX

4020.9 HF-USB
1102Z - AAR6CE NCS for the Army Region 6 MARS AAA6RD/A net: AAR6QZ / AAR6UX

4023.9 HF-USB
0110Z - AAR5OQ NCS for the Army Region 5 Illinois AAA5RD/IL net: AAV5SY

4026.9 HF-USB
1104Z - AAM4AL NCS for the Army Region 4 MARS AAA4RD/B net: AAM4SC / AAM4GA / AAM4AGA / AAR4OH / AAR4IJ

4032.9 HF-LSB
1106Z - AAR3QL NCS for the Army Region 3 MARS AAA3RD/A net: AAM3RT / AAM3VA

4035.9 HF-USB
0014Z - Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/IA net: AAR7AT
0111Z - AAM7AKS NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/B net: AAM7MO / AAM7EMO
1227Z - AAR7JW NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/C net
1304Z - AAM7RT NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/D net: AAR7DZ / AAR7PB

4038.5 HF-USB
0017Z - NNN0GBS NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 South Carolina MARS 4G1B net

4041.0 HF-USB
0035Z - NNN0KBP NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Indiana MARS 5B2Z net

4500.0 HF-USB
0009Z - AFF4XC NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S1 net: AFA4AM / AFA4BE

4506.0 HF-USB
0100Z - Iowa-CAP-04 NCS for the North Central Region Iowa CAP net

4517.0 HF-USB
0006Z - AFF5IL NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region 5 Illinois MARS 5ILS1 net: AFA5BC / AFA7HZ
1301Z - AFN7NC NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM3 net: AFA7HZ

4604.0 HF-USB
1331Z - Red-Fox-17 NCS for the Great Lakes "Blue Lake" Region CAP net

4627.0 HF-USB
0030Z - Southwest Region Arkansas "Wild-Wood" CAP net conduct roll-call

5004.5 HF-USB
1410Z - Navy/MC Region 6 MARS 6X2B net: NNN0AHH / NNN0GLK

5171.0 HF-USB
1053Z - Link-11 data transmission

5217.0 HF-USB
0021Z - Army Region 5 Michigan AAA5RD/MI digital (OLIVIA) net: AAV5VW / AAR5AW / AAR5UL / AAR5YD

6712.0 HF-USB
0045Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM 7BRC7K to All Stations

6739.0 HF-USB
0045Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM 7BRC7K to All Stations

6835.0 HF-USB
1051Z - Link-11 data transmission

7302.0 HF-USB
1311Z - AFF6RM NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M1 net: AFF6AA / AFA6MP

7457.0 HF-USB
1307Z - AFA4IH NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S2 net: AFF4AA / AFA4TC / AFA4RD / AFE4TN / AFA4ZV / AFA4QY / AFA4BL

7635.0 HF-USB
1402Z - Louisiana-30 NCS for the National CAP net: Head-CAP-58 / Diamond Flight-65 / Goldenrod-595 / Columbus-37 / White Peak-8004 / Wildwood-46 / Florida-CAP-251 / North-Central-54 / Aspen-Gold-42 / Iowa-CAP-04

8968.0 HF-USB
[05:46:27][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][MCCSPR ][AL0] BER 20 SN 05
[06:55:27][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNR ][AL0] BER 17 SN 05
[07:40:30][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNRSPR ][AL0] BER 13 SN 04
[07:46:44][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][MCCSPR ][AL0] BER 17 SN 05
[09:47:01][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][MCC ][AL0] BER 12 SN 05
[10:41:10][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNRSPR ][AL0] BER 16 SN 05

8983.0 HF-USB
1318Z - CG 1501 calz Camslant for radio check

8992.0 HF-USB
0037Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM 7BRFME to All Stations
0045Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM 7BRC7K to All Stations

9121.5 HF-USB
1051Z - Link-11 data transmission

10194.0 HF-USB
[19:19:44][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC0FEM ][AL0] BER 21 SN 06

11016.0 HF-USB
1727Z - Link-11 data transmission

11175.0 HF-USB
1730Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass three 28 character EAMs: 7BAI4E; 7BTIZK; & 7B256T

11740.0 HF-USB
1727Z - Link-11 data transmission

15016.0 HF-USB
1730Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass three 28 character EAMs: 7BAI4E; 7BTIZK; & 7B256T

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Milcom Blog Logs - 6 Sep 2010 - USASA MidWest Collection Site

Time for another exclusive HF blog log report from the radio ranch at the USASA MidWest Collection Site.

4002.9 HF-LSB
0003Z - Army Region 4 Tennessee MARS AAA4TN/A net: AAR4CY / AAA9AC

4008.5 HF-USB
0101Z - NNN0VHO NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 South Texas MARS 6S1B net

4038.5 HF-USB
0109Z - NNN0PCC NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H2B net: NNN0RBD

4041.0 HF-USB
0106Z - NNN0GAQ / NNN0BOK NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Indiana MARS 5B2Z net: NNN0KBP / NNN0AJB

4517.0 HF-USB
0015Z - AFN7NC NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region MARS NCADS1 net: AFA5QB
0100Z - AFA5FM NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM1 net: AFA5KH / AFE5EC / AFA5FY

5171.0 HF-USB
0710Z - Link-11 data transmission

5399.5 HF-USB
0021Z - AAA6TX NCS for the Army Region 6 MARS AAA6RD/A net: AAR6BB

6715.0 HF-USB
[07:54:01][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADWSPR ][AL0] BER 14 SN 04
[08:54:07][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 10 SN 05

6835.0 HF-USB
0710Z - Link-11 data transmission

8050.0 HF-USB
[16:55:21][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 10 SN 06

8912.0 HF-USB
[22:48:35][CHN 01][TO ][J03 ][TIS][OPB ][AL0] BER 18 SN 05
[23:44:44][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][I00 ][AL0] BER 18 SN 07

9121.5 HF-USB
0302Z - Link-11 data transmission

11181.0 HF-USB
[00:45:14][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADWSPR ][AL0] BER 13 SN 06
[02:45:21][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADWSPR ][AL0] BER 20 SN 07

11226.0 HF-USB
[16:03:22][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][MCC ][AL0] BER 25 SN 05

Monday, September 06, 2010

Milcom Blog Logs - 5 Sep 2010 - USASA MidWest Collection Site

Time for another exclusive HF blog log report from the radio ranch at the USASA MidWest Collection Site.

