Most authorities who monitor North Korea will tell you that they are a closed society with very little information about them getting out to the rest of the world. Consequently, we do not have a lot of opportunities to monitor any HF communications from the communist north.
In recent years, digital monitors have identified ARQ/FEC burst signals that are associated with the North Korean HF Diplomatic Network. Known as DPRK-ARQ and DPRK-FEC, this is a two-tone system with a 600 Hz shift.
You can see a sonagram of this signal at
You can hear an audio sample at
Past frequencies used by this network (freq in kHz): 6747.0 6748.5 8151.5 8737.5 9179.5 10258.5 10718.5 11438.5 12108.5 12202.5 12204.0 12205.0 12220.5* 12373.5 12534.5 12847.0 13248.5* 13378.5 13447.0 13457.0 13533.5 14018.5 14038.5 14247.0 14318.5 14327.0 14373.5 14442.5 14746.5 14778.5 14878.0 15017.0 15857.0 15858.0 15888.5 15999.5 16006.5 16058.5 16088.5 16118.5 16119.5 16128.0 16128.5 16131.5 16136.5 16211.5 16216.0 16218.5 16235.5 16238.5 16246.5 16314.5 16318.5 16348.5 16418.5 16448.5 16497.0 16858.0 18523.5 19241.5
* indicates a 1200 baud/1.2 kHz shift.
Some of the frequencies above may be transmitting from KRE embassies and not Pyongyang. For years KRE diplo comms were monitored in the 20 meter ham bands. I did a quick check of the IARUMS-1 October bulletin and it only shows the Voice of Korea intruding on the 80/40 meter ham bands and no diplo comms.
From the IARUMS-1 October 2010 bulletin:
Voice of Korea 3560.0 kHz at 1932 utc and 7200.0 kHz from 1100-1300 utc.
The latest report of KRE diplo activity comes from our friend down under Eddy Waters. He reported this morning monitoring MFA Pyongyang on 14778.5 and 18523.5 kHz around 0100 utc using DPRK-ARQ.
For the spook crowd there is an interesting article on about "numbers stations" transmitting from the Korean Peninsula. If you follow this sort of traffic keep an ear out for Enigma designators V15, M40 and M82.
The M82 numbers stations are believed to be transmitted from the "BML" North Korean Army.
Sample format “vvv jvg jvg jvg de bml bml qsa qtc 587” R2 Or “abv qtc nr xxx xx xx xxxx xxxx xxx xxx =“ Known to send “r” as separator each 10 gps.
I do not have any recent reports on M82 traffic and the last frequency I saw reported was 8050.0 kHz.
Finally, Token in the Mohave on the spooks list posted the following yesterday:
"South Korean V24 and M94 traffic has had a very slight change in habits recently.
"The average message length has increased in the last week, not beyond the maximum that has been seen in the past but still longer on average.
"V24 has added a couple of new time slots and rearranged a couple of the old ones. For example in the last week or so there have been more 1630 slots than normal, but this could just be caused by errors in early slots. I can not prove but do believe that the 1630 slot is sometimes used to "catch up" or to correct for earlier errors in addition to hosting its regularly scheduled traffic.
"Other than this I have seen no changes to Korean or Chinese numbers traffic."
In response to a recent V24 report Token wrote this:
"A badly out of date web page that describes the station is found here Sorry, I really need to update that page but have not had time.
"Since you heard the end you may have heard the Windows shutdown sound after the audio stopped. That does not always happen, but you can normally catch it (the shutdown sound) a couple times a month after the last V24 transmission of the day.
"V24 appears to use four frequencies at this time, 5715, 6215, 6330, and 6730 kHz. The schedule uses specific time/freq/day slots two days in a row. The one you heard today happens to be the first of that specific 2 day cycle, so if you listen tomorrow at 1530 you will hear a repeat of the same transmission. Other M24 transmissions that probably will happen tomorrow are 6730 kHz at 1200z, 6730 kHz at 1530z, and 6330 kHz at 1600z.
"There is an MCW (Morse code) sister station to V24, called M94. It appears at this time to use 5715 and 6330 kHz. Tomorrow there should be an M94 TX at 1400 on 5715 kHz."
As always reports, updates and additions are always appreciated. Email address in the masthead. Jefe.
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Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Carl Vinson CSG to Depart for Training Deployment

SAN DIEGO (NNS) -- USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) and crew members of Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 17 will depart Naval Air Station (NAS) North Island Tuesday, Nov. 30, for a training exercise followed by a scheduled routine deployment to the U.S. 7th Fleet and U.S. 5th Fleet Areas of Responsibility.
As the flagship of Carrier Strike Group 1, led by Rear Adm. Samuel Perez, Vinson will deploy with USS Bunker Hill (CG 52), USS Stockdale (DDG 106) and USS Gridley (DDG 101). Embarked aboard Vinson is Destroyer Squadron 1 and CVW 17, which includes the "Red Lions" of Helicopter Anti-submarine Squadron 15, the "Fighting Redcocks" of Strike Fighter Squadron 22, the "Fist of the Fleet" of Strike Fighter Squadron 25, the "Sunliners" of Strike Fighter Squadron 81, the "Rawhides" of Fleet Logistics Support Squadron 40, the "Garudas" of Electronic Attack Squadron 134, the "Stingers" of Strike Fighter Squadron 113 and the "Tigertails" of Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron 125.
This deployment will be the first deployment for the Arleigh Burke class destroyer USS Stockdale.
"This will be Stockdale's maiden deployment," said Commanding Officer, Cmdr. Jeffrey Bennett. "Our team of awesome warfighters are ready to deploy, executing missions across all warfare areas and joining Destroyer Squadron 1 and the Vinson Strike Group team to be prepared to execute a full spectrum of military operations from presence and security to humanitarian assistance and disaster response."
The mission of the Vinson Strike Group while deployed will focus on maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts, which help establish conditions for regional stability.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Milcom Blog Logs - 28 Nov 2010 - USASA MidWest Collection Site
Time for another exclusive HF blog log report from the radio ranch at the USASA MidWest Collection Site.
3299.0 HF-USB
0102Z - Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S1 net: AFF4KY
3308.0 HF-USB
0101Z - AFN7NC NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region MARS NCADS1 net: AFA7BN / AFE5PI
0202Z - AFA5FM NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM1 net: AFA5DW / AFN7NC / AFA5MC
1204Z - AFA7ZK NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM2 net: AFA5HF / AFA5ML / AFA5KG
3315.0 HF-USB
0036Z - AFA3AJ NCS for the Air Force Region 1 MARS NE2S1 net: AFA5NF / AFA1ET / AFA3WC / AFA1JL / (sounded like) AFN1RD / AFA1GP / AFA3SS
3325.0 HF-USB
0131Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Indiana MARS 5B2Z net: NNN0GAQ / NNN0GAQ-3
3341.0 HF-USB
[01:51:01][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 16 SN 05
3349.0 HF-USB
0107Z - NNN0KIP NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 East Texas MARS 6E1B net: NNN0KDD
3390.0 HF-USB
0201Z - NNN0BIF NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 MARS 4X9B net: NNN0ICX
4002.9 HF-LSB
0203Z - Army Region 4 Mississippi MARS AAA4MS/T net: AAA4MS / AAM4MS // Olivia used
4007.0 HF-USB
0003Z - NNN0APJ NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Nebraska / Kansas MARS 7N1B net: NNN0EBT
0030Z - NNN0XYA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Minnesota MARS 5G1B net: NNN0BQH / NNN0XFB
2334Z - NNN0POY NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D3B net: NNN0UAO / NNN0QCQ
4008.5 HF-USB
0104Z - Navy/MC Region 6 Oklahoma MARS 6O1B net: NNN0QNN
2200Z - NNN0AZO NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Oklahoma MARS 6O3B net: NNN0QGC
4011.0 HF-USB
0004Z - NNN0AHH NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Arkansas MARS 6A1B net: NNN0HPU
1405Z - Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D1C net: NNN0JYO
4013.5 HF-USB
0028Z - NNN0BTG NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Kentucky MARS 4K2B net: NNN0ZEZ
4020.0 HF-USB
0132Z - Link-11 data transmission
4023.9 HF-USB
1405Z - AAM5RD NCS for the Army Region 5 Illinois MARS AAA5RD/IL net: AAT5FG
4026.9 HF-LSB
1151Z - AAR5QM NCS for the Army Region 5 Ohio MARS AAA5RD/OH net: AAR5VI / AFA3DG / AAR2JQ / AAR5AF
4026.9 HF-USB
1202Z - AAR4IJ NCS for the Army Region 4 MARS AAA4RD/C net: AAM4SC / AAR5QM / NNN0TWA
4032.9 HF-LSB
1201Z - Army Region 3 MARS AAA3RD/A net: AAM3EPA / AAM3EVA
4035.9 HF-USB
1407Z - AAM7TIA NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/D net: AAA7MO
4038.5 HF-USB
0206Z - NNN0PCC NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H2B net: NNN0TBK / NNN0TZL
0301Z - NNN0QAA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net
1408Z - NNN0RBD NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H1B net
4038.9 HF-LSB
1200Z - AAA2RD NCS for the Army Region 2 MARS AAA2RD/M net
4041.0 HF-USB
2336Z - NNN0GAY-2 NCS for the Navy/ MC Region 5 Michigan MARS 5M1B net
4470.5 HF-USB
0300Z - NNN0GLL NCS for the Navy/MC Region 8 North / South Dakota MARS 8S1B net
4506.0 HF-USB
1401Z - Red-Cloud-144 NCS for the North Central Region Nebraska "Red-Cloud" CAP net: Red-Cloud-194
4517.0 HF-USB
1414Z - Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM3 net: AFA7CH
4604.0 HF-USB
1401Z - Red-Robin-898 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Michigan "Red-Robin" CAP net
1431Z - Red-Fox-17 NCS for the Great Lakes "Blue Lake" Region CAP net: Columbus-04
2230Z - Great Lakes Region Illinois "Red-Fox" CAP net: Red-Fox-17 check in w /no tfc
2300Z - Kentucky-CAP-148 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Kentucky CAP net
2332Z - Columbus-04 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Ohio "Columbus" CAP net: Columbus-602 / Columbus-722
4623.5 HF-USB
1403Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Wisconsin MARS 5W4B net: NNN0HCO / NNN0ULK
1501Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Illinois MARS 5I3B net: NNN0EQH / NNN0SCV
4825.0 HF-USB
2300Z - NNN0OYS NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 MARS 6X4B net: NNN0KIP / NNN0HZN
5004.5 HF-USB
1503Z - Navy/MC Region 6 MARS 6X2B net: NNN0WKH / NNN0IVV
5078.5 HF-USB
2309Z - Navy/MC Region 7 MARS 7X5Y (MT-63) net: NNN0AEV / NNN0SVW / NNN0FBJ
5201.9 HF-USB
1424Z - AAM6ETX NCS for the Army Region 6 MARS AAA6RD/A net: AAM6TX // discussion about the "D" layer & "critical frequency" // AAR6IA
5402.0 HF-USB
[04:50:25][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 13 SN 05
[05:50:41][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 12 SN 06
7302.0 HF-USB
1423Z - AFA6LB NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M1 net
7457.0 HF-USB
1415Z - Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S2 net: AFA4QY / AFA4DM / AFF4VN / AFA4EF
7635.0 HF-USB
1502Z - National CAP net: Louisiana-30 / Head-CAP-58
8050.0 HF-USB
[15:49:49][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 14 SN 05
8337.6 HF-USB
2242Z - Shark-16 w/ Swordfish-13
8912.0 HF-USB
[17:13:37][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][I34 ][AL0] BER 10 SN 05
8983.0 HF-USB
1531Z - CG 2117 w/ Camslant: departing homeplate, Corpus Christi w/ 5 POB rqst you assume guard
8992.0 HF-USB
1603Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQR6PS to All Stations
1606Z - _________ ( ? ) repeats 28 character EAM OQR6PS
2252Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 20 character EAM 74F4ET to All Stations
2253Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 6 character EAM 74WRZV w/ "more to follow, stand-by"
2254Z - 6 character EAM 7444FA w/ "more to follow, stand-by"
2255Z - 28 character EAM OQNIMC w/ "more to follow, stand-by"
2257Z - 20 character EAM 74F4ET
9047.0 HF-USB
[16:28:32][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][100SWR ][AL0] BER 14 SN 05
11175.0 HF-USB
1603Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQR6PS to All Stations
1633Z - Methodist (USSTRATCOM ABNCP) repeats 28 character EAM OQR6PS
1635Z - Offutt (HF-GCS) de Longhaul-15 pp complete out
11181.0 HF-USB
[15:38:30][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][MCCSPR ][AL0] BER 21 SN 07
11226.0 HF-USB
[18:58:24][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNR ][AL0] BER 15 SN 06
11232.0 HF-USB
2201Z - Chalice-Foxtrot rqst pp fm Trenton Military to Best Deal; passes reformatted msg text: Line 1: Chalice-Foxtrot; Line 2: KTIK; Line 3: 2102; Line 4: 2235. Then rqst pp to Exterior: Chalice-Foxtrot rqst discrete freq to which Exterior replied: "unable to support HF opns att." pp terminated
11246.0 HF-USB
[19:12:32][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][K27 ][AL0] BER 21 SN 07
[19:41:39][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][K27 ][AL0] BER 15 SN 06
[20:12:27][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][K27 ][AL0] BER 21 SN 07
[20:54:31][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][K27 ][AL0] BER 21 SN 08
[21:13:35][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][K27 ][AL0] BER 21 SN 07
Thanks for the ident EL Jefe -
K27 - ISR Air Force C-130H Kamaf 103/131 Squadron Tel Aviv-Lod AB/Ben Gurion IAP, ISR #427: 4X-FBS
11494.0 HF-USB
[22:35:21][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][YWL ][AL0] BER 20 SN 07
13200.0 HF-USB
1603Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQR6PS to All Stations