3370.5 HF-USB
0117Z - AFA6DV NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M3 net: AFA6JY

3390.0 HF-USB
0106Z - NNN0RBC NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 MARS 4X9B net: NNN0LHR (GA)

4008.5 HF-USB
0101Z - NNN0FWM NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 South Texas MARS 6S1B net: NNN0QMF / NNN0ETI

4011.0 HF-USB
0007Z - Navy/MC Region 6 East Texas MARS 6E1B net: NNN0TCN / NNN0AJJ
1300Z - NNN0AS71 NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D2A net: NNN0AS74

4013.5 HF-USB
0007Z - NNN0LSO NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Kentucky MARS 4K2B net: NNN0BDW

4035.9 HF-USB
0104Z - AAM7RT NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/B net: AAR7DJ / AAM7MO / AAR7PB / AAR7HH
1302Z - AAR7DZ NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/D net: AAA7MO / AAR7PF / AAR7PJ

4038.5 HF-USB
0105Z - NNN0ANX NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H2B net: NNN0TWA / NNN0OMR
0201Z - NNN0EVT NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net: NNN0BFG / NNN0YGY / NNN0IIE / NNN0SYH / NNN0TJC
1305Z - NNN0TWA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H1B net

4041.0 HF-USB
0032Z - NNN0AJB NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Indiana MARS 5B1B net: NNN0QDN-T / NNN0ABM / NNN0BOK / NNN0BXN / NNN0AJJ

4517.0 HF-USB
0002Z - AFF7KS NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region MARS NCM4 net: AFA5DW / AFA5BC/ AFA5KG
0100Z - AFA7GD NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM1 net: AFF7KS / AFA5DW
1306Z - AFF7MO NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region 7 Missouri MARS 7MOS1 net: AFA7WS / AFA7VR
1402Z - AFF7NE NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region 7 Nebraska MARS 7NES1 net: AFA7JB / AFA7VL

5171.0 HF-USB
0108Z - Link-11 data transmission

7302.0 HF-USB
1406Z - AFF6EC NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M4 net: AFA6VE / AFA6PT / AFA6HB / AFA6EG

8983.0 HF-USB
1414Z - U.S.C.G. Sector Corpus Christi calz U.S.C.G. Cutter Shamal in red then goes to green comms

11181.0 HF-USB
[01:43:56][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 19 SN 06
[11:23:32][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNR ][AL0] BER 17 SN 06
[11:44:28][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 15 SN 06

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Milcom Blog Logs - 4 Sep 2010 - USASA MidWest Collection Site

Time for another exclusive HF blog log report from the radio ranch at the USASA MidWest Collection Site.

3384.0 HF-USB
0208Z - Link-11 data transmission

4007.0 HF-USB
0036Z - NNN0BVA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Missouri MARS 7H1B net: NNN0QGR
0105Z - NNN0LHK NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Illinois MARS 5I1B net

4008.5 HF-USB
0107Z - NNN0ETI NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 South Texas MARS 6S1B net: NNN0HKQ / NNN0ZUC

4035.9 HF-USB
0007Z - AAR7AP NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/IA net: AAM7TIA
0113Z - AAM7MO NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/B net

4038.5 HF-USB
0115Z - NNN0AOC NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H2B net: NNN0HEL
0203Z - NNN0QAA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net: NNN0TJC / NNN0BFG / NNN0SYF / NNN0IIE / NNN0SWS

4041.0 HF-USB
0038Z - NNN0AJB NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Indiana MARS 5B1B net: NNN0ABM

4500.0 HF-USB
0005Z - AFA4UF NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S1 net: AFA4SU / AFA4WF / AFA4YL / AFA4BT / AFA4GJ

4506.0 HF-USB
0032Z - Red-Cloud-144 NCS for the North Central Region Nebraska "Red-Cloud" CAP net // switches to Charlie-Charlie to check for other stations //

4517.0 HF-USB
0003Z - AFE5EC NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region MARS NCECM1 net: AFE5PI / AFA5NF / AFA5MC

4604.0 HF-USB
0100Z - Red-Robin-898 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Michigan "Red-Robin" CAP net

5171.0 HF-USB
0205Z - Link-11 data transmission

5217.0 HF-USB
0017Z - AAR5YD NCS for the Army Region 5 Michigan AAA5RD/MI digital (OLIVIA) net: AAR5LD / AAT5CA / AAA5MI

5399.5 HF-USB
0014Z - AAR6EU NCS for the Army Region 6 MARS AAA6RD/D net: AAR6LN / AAR6QE / AAV6TP

6715.0 HF-USB
[09:24:30][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNR ][AL0] BER 9 SN 04

6739.0 HF-USB
1600Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM 7BMQGA & 22 character EAM 7BJK47

6754.0 HF-USB
0228Z - Trenton Military Volmet

6835.0 HF-USB
0813Z - Link-11 data transmission

7302.0 HF-USB
1401Z - Air Force Region 6 MARS 6TSS1 net: AFA6LB / AFA6GB / AFA6RD / AFA6PJ / AFN6RD / AFA6HB / AFA6QR

8992.0 HF-USB
1600Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM 7BMQGA & 22 character EAM 7BJK47

11175.0 HF-USB
1530Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM 7BMQGA & 22 character EAM 7BJK47
1600Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM 7BMQGA & 22 character EAM 7BJK47
1802Z - Reach-277 calz Mainsail (no joy noted qth)

11181.0 HF-USB
[01:34:06][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][DL0004DAT ][AL0] BER 18 SN 07
[01:42:38][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADWSPR ][AL0] BER 20 SN 07

11232.0 HF-USB
0043Z - Trenton Military provide Shado-99 w/ pp to ____ Metro

14405.0 HF-USB
1504Z - Transcon Space Support Net: AFA8SI (Alt NCS)

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Milcom Blog Logs - 3 Sep 2010 - USASA MidWest Collection Site

Time for another exclusive HF blog log report from the radio ranch at the USASA MidWest Collection Site.