13206.0 HF-USB
1835Z - Link-11 data transmission
15016.0 HF-USB
1603Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQR6PS to All Stations
1633Z - Methodist repeats 28 character EAM OQR6PS
1700Z - Methodist repeats 28 character EAM OQR6PS
1707Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQH32S to All Stations
1711Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 6 character EAM AEESLI prefaced (sound like) "For Stray-46" to All Stations
1718Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQOTAC to All Stations
1726Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 6 character EAM AEUE27 to All Stations
1728Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQPLPB to All Stations
1730Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQCKCU to All Stations
1732Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) repeats 28 character EAM OQOTAC
1756Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 6 character EAM AE24TJ prefaced (sound like) "For Stray-46" to All Stations
1800Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) repeats 28 character EAM OQCKCU w/ "more to follow, stand-by"
1802Z - 28 character EAM OQPLPB w/ "more to follow, stand-by"
1804Z - 28 character EAM OQOTAC
1823Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 37 character EAM AEC7WE to All Stations
2314Z - (damn Alexander G. Bell) _____ (?) pass 28 character EAM OQY6P4
2322Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQPVVR to All Stations
2324Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQJDNA to All Stations
2330Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) repeats 28 character EAM OQJDNA w/ "more to follow, stand-by"
2332Z - 28 character EAM OQPVVR w/ "more to follow, stand-by"
2334Z - 28 character EAM OQY6P4
3299.0 HF-USB
0102Z - Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S1 net: AFF4KY
3308.0 HF-USB
0101Z - AFN7NC NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region MARS NCADS1 net: AFA7BN / AFE5PI
0202Z - AFA5FM NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM1 net: AFA5DW / AFN7NC / AFA5MC
1204Z - AFA7ZK NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM2 net: AFA5HF / AFA5ML / AFA5KG
3315.0 HF-USB
0036Z - AFA3AJ NCS for the Air Force Region 1 MARS NE2S1 net: AFA5NF / AFA1ET / AFA3WC / AFA1JL / (sounded like) AFN1RD / AFA1GP / AFA3SS
3325.0 HF-USB
0131Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Indiana MARS 5B2Z net: NNN0GAQ / NNN0GAQ-3
3341.0 HF-USB
[01:51:01][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 16 SN 05
3349.0 HF-USB
0107Z - NNN0KIP NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 East Texas MARS 6E1B net: NNN0KDD
3390.0 HF-USB
0201Z - NNN0BIF NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 MARS 4X9B net: NNN0ICX
4002.9 HF-LSB
0203Z - Army Region 4 Mississippi MARS AAA4MS/T net: AAA4MS / AAM4MS // Olivia used
4007.0 HF-USB
0003Z - NNN0APJ NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Nebraska / Kansas MARS 7N1B net: NNN0EBT
0030Z - NNN0XYA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Minnesota MARS 5G1B net: NNN0BQH / NNN0XFB
2334Z - NNN0POY NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D3B net: NNN0UAO / NNN0QCQ
4008.5 HF-USB
0104Z - Navy/MC Region 6 Oklahoma MARS 6O1B net: NNN0QNN
2200Z - NNN0AZO NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Oklahoma MARS 6O3B net: NNN0QGC
4011.0 HF-USB
0004Z - NNN0AHH NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Arkansas MARS 6A1B net: NNN0HPU
1405Z - Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D1C net: NNN0JYO
4013.5 HF-USB
0028Z - NNN0BTG NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Kentucky MARS 4K2B net: NNN0ZEZ
4020.0 HF-USB
0132Z - Link-11 data transmission
4023.9 HF-USB
1405Z - AAM5RD NCS for the Army Region 5 Illinois MARS AAA5RD/IL net: AAT5FG
4026.9 HF-LSB
1151Z - AAR5QM NCS for the Army Region 5 Ohio MARS AAA5RD/OH net: AAR5VI / AFA3DG / AAR2JQ / AAR5AF
4026.9 HF-USB
1202Z - AAR4IJ NCS for the Army Region 4 MARS AAA4RD/C net: AAM4SC / AAR5QM / NNN0TWA
4032.9 HF-LSB
1201Z - Army Region 3 MARS AAA3RD/A net: AAM3EPA / AAM3EVA
4035.9 HF-USB
1407Z - AAM7TIA NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/D net: AAA7MO
4038.5 HF-USB
0206Z - NNN0PCC NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H2B net: NNN0TBK / NNN0TZL
0301Z - NNN0QAA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net
1408Z - NNN0RBD NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H1B net
4038.9 HF-LSB
1200Z - AAA2RD NCS for the Army Region 2 MARS AAA2RD/M net
4041.0 HF-USB
2336Z - NNN0GAY-2 NCS for the Navy/ MC Region 5 Michigan MARS 5M1B net
4470.5 HF-USB
0300Z - NNN0GLL NCS for the Navy/MC Region 8 North / South Dakota MARS 8S1B net
4506.0 HF-USB
1401Z - Red-Cloud-144 NCS for the North Central Region Nebraska "Red-Cloud" CAP net: Red-Cloud-194
4517.0 HF-USB
1414Z - Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM3 net: AFA7CH
4604.0 HF-USB
1401Z - Red-Robin-898 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Michigan "Red-Robin" CAP net
1431Z - Red-Fox-17 NCS for the Great Lakes "Blue Lake" Region CAP net: Columbus-04
2230Z - Great Lakes Region Illinois "Red-Fox" CAP net: Red-Fox-17 check in w /no tfc
2300Z - Kentucky-CAP-148 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Kentucky CAP net
2332Z - Columbus-04 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Ohio "Columbus" CAP net: Columbus-602 / Columbus-722
4623.5 HF-USB
1403Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Wisconsin MARS 5W4B net: NNN0HCO / NNN0ULK
1501Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Illinois MARS 5I3B net: NNN0EQH / NNN0SCV
4825.0 HF-USB
2300Z - NNN0OYS NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 MARS 6X4B net: NNN0KIP / NNN0HZN
5004.5 HF-USB
1503Z - Navy/MC Region 6 MARS 6X2B net: NNN0WKH / NNN0IVV
5078.5 HF-USB
2309Z - Navy/MC Region 7 MARS 7X5Y (MT-63) net: NNN0AEV / NNN0SVW / NNN0FBJ
5201.9 HF-USB
1424Z - AAM6ETX NCS for the Army Region 6 MARS AAA6RD/A net: AAM6TX // discussion about the "D" layer & "critical frequency" // AAR6IA
5402.0 HF-USB
[04:50:25][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 13 SN 05
[05:50:41][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 12 SN 06
7302.0 HF-USB
1423Z - AFA6LB NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M1 net
7457.0 HF-USB
1415Z - Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S2 net: AFA4QY / AFA4DM / AFF4VN / AFA4EF
7635.0 HF-USB
1502Z - National CAP net: Louisiana-30 / Head-CAP-58
8050.0 HF-USB
[15:49:49][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 14 SN 05
8337.6 HF-USB
2242Z - Shark-16 w/ Swordfish-13
8912.0 HF-USB
[17:13:37][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][I34 ][AL0] BER 10 SN 05
8983.0 HF-USB
1531Z - CG 2117 w/ Camslant: departing homeplate, Corpus Christi w/ 5 POB rqst you assume guard
8992.0 HF-USB
1603Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQR6PS to All Stations
1606Z - _________ ( ? ) repeats 28 character EAM OQR6PS
2252Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 20 character EAM 74F4ET to All Stations
2253Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 6 character EAM 74WRZV w/ "more to follow, stand-by"
2254Z - 6 character EAM 7444FA w/ "more to follow, stand-by"
2255Z - 28 character EAM OQNIMC w/ "more to follow, stand-by"
2257Z - 20 character EAM 74F4ET
9047.0 HF-USB
[16:28:32][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][100SWR ][AL0] BER 14 SN 05
11175.0 HF-USB
1603Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQR6PS to All Stations
1633Z - Methodist (USSTRATCOM ABNCP) repeats 28 character EAM OQR6PS
1635Z - Offutt (HF-GCS) de Longhaul-15 pp complete out
11181.0 HF-USB
[15:38:30][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][MCCSPR ][AL0] BER 21 SN 07
11226.0 HF-USB
[18:58:24][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNR ][AL0] BER 15 SN 06
11232.0 HF-USB
2201Z - Chalice-Foxtrot rqst pp fm Trenton Military to Best Deal; passes reformatted msg text: Line 1: Chalice-Foxtrot; Line 2: KTIK; Line 3: 2102; Line 4: 2235. Then rqst pp to Exterior: Chalice-Foxtrot rqst discrete freq to which Exterior replied: "unable to support HF opns att." pp terminated
11246.0 HF-USB
[19:12:32][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][K27 ][AL0] BER 21 SN 07
[19:41:39][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][K27 ][AL0] BER 15 SN 06
[20:12:27][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][K27 ][AL0] BER 21 SN 07
[20:54:31][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][K27 ][AL0] BER 21 SN 08
[21:13:35][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][K27 ][AL0] BER 21 SN 07
Thanks for the ident EL Jefe -
K27 - ISR Air Force C-130H Kamaf 103/131 Squadron Tel Aviv-Lod AB/Ben Gurion IAP, ISR #427: 4X-FBS
11494.0 HF-USB
[22:35:21][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][YWL ][AL0] BER 20 SN 07
13200.0 HF-USB
1603Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQR6PS to All Stations
13206.0 HF-USB
1835Z - Link-11 data transmission
15016.0 HF-USB
1603Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQR6PS to All Stations
1633Z - Methodist repeats 28 character EAM OQR6PS
1700Z - Methodist repeats 28 character EAM OQR6PS
1707Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQH32S to All Stations
1711Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 6 character EAM AEESLI prefaced (sound like) "For Stray-46" to All Stations
1718Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQOTAC to All Stations
1726Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 6 character EAM AEUE27 to All Stations
1728Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQPLPB to All Stations
1730Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQCKCU to All Stations
1732Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) repeats 28 character EAM OQOTAC
1756Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 6 character EAM AE24TJ prefaced (sound like) "For Stray-46" to All Stations
1800Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) repeats 28 character EAM OQCKCU w/ "more to follow, stand-by"
1802Z - 28 character EAM OQPLPB w/ "more to follow, stand-by"
1804Z - 28 character EAM OQOTAC
1823Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 37 character EAM AEC7WE to All Stations
2314Z - (damn Alexander G. Bell) _____ (?) pass 28 character EAM OQY6P4
2322Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQPVVR to All Stations
2324Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQJDNA to All Stations
2330Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) repeats 28 character EAM OQJDNA w/ "more to follow, stand-by"
2332Z - 28 character EAM OQPVVR w/ "more to follow, stand-by"
2334Z - 28 character EAM OQY6P4
Sunday, November 28, 2010
George Washington Strike Group Begins Exercise with Republic of Korea

By By Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Cheryl Callahan
Waters West of Korean Peninsula (NNS) -- The George Washington Carrier Strike Group (GWCSG) entered the waters west of the Korean peninsula to participate in a combined military exercise with the Republic of Korea (ROK) on Nov. 28.
The exercise is part of the series announced at the 2 + 2 meetings in July and is scheduled to run until Dec. 1.
"While this exercise, which is defensive in nature, has been planned for some time, it underscores the importance of the ROK-U.S. alliance and our collective commitment to regional security and stability," said Rear Adm. Dan Cloyd, Commander, Task Force 70.
The purpose of the four-day exercise is to enhance the readiness and interoperability of ROK and U.S. forces during routine operations in international waters and airspace. Both militaries have conducted similar exercises together in recent months on both sides of the peninsula.
The exercise will include more than 7,000 personnel, 11 ships and a variety of aircraft to include F-18 Super Hornets, F-16C Fighting Falcons, A-10C Thunderbolt II, F-15Ks and KF-16s.
The ships involved include: the Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73), with embarked Carrier Air Wing Five (CVW-5); the guided-missile cruiser USS Cowpens (CG 63); the guided-missile destroyers USS Lassen (DDG 82), USS Stethem (DDG 63), and USS Fitzgerald (DDG 62); and several ships and aircraft from the ROK.
The two nations will conduct air defense and surface warfare readiness training, communications and data link drills and subject matter expert exchanges during the course of the four-day exercise.
N. Korea deploys SA-2 surface-to-air missiles near Yellow Sea border

The Yonhap News Agency is reporting that North Korea has deployed SA-2 surface-to-air missiles to its west coast near Yellow Sea border with South Korea.
"(The missiles) appear to be targeting our fighter jets that fly near the Northern Limit Line (NLL)," the source said on customary condition of anonymity, referring to the Yellow Sea border.
The Soviet-designed SA-2 missile has a range of between 13 and 30 kilometers. Other missiles on the North's west coast, such as the Samlet and Silkworm with ranges of up to 95km, have also been put onto launch pads, the source said.
"The military is preparing for the possibility of further provocations as the North Korean military has deployed firepower near the NLL and is preparing to fire," the source said.
Milcom Blog Logs - 28 Nov 2010 - USASA MidWest Collection Site
Time for another exclusive HF blog log report from the radio ranch at the USASA MidWest Collection Site.