3384.0 HF-USB
0705Z - Link-11 data transmission

4007.0 HF-USB
0031Z - NNN0SVW NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Missouri MARS 7H1B net: NNN0AZM / NNN0HBY / NNN0AEV / NNN0QGR
0103Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Illinois MARS 5I1B net: NNN0SCV
2234Z - NNN0QGB NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D3B net: NNN0QCQ

4017.9 HF-USB
1306Z - AAR8GI NCS for the Army Region 8 MARS AAA8RD/B net: AAR8CB / AAR8IE

4020.9 HF-USB
1314Z - Army Region 6 MARS AAA6RD/A net: AAM6ETX

4023.9 HF-USB
1317Z - Army Region 5 MARS net: AAR5OG
1416Z - Army Region 5 MARS Olivia net: AAR5OG

4035.9 HF-USB
0033Z - Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/IA net: AAR7AT / AAR7FE
0203Z - AAM7EMO NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/B net: AAM7RD / AAA7RD //net closed 0205Z
0206Z - AAM7MO NCS for the Army Region 7 Missouri MARS AAA7RD/MO net: AAM7IMO / AAM7EMO / AAA7RD / AAR7FB / AAR7DZ
1335Z - AAM7RT NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/D net: AAM7MO / AAA7RD

4038.5 HF-USB
0210Z - Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net in MT-63

4041.0 HF-USB
0035Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Indiana MARS 5B1B net: NNN0GAQ-4 / NNN0KBP

4470.5 HF-USB
0200Z - NNN0XFB NCS for the Navy/MC Region 8 North / South Dakota MARS 8S1B net: NNN0FCI

4506.0 HF-USB
2300Z - MO-CAP-10 NCS for the North Central Region Missouri "MO-CAP" CAP net

4517.0 HF-USB
0102Z - Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM1 net: AFA5FY
1326Z - Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM3 net: AFA5RF / AFE7DM

4604.0 HF-USB
0101Z - Red-Robin-898 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Michigan "Red-Robin" CAP net
2330Z - Red-Fox-17 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Illinois "Red_Fox" CAP net

4627.0 HF-USB
0030Z - Wild-Wood-46 NCS for the Southwest Region Arkansas "Wild-Wood" CAP net

5004.5 HF-USB
1413Z - NNN0AHH NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 MARS 6X2B net: NNN0FWM

5171.0 HF-USB
0702Z - Link-11 data transmission

5217.0 HF-USB
0014Z - AAR5AW NCS for the Army Region 5 Michigan AAA5RD/MI digital (OLIVIA) net: AAA5MI

6715.0 HF-USB
[07:31:33][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][DL0004 ][AL0] BER 13 SN 04
[09:31:56][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][DL0 ][AL0] BER 14 SN 05
[09:42:09][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 15 SN 05

6835.0 HF-USB
0704Z - Link-11 data transmission

7302.0 HF-USB
1325Z - AFA6PY NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M1 net: AFF6AA

7457.0 HF-USB
1319Z - Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S2 net: AFA4GC / AFA4WJ / AFA4RD

7635.0 HF-USB
1400Z - Middle-East-34 NCS for the National CAP net: Head-CAP-58 / Goldenrod-595 / Mockingbird-04 / Georgia-CAP-44 / Georgia-CAP-41 / Louisiana-30 / Kittyhawk-32

8983.0 HF-USB
1544Z - Camslant calz November-09

8992.0 HF-USB
2241Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass SKYKING, do not answer: JUO; time: 41; authentication: (sound like) GO

9013.0 HF-USB
1532Z - Link-11 data transmission

9121.5 HF-USB
0703Z - Link-11 data transmission

9462.0 HF-USB
[15:04:49][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC1 ][AL0] BER 11 SN 05
[15:30:50][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8FEM ][AL0] BER 18 SN 05
[15:44:40][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8FEM001 ][AL0] BER 15 SN 05
[15:55:00][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 12 SN 06

10194.0 HF-USB
[16:18:56][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC1FEM ][AL0] BER 17 SN 06

11175.0 HF-USB
0005Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass SKYKING, do not answer: AEF; time: 05; authentication: CH
1817Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 06 character EAM D24?LU for (sound like) Battle Hero to All Stations
1819Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM 7BZSRU to All Stations
2331Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) "more to follow, stand-by" precede 22 character EAM 7B3ZJC & 28 character EAM 7VT4OC

11181.0 HF-USB
[01:30:20][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][DL0 ][AL0] BER 20 SN 07
[01:41:31][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADWSPR ][AL0] BER 12 SN 07
[01:58:03][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][PLASPR ][AL0] BER 19 SN 07

11494.0 HF-USB
[18:26:08][CHN 01][TO ][714 ][TIS][PAC ][AL0] BER 13 SN 06
[18:27:59][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][N01 ][AL0] BER 16 SN 05
[18:30:46][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][N03 ][AL0] BER 19 SN 04
[18:32:34][CHN 01][TO ][714 ][TIS][PAC ][AL0] BER 13 SN 06
[18:49:47][CHN 01][TO ][PAC ][TIS][718 ][AL0] BER 21 SN 07

13993.0 HF-USB
1500Z - AFA1FF NCS for the TRANSCON HF Voice Net: AFA4CH (FL)

15016.0 HF-USB
1817Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 06 character EAM D24?LU for (sound like) Battle Hero to All Stations
1819Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM 7BZSRU to All Stations

Friday, September 03, 2010

Milcom Blog Logs - 2 Sep 2010 - USASA MidWest Collection Site

Time for another exclusive HF blog log report from the radio ranch at the USASA MidWest Collection Site.