3234.5 HF-LSB
0204Z - AAM7RT NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/B net: AAM7EMO / AAN7ZA
3308.0 HF-USB
0102Z - AFF7KS NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region MARS NCM4 net
0201Z - Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM1 net: AFA5QD
3325.0 HF-USB
0139Z - NNN0LZD NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Indiana MARS 5B1B net: NNN0XES / NNN0ABM
3341.0 HF-USB
[01:55:15][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC6FEM ][AL0] BER 12 SN 06
3349.0 HF-USB
0103Z - NNN0KIP NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 East Texas MARS 6E1B net
3390.0 HF-USB
0200Z - Navy/MC Region 4 MARS 4X9B net: NNN0LHR / NNN0RBD
4007.0 HF-USB
0030Z - NNN0KZC NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Minnesota MARS 5G1B net: NNN0BQH
2336Z - NNNOXZK NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D3B net: NNN0IBG / NNN0TUL / NNN0JYO
4008.5 HF-USB
0100Z - NNN0AZO NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Oklahoma MARS 6O1B net: NNN0QNN / NNN0IVV
2200Z - NNN0AZO NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Oklahoma MARS 6O3B net
4011.0 HF-USB
0002Z - NNN0AHH NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Arkansas MARS 6A1B net: NNN0WKH / NNN0AAK // NNN0AHH & NNN0WKH wondering who was calling another net on the 6A1B net alternate freq
1400Z - NNN0GAR NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D2A net: NNN0ASF
2342Z - NNN0WRP NCS for the Navy/ MC Region 2 Northern New York MARS 2J1B net: NNN0QCA / AFA5KG (IN)
4013.5 HF-USB
0007Z - NNN0BTG NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Kentucky MARS 4K2B net
4035.9 HF-USB
1403Z - Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/D net: AAR7DZ / AAM7EMO
4038.5 HF-USB
0203Z - NNN0ANX NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H2B net: NNN0HEL / AAA9EC / NNN0ATX / NNN0RBA / NNN0RBD
0300Z - Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net: NNN0EVT announces change to NBJ / NNN0TJC
1403Z - NNN0TWA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H1B net
2306Z - NNN0JEK NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 North Carolina MARS 4F2B net: NNN0JKF
4041.0 HF-USB
0031Z - NNN0FKW NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Ohio MARS 5N5B net: NNN0ANN / NNN0LWN / NNN0FFO / NNN0GLG / NNN0IXF
2330Z - NNN0ADJ NCS for the Navy/ MC Region 5 Michigan MARS 5M1B net: NNN0UAN / NNN0ZZD / NNN0ZKH / NNN0EAO / NNN0GKQ / NNN0UZW-T
4426.0 HF-USB
0437Z - U.S.C.G. Pt. Reyes (NMC) Marine Weather Forecast
4517.0 HF-USB
1411Z - AFF7MO NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region 7 Missouri MARS 7MOS1 net: AFA5ED
1502Z - AFF7NE NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region 7 Nebraska MARS 7NES1 net
4721.0 HF-USB
[02:45:48][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 14 SN 04
4724.0 HF-USB
0129Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 125 character EAM OPMIO4 to All stations
4825.0 HF-USB
5402.0 HF-USB
[00:50:36][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 12 SN 04
6712.0 HF-USB
0129Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 125 character EAM OPMIO4 to All stations
6739.0 HF-USB
0129Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 125 character EAM OPMIO4 to All stations
7302.0 HF-USB
1501Z - AFF6EC NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M4 net
7457.0 HF-USB
1406Z - AFA4RA NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S2 net: AFA4QY / AFF4AA
8050.0 HF-USB
[14:49:38][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 15 SN 05
8992.0 HF-USB
0129Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 125 character EAM OPMIO4 to All stations
9047.0 HF-USB
[15:37:50][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][042RMR ][AL0] BER 13 SN 05
[15:37:54][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][042RMRCAP ][AL0] BER 15 SN 05
[16:21:14][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][001 ][AL0] BER 19 SN 05
10162.0 HF-USB
[18:02:50][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][0011AR ][AL0] BER 15 SN 06
11175.0 HF-USB
0129Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 125 character EAM OPMIO4 to All stations
2001Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQWSHV
14389.0 HF-USB
1600Z - AFN4PP NCS for the Air Force MARS APCN1 Phone Patch Admin net: AFA4QK
3234.5 HF-LSB
0204Z - AAM7RT NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/B net: AAM7EMO / AAN7ZA
3308.0 HF-USB
0102Z - AFF7KS NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region MARS NCM4 net
0201Z - Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM1 net: AFA5QD
3325.0 HF-USB
0139Z - NNN0LZD NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Indiana MARS 5B1B net: NNN0XES / NNN0ABM
3341.0 HF-USB
[01:55:15][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC6FEM ][AL0] BER 12 SN 06
3349.0 HF-USB
0103Z - NNN0KIP NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 East Texas MARS 6E1B net
3390.0 HF-USB
0200Z - Navy/MC Region 4 MARS 4X9B net: NNN0LHR / NNN0RBD
4007.0 HF-USB
0030Z - NNN0KZC NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Minnesota MARS 5G1B net: NNN0BQH
2336Z - NNNOXZK NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D3B net: NNN0IBG / NNN0TUL / NNN0JYO
4008.5 HF-USB
0100Z - NNN0AZO NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Oklahoma MARS 6O1B net: NNN0QNN / NNN0IVV
2200Z - NNN0AZO NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Oklahoma MARS 6O3B net
4011.0 HF-USB
0002Z - NNN0AHH NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Arkansas MARS 6A1B net: NNN0WKH / NNN0AAK // NNN0AHH & NNN0WKH wondering who was calling another net on the 6A1B net alternate freq
1400Z - NNN0GAR NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D2A net: NNN0ASF
2342Z - NNN0WRP NCS for the Navy/ MC Region 2 Northern New York MARS 2J1B net: NNN0QCA / AFA5KG (IN)
4013.5 HF-USB
0007Z - NNN0BTG NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Kentucky MARS 4K2B net
4035.9 HF-USB
1403Z - Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/D net: AAR7DZ / AAM7EMO
4038.5 HF-USB
0203Z - NNN0ANX NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H2B net: NNN0HEL / AAA9EC / NNN0ATX / NNN0RBA / NNN0RBD
0300Z - Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net: NNN0EVT announces change to NBJ / NNN0TJC
1403Z - NNN0TWA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H1B net
2306Z - NNN0JEK NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 North Carolina MARS 4F2B net: NNN0JKF
4041.0 HF-USB
0031Z - NNN0FKW NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Ohio MARS 5N5B net: NNN0ANN / NNN0LWN / NNN0FFO / NNN0GLG / NNN0IXF
2330Z - NNN0ADJ NCS for the Navy/ MC Region 5 Michigan MARS 5M1B net: NNN0UAN / NNN0ZZD / NNN0ZKH / NNN0EAO / NNN0GKQ / NNN0UZW-T
4426.0 HF-USB
0437Z - U.S.C.G. Pt. Reyes (NMC) Marine Weather Forecast
4517.0 HF-USB
1411Z - AFF7MO NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region 7 Missouri MARS 7MOS1 net: AFA5ED
1502Z - AFF7NE NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region 7 Nebraska MARS 7NES1 net
4721.0 HF-USB
[02:45:48][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 14 SN 04
4724.0 HF-USB
0129Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 125 character EAM OPMIO4 to All stations
4825.0 HF-USB
5402.0 HF-USB
[00:50:36][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 12 SN 04
6712.0 HF-USB
0129Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 125 character EAM OPMIO4 to All stations
6739.0 HF-USB
0129Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 125 character EAM OPMIO4 to All stations
7302.0 HF-USB
1501Z - AFF6EC NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M4 net
7457.0 HF-USB
1406Z - AFA4RA NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S2 net: AFA4QY / AFF4AA
8050.0 HF-USB
[14:49:38][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 15 SN 05
8992.0 HF-USB
0129Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 125 character EAM OPMIO4 to All stations
9047.0 HF-USB
[15:37:50][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][042RMR ][AL0] BER 13 SN 05
[15:37:54][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][042RMRCAP ][AL0] BER 15 SN 05
[16:21:14][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][001 ][AL0] BER 19 SN 05
10162.0 HF-USB
[18:02:50][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][0011AR ][AL0] BER 15 SN 06
11175.0 HF-USB
0129Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 125 character EAM OPMIO4 to All stations
2001Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQWSHV
14389.0 HF-USB
1600Z - AFN4PP NCS for the Air Force MARS APCN1 Phone Patch Admin net: AFA4QK
Btown Mil Blog Logs 11-11.5 MHz Bandscan 28 Nov 2010 1400-1720
Here are some of the stations I caught here on the radio ranch Sunday. The complete set of logs for the 11-11.5 MHz range that I monitored are over on our sister blog, the BTown Monitoring Post at
11015.0 MKG G Royal Air Force Unknown G UK-DHFCS Stanag 4285/1200L/3300 crypto at 1447 utc.
11086.5 GYA G Royal Navy Northwood (Whitehall) G FAX 120/576 Meteo Charts - North Atlantic Area at 1515 utc. Fleet Weather and Oceanographic Center.
11096.0 MKD G DHFCS Akrotiri (Episkopi) CYP Stanag 4285 600L/3000 crypto at 1543 utc.
11175.0 ADW HF-GCS Andrews w/EAM 28c OQT7VG, probable current training message traffic at 1530. Much weaker unid station hrd repeating at 1535. McClellan?
11181.0 AMC Global Red HF Command Network: SIPRNet Secure Internet Protocol Router Net active with ADWSPR (Andrews) sounding at 1632 utc.
11184.0 US DoD Very strong ANDVT/USB comms on this one. Probably LANT P-3 aircraft traffic at 1616 utc. This is a USN LANTFLT Flight Following frequency. Can hear this frequency right now (1708 utc) on both sides of the Atlantic (also via a rcvr in Rome at Global Tuners).
11213.0 MKL G Royal Air Force Northwood/Inskip (Xmitter) G NATO-75 (RTTY) 70/75 KG-84C Encryption - RAF MARTELO/AMCC Secure broadcast Stanag 4481 at 1424 utc.
11220.0 US DoD Very strong ANDVT comms on this one, second station much weaker at 1512 utc. Probable airborne command post on this global discrete frequency.
11232.0 CanForce MACS Trenton Military wkg CanForce 2357 with selcal check and passed backup as 13257.0 kHz at 1637 utc. At 1643 utc Trenton passing weather for Winnipeg and Thunder Bay to CanForce 2357.
11246.0 Israeli Air Force network, strong ALE/USB comms noted here, Israeli AF at 1613 and at 1943 noted AAA sounding.
11253.0 GQF G Royal Air Force Swanwick (Inskip) G RAF Volmet USB at 1421 utc.
11402.0 USAF Civil Air Patrol National Command ALE Network, 0004WICAP (Wisconsin Wing Comm Officer), 0004SWRCAP (Southwest Region CAP Comm Officer), 060PCRCAP (Pacific Coast Region station) 202SERCAP (Southeast Region station)using ALE/USB at various times utc.
11456.0 JWT NOR Navy Stavanger NOR Stanag 4285 600L/3000 (NATO System 0949)at 1510 utc, strong on east coast at this hour.
11015.0 MKG G Royal Air Force Unknown G UK-DHFCS Stanag 4285/1200L/3300 crypto at 1447 utc.
11086.5 GYA G Royal Navy Northwood (Whitehall) G FAX 120/576 Meteo Charts - North Atlantic Area at 1515 utc. Fleet Weather and Oceanographic Center.
11096.0 MKD G DHFCS Akrotiri (Episkopi) CYP Stanag 4285 600L/3000 crypto at 1543 utc.
11175.0 ADW HF-GCS Andrews w/EAM 28c OQT7VG, probable current training message traffic at 1530. Much weaker unid station hrd repeating at 1535. McClellan?
11181.0 AMC Global Red HF Command Network: SIPRNet Secure Internet Protocol Router Net active with ADWSPR (Andrews) sounding at 1632 utc.
11184.0 US DoD Very strong ANDVT/USB comms on this one. Probably LANT P-3 aircraft traffic at 1616 utc. This is a USN LANTFLT Flight Following frequency. Can hear this frequency right now (1708 utc) on both sides of the Atlantic (also via a rcvr in Rome at Global Tuners).
11213.0 MKL G Royal Air Force Northwood/Inskip (Xmitter) G NATO-75 (RTTY) 70/75 KG-84C Encryption - RAF MARTELO/AMCC Secure broadcast Stanag 4481 at 1424 utc.
11220.0 US DoD Very strong ANDVT comms on this one, second station much weaker at 1512 utc. Probable airborne command post on this global discrete frequency.
11232.0 CanForce MACS Trenton Military wkg CanForce 2357 with selcal check and passed backup as 13257.0 kHz at 1637 utc. At 1643 utc Trenton passing weather for Winnipeg and Thunder Bay to CanForce 2357.
11246.0 Israeli Air Force network, strong ALE/USB comms noted here, Israeli AF at 1613 and at 1943 noted AAA sounding.
11253.0 GQF G Royal Air Force Swanwick (Inskip) G RAF Volmet USB at 1421 utc.
11402.0 USAF Civil Air Patrol National Command ALE Network, 0004WICAP (Wisconsin Wing Comm Officer), 0004SWRCAP (Southwest Region CAP Comm Officer), 060PCRCAP (Pacific Coast Region station) 202SERCAP (Southeast Region station)using ALE/USB at various times utc.
11456.0 JWT NOR Navy Stavanger NOR Stanag 4285 600L/3000 (NATO System 0949)at 1510 utc, strong on east coast at this hour.
Mullen: North Korea's Unpredictability Endangers Region

By Jim Garamone, American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON - The only thing predictable about the North Korean regime is its unpredictability, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a television broadcast today.
Navy Adm. Mike Mullen told CNN today that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il is trying to assure the transition of leadership to his son, Kim Jong-un. He implied that the sinking of the South Korean navy ship Cheonan in March and the artillery strikes on Yeongpyeong Island on Nov. 23 are part of that process.
Mullen called the North Korean leader belligerent and dangerous.
"He is consistently destabilizing and is only predictable in his unpredictability," the admiral said. "He galvanizes everyone around with the potential that they could go to war with South Korea."
North Korea is on a path to develop nuclear weapons, and the artillery strikes on Yeongpyeong Island are latest sign of his continued belligerence, he said.
Kim Jong-il reportedly cited South Korea's recent military exercises with the United States as a reason for the artillery strike.
However, the Hoguk series of exercises that began earlier this month in South Korea and include 70,000 South Korean troops, have been long planned, Mullen said. Exercises built around the USS George Washington carrier battle group in the Yellow Sea began today. Both sets of exercises are built around deterrence, in response to the sinking of the Cheonan, which killed 46 South Korean sailors.
"It focuses on security in the Yellow Sea particularly in respect to submarine warfare," he said. "It is meant to send a very strong signal of deterrence and also to work with close allies in South Korea.
"I don't think this will be the last exercise," he added. "This is a part of the world that we've exercised in for decades and we will continue."
South Korea and the United States are focused on restraint and not letting the situation get out of control, the admiral said. "The South Koreans, so far, have responded that way," he said. "Nobody wants this thing to turn into a conflict."
China is also urging restraint and Chinese leaders probably are the only people who can exert influence on North Korea, Mullen said.
"The Chinese certainly were involved with the response at the United Nations after the sinking of the Cheonan," he said. "The North Koreans were taken aback by the strength of that response from China. We think it is important for the international community to lead, but in particular, China.
"It's a very dangerous area when [Kim] does this. It destabilizes the region, and China has as much to lose as anybody."
Exercises in Korea Long-planned, Sharp Says

By Jim Garamone, American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON - Movements of troops in South Korea and ships in the Yellow Sea are part of long-planned exercises and shouldn't be seen as a response to North Korea's Nov. 23 attack on Yeonpyeong Island, the commander of United Nations Command said today.