4035.9 HF-USB
0057Z - AAM7IA NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/IA net
1305Z - AAA7RD NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/D net: AAA7MO

4041.0 HF-USB
2334Z - NNN0BSV NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Ohio MARS 5N5B net

4500.0 HF-USB
0012Z - AFF4TN NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S1 net: AFA4LC

4506.0 HF-USB
0103Z - Iowa-CAP-101 NCS for the North Central Region Iowa CAP net
2300Z - MO-CAP-10 NCS for the North Central Region Missouri "MO-CAP" CAP net

4517.0 HF-USB
0007Z - AFF7KS w/ AFA5FY: remarks that AFF7IA is supposed to be NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region 7 Iowa MARS 7IAS1 net as he (AFF7KS) was NCS last week & he is getting his equipment ready for the digital net @ 0100Z
0105Z - AFA7VP (AFE7DM) NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM1 net in SSB & MFSK-16: AFN7NC (ARA7PQ) / AFA5KF / AFA5JR / AFA5OZ / AFA5XL / AFA5ET / AFA5MC / AFA5HF / AFA5KG / AFA7JB / AFA5KA / AFA7ZJ
1307Z - AFF7KS NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM3 net: AFA7UB / AFA7HZ / AFE5PI / AFA5WD / AFF5MI

4604.0 HF-USB
0102Z - Red-Robin-898 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Michigan "Red-Robin" CAP net: Red-Robin-256

5171.0 HF-USB
0052Z - Link-11 data transmission

5217.0 HF-USB
0018Z - AAT5CA NCS for the Army Region 5 Michigan AAA5RD/MI digital (OLIVIA) net: AAA5MI / AAM5MI / AAM5TMI / AAR5LD / AAR5AW NCS KBH / AAR5YD / AAV5VW (pass 2 after action rpts) / AAM5EMI

7302.0 HF-USB
1308Z - AFF6RM NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M1 net: AFA6HB / AFF6AA

7457.0 HF-USB
1314Z - Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S2 net: AFA4WJ / AFE4TN / AFA4MZ / AFA4BJ / AFA4ZV / AFA4BL

7632.0 HF-USB
1400Z - Middle-East-34 NCS for the National CAP net: Bluemound-03 / Head-CAP-58 / South-East-CAP-44 (mobile)

8983.0 HF-USB
1327Z - Camslant assume radio guard for CG 2113 w/ 6 POB departing homeplate Miami; destination same @ minute 27. Primary freq 5 MHz, Secondary freq 8 MHz w/ standard reporting

9013.0 HF-USB
0052Z - Link-11 data transmission

10194.0 HF-USB
[20:15:36][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC1 ][AL0] BER 19 SN 05
[20:15:39][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC1FEM ][AL0] BER 12 SN 05
[20:35:28][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC0 ][AL0] BER 10 SN 05
[20:39:22][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC4 ][AL0] BER 13 SN 05

11175.0 HF-USB
1414Z - 119-Alpha rqst comms check fm Andrews (HF-GCS)

11181.0 HF-USB
[05:40:28][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][MCCSPR ][AL0] BER 22 SN 07

11226.0 HF-USB
[15:08:30][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 15 SN 07

11494.0 HF-USB
[16:45:49][CHN 01][TO ][LNT ][TIS][N03 ][AL0] BER 15 SN 06
[16:54:37][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][I97 ][AL0] BER 15 SN 06
[17:05:24][CHN 01][TO ][LNT ][TIS][N03 ][AL0] BER 17 SN 07
[17:13:24][CHN 01][TO ][N03 ][TIS][TSC ][AL0] BER 20 SN 07
[17:30:18][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][I43 ][AL0] BER 18 SN 07
[17:41:31][CHN 01][TO ][TSC ][TIS][N03 ][AL0] BER 11 SN 04

12222.0 HF-USB
[17:56:32][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][D95 ][AL0] BER 14 SN 04

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Lakenheath unit assumes NATO mission

by Tech. Sgt. Chris Stagner, 48th Fighter Wing Public Affairs

LITHUANIA AIR FORCE AIR BASE, Lithuania (AFNS) -- The 493rd Expeditionary Fighter Squadron, deployed from Royal Air Force Lakenheath, England, assumed command of the NATO Baltic air policing mission Sept. 1 from the Polish air force at Lithuania Air Force Air Base.

For the next four months, the squadron, comprising approximately 125 people, is responsible for ensuring the air sovereignty of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

This is the third time since 2004 the U.S. Air Force has accomplished this mission and the second time the 493rd EFS has had responsibility.

"The (493rd has) already established a legacy of professionalism in the Baltics, and we look forward to building upon it," said Anne Derse, U.S. ambassador to Lithuania. "As all warriors know, the surest way to maintain peace is to exercise constant vigilance and rigorously prepare to meet all potential threats. The Baltic air policing mission is just one of many facets of NATO's vigilance and preparation. This is a mission we take seriously and take on with pride."

The mission turnover from Poland to America is an example of the strong relationships America has with its NATO allies, said Maj. Gen. Mark Zamzow, 3rd Air Force vice commander.

"Our relationship with the Baltic nations has grown remarkably since the inception of the Air policing mission," he said.

The general went on to explain that a 2008 endeavor designed to provide complex air policing training has since evolved with a broader scope emphasizing a wide spectrum of air operations over Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

Airmen of the 493rd EFS are prepared to do their part to ensure that relationship continues to grow as they accomplish their mission, a squadron official said.

"The men and women of the 493rd EFS are proud to be here ... protecting the skies over the Baltic states," said Lt. Col. Skip Pribyl, 493rd EFS commander. "This mission falls in line with what we do -- establish air superiority -- and we're excited to do it."

Republic of Latvia Chief of Defence Maj. Gen. Raimonds Graube emphasized the importance of the NATO relationship that makes the air policing mission possible.

"It's been more than six years since we started the Baltic air policing mission, and it's an example of our solidarity (as allied partners)," he said. "It shows we are ready to work together to support our allies."

Republic of Lithuania Chief of Defence Maj. Gen. Arvydas Pocius agreed.

"As members of NATO, we work shoulder to shoulder to support Afghanistan and other operations," General Pocius said. "It's a strong alliance."

He also thanked U.S. Airmen for adopting the air policing mission and promised to do his best to accommodate American traditions.

"I know you're here during a difficult time," he said. "You're here through Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's. I promise you, we will find turkeys."