"Media rhetoric from North Korea, along with images of [South Korean] forces moving on the peninsula may give you a misperception of efforts on the peninsula," Army Gen. Walter "Skip" Sharp said in a community message aimed at Americans living and serving in Korea.
South Korean forces are participating in the previously planned annual Hoguk exercise. The exercises, announced Nov. 16, feature movements of some 70,000 South Korean soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines.
"The USS George Washington will also participate in a previously planned, combined, training exercise," Sharp said in his message. Neither Hoguk nor the George Washington carrier battle group exercise is in response to Tuesday's attack that killed four people on the island.
South Korean and U.S. forces hold exercises year-round to improve readiness and to ensure a peaceful and safe environment on the peninsula, he said.
Sharp visited Yeongpyeong Island yesterday to assess the damage the unprovoked artillery barrage caused. Analysts are calling the attack one of the most serious since the Korean War Armistice Agreement was signed in 1953. The attack killed two South Korean marines and two civilians.
Combined Forces Command Deputy Commander Gen. Jung Seung-Jo, members of the Swiss and Swedish Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission, and members of the UNC Military Armistice Commission accompanied Sharp to the island.
During the visit, the general called on North Korea to refrain from additional attacks and provocative actions, and meet with United Nations Command officials immediately in the truce village of Panmunjom for general officer talks to discuss the incident.
Milcom Blog Logs - 27 Nov 2010 - USASA MidWest Collection Site
Time for another exclusive HF blog log report from the radio ranch at the USASA MidWest Collection Site.
2598.0 HF-USB
0137Z - Canadian Marine Station Labrador calz "All Stations" then pass Marine Forecast
2749.0 HF-USB
0140Z - Canadian Marine Station Yarmouth-Fundy calz "All Stations" then pass Marine Forecast
3234.5 HF-LSB
0108Z - AAR7DP NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/IA net: AAR7AT / AAT7CN
3299.0 HF-USB
0126Z - Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S1 net: AFA4YB
3308.0 HF-USB
0202Z - Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM1 net: AFA5QD
3325.0 HF-USB
0131Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Indiana MARS 5B1B net: NNN0AJB
3390.0 HF-USB
0303Z - NNN0QAA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net: NNN0TJC
4007.0 HF-USB
0034Z - NNN0BQH NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Minnesota MARS 5G1B net: NNN0XYA
0132Z - NNN0SVW NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Missouri MARS 7H1B net
2330Z - NNN0XZK NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D3B net: NNN0AJD / NNN0YGW
4008.5 HF-USB
2200Z - NNN0AZO NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Oklahoma MARS 6O3B net
4011.0 HF-USB
1401Z - NNN0AS74 NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 MARS 7X3C net: NNN0AVT / NNN0SVW
4023.9 HF-USB
1302Z - AAA5IN NCS for the Army Region 5 Indiana MARS AAA5RD/IN net: AAT5FG
4026.9 HF-USB
1203Z - AAR4GY NCS for the Army Region 4 MARS AAA4RD/C net: AAM4SC / NNN0TWA
4032.9 HF-LSB
2312Z - Army Region 3 MARS AAA3RD/D net declared "free"
4035.9 HF-USB
0204Z - AAA7MO NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/B net: AAM7ANE
1305Z - AAA7KS NCS for the Army Region 7 Kansas MARS AAA7RD/KS net: AAM7KS / AAR7JK / AAT7CJ / AAR7BD
1404Z - AAM7RT NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/D net
4038.5 HF-USB
0204Z - Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H2B net: NNN0TBK / NNN0PCC
1300Z - NNN0TDK NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A1B net: NNN0TJC
1404Z - Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H1B net: NNN0XDH / NNN0TWA
4041.0 HF-USB
0033Z - NNN0KQE NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Ohio MARS 5N5B net: NNN0UAN / NNN0LWN / NNN0GLG
2334Z - Navy/ MC Region 5 Michigan MARS 5M1B net: NNN0BUX / NNN0GKQ
4517.0 HF-USB
1401Z - AFF5MN NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region 5 Minnesota MARS 5MNS1 net: AFE5PI
4601.0 HF-USB
1430Z - Rocky Mountain Region CAP net: Aspen-Gold-37 / Aspen-Gold-67 / Blue-Mesa-3##
4603.0 HF-USB
[12:44:13][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC0FEM ][AL0] BER 17 SN 05
4604.0 HF-USB
0001Z - Red-Fire-47 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Indiana "Red_Fire" CAP net: Red-Fire-111 / Red-Fire-31
0031Z - Red-Fox-17 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Illinois "Red_Fox" CAP net: Red-Fox-75
0200Z - Red-Robin-898 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Michigan "Red-Robin" CAP net
4721.0 HF-USB
[05:21:13][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNR ][AL0] BER 15 SN 05
[05:42:56][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 19 SN 05
[06:07:53][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][OFF ][AL0] BER 16 SN 06
4772.0 HF-USB
0037Z - Link-11 data transmission
6715.0 HF-USB
[10:15:29][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADWSPR ][AL0] BER 17 SN 05
[10:27:06][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][MCCSPR ][AL0] BER 13 SN 05
[11:15:37][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADWSPR ][AL0] BER 22 SN 05
6721.0 HF-USB
[08:25:04][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNR ][AL0] BER 19 SN 06
6739.0 HF-USB
0037Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQG2M7 to All Stations
0100Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQG2M7, followed by "more to follow, stand-by"
0102Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQE45R, followed by "more to follow, stand-by"
0104Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ54B5
0130Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQG2M7, followed by "more to follow, stand-by"
0132Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQE45R, followed by "more to follow, stand-by"
0134Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ54B5
0200Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQG2M7, followed by "more to follow, stand-by"
0202Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQE45R, followed by "more to follow, stand-by"
0204Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ54B5
0400Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQMD3N
7348.0 HF-USB
[15:43:14][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8FEM ][AL0] BER 16 SN 06
[15:46:41][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC6FEM ][AL0] BER 15 SN 06
7457.0 HF-USB
1407Z - AFA4WJ NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S2 net: AFA4QY
8050.0 HF-USB
[14:49:51][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 14 SN 06
8337.6 HF-USB
[04:04:56][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][MUD ][AL0] BER 12 SN 06
8912.0 HF-USB
[23:24:46][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][D42 ][AL0] BER 17 SN 07
9462.0 HF-USB
[16:43:44][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC0FEM ][AL0] BER 10 SN 06
10162.0 HF-USB
[20:52:11][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][100SWRCAP ][AL0] BER 15 SN 06
10194.0 HF-USB
[17:50:39][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC1 ][AL0] BER 11 SN 05
10588.0 HF-USB
[18:38:33][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FR4FEM ][AL0] BER 10 SN 05
11175.0 HF-USB
2210Z - Lambchop (USSTRATCOM ABNCP) calz Offutt then Mainsail for comm check; Offutt responds & Lambchop rqst pp to DSN 271-7190; Baseball w/ Lambchop, rqst 7-A on RF-19 @ Cameraman; try 7-B on RF-18
14405.0 HF-USB
1600Z - NNN0HQE NCS for the Transcon Space Support Net: AFA9PF (Alt NCS) / AFA3LK / AFA9JA / AFA8SI / AFA6VW / AGA0MC / AFD6RD
2598.0 HF-USB
0137Z - Canadian Marine Station Labrador calz "All Stations" then pass Marine Forecast
2749.0 HF-USB
0140Z - Canadian Marine Station Yarmouth-Fundy calz "All Stations" then pass Marine Forecast
3234.5 HF-LSB
0108Z - AAR7DP NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/IA net: AAR7AT / AAT7CN
3299.0 HF-USB
0126Z - Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S1 net: AFA4YB
3308.0 HF-USB
0202Z - Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM1 net: AFA5QD
3325.0 HF-USB
0131Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Indiana MARS 5B1B net: NNN0AJB
3390.0 HF-USB
0303Z - NNN0QAA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net: NNN0TJC
4007.0 HF-USB
0034Z - NNN0BQH NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Minnesota MARS 5G1B net: NNN0XYA
0132Z - NNN0SVW NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Missouri MARS 7H1B net
2330Z - NNN0XZK NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D3B net: NNN0AJD / NNN0YGW
4008.5 HF-USB
2200Z - NNN0AZO NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Oklahoma MARS 6O3B net
4011.0 HF-USB
1401Z - NNN0AS74 NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 MARS 7X3C net: NNN0AVT / NNN0SVW
4023.9 HF-USB
1302Z - AAA5IN NCS for the Army Region 5 Indiana MARS AAA5RD/IN net: AAT5FG
4026.9 HF-USB
1203Z - AAR4GY NCS for the Army Region 4 MARS AAA4RD/C net: AAM4SC / NNN0TWA
4032.9 HF-LSB
2312Z - Army Region 3 MARS AAA3RD/D net declared "free"
4035.9 HF-USB
0204Z - AAA7MO NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/B net: AAM7ANE
1305Z - AAA7KS NCS for the Army Region 7 Kansas MARS AAA7RD/KS net: AAM7KS / AAR7JK / AAT7CJ / AAR7BD
1404Z - AAM7RT NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/D net
4038.5 HF-USB
0204Z - Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H2B net: NNN0TBK / NNN0PCC
1300Z - NNN0TDK NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A1B net: NNN0TJC
1404Z - Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H1B net: NNN0XDH / NNN0TWA
4041.0 HF-USB
0033Z - NNN0KQE NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Ohio MARS 5N5B net: NNN0UAN / NNN0LWN / NNN0GLG
2334Z - Navy/ MC Region 5 Michigan MARS 5M1B net: NNN0BUX / NNN0GKQ
4517.0 HF-USB
1401Z - AFF5MN NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region 5 Minnesota MARS 5MNS1 net: AFE5PI
4601.0 HF-USB
1430Z - Rocky Mountain Region CAP net: Aspen-Gold-37 / Aspen-Gold-67 / Blue-Mesa-3##
4603.0 HF-USB
[12:44:13][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC0FEM ][AL0] BER 17 SN 05
4604.0 HF-USB
0001Z - Red-Fire-47 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Indiana "Red_Fire" CAP net: Red-Fire-111 / Red-Fire-31
0031Z - Red-Fox-17 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Illinois "Red_Fox" CAP net: Red-Fox-75
0200Z - Red-Robin-898 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Michigan "Red-Robin" CAP net
4721.0 HF-USB
[05:21:13][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNR ][AL0] BER 15 SN 05
[05:42:56][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 19 SN 05
[06:07:53][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][OFF ][AL0] BER 16 SN 06
4772.0 HF-USB
0037Z - Link-11 data transmission
6715.0 HF-USB
[10:15:29][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADWSPR ][AL0] BER 17 SN 05
[10:27:06][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][MCCSPR ][AL0] BER 13 SN 05
[11:15:37][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADWSPR ][AL0] BER 22 SN 05
6721.0 HF-USB
[08:25:04][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNR ][AL0] BER 19 SN 06
6739.0 HF-USB
0037Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQG2M7 to All Stations
0100Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQG2M7, followed by "more to follow, stand-by"
0102Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQE45R, followed by "more to follow, stand-by"
0104Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ54B5
0130Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQG2M7, followed by "more to follow, stand-by"
0132Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQE45R, followed by "more to follow, stand-by"
0134Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ54B5
0200Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQG2M7, followed by "more to follow, stand-by"
0202Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQE45R, followed by "more to follow, stand-by"
0204Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ54B5
0400Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQMD3N
7348.0 HF-USB
[15:43:14][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8FEM ][AL0] BER 16 SN 06
[15:46:41][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC6FEM ][AL0] BER 15 SN 06
7457.0 HF-USB
1407Z - AFA4WJ NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S2 net: AFA4QY
8050.0 HF-USB
[14:49:51][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 14 SN 06
8337.6 HF-USB
[04:04:56][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][MUD ][AL0] BER 12 SN 06
8912.0 HF-USB
[23:24:46][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][D42 ][AL0] BER 17 SN 07
9462.0 HF-USB
[16:43:44][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC0FEM ][AL0] BER 10 SN 06
10162.0 HF-USB
[20:52:11][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][100SWRCAP ][AL0] BER 15 SN 06
10194.0 HF-USB
[17:50:39][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC1 ][AL0] BER 11 SN 05
10588.0 HF-USB
[18:38:33][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FR4FEM ][AL0] BER 10 SN 05
11175.0 HF-USB
2210Z - Lambchop (USSTRATCOM ABNCP) calz Offutt then Mainsail for comm check; Offutt responds & Lambchop rqst pp to DSN 271-7190; Baseball w/ Lambchop, rqst 7-A on RF-19 @ Cameraman; try 7-B on RF-18
14405.0 HF-USB
1600Z - NNN0HQE NCS for the Transcon Space Support Net: AFA9PF (Alt NCS) / AFA3LK / AFA9JA / AFA8SI / AFA6VW / AGA0MC / AFD6RD
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Milcom Blog Logs - 26 Nov 2010 - USASA MidWest Collection Site
Time for another exclusive HF blog log report from the radio ranch at the USASA MidWest Collection Site.