Milcom Blog Logs - 1 Sep 2010 - USASA MidWest Collection Site

Time for another exclusive HF blog log report from the radio ranch at the USASA MidWest Collection Site.

3384.0 HF-USB
0825Z - Link-11 data transmission

4007.0 HF-USB
0031Z - NNN0AEV NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Missouri MARS 7H1B net: NNN0HKF

4008.5 HF-USB
0002Z - NNN0AZO NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Oklahoma MARS 6O1B net: NNN0ECN

4041.0 HF-USB
0031Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Indiana MARS 5B1B net: NNN0LZD / NNN0ABM

4470.5 HF-USB
0200Z - NNN0GLL NCS for the Navy/MC Region 8 North / South Dakota MARS 8S1B net: NNN0XFB / NNN0AXK

4517.0 HF-USB
0001Z - AFE7KS NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region MARS NCTSM1 net

5171.0 HF-USB
0205Z - Link-11 data transmission

5217.0 HF-USB
0005Z - AAR5AO NCS for the Army Region 5 Michigan AAA5RD/MI digital (OLIVIA) net: AAR5YD / AAR5AW / AAR5UL AAM5EMI

5732.0 HF-USB
[03:04:47][CHN 01][TO ][J36 ][TIS][LNT ][AL0] BER 18 SN 05
0304z - Juliet-36 rqst Camslant secure guard as would be on deck homeplate in 5 mike & back to scan

6715.0 HF-USB
[10:17:17][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JXYSPR ][AL0] BER 11 SN 04
[10:17:20][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNR ][AL0] BER 13 SN 05

6765.0 HF-USB
1606Z - SHARES Northern Weekly net: AFA8CQ / NNN0EPY / NNN0TUL / North-Central-54

6910.0 HF-USB
1603Z - SHARES Southern Weekly net: NNN0VHO

7348.0 HF-USB
[19:55:24][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 15 SN 05
[19:56:34][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC6 ][AL0] BER 18 SN 06

8968.0 HF-USB
[02:38:59][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADWSPR ][AL0] BER 12 SN 06
[05:23:20][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][AED ][AL0] BER 13 SN 05
[05:24:55][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][MCCSPR ][AL0] BER 20 SN 06
[07:25:12][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][MCCSPR ][AL0] BER 15 SN 06
[08:25:19][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][MCCSPR ][AL0] BER 16 SN 05

9013.0 HF-USB
0011Z - Link-11 data transmission

9121.5 HF-USB
0824Z - Link-11 data transmission

9462.0 HF-USB
[18:24:29][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC6 ][AL0] BER 10 SN 05

11181.0 HF-USB
[00:40:26][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][PLASPR ][AL0] BER 18 SN 06

14265.0 HF-USB
1527Z - N3HBX NCS for the SATERN Training net

14396.5 HF-USB
1538Z - SHARES National Admin net: NCS202 / NNN0VUV / AAV4AR / NNN0EBC / WGY9498 / WGY939

15043.0 HF-USB
[17:31:40][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 17 SN 06

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Blog Disclosure Statement

This policy is valid from 1 September 2010 This blog is a sponsored blog created or supported by a company. For questions about this blog, please contact teakpub at frontier dot com. This blog does not accept any form of advertising, sponsorship, or paid insertions. We write for our own purposes. However, we may be influenced by our background, occupation, religion, political affiliation, or experience. The owner(s) of this blog does not receive any direct compensation in any way from this blog. The owner(s) of this blog is not compensated to provide opinions on products, services, websites, and various other topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the blog owners. If we claim or appear to be experts on a certain topic or product or service area, we will only endorse products or services that we believe, based on our expertise, are worthy of such endorsement. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. This blog does contain content that might present a conflict of interest. This content may not always be identified. We are employed by or consult with:- Teak Publishing Company, of which I am the co-owner. We have a financial interest in the following that are relevant to our blogging:- Teak Publishing. To get your own policy, go to

E-8C flies final OIF mission

SOUTHWEST ASIA (AFNS) -- Airmen from the 7th Expeditionary Air Command and Control Squadron here flew their final mission in support Operation Iraqi Freedom Aug. 31 before the Department of Defense officially transitions to Operation New Dawn Sept. 1.

The 7th EACCS has flown E-8C Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System operations in support of OIF since its inception in 2003, providing airborne battle management, command and control, and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance throughout the entire area of responsibility.

The E-8C's primary mission is to provide theater ground and air commanders with ground surveillance to support attack operations and targeting that contributes to the delay, disruption and destruction of enemy forces.

The transition from OIF to OND signals the change in mission for U.S. forces in Iraq from combat operations, to training and equipping Iraqi forces.

Milcom Blog Logs - 31 Aug 2010 - USASA MidWest Collection Site

Time for another exclusive HF blog log report from the radio ranch at the USASA MidWest Collection Site.

4007.0 HF-USB
0031Z - NNN0AEV NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Missouri MARS 7H1B net: NNN0HBY / NNN0PQX / NNN0SVW / NNN0THC / NNN0QGR
0100Z - NNN0KRX NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Illinois MARS 5I1B net: NNN0SCV / NNN0REN / NNN0HFC
2300Z - NNN0APJ NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Nebraska / Kansas MARS 7N1B net: NNN0AMY / NNN0FCT

4035.9 HF-USB
0037Z - Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/IA net: AAR7FE / AAR7OT
0107Z - AAM7AKS NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/B net: AAM7RD / AAA7RD/ AAM7KS / AAR7JQ / AAM7EMO
1335Z - AAM7RT NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/D net: AAM7EMO

4038.5 HF-USB
0201Z - NNN0SYH NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net: NNN0OEE / NNN0QAA

4470.5 HF-USB
0200Z - NNN0GLL NCS for the Navy/MC Region 8 North / South Dakota MARS 8S1B net: NNN0AXK

4500.0 HF-USB
0105Z - AFF4XC NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S1 net closes the net

4517.0 HF-USB
0103Z - AFD7MO NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM1 net: AFA7UB / AFA5JM / AFE5EC

5171.0 HF-USB
0039Z - Link-11 data transmission

5402.0 HF-USB
[23:55:54][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 11 SN 05

5732.0 HF-USB
0116Z - Camslant w/ Juliet-32: flight opns normal

6715.0 HF-USB
[06:30:51][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNRSPR ][AL0] BER 19 SN 05
[06:57:14][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][DL0004 ][AL0] BER 21 SN 05
[07:17:17][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADWSPR ][AL0] BER 14 SN 05
[07:57:24][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][DL0004DAT ][AL0] BER 12 SN 05

7457.0 HF-USB
1339Z - AFE4TN NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S2 net: AFA4IN / AFA4BJ / AAA9EC / AFA4II

7635.0 HF-USB
1400Z - Middle-East-34 NCS for the National CAP net: Head-Cap-58 / Avenging Spirit / Wild-Wood-04 / Bluemound-03 / Georgia-CAP-44 / Goldenrod-595

8912.0 HF-USB
[02:30:53][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][D48 ][AL0] BER 17 SN 06

8968.0 HF-USB
[03:55:08][CHN 01][TO ][HIKSPR HANSPR ][TIS][MCC ][AL0] BER 11 SN 05
[03:56:35][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][DL0004 ][AL0] BER 19 SN 05

8971.0 HF-USB
0039Z - Link-11 data transmission

9013.0 HF-USB
1458Z - Link-11 data transmission

9106.0 HF-USB
[01:21:46][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][WWLNNN ][AL0] BER 18 SN 05
[02:20:31][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][WWLNNN ][AL0] BER 11 SN 06
[03:19:46][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][WWLNNN ][AL0] BER 20 SN 06

11181.0 HF-USB
[00:11:16][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][MCC ][AL0] BER 16 SN 07
[00:26:58][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][PLASPR ][AL0] BER 19 SN 06
[00:29:18][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNRSPR ][AL0] BER 19 SN 07

11226.0 HF-USB
[21:35:27][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][MCC ][AL0] BER 18 SN 07
[22:33:01][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 13 SN 06

Military satellite relying on backup plan to save itself

A rescue plan is being implemented to salvage the U.S. military's pricy new communications satellite despite a serious malfunction that knocked out its main engine and stymied the craft's maneuvering ability.

The Advanced Extremely High Frequency 1 spacecraft was launched into a preliminary orbit by an Atlas 5 rocket on August 14 from Cape Canaveral, Florida.

A day after launch during the initial orbit raising burn when the satellite's main engine shut down shortly after ignition for still-unexplained reasons. Another attempt tried August 17 also ended immediately when the engine again failed to generate the expected acceleration.

A makeshift plan has been developed to salvage the mission and AEHF 1 could reach the desired geosynchronous orbit sometime next summer, 7 to 9 months later than scheduled.

You can read more details on this story at

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Milcom Blog Logs - 30 Aug 2010 - USASA MidWest Collection Site

Time for another exclusive HF blog log report from the radio ranch at the USASA MidWest Collection Site.

3384.0 HF-USB
0127Z - Link-11 data transmission

4002.9 HF-LSB
0006Z - AAA4TN NCS for the Army Region 4 Tennessee MARS AAA4TN/A net: AAM4TTN / AAM4ETN
0102Z - AAM4IMS NCS for the Army Region 4 Mississippi MARS AAA4MS/T net: AAT4GS / AAA4MS / AAM4AGA

4007.0 HF-USB
0031Z - NNN0KOD NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Missouri MARS 7H1B net: NNN0SVW - 1 msg MT-63 concerning net report formats / NNN0THC / NNN0HBY

4008.5 HF-USB
0100Z - NNN0GLK NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 South Texas MARS 6S1B net: NNN0WYC

4011.0 HF-USB
0009Z - NNN0KIP NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 East Texas MARS 6E1B net: NNN0EBX / NNN0SDD

4035.9 HF-USB
0105Z - AAM7EMO NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/B net: AAR7FD / AAR7FE / NNN0FCT / AAR7AT
1304Z - AAM7TIA NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/D net: AAM7RD / AAM7EMO / AAR7FD / AAM7MO / AAR7DZ / AAR7OU

4038.5 HF-USB
0011Z - Navy/MC Region 4 South Carolina MARS 4G1B net: NNN0GBS
0107Z - NNN0PCC NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H2B net: NNN0TBK
0203Z - NNN0GAA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net: NNN0QAA / NNN0GAA-4 / NNN0GAA-1-13 / NNN0GAA-4 / NNN0EZC / NNN0SWK
1305Z - Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H1B net: NNN0RBD

4464.5 HF-USB
2303Z - AFF6DM NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6D1 net (MFSK-16): AAR6GE / AFA6JL / AFA6GG

4470.5 HF-USB
0201Z - NNN0XFB NCS for the Navy/MC Region 8 North / South Dakota MARS 8S1B net: NNN0GLL / NNN0AXK

4506.0 HF-USB
1300Z - Red-Cloud-144 NCS for the North Central Region Nebraska "Red-Cloud" CAP net: Red-Cloud-194; Red-Cloud-124 on VHF per Red-Cloud-194; Iowa-CAP-04

4517.0 HF-USB
0014Z - AFN7NC NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region MARS NCADS1 net
0109Z - AFA5FM NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM1 net: AFA7ZN
1302Z - AFA7HZ NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM3 net: AFN7NC

4604.0 HF-USB
2330Z - Red-Fox-93 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Illinois "Red_Fox" CAP net

4623.5 HF-USB
1400Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Illinois MARS 5I3B net: NNN0SCV / NNN0EQH

5171.0 HF-USB
0126Z - Link-11 data transmission

6715.0 HF-USB
[06:15:59][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADWSPR ][AL0] BER 19 SN 05

6739.0 HF-USB
0016Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM GWT54S to All Stations

7302.0 HF-USB
1309Z - AFA6LB NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M1 net: AFA6MP

7457.0 HF-USB
1310Z - AFF4AL NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S2 net: AFA4AE / AFN4RD / AFA4HR / AFA4IS / AFF4DM