3299.0 HF-USB
0104Z - AFF4VN NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S1 net: AFA4BE
3308.0 HF-USB
0106Z - Air Force North Central Area Region MARS NCTGM1 net: AFA5QD
0206Z - AFE5PI NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM1 net: AFA5JM
3320.5 HF-USB
0101Z - Navy/MC Region 4 South Carolina MARS 4G1B net: NNN0ICX / NNN0GBS
3325.0 HF-USB
0130Z - NNN0GAQ-4 NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Indiana MARS 5B5C net // change to (sounded like) NAE //
3390.0 HF-USB
0203Z - NNN0ICX NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 MARS 4X9B net: NNN0XPU
4007.0 HF-USB
0031Z - NNN0XYA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Minnesota MARS 5G1B net: NNN0BQH / NNN0AXK
4008.5 HF-USB
2200Z - NNN0BSF NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Oklahoma MARS 6O3B net: NNN0AZO / NNN0QGC
4011.0 HF-USB
1405Z - NNN0YGW NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D1C net: NNN0TUL / NNN0EHQ
2332Z - NNN0QCA NCS for the Navy/ MC Region 2 Northern New York MARS 2J1B net: NNN0PEU / NNN0FWZ
4013.5 HF-USB
0001Z - NNN0ZEI NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Kentucky MARS 4K2B net
4020.0 HF-USB
0002Z - Link-11 data transmission
4020.9 HF-USB
1302Z - AAR6HB NCS for the Army Region 6 MARS AAA6RD/A net: AAM6AR / AAR6GW
4023.9 HF-USB
1409Z - Army Region 5 Illinois MARS AAA5RD/IL net (OLIVIA): AAM5AIL / AAM5RD
4035.9 HF-USB
1308Z - AAM7TIA NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/C net: AAT7CN
1407Z - AAR7DG NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/D net: AAM7IA
4038.5 HF-USB
0202Z - NNN0PCC NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H2B net: NNN0RBD
0300Z - Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net: NNN0SYH / NNN0IIE
1314Z - Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A1B net: NNN0SYH / NNN0TJC
1407Z - NNN0RBD NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H1B net: AAA9EC
2308Z - NNN0FAQ NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 North Carolina MARS 4F2B net: NNN0RGL / NNN0BKH
4041.0 HF-USB
0035Z - NNN0KQE NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Ohio MARS 5N5B net: NNN0OON
4517.0 HF-USB
1403Z - AFA7HZ NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM3 net: AFA5GK
4603.0 HF-USB
[12:48:23][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC0FEM004 ][AL0] BER 20 SN 07
[23:57:25][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC1 ][AL0] BER 16 SN 06
4604.0 HF-USB
1401Z - Red-Robin-898 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Michigan "Red-Robin" CAP net: Red-Robin-256
2231Z - Red-Fox-17 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Illinois "Red-Fox" CAP net: Red-Fox-93 / Blue-Lake-08 / Columbus-37 // net closed 2232Z
2300Z - Kentucky-CAP-148 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Kentucky CAP net
2330Z - Columbus-04 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Ohio "Columbus" CAP net
4623.5 HF-USB
1401Z - NNN0HCO NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Wisconsin MARS 5W4B net: NNN0TDA / NNN0HAY
1500Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Illinois MARS 5I3B net: NNN0SCV / NNN0EQH
4721.0 HF-USB
[03:14:02][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNR ][AL0] BER 17 SN 07
4772.0 HF-USB
0038Z - Link-11 data transmission
4825.0 HF-USB
5004.5 HF-USB
1501Z - NNN0AHH NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 MARS 6X2B net
5078.5 HF-USB
2311Z - Navy/MC Region 7 MARS 7X5Y (MT-63) net
7302.0 HF-USB
1400Z - AFF6RM NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M1 net
7457.0 HF-USB
1400Z - AFF4MS NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S2 net: AFA4UZ
7635.0 HF-USB
1503Z - Middle-East-34 NCS for the National CAP net: Aspen-Gold-04
8050.0 HF-USB
[14:49:45][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 11 SN 05
[15:49:37][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 16 SN 07
8968.0 HF-USB
[12:16:03][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADWSPR ][AL0] BER 16 SN 06
9034.0 HF-USB
[04:36:54][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][CBE ][AL0] BER 15 SN 06
[06:38:01][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][CBE ][AL0] BER 15 SN 06
[07:38:37][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][CBE ][AL0] BER 17 SN 07
9462.0 HF-USB
[16:57:28][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC6FEM ][AL0] BER 19 SN 07
10162.0 HF-USB
[18:19:29][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][100SWR ][AL0] BER 18 SN 06
13993.0 HF-USB
1511Z - AFA1FF NCS for the TRANSCON HF Voice Net
1709Z - AAA9USA NCS for the TRANSCON HF Voice Net: AFA4BW / AFA4JC / AFA4SO
1901Z - AAA9USA waiting for new NCS for the TRANSCON HF Voice Net along w/ AFA4BW / AFA4SO
3299.0 HF-USB
0104Z - AFF4VN NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S1 net: AFA4BE
3308.0 HF-USB
0106Z - Air Force North Central Area Region MARS NCTGM1 net: AFA5QD
0206Z - AFE5PI NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM1 net: AFA5JM
3320.5 HF-USB
0101Z - Navy/MC Region 4 South Carolina MARS 4G1B net: NNN0ICX / NNN0GBS
3325.0 HF-USB
0130Z - NNN0GAQ-4 NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Indiana MARS 5B5C net // change to (sounded like) NAE //
3390.0 HF-USB
0203Z - NNN0ICX NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 MARS 4X9B net: NNN0XPU
4007.0 HF-USB
0031Z - NNN0XYA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Minnesota MARS 5G1B net: NNN0BQH / NNN0AXK
4008.5 HF-USB
2200Z - NNN0BSF NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Oklahoma MARS 6O3B net: NNN0AZO / NNN0QGC
4011.0 HF-USB
1405Z - NNN0YGW NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D1C net: NNN0TUL / NNN0EHQ
2332Z - NNN0QCA NCS for the Navy/ MC Region 2 Northern New York MARS 2J1B net: NNN0PEU / NNN0FWZ
4013.5 HF-USB
0001Z - NNN0ZEI NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Kentucky MARS 4K2B net
4020.0 HF-USB
0002Z - Link-11 data transmission
4020.9 HF-USB
1302Z - AAR6HB NCS for the Army Region 6 MARS AAA6RD/A net: AAM6AR / AAR6GW
4023.9 HF-USB
1409Z - Army Region 5 Illinois MARS AAA5RD/IL net (OLIVIA): AAM5AIL / AAM5RD
4035.9 HF-USB
1308Z - AAM7TIA NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/C net: AAT7CN
1407Z - AAR7DG NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/D net: AAM7IA
4038.5 HF-USB
0202Z - NNN0PCC NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H2B net: NNN0RBD
0300Z - Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net: NNN0SYH / NNN0IIE
1314Z - Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A1B net: NNN0SYH / NNN0TJC
1407Z - NNN0RBD NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H1B net: AAA9EC
2308Z - NNN0FAQ NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 North Carolina MARS 4F2B net: NNN0RGL / NNN0BKH
4041.0 HF-USB
0035Z - NNN0KQE NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Ohio MARS 5N5B net: NNN0OON
4517.0 HF-USB
1403Z - AFA7HZ NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM3 net: AFA5GK
4603.0 HF-USB
[12:48:23][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC0FEM004 ][AL0] BER 20 SN 07
[23:57:25][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC1 ][AL0] BER 16 SN 06
4604.0 HF-USB
1401Z - Red-Robin-898 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Michigan "Red-Robin" CAP net: Red-Robin-256
2231Z - Red-Fox-17 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Illinois "Red-Fox" CAP net: Red-Fox-93 / Blue-Lake-08 / Columbus-37 // net closed 2232Z
2300Z - Kentucky-CAP-148 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Kentucky CAP net
2330Z - Columbus-04 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Ohio "Columbus" CAP net
4623.5 HF-USB
1401Z - NNN0HCO NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Wisconsin MARS 5W4B net: NNN0TDA / NNN0HAY
1500Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Illinois MARS 5I3B net: NNN0SCV / NNN0EQH
4721.0 HF-USB
[03:14:02][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNR ][AL0] BER 17 SN 07
4772.0 HF-USB
0038Z - Link-11 data transmission
4825.0 HF-USB
5004.5 HF-USB
1501Z - NNN0AHH NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 MARS 6X2B net
5078.5 HF-USB
2311Z - Navy/MC Region 7 MARS 7X5Y (MT-63) net
7302.0 HF-USB
1400Z - AFF6RM NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M1 net
7457.0 HF-USB
1400Z - AFF4MS NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S2 net: AFA4UZ
7635.0 HF-USB
1503Z - Middle-East-34 NCS for the National CAP net: Aspen-Gold-04
8050.0 HF-USB
[14:49:45][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 11 SN 05
[15:49:37][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 16 SN 07
8968.0 HF-USB
[12:16:03][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADWSPR ][AL0] BER 16 SN 06
9034.0 HF-USB
[04:36:54][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][CBE ][AL0] BER 15 SN 06
[06:38:01][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][CBE ][AL0] BER 15 SN 06
[07:38:37][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][CBE ][AL0] BER 17 SN 07
9462.0 HF-USB
[16:57:28][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC6FEM ][AL0] BER 19 SN 07
10162.0 HF-USB
[18:19:29][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][100SWR ][AL0] BER 18 SN 06
13993.0 HF-USB
1511Z - AFA1FF NCS for the TRANSCON HF Voice Net
1709Z - AAA9USA NCS for the TRANSCON HF Voice Net: AFA4BW / AFA4JC / AFA4SO
1901Z - AAA9USA waiting for new NCS for the TRANSCON HF Voice Net along w/ AFA4BW / AFA4SO
Milcom Blog Logs - 26-27 Nov 2010 Brasstown NC
Spend most of yesterday scan the Civil Air Patrol National ALE Net. They were surprisingly quite active. I monitored from 1747-0321 UTC.
3204.0 0011ARCAP 0020NHCAP 034MERCAP 0112GACAP 0140NVCAP 0148KYCAP 202SERCAP 0360FLCAP
3385.0 034MERCAP 0204SCCAP
4477.0 0004MSCAP 0011DCCAP 0016MECAP 0020NHCAP 0021CTCAP 101NCRCAP 0112GACAP 0148KYCAP 202SERCAP 4800MNCAP 6700ARCAP
6806.0 0004NYCAP 0004WICAP 0011ARCAP 0011RICAP 0016MECAP 0016RICAP 0020NHCAP 0025CTCAP 101NCRCAP 0112GACAP 0148KYCAP 202SERCAP 0360FLCAP 4800MNCAP 6700ARCAP
7602.0 0004NYCAP 0004WICAP 0011ARCAP 0020NHCAP 0021CTCAP 0025CTCAP 0042NHCAP 042RMRCAP 100SWRCAP 101NCRCAP 0112GACAP 0360FLCAP 4800MNCAP 6700ARCAP
11402.0 0004NYCAP 0004WICAP 0011ARCAP 0011CACAP 0011NVCAP 0011RICAP 0020NHCAP 0021CTCAP 0025CTCAP 0042NHCAP 060PCRCAP 101NCRCAP 0140NVCAP
12081.0 0011NVCAP 0020NHCAP 0021CTCAP 0025CTCAP 0042NHCAP 042RMRCAP 101NCRCAP 0140NVCAP 4800MNCAP
13415.0 0004WICAP 0011CACAP 0011RICAP 0020NHCAP 0021CTCAP 0025CTCAP 0042NHCAP 042RMRCAP 4800MNCAP
15602.0 0011CACAP 0011NVCAP 0011RICAP 0020NHCAP 0025CTCAP 042RMRCAP 060PCRCAP 101NCRCAP
17412.0 0011CACAP 042RMRCAP 060PCRCAP
19814.0 042RMRCAP 060PCRCAP 0140NVCAP
Also had an interesting AQC sounding at 2248. Not sure what to make of this one.
[22:48:18][FRQ 04477000][AQC SND][ ][TWS][121Q68 ][AL0] BER 26 SN 09 NOISE 04
Anybody have any ideas on this intercept?
3204.0 0011ARCAP 0020NHCAP 034MERCAP 0112GACAP 0140NVCAP 0148KYCAP 202SERCAP 0360FLCAP
3385.0 034MERCAP 0204SCCAP
4477.0 0004MSCAP 0011DCCAP 0016MECAP 0020NHCAP 0021CTCAP 101NCRCAP 0112GACAP 0148KYCAP 202SERCAP 4800MNCAP 6700ARCAP
6806.0 0004NYCAP 0004WICAP 0011ARCAP 0011RICAP 0016MECAP 0016RICAP 0020NHCAP 0025CTCAP 101NCRCAP 0112GACAP 0148KYCAP 202SERCAP 0360FLCAP 4800MNCAP 6700ARCAP
7602.0 0004NYCAP 0004WICAP 0011ARCAP 0020NHCAP 0021CTCAP 0025CTCAP 0042NHCAP 042RMRCAP 100SWRCAP 101NCRCAP 0112GACAP 0360FLCAP 4800MNCAP 6700ARCAP
11402.0 0004NYCAP 0004WICAP 0011ARCAP 0011CACAP 0011NVCAP 0011RICAP 0020NHCAP 0021CTCAP 0025CTCAP 0042NHCAP 060PCRCAP 101NCRCAP 0140NVCAP
12081.0 0011NVCAP 0020NHCAP 0021CTCAP 0025CTCAP 0042NHCAP 042RMRCAP 101NCRCAP 0140NVCAP 4800MNCAP
13415.0 0004WICAP 0011CACAP 0011RICAP 0020NHCAP 0021CTCAP 0025CTCAP 0042NHCAP 042RMRCAP 4800MNCAP
15602.0 0011CACAP 0011NVCAP 0011RICAP 0020NHCAP 0025CTCAP 042RMRCAP 060PCRCAP 101NCRCAP
17412.0 0011CACAP 042RMRCAP 060PCRCAP
19814.0 042RMRCAP 060PCRCAP 0140NVCAP
Also had an interesting AQC sounding at 2248. Not sure what to make of this one.
[22:48:18][FRQ 04477000][AQC SND][ ][TWS][121Q68 ][AL0] BER 26 SN 09 NOISE 04
Anybody have any ideas on this intercept?
Milcom Blog Logs - 26 Nov 2010 Brasstown NC
Monitored some FEMA frequencies yesterday from 1750-2102 UTC using PC-ALE here in Btown. Here are the result of those ALE scans.
5821.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 14*: FC8
7348.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 22*: FC4FEM
7428.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 23: FC1FEM002
8050.0 FEMA NS/EP Net: FC8
10194.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 25*: FC6FEM
10588.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 27*: FC1FEM FC6FEM
12216.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 34: FC8 FC8FEM
14776.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 42: FC8
5821.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 14*: FC8
7348.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 22*: FC4FEM
7428.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 23: FC1FEM002
8050.0 FEMA NS/EP Net: FC8
10194.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 25*: FC6FEM
10588.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 27*: FC1FEM FC6FEM
12216.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 34: FC8 FC8FEM
14776.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 42: FC8
Friday, November 26, 2010
NKorea warns region is on brink of war

According to the copyrighted AP story below by By LEE JIN-MAN and FOSTER KLUG, tension continue to rise on the Korean peninsular.
YEONPYEONG ISLAND, South Korea (AP) - North Korea warned Friday that U.S.-South Korean plans for military maneuvers put the peninsula on the brink of war, and appeared to launch its own artillery drills within sight of an island it showered with a deadly barrage this week.
Read the complete story at
Read more about the George Washington CSG Yellow Sea exercise at
Current Russian NAVSAT Frequency List
Our old friend Ary Boender in the Netherlands recently passed along the following observations regarding the current Russian Parus NAVSAT activity.
Cosmos 2463 Catalog #36519 Freq: 149.94 MHz
Cosmos 2454 Catalog #35635 Freq: 149.94 MHz
Cosmos 2398 Catalog #27818 Freq: 149.97 MHz
Cosmos 2407 Catalog #28380 Freq: 149.97 MHz
Cosmos 2414 Catalog #28521 Freq: 149.97 MHz
Cosmos 2429 Catalog #32052 Freq: 150.03 MHz
Thanks Ary
Cosmos 2463 Catalog #36519 Freq: 149.94 MHz
Cosmos 2454 Catalog #35635 Freq: 149.94 MHz
Cosmos 2398 Catalog #27818 Freq: 149.97 MHz
Cosmos 2407 Catalog #28380 Freq: 149.97 MHz
Cosmos 2414 Catalog #28521 Freq: 149.97 MHz
Cosmos 2429 Catalog #32052 Freq: 150.03 MHz
Thanks Ary
Milcom Blog Logs - 25 Nov 2010 Brasstown NC
Time for another round of USB/ALE logs from here on the radio ranch. All logged yesterday using my main receiving setup while I enjoyed turkey and all the trimmings. Most of the activity was FEMA or related FEMA nets (NPHRN/Shares/etc).
3341.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 6*: FC4FEM FC8 FC0FEM004 FR4FEM
4603.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 9: FC1FEM FC4FEM FC6FEM
4757.0 National Public Health Radio Network Channel 2: FC1
4780.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 10*: FC1FEM002 FC6FEM002 FC8
5135.0 Operation Secure: MA1NC (NH) SEMO05 (NY)
5402.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 13: FC6FEM
5821.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 14*: FC8
5961.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 15: FC8 (This is also a posible EPA freq)
6806.0 Civil Air Patrol National Command ALE Network: 0181ALCAP 0021CTCAP 0025CTCAP 0360FLCAP 0020NHCAP 4800MICAP 000WICAP 034MERCAP 202SERCAP
6809.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 21: FC8
7348.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 22*: FC6FEM FC0FEM FC0FEM004
7428.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 23: FC1FEM002 FC8FEM002
7805.0 Operation Secure: MA1NC (NH)
8012.0 Civil Air Patrol National Command ALE Network: 0011ARCAP 0011CACAP 0025CTCAP 0011DCCAP 0360FLCAP 0112GACAP 0011RICAP 0004WICAP 034MERCAP 042RMRCAP 202SERCAP
8050.0 FEMA NS/EP Net: FC8
9106.0 SHARES SCN ALE Net (SCN Channel 05): OARNNN
9462.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 24: FC6FEM FC8
10194.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 25*: FC4FEM FC8 FC8FEM FC0FEM004 FR4FEM
10588.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 27*: FC4FEM FC0FEM FC0FEM004
10899.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 31: FC8FEM002 FC0FEM002
11108.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 73*: FC8
12129.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 33: FC1FEM002 FC6FEM002 FC8FEM002
12216.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 34: FC1FEM FC6FEM FC0FEM004 FR4FEM
12270.0 Apparent FEMA Net: FC1 FC6
13242.0 USAF Global Black (NIPR) Net: DL0004DAT (AWACS)
13446.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 36: FC6FEM FC8 FC0FEM004
13894.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 75*: FC1FEM002 FC6FEM002 FC8FEM002
14776.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 42: FC8FEM
14885.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 44: FC8 FR7FEM
15708.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 50: FC1FEM FC8
16201.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 51: FC8 FC0FEM
17487.0 SHARES SCN ALE/STI Net (Channel 08): SEJNNN
18264.0 National Public Health Radio Network Channel 11: FR7
19969.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 57*: FC0FEM
21866.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 60*: FC0FEM FC0FEM004
3341.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 6*: FC4FEM FC8 FC0FEM004 FR4FEM
4603.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 9: FC1FEM FC4FEM FC6FEM
4757.0 National Public Health Radio Network Channel 2: FC1
4780.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 10*: FC1FEM002 FC6FEM002 FC8
5135.0 Operation Secure: MA1NC (NH) SEMO05 (NY)
5402.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 13: FC6FEM
5821.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 14*: FC8
5961.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 15: FC8 (This is also a posible EPA freq)
6806.0 Civil Air Patrol National Command ALE Network: 0181ALCAP 0021CTCAP 0025CTCAP 0360FLCAP 0020NHCAP 4800MICAP 000WICAP 034MERCAP 202SERCAP
6809.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 21: FC8
7348.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 22*: FC6FEM FC0FEM FC0FEM004
7428.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 23: FC1FEM002 FC8FEM002
7805.0 Operation Secure: MA1NC (NH)
8012.0 Civil Air Patrol National Command ALE Network: 0011ARCAP 0011CACAP 0025CTCAP 0011DCCAP 0360FLCAP 0112GACAP 0011RICAP 0004WICAP 034MERCAP 042RMRCAP 202SERCAP
8050.0 FEMA NS/EP Net: FC8
9106.0 SHARES SCN ALE Net (SCN Channel 05): OARNNN
9462.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 24: FC6FEM FC8
10194.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 25*: FC4FEM FC8 FC8FEM FC0FEM004 FR4FEM
10588.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 27*: FC4FEM FC0FEM FC0FEM004
10899.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 31: FC8FEM002 FC0FEM002
11108.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 73*: FC8
12129.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 33: FC1FEM002 FC6FEM002 FC8FEM002
12216.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 34: FC1FEM FC6FEM FC0FEM004 FR4FEM
12270.0 Apparent FEMA Net: FC1 FC6
13242.0 USAF Global Black (NIPR) Net: DL0004DAT (AWACS)
13446.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 36: FC6FEM FC8 FC0FEM004
13894.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 75*: FC1FEM002 FC6FEM002 FC8FEM002
14776.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 42: FC8FEM
14885.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 44: FC8 FR7FEM
15708.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 50: FC1FEM FC8
16201.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 51: FC8 FC0FEM
17487.0 SHARES SCN ALE/STI Net (Channel 08): SEJNNN
18264.0 National Public Health Radio Network Channel 11: FR7
19969.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 57*: FC0FEM
21866.0 FEMA National Radio System (FNARS) Channel 60*: FC0FEM FC0FEM004
Milcom Blog Logs - 25 Nov 2010 - USASA MidWest Collection Site
Time for another exclusive HF blog log report from the radio ranch at the USASA MidWest Collection Site.
3308.0 HF-USB
0203Z - Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM1 net (MFSK-16): AFA7ZJ / AFA5JR / AFA5HF / AFA5MC
3390.0 HF-USB
0303Z - NNN0IIE NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net: NNN0SYH
4011.0 HF-USB
1406Z - NNN0AVT NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D1C net: NNN0ABL-T / NNN0TUL
2331Z - NNN0FFN NCS for the Navy/ MC Region 2 Northern New York MARS 2J1B net: NNN0HME / NNN0TUF
4032.9 HF-LSB
2310Z - AAT3JF NCS for the Army Region 3 MARS AAA3RD/D net: AAT3JG / AAM3EPA / AAM3TMD / AAM3TPA
4038.5 HF-USB
0202Z - NNN0TBK NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H2B net: NNN0ATX / NNN0PCC / NNN0AOC
2300Z - NNN0GGT NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 North Carolina MARS 4F2B net: NNN0KAH
4517.0 HF-USB
1403Z - AFF7KS NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM3 net: AFA7FN / AFF5MN / AFN7NC / AFA5KC / AFA7JW / AFA7HZ / AFA5WD
4623.5 HF-USB
1503Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Illinois MARS 5I3B net: NNN0SCV
4721.0 HF-USB
[05:59:13][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNR ][AL0] BER 12 SN 05
[09:55:14][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 15 SN 07
4724.0 HF-USB
0145Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQQCPP to All Stations
0230Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQMSSL
0248Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQADPE to All Stations
0300Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQADPE: "more to follow, stand-by;"
0301Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQMSSL
0330Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQADPE
4772.0 HF-USB
0227Z - Link-11 data transmission
6739.0 HF-USB
0200Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQMSSL
7348.0 HF-USB
[15:10:25][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC6 ][AL0] BER 17 SN 07
[15:49:52][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 10 SN 08
7457.0 HF-USB
1415Z - AFF4AA NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S2 net: AFA4BL / AFD4CY / AFN4RD / AFA4QY / AFA4JV
7635.0 HF-USB
1501Z - National CAP net: Louisiana-30 / Goldenrod-595 / Head-CAP-58
8050.0 HF-USB
[14:49:45][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 12 SN 05
8983.0 HF-USB
2200Z - Camslant w/ CG 2131
9025.0 HF-USB
[01:47:10][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][MCC ][AL0] BER 9 SN 04
10194.0 HF-USB
[17:44:34][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 20 SN 06
[17:44:39][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8FEM ][AL0] BER 14 SN 07
[17:58:36][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC6 ][AL0] BER 14 SN 05
[18:30:46][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC1FEM ][AL0] BER 19 SN 06
[18:38:03][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC0 ][AL0] BER 15 SN 05
[18:44:49][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 15 SN 06
13200.0 HF-USB
2251Z - Puerto Rico (HF-GCS) w/ ALL Freq call for _____-258: contact homeplate w/ ETA
15016.0 HF-USB
2250Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) w/ ALL Freq call for _____-258: contact homeplate w/ ETA
3308.0 HF-USB
0203Z - Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM1 net (MFSK-16): AFA7ZJ / AFA5JR / AFA5HF / AFA5MC
3390.0 HF-USB
0303Z - NNN0IIE NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net: NNN0SYH
4011.0 HF-USB
1406Z - NNN0AVT NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D1C net: NNN0ABL-T / NNN0TUL
2331Z - NNN0FFN NCS for the Navy/ MC Region 2 Northern New York MARS 2J1B net: NNN0HME / NNN0TUF
4032.9 HF-LSB
2310Z - AAT3JF NCS for the Army Region 3 MARS AAA3RD/D net: AAT3JG / AAM3EPA / AAM3TMD / AAM3TPA
4038.5 HF-USB
0202Z - NNN0TBK NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H2B net: NNN0ATX / NNN0PCC / NNN0AOC
2300Z - NNN0GGT NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 North Carolina MARS 4F2B net: NNN0KAH
4517.0 HF-USB
1403Z - AFF7KS NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM3 net: AFA7FN / AFF5MN / AFN7NC / AFA5KC / AFA7JW / AFA7HZ / AFA5WD
4623.5 HF-USB
1503Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Illinois MARS 5I3B net: NNN0SCV
4721.0 HF-USB
[05:59:13][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNR ][AL0] BER 12 SN 05
[09:55:14][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 15 SN 07
4724.0 HF-USB
0145Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQQCPP to All Stations
0230Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQMSSL
0248Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQADPE to All Stations
0300Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQADPE: "more to follow, stand-by;"
0301Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQMSSL
0330Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQADPE
4772.0 HF-USB
0227Z - Link-11 data transmission
6739.0 HF-USB
0200Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQMSSL
7348.0 HF-USB
[15:10:25][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC6 ][AL0] BER 17 SN 07
[15:49:52][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 10 SN 08
7457.0 HF-USB
1415Z - AFF4AA NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S2 net: AFA4BL / AFD4CY / AFN4RD / AFA4QY / AFA4JV
7635.0 HF-USB
1501Z - National CAP net: Louisiana-30 / Goldenrod-595 / Head-CAP-58
8050.0 HF-USB
[14:49:45][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 12 SN 05
8983.0 HF-USB
2200Z - Camslant w/ CG 2131
9025.0 HF-USB
[01:47:10][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][MCC ][AL0] BER 9 SN 04
10194.0 HF-USB
[17:44:34][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 20 SN 06
[17:44:39][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8FEM ][AL0] BER 14 SN 07
[17:58:36][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC6 ][AL0] BER 14 SN 05
[18:30:46][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC1FEM ][AL0] BER 19 SN 06
[18:38:03][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC0 ][AL0] BER 15 SN 05
[18:44:49][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 15 SN 06
13200.0 HF-USB
2251Z - Puerto Rico (HF-GCS) w/ ALL Freq call for _____-258: contact homeplate w/ ETA
15016.0 HF-USB
2250Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) w/ ALL Freq call for _____-258: contact homeplate w/ ETA
Thursday, November 25, 2010
FalconSAT-5 rockets into orbit

Blog Ed Note: I have complete details on this launch and payloads on our sister blog the BTown Monitoring Post at
U.S. AIR FORCE ACADEMY, Colo. (AFNS) -- A converted Minotaur-IV ICBM carried FalconSAT-5 into orbit from the Kodiak Launch Complex in Alaska Nov. 19.
FalconSAT-5 was designed, built and tested by Air Force Academy Class of 2010 cadets as part of the FalconSAT capstone astronautics program.
Col. Marty France, the permanent professor and head of the Academy Department of Astronautics, accepted satellite control authority from the Space Test Program's Col. Carol Welsch after FalconSAT-5 separated from the Minotaur IV booster. Cadets performed the first contact missions with the satellite after troubleshooting a problem with a ground-based antenna here.
"We really appreciate the worldwide support over the last couple of days, from the launch site, a great turnout at the launch party, early contact runs and the many well-wishers," an Astronautics Department official said on the USAFA Astronautics Facebook profile.
FalconSAT-5 carries Department of Defense Space Test Program experiments designed to study Earth's ionosphere and its impact on radio-frequency communications.
Milcom Blog Logs - 24 Nov 2010 - USASA MidWest Collection Site
Time for another exclusive HF blog log report from the radio ranch at the USASA MidWest Collection Site.