7635.0 HF-USB
1401Z - Louisiana-30 NCS for the National CAP net: Head CAP-58 / Diamond Flight-65 / Georgia CAP-351 / Mockingbird-04 / Wild-Wood-04 / Goldenrod-595

8050.0 HF-USB
[14:55:03][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 19 SN 07

8968.0 HF-USB
[03:44:15][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][PLASPR ][AL0] BER 17 SN 06
[03:52:48][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][DL0004 ][AL0] BER 15 SN 07
[04:26:48][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNRSPR ][AL0] BER 16 SN 06

8971.0 HF-USB
2345Z - Link-11 data transmission

8992.0 HF-USB
0015Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass SKYKING, do not answer: DM6; time: 15; authentication: ID
0016Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM GWT54S to All Stations

10895.0 HF-USB
1632Z - Link-11 data transmission

11175.0 HF-USB
1251Z - AMC-0003 calz for HF radio check fm any station w/ no joy noted qth
1628Z - McClellan (HF-GCS) w/ (sounded like) Air Force Juliet Gulf

11181.0 HF-USB
[02:07:57][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][MCCSPR ][AL0] BER 19 SN 06

11232.0 HF-USB
2345Z - Trenton Military provide Rescue-333 w/ pp to ______: ref to ETA of 0200Z

11494.0 HF-USB
[21:02:38][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][720 ][AL0] BER 9 SN 06

Monday, August 30, 2010

Milcom Blog Logs - 29 Aug 2010 - USASA MidWest Collection Site

Time for another exclusive HF blog log report from the radio ranch at the USASA MidWest Collection Site.

3384.0 HF-USB
0213Z - Link-11 data transmission

4002.9 HF-LSB
0002Z - AAM4ETN NCS for the Army Region 4 MARS AAA4RD/K net: AAR4CH / AAT4BH / AAM4MS / AAR4CX

4007.0 HF-USB
0030Z - NNN0HBY NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Missouri MARS 7H1B net: NNN0AJJ / NNN0QGR

4008.5 HF-USB
0001Z - NNN0AJJ NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Oklahoma MARS 6O1B net
0106Z - Navy/MC Region 6 South Texas MARS 6S1B net: NNN0VHO / NNN0ETI

4011.0 HF-USB
0007Z - NNN0SDD NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 East Texas MARS 6E1B net: NNN0AJJ

4013.5 HF-USB
0009Z - Navy/MC Region 4 Kentucky MARS 4K2B net: NNN0BTG

4023.9 HF-USB
0104Z - AAA5IL NCS for the Army Region 5 Illinois AAA5RD/IL net

4035.9 HF-USB
0101Z - Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/B net: AAT7WE / AAA7RD / NNN0AJJ / AAM7RD / AAR7PB / AAR7DZ

4038.5 HF-USB
0017Z - Navy/MC Region 4 South Carolina MARS 4G1B net: NNN0GBS
0103Z - NNN0ANX NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H2B net: NNN0AOC / NNN0TBK
0203Z - NNN0EVT NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net

4041.0 HF-USB
0031Z - NNN0XES NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Indiana MARS 5B1B net: NNN0HBX / NNN0BOK

4500.0 HF-USB
0014Z - Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S1 net: AFA4SW / AFA4DP

5171.0 HF-USB
0101Z - Link-11 data transmission

5320.0 HF-USB
0009Z - U.S.C.G. Sector Mobile w/ U.S.C.G Cutter (may have been) Decisive

5399.5 HF-USB
0010Z - AAR6OA NCS for the Army Region 6 MARS AAA6RD/D net

6715.0 HF-USB
[05:10:31][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADWSPR ][AL0] BER 12 SN 04
[06:10:37][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADWSPR ][AL0] BER 18 SN 05
[06:49:31][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][DL0004 ][AL0] BER 17 SN 05

8050.0 HF-USB
[19:55:04][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 10 SN 04

9013.0 HF-USB
0150Z - Link-11 data transmission

11175.0 HF-USB
1523Z - Brewer-19 calz Mainsail; responses by McClellan (HF-GCS); Andrews
(HF-GCS) & Puerto Rico (HF-GCS) w/ neg results noted qth

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Milcom Blog Logs - 28 Aug 2010 - USASA MidWest Collection Site

Time for another exclusive HF blog log report from the radio ranch at the USASA MidWest Collection Site.

3384.0 HF-USB
0039Z - Link-11 data transmission

3390.0 HF-USB
0109Z - Navy/MC Region 4 MARS 4X9B net: NNN0EAF

4007.0 HF-USB
0104Z - NNN0LHK NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Illinois MARS 5I1B net: NNN0HFC
0033Z - NNN0BVA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Missouri MARS 7H1B net: NNN0SVW / NNN0THC / NNN0HBY

4011.0 HF-USB
0005Z - NNN0KIP NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 East Texas MARS 6E1B net
1302Z - NNN0AS74 NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 MARS 7X3C net w/ NNN0FBJ-T discussing call-up procedures for 7H1B net

4013.5 HF-USB
0007Z - NNN0BTG assume NCS duties for the Navy/MC Region 4 Kentucky MARS 4K2B net: NNN0ZEZ

4020.9 HF-USB
1313Z - Army Region 6 MARS AAA6RD/A net: AAR6JZ

4035.9 HF-USB
0008Z - AAR7DP NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/IA net: AAT7CN
0107Z - AAM7MO NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/B net: AAM7EMO
1230Z - Army Region 7 Kansas MARS AAA7RD/KS net: AAR7AD (mobile)
1306Z - AAM7RT NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/D net: AAR7DZ / AAA7RD

4038.5 HF-USB
0011Z - NNN0OBV NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 South Carolina MARS 4G1B net: NNN0HBO
0107Z - Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H2B net: NNN0AOC
0202Z - NNN0QAA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net

4041.0 HF-USB
0036Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Indiana MARS 5B1B net: NNN0XES

4470.5 HF-USB
0200Z - NNN0XFB NCS for the Navy/MC Region 8 North / South Dakota MARS 8S1B net

4500.0 HF-USB
0001Z - AFA4UF NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S1 net
0100Z - AFF4TN NCS for the Air Force Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4TNS1 net: AFA4DF / AFA4NA / AFA4EX / AFA4MZ / AFA4TN