3308.0 HF-USB
0108Z - AFA5GR NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region MARS NCTSM1 net
3317.5 HF-USB
0135Z - NNN0SVW NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Missouri MARS 7H1B net: NNN0THC / NNN0QGR / NNN0AZM / NNN0AEV
3325.0 HF-USB
0132Z - NNN0IEA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Indiana MARS 5B1B net: NNN0ACF / NNN0LZD / NNN0TFL / NNN0AKT
3349.0 HF-USB
0009Z - Navy/MC Region 3 Maryland / District of Columbia / Delaware 3W1B net: NNN0FKG / NNN0QFT
4002.9 HF-LSB
0006Z - AAR4IQ NCS for the Army Region 4 MARS AAA4RD/L net: AAR4CH / AAR4IH / AAR4MC
4007.0 HF-USB
0004Z - NNN0APJ NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Nebraska / Kansas MARS 7N1B net: NNN0AVT / NNN0ABL-T
0031Z - NNN0BQH NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Minnesota MARS 5G1B net: NNN0KJC / NNN0AQK / NNN0XEE / NNN0APL / NNN0XYA
4011.0 HF-USB
0003Z - NNN0AHH NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Arkansas MARS 6A1B net: NNN0HPU
1403Z - NNN0EHQ NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D1C net: NNN0YGW / NNN0TUL
4013.5 HF-USB
0008Z - NNN0XPU NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Kentucky MARS 4K2B net: NNN0BTG
1407Z - NNN0ATX NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 MARS 4X1B net: NNN0BDW
4023.9 HF-USB
0035Z - AAM5RD NCS for the Army Region 5 MARS AAA5RD/A net: AAR5AW / AAM5AIL / AAM5SY / AAA5OH
4035.9 HF-USB
1408Z - AAA7MO NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/D net: AAR7OU
4038.5 HF-USB
0300Z - Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net: NNN0SYH / NNN0EVT
4041.0 HF-USB
0037Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Ohio MARS 5N5B net: NNN0LWN / NNN0EVQ / NNN0KRQ
4469.0 HF-USB
0101Z - Georgia-CAP-41 NCS for the Southeast Region Georgia CAP net: Georgia-CAP-44 / Mockingbird-994 / Goldenrod-595 / Goldenrod-305 / Goldenrod-11 / Florida-CAP-90 / Florida-CAP-517
4506.0 HF-USB
0002Z - MO-CAP-10 NCS for the North Central Region Missouri "MO-CAP" CAP net
1400Z - North Central Region Nebraska "Red-Cloud" CAP net: Red-Cloud-144
4603.0 HF-USB
[04:37:15][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FR4FEM ][AL0] BER 14 SN 05
[04:42:24][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC1FEM ][AL0] BER 17 SN 06
4604.0 HF-USB
0001Z - Red-Fire-281 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Indiana "Red_Fire" CAP net
0033Z - Red-Fox-82 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Illinois "Red_Fox" CAP net
1400Z - Red-Robin-898 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Michigan "Red-Robin" CAP net
1430Z - Red-Fox-17 NCS for the Great Lakes "Blue Lake" Region CAP net
4623.5 HF-USB
0034Z - NNN0RDP NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Illinois MARS 5I2B net: NNN0RKX / NNN0SCV / NNN0JJY
1501Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Illinois MARS 5I3B net: NNN0SCV / NNN0AFX
4721.0 HF-USB
[04:24:16][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNR ][AL0] BER 10 SN 04
4724.0 HF-USB
0042Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQA62G to All Stations
0100Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQA62G
0130Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQA62G
0147Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ62X7 to All Stations
0200Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ62X7; "more to follow, stand-by"
0203Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQA62G
0214Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQB6ZW to All Stations
0230Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQB6ZW
0233Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQQLXU to All Stations
0235Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ62X7; "more to follow, stand-by"
0237Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQA62G
0300Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQQLXU; "more to follow, stand-by"
0302Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQB6ZW; "more to follow, stand-by"
0304Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ62X7
0330Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQQLXU; "more to follow, stand-by"
0332Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQB6ZW
0400Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQQLXU; "more to follow, stand-by"
0402Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQB6ZW
0430Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQQLXU
0556Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQD3RN to All Stations
0600Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQUEYV to All Stations
0603Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQD3RN
4772.0 HF-USB
0015Z - Link-11 data transmission
5004.5 HF-USB
1500Z - NNN0ENS NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 MARS 6X2B net: NNN0WKH
5140.0 HF-USB
1504Z - KNFG267 NCS for the Oklahoma Civil Emergency Management net: WQKE203 (Jefferson City, MO)
1530Z - WQKE203 (Jefferson City, MO) NCS for the Missouri State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) net: WQMB541 (Highway Patrol, Jefferson City, MO) / (sound like) WNUW40 (Highway Patrol General HQ)
6715.0 HF-USB
[09:19:53][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][MCCSPR ][AL0] BER 16 SN 05
[10:20:01][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][MCC ][AL0] BER 8 SN 04
6721.0 HF-USB
[05:58:07][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNR ][AL0] BER 16 SN 06
[07:28:15][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNR ][AL0] BER 14 SN 04
[07:29:21][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 19 SN 07
6739.0 HF-USB
0430Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQQLXU
6765.0 HF-USB
1545Z - AAT7WE NCS for the SHARES Northern Weekly net: NNN0EPY / NNN0GLG / NNN0OAR / AFA5JR / NNN0ANH / AAR7AL / AAR8AV / NCS009 (IA) / NCS063 (CO) / NNN0LFG / AFA8CS (SD) / AFA8SI (WY) / KZN48 (CO) / NNN0XYA / NNN0ITN / DLA-294 (OH) / NNN0ICH / KGD34
6910.0 HF-USB
1615Z - NNN0VHO NCS for the SHARES Southern Weekly net: NCS202 (TX) / NNN0ENS
7302.0 HF-USB
1402Z - AFA6CN NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M1 net: AFA6HB / AFA6ZU
7305.0 HF-USB
1401Z - AFA5GK NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM3 net: AFA5CS
7457.0 HF-USB
1413Z - Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S2 net: AFD4MS / AFF4AL / AFA4RA
7635.0 HF-USB
1506Z - Middle-East-34 NCS for the National CAP net: Iowa-CAP-04 / Mockingbird-04 / Aspen-Gold-04 / Columbus-37
8983.0 HF-USB
1423Z - Camslant w/ (sound like) Juliet-24
8992.0 HF-USB
0430Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQQLXU
9462.0 HF-USB
[19:04:29][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC6 ][AL0] BER 19 SN 05
[19:04:35][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC6FEM ][AL0] BER 18 SN 05
[19:14:13][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC4FEM ][AL0] BER 19 SN 05
[19:15:50][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC1 ][AL0] BER 12 SN 05
[19:49:30][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 14 SN 05
[20:04:41][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC6 ][AL0] BER 17 SN 05
[20:04:45][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC6FEM ][AL0] BER 17 SN 05
10162.0 HF-USB
[20:47:53][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][100 ][AL0] BER 10 SN 05
[21:05:59][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][0011AR ][AL0] BER 20 SN 05
[21:18:49][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][000 ][AL0] BER 12 SN 05
10194.0 HF-USB
[18:27:25][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FR4 ][AL0] BER 10 SN 05
10895.0 HF-USB
1521Z - Link-11 data transmission
14396.5 HF-USB
1541Z - SHARES National Admin net: NCS009 / NNN0EPY / AAV4AR / WGY9498
14455.0 HF-USB
1630Z - KHA908 NCS for the NASA Weekly HF Net: KHA959 / KHA925
14902.0 HF-USB
1517Z - National CAP net: Louisiana-30
3308.0 HF-USB
0108Z - AFA5GR NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region MARS NCTSM1 net
3317.5 HF-USB
0135Z - NNN0SVW NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Missouri MARS 7H1B net: NNN0THC / NNN0QGR / NNN0AZM / NNN0AEV
3325.0 HF-USB
0132Z - NNN0IEA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Indiana MARS 5B1B net: NNN0ACF / NNN0LZD / NNN0TFL / NNN0AKT
3349.0 HF-USB
0009Z - Navy/MC Region 3 Maryland / District of Columbia / Delaware 3W1B net: NNN0FKG / NNN0QFT
4002.9 HF-LSB
0006Z - AAR4IQ NCS for the Army Region 4 MARS AAA4RD/L net: AAR4CH / AAR4IH / AAR4MC
4007.0 HF-USB
0004Z - NNN0APJ NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Nebraska / Kansas MARS 7N1B net: NNN0AVT / NNN0ABL-T
0031Z - NNN0BQH NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Minnesota MARS 5G1B net: NNN0KJC / NNN0AQK / NNN0XEE / NNN0APL / NNN0XYA
4011.0 HF-USB
0003Z - NNN0AHH NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Arkansas MARS 6A1B net: NNN0HPU
1403Z - NNN0EHQ NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D1C net: NNN0YGW / NNN0TUL
4013.5 HF-USB
0008Z - NNN0XPU NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Kentucky MARS 4K2B net: NNN0BTG
1407Z - NNN0ATX NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 MARS 4X1B net: NNN0BDW
4023.9 HF-USB
0035Z - AAM5RD NCS for the Army Region 5 MARS AAA5RD/A net: AAR5AW / AAM5AIL / AAM5SY / AAA5OH
4035.9 HF-USB
1408Z - AAA7MO NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/D net: AAR7OU
4038.5 HF-USB
0300Z - Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net: NNN0SYH / NNN0EVT
4041.0 HF-USB
0037Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Ohio MARS 5N5B net: NNN0LWN / NNN0EVQ / NNN0KRQ
4469.0 HF-USB
0101Z - Georgia-CAP-41 NCS for the Southeast Region Georgia CAP net: Georgia-CAP-44 / Mockingbird-994 / Goldenrod-595 / Goldenrod-305 / Goldenrod-11 / Florida-CAP-90 / Florida-CAP-517
4506.0 HF-USB
0002Z - MO-CAP-10 NCS for the North Central Region Missouri "MO-CAP" CAP net
1400Z - North Central Region Nebraska "Red-Cloud" CAP net: Red-Cloud-144
4603.0 HF-USB
[04:37:15][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FR4FEM ][AL0] BER 14 SN 05
[04:42:24][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC1FEM ][AL0] BER 17 SN 06
4604.0 HF-USB
0001Z - Red-Fire-281 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Indiana "Red_Fire" CAP net
0033Z - Red-Fox-82 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Illinois "Red_Fox" CAP net
1400Z - Red-Robin-898 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Michigan "Red-Robin" CAP net
1430Z - Red-Fox-17 NCS for the Great Lakes "Blue Lake" Region CAP net
4623.5 HF-USB
0034Z - NNN0RDP NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Illinois MARS 5I2B net: NNN0RKX / NNN0SCV / NNN0JJY
1501Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Illinois MARS 5I3B net: NNN0SCV / NNN0AFX
4721.0 HF-USB
[04:24:16][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNR ][AL0] BER 10 SN 04
4724.0 HF-USB
0042Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQA62G to All Stations
0100Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQA62G
0130Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQA62G
0147Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ62X7 to All Stations
0200Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ62X7; "more to follow, stand-by"
0203Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQA62G
0214Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQB6ZW to All Stations
0230Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQB6ZW
0233Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQQLXU to All Stations
0235Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ62X7; "more to follow, stand-by"
0237Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQA62G
0300Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQQLXU; "more to follow, stand-by"
0302Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQB6ZW; "more to follow, stand-by"
0304Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ62X7
0330Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQQLXU; "more to follow, stand-by"
0332Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQB6ZW
0400Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQQLXU; "more to follow, stand-by"
0402Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQB6ZW
0430Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQQLXU
0556Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQD3RN to All Stations
0600Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQUEYV to All Stations
0603Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQD3RN
4772.0 HF-USB
0015Z - Link-11 data transmission
5004.5 HF-USB
1500Z - NNN0ENS NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 MARS 6X2B net: NNN0WKH
5140.0 HF-USB
1504Z - KNFG267 NCS for the Oklahoma Civil Emergency Management net: WQKE203 (Jefferson City, MO)
1530Z - WQKE203 (Jefferson City, MO) NCS for the Missouri State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) net: WQMB541 (Highway Patrol, Jefferson City, MO) / (sound like) WNUW40 (Highway Patrol General HQ)
6715.0 HF-USB
[09:19:53][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][MCCSPR ][AL0] BER 16 SN 05
[10:20:01][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][MCC ][AL0] BER 8 SN 04
6721.0 HF-USB
[05:58:07][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNR ][AL0] BER 16 SN 06
[07:28:15][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNR ][AL0] BER 14 SN 04
[07:29:21][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 19 SN 07
6739.0 HF-USB
0430Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQQLXU
6765.0 HF-USB
1545Z - AAT7WE NCS for the SHARES Northern Weekly net: NNN0EPY / NNN0GLG / NNN0OAR / AFA5JR / NNN0ANH / AAR7AL / AAR8AV / NCS009 (IA) / NCS063 (CO) / NNN0LFG / AFA8CS (SD) / AFA8SI (WY) / KZN48 (CO) / NNN0XYA / NNN0ITN / DLA-294 (OH) / NNN0ICH / KGD34
6910.0 HF-USB
1615Z - NNN0VHO NCS for the SHARES Southern Weekly net: NCS202 (TX) / NNN0ENS
7302.0 HF-USB
1402Z - AFA6CN NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M1 net: AFA6HB / AFA6ZU
7305.0 HF-USB
1401Z - AFA5GK NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM3 net: AFA5CS
7457.0 HF-USB
1413Z - Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S2 net: AFD4MS / AFF4AL / AFA4RA
7635.0 HF-USB
1506Z - Middle-East-34 NCS for the National CAP net: Iowa-CAP-04 / Mockingbird-04 / Aspen-Gold-04 / Columbus-37
8983.0 HF-USB
1423Z - Camslant w/ (sound like) Juliet-24
8992.0 HF-USB
0430Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQQLXU
9462.0 HF-USB
[19:04:29][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC6 ][AL0] BER 19 SN 05
[19:04:35][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC6FEM ][AL0] BER 18 SN 05
[19:14:13][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC4FEM ][AL0] BER 19 SN 05
[19:15:50][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC1 ][AL0] BER 12 SN 05
[19:49:30][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 14 SN 05
[20:04:41][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC6 ][AL0] BER 17 SN 05
[20:04:45][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC6FEM ][AL0] BER 17 SN 05
10162.0 HF-USB
[20:47:53][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][100 ][AL0] BER 10 SN 05
[21:05:59][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][0011AR ][AL0] BER 20 SN 05
[21:18:49][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][000 ][AL0] BER 12 SN 05
10194.0 HF-USB
[18:27:25][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FR4 ][AL0] BER 10 SN 05
10895.0 HF-USB
1521Z - Link-11 data transmission
14396.5 HF-USB
1541Z - SHARES National Admin net: NCS009 / NNN0EPY / AAV4AR / WGY9498
14455.0 HF-USB
1630Z - KHA908 NCS for the NASA Weekly HF Net: KHA959 / KHA925
14902.0 HF-USB
1517Z - National CAP net: Louisiana-30
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Four Dead in N. Korean Attack, U.S. Carrier Group Deploys
By Jim Garamone, American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON - South Korean officials announced that two of the four dead in the unprovoked attack by North Korea yesterday were civilians.