4506.0 HF-USB
0032Z - Red-Cloud-144 NCS for the North Central Region Nebraska "Red-Cloud" CAP net

4517.0 HF-USB
0003Z - Air Force North Central Area Region MARS NCECM1 net: AFA5AH
0101Z - AFN7NC NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM1 net: AFE5PI / AFA5TC / AFA7VR / AFA5KN / AFE7DM / AFA5KG / AFA7ZN / AFA7UB / AFA5QD / AFA5JS / AFA7FN / AFA5TV
1310Z - AFF5MN NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region 5 Minnesota MARS 5MNS1 net: AFA5DJ

5171.0 HF-USB
0013Z - Link-11 data transmission

5217.0 HF-USB
Army Region 5 Michigan AAA5RD/X digital (OLIVIA) net: AAR5UN / AAM5EMI / AAR5AW / AAR5YD / AAR5UL

7302.0 HF-USB
1319Z - AFA6XA NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6ADS1 net: AFD5RD
1502Z - AFF6TD NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6TGM1 net: AFA6WD / AFA6AA // AFA6PH

7527.0 HF-USB
[01:27:59][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][I55 ][AL0] BER 13 SN 05

8992.0 HF-USB
1232Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 26 character EAM UOPHD3
1300Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 26 character EAM UOPHD3

9025.0 HF-USB
[04:32:09][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 16 SN 07

9121.5 HF-USB
0038Z - Link-11 data transmission

11098.5 HF-USB
[15:41:40][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][WWLNNN ][AL0] BER 15 SN 05

11175.0 HF-USB
1600Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM GWP6GC
1830Z - ____tude (USSTRATCOM ABNCP) pass 28 character EAM GWEHH5
2318Z - McClellan (HF-GCS) provide Raider-23 w/ pp to _____ Metro

14405.0 HF-USB
1500Z - AFA9JA NCS for the Transcon Space Support Net: AFA3LK (PA) Alt NCS

Milcom Blog Logs - 28 Aug 2010 - USASA MidWest Collection Site

Time for another exclusive HF blog log report from the radio ranch at the USASA MidWest Collection Site.

3384.0 HF-USB
0039Z - Link-11 data transmission

3390.0 HF-USB
0109Z - Navy/MC Region 4 MARS 4X9B net: NNN0EAF

4007.0 HF-USB
0104Z - NNN0LHK NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Illinois MARS 5I1B net: NNN0HFC
0033Z - NNN0BVA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Missouri MARS 7H1B net: NNN0SVW / NNN0THC / NNN0HBY

4011.0 HF-USB
0005Z - NNN0KIP NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 East Texas MARS 6E1B net
1302Z - NNN0AS74 NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 MARS 7X3C net w/ NNN0FBJ-T discussing call-up procedures for 7H1B net

4013.5 HF-USB
0007Z - NNN0BTG assume NCS duties for the Navy/MC Region 4 Kentucky MARS 4K2B net: NNN0ZEZ

4020.9 HF-USB
1313Z - Army Region 6 MARS AAA6RD/A net: AAR6JZ

4035.9 HF-USB
0008Z - AAR7DP NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/IA net: AAT7CN
0107Z - AAM7MO NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/B net: AAM7EMO
1230Z - Army Region 7 Kansas MARS AAA7RD/KS net: AAR7AD (mobile)
1306Z - AAM7RT NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/D net: AAR7DZ / AAA7RD

4038.5 HF-USB
0011Z - NNN0OBV NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 South Carolina MARS 4G1B net: NNN0HBO
0107Z - Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H2B net: NNN0AOC
0202Z - NNN0QAA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net

4041.0 HF-USB
0036Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Indiana MARS 5B1B net: NNN0XES

4470.5 HF-USB
0200Z - NNN0XFB NCS for the Navy/MC Region 8 North / South Dakota MARS 8S1B net

4500.0 HF-USB
0001Z - AFA4UF NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S1 net
0100Z - AFF4TN NCS for the Air Force Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4TNS1 net: AFA4DF / AFA4NA / AFA4EX / AFA4MZ / AFA4TN

4506.0 HF-USB
0032Z - Red-Cloud-144 NCS for the North Central Region Nebraska "Red-Cloud" CAP net

4517.0 HF-USB
0003Z - Air Force North Central Area Region MARS NCECM1 net: AFA5AH
0101Z - AFN7NC NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM1 net: AFE5PI / AFA5TC / AFA7VR / AFA5KN / AFE7DM / AFA5KG / AFA7ZN / AFA7UB / AFA5QD / AFA5JS / AFA7FN / AFA5TV
1310Z - AFF5MN NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region 5 Minnesota MARS 5MNS1 net: AFA5DJ

5171.0 HF-USB
0013Z - Link-11 data transmission

5217.0 HF-USB
Army Region 5 Michigan AAA5RD/X digital (OLIVIA) net: AAR5UN / AAM5EMI / AAR5AW / AAR5YD / AAR5UL

7302.0 HF-USB
1319Z - AFA6XA NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6ADS1 net: AFD5RD
1502Z - AFF6TD NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6TGM1 net: AFA6WD / AFA6AA // AFA6PH

7527.0 HF-USB
[01:27:59][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][I55 ][AL0] BER 13 SN 05

8992.0 HF-USB
1232Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 26 character EAM UOPHD3
1300Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 26 character EAM UOPHD3

9025.0 HF-USB
[04:32:09][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 16 SN 07

9121.5 HF-USB
0038Z - Link-11 data transmission

11098.5 HF-USB
[15:41:40][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][WWLNNN ][AL0] BER 15 SN 05

11175.0 HF-USB
1600Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM GWP6GC
1830Z - ____tude (USSTRATCOM ABNCP) pass 28 character EAM GWEHH5
2318Z - McClellan (HF-GCS) provide Raider-23 w/ pp to _____ Metro

14405.0 HF-USB
1500Z - AFA9JA NCS for the Transcon Space Support Net: AFA3LK (PA) Alt NCS