President Barack Obama told South Korean President Lee Myung-bak that the United States stands shoulder-to-shoulder with South Korea.
Obama strongly condemned the North Korean attack on the island of Yeonpyeoung. He said North Korea must stop its provocative actions, which will only lead to further isolation, and fully abide by the terms of the Armistice Agreement and its obligations under international law.
The two presidents agreed to hold combined military exercises and enhanced training in the days ahead to continue the close security cooperation between our two countries, and to underscore the strength of the alliance and the commitment to peace and security in the region.
The USS George Washington carrier strike group will join South Korean naval forces in the Yellow Sea west of the peninsula from Nov. 28 to Dec. 1 to conduct the next exercise in the series announced at the 2-plus-2 meetings in July.
This exercise is defensive in nature, said United Nations Command officials in Seoul. "The intent of the series of exercises is to enhance our interoperability with the Republic of Korea, but also as a deterrent to North Korea," Pentagon spokesman Marine Col. Dave Lapan said today during a press availability.
The USS George Washington with an embarked carrier air wing, the cruiser USS Cowpens, and the destroyers USS Lassen, USS Stethem and the USS Fitzgerald will participate in the exercise along with South Korean ships. The United States has notified China, Japan and other nations in the region of the exercise in international waters. The USS George Washington last exercised in the area in October 2009.
Officials planned the exercises well in advance of yesterday's North Korean artillery attack, Lapan said.
"Past exercises, sanctions, international condemnation -– there have been any number of things that have been intended to curb the North's aggression, but for whatever reason they have chosen to disregard," he said.
The North Korean attack is a violation of the Armistice Agreement signed in 1953. It follows the North Korean sinking of the South Korean ship Cheonan in March -– an attack that killed 46 South Korean sailors.
There have been many North Korean breaches of the armistice over the years, but it is one of the first to target civilians. The attack has had a chilling effect on the people of South Korea.
"Just the act of aggression itself –- regardless of who was killed –- is what's of concern to us, but certainly attacking civilians takes this to a different level than we've seen in the past," Lapan said.
Obama said the United States will work with the international community to strongly condemn this outrageous action by North Korea, and to advance peace and security in the region.
WASHINGTON - South Korean officials announced that two of the four dead in the unprovoked attack by North Korea yesterday were civilians.
President Barack Obama told South Korean President Lee Myung-bak that the United States stands shoulder-to-shoulder with South Korea.
Obama strongly condemned the North Korean attack on the island of Yeonpyeoung. He said North Korea must stop its provocative actions, which will only lead to further isolation, and fully abide by the terms of the Armistice Agreement and its obligations under international law.
The two presidents agreed to hold combined military exercises and enhanced training in the days ahead to continue the close security cooperation between our two countries, and to underscore the strength of the alliance and the commitment to peace and security in the region.
The USS George Washington carrier strike group will join South Korean naval forces in the Yellow Sea west of the peninsula from Nov. 28 to Dec. 1 to conduct the next exercise in the series announced at the 2-plus-2 meetings in July.
This exercise is defensive in nature, said United Nations Command officials in Seoul. "The intent of the series of exercises is to enhance our interoperability with the Republic of Korea, but also as a deterrent to North Korea," Pentagon spokesman Marine Col. Dave Lapan said today during a press availability.
The USS George Washington with an embarked carrier air wing, the cruiser USS Cowpens, and the destroyers USS Lassen, USS Stethem and the USS Fitzgerald will participate in the exercise along with South Korean ships. The United States has notified China, Japan and other nations in the region of the exercise in international waters. The USS George Washington last exercised in the area in October 2009.
Officials planned the exercises well in advance of yesterday's North Korean artillery attack, Lapan said.
"Past exercises, sanctions, international condemnation -– there have been any number of things that have been intended to curb the North's aggression, but for whatever reason they have chosen to disregard," he said.
The North Korean attack is a violation of the Armistice Agreement signed in 1953. It follows the North Korean sinking of the South Korean ship Cheonan in March -– an attack that killed 46 South Korean sailors.
There have been many North Korean breaches of the armistice over the years, but it is one of the first to target civilians. The attack has had a chilling effect on the people of South Korea.
"Just the act of aggression itself –- regardless of who was killed –- is what's of concern to us, but certainly attacking civilians takes this to a different level than we've seen in the past," Lapan said.
Obama said the United States will work with the international community to strongly condemn this outrageous action by North Korea, and to advance peace and security in the region.
Naval Readiness Exercise Announced

Blog Ed Note: I'm sure that some of my US readers have seen that Dodge car company commercial on TV where George Washington, flying a US flag and driving a Dodge Challenger, comes out of the woods charging a company of red coats and puts them on the run. That's when the announcer says there are two things America got right -- the car and freedom. Hey Dear Leader there is another GW headed your way and that sound you hear off your coastline is the sound of freedom. Would you like some, come get some. The Chief
YOKOSUKA, Japan (NNS) -- The USS George Washington carrier strike group will join Republic of Korea (ROK) naval forces in the waters west of the Korean peninsula from Nov. 28 to Dec. 1 to conduct the next exercise in the series announced at the 2+2 meetings in July.
This exercise is defensive in nature. While planned well before yesterday's unprovoked artillery attack, it demonstrates the strength of the ROK-U.S. Alliance and our commitment to regional stability through deterrence. It is also designed to improve our military interoperability.
U.S. Navy ships scheduled to participate include the USS George Washington (CVN 73) with an embarked carrier air wing (CVW 5), USS Cowpens (CG 62), USS Lassen (DDG 89), USS Stethem (DDG 63), USS Fitzgerald (DDG 62).
U.S. and allied operations are built on an already strong foundation of cooperation and this exercise is intended to further enhance interoperability. The U.S. and ROK forces will conduct air defense and surface warfare readiness training.
The U.S. Navy routinely operates in the waters off the Korean peninsula and has conducted numerous operations and exercises in this area. In October 2009 the George Washington strike group conducted similar operations in the international waters west of the Korean peninsula. U.S. aircraft carriers frequently visit the Korean peninsula and conduct port visits in Busan; such as USS George Washington in 2010, USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74)in March 2009, USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), USS Nimitz (CVN 68) and USS George Washington in 2008.
Milcom Blog Logs - 23 Nov 2010 - USASA MidWest Collection Site
Time for another exclusive HF blog log report from the radio ranch at the USASA MidWest Collection Site.
3299.0 HF-USB
0108Z - AFF4XC NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S1 net: AFA4UF
3308.0 HF-USB
0200Z - AFA7OS NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM1 net: AFA5GR
3317.5 HF-USB
0134Z - NNN0SVW NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Missouri MARS 7H1B net: NNN0HKF / NNN0QGR
3320.5 HF-USB
0202Z - NNN0RPM NCS for the Navy/MC Region 8 Colorado / Wyoming MARS 8C1B net: NNN0ANH
3325.0 HF-USB
0135Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Indiana MARS 5B1B net: NNN0TFL / NNN0IEA
3349.0 HF-USB
0006Z - Navy/MC Region 3 Maryland / District of Columbia / Delaware 3W1B net: NNN0FKG
0006Z - NNN0KUR NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Arkansas MARS 6A1B net: NNN0AHH
3390.0 HF-USB
0203Z - NNN0ICX NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 MARS 4X9B net: NNN0QAA / NNN0IIE / NNN0LHR / NNN0XPU / NNN0BIF / NNN0SYR / NNN0JOP
4007.0 HF-USB
0032Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Minnesota MARS 5G1B net: NNN0XFB
0132Z - NNN0SVW NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Missouri MARS 7H1B net: NNN0HKF // QSY NBE //
2331Z - NNN0IBG NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D3B net: NNN0XZK / NNN0QGB / NNN0YGW / NNN0UAO
4008.5 HF-USB
2200Z - NNN0AZO NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Oklahoma MARS 6O3B net: NNN0QGC
4011.0 HF-USB
0004Z - NNN0KUR NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Arkansas MARS 6A1B net: NNN0AHH // QSY NBH //
1404Z - Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D1C net: NNN0YGW
4013.5 HF-USB
0004Z - NNN0BTG NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Kentucky MARS 4K2B net: NNN0XPU
4020.9 HF-USB
1306Z - AAR6HB NCS for the Army Region 6 MARS AAA6RD/A net: AAM6AR / AAM6OK / AAR6UCE
4023.9 HF-USB
0032Z - Army Region 5 Ohio MARS AAA5RD/OH net: AAA5OH
4032.9 HF-LSB
0105Z - AAA3DE NCS for the Army Region 3 MARS AAA3RD/G net: AAR3DH
4035.9 HF-USB
1302Z - Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/C net: AAM7TIA / AAT7UY
1403Z - AAM7RT NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/D net: AAR7DZ / AAR7OU
4038.5 HF-USB
0204Z - NNN0HEL NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H2B net: NNN0TBK / NNN0HBJ
0200Z - NNN0QAA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net: NNN0OEE
1304Z - NNN0SWK NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A1B net
1401Z - NNN0TWA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H1B net
2301Z - Navy/MC Region 4 North Carolina MARS 4F2B net: NNN0HJK / NNN0VWS
4041.0 HF-USB
0034Z - NNN0ANN NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Ohio MARS 5N5B net: NNN0KQE / NNN0YBE / NNN0LWN
2335Z - NNN0ZZH NCS for the Navy/ MC Region 5 Michigan MARS 5M1B net: NNN0GKQ / NNN0UZT / NNN0BUX
4517.0 HF-USB
1400Z - AFN7NC NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM3 net: AFA7DI
4604.0 HF-USB
0001Z - Red-Fire-281 Alternate NCS for the Great Lakes Region Indiana "Red_Fire" CAP net : Red-Fire-05 / Red-Fire-47 / Red-Fire-114
0100Z - Bluemound-03 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Wisconsin "Blue-Mound" CAP net
0200Z - Red-Robin-898 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Michigan "Red-Robin" CAP net
1400Z - Red-Robin-898 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Michigan "Red-Robin" CAP net
1430Z - Red-Fire-17 NCS for the Great Lakes "Blue Lake" Region CAP net: Red-Robin-111 / Red-Fox-82 / Red-Fox-79 / Red-Fox-93 / Red-Fire-281 2232Z - Red-Fire-17 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Illinois "Red-Fox" CAP net // net closed 2233Z
2300Z - Kentucky-CAP-148 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Kentucky CAP net
2330Z - Columbus-04 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Ohio "Columbus" CAP net
4623.5 HF-USB
1400Z - NNN0YQP NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Wisconsin MARS 5W4B net: NNN0HYA / NNN0UNK
1503Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Illinois MARS 5I3B net: NNN0SCV
4627.0 HF-USB
1300Z - Wildwood-04 assume duties as NCS for the Southwest Region Arkansas "Wild-Wood" CAP net: Wildwood-46 / Wildwood-1504
4724.0 HF-USB
0018Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ5QW6 to All Stations
0130Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass two 28 character EAMs: OQ6C2Y & OQ5QW6
0138Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass (sound like said 42 but only heard 40) character EAM AE3IWE to All Stations
0230Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ6C2Y
4772.0 HF-USB
0333Z - Link-11 data transmission
4825.0 HF-USB
5004.5 HF-USB
1504Z - NNN0GLK NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 MARS 6X2B net: NNN0WKH / NNN0AAK / NNN0FWM
5078.5 HF-USB
2308Z - NNN0YGW NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 MARS 7X5Y (MT-63) net
6739.0 HF-USB
0018Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ5QW6 to All Stations
0109Z - _______ (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM AEXXMJ
7302.0 HF-USB
1409Z - AFA6FD NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M1 net: AFA6HB
7457.0 HF-USB
1410Z - AFA4IH NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S2 net: AFE4TN / AFN4RD
8968.0 HF-USB
[06:40:24][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADWSPR ][AL0] BER 12 SN 06
[06:44:48][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][PLASPR ][AL0] BER 16 SN 06
8983.0 HF-USB
1510Z - CG 2002 rpt flight opns normal; position: 3603N 07548W to Camslant
8992.0 HF-USB
0010Z - _____(HF-GCS) pass SKYKING, do not answer: (sound like) CZ2; time: 10; authentication: HC
0018Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ5QW6 to All Stations
9025.0 HF-USB
[07:49:27][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNR ][AL0] BER 21 SN 08
[09:19:38][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNR ][AL0] BER 19 SN 04
9047.0 HF-USB
[15:35:17][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][6700AR ][AL0] BER 13 SN 04
10162.0 HF-USB
[19:01:56][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][6700AR ][AL0] BER 16 SN 06
10194.0 HF-USB
[18:49:18][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 13 SN 07
[18:50:27][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC6 ][AL0] BER 16 SN 06
11181.0 HF-USB
[18:21:22][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][MCC ][AL0] BER 16 SN 06
11226.0 HF-USB
[20:18:50][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 17 SN 07
13215.0 HF-USB
[20:51:58][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNR ][AL0] BER 14 SN 07
[21:12:07][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 14 SN 06
15016.0 HF-USB
1624Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 36 character EAM AEG6A6 to All Stations
1700Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 36 character EAM AEG6A6
1712Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 48 character EAM AEGR7I
1730Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 48 character EAM AEGR7I, more to follow, stand-by
1733Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 36 character EAM AEG6A6
2030Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQCPEF
2100Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQCPEF
2130Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQCPEF
2148Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQOVWC to All Stations
2312Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQYE5N to All Stations
2314Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass SKYKING, do not answer: 4RR; time: 14; authentication: GR
2315Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQUNCL to All Stations, w/ "more to follow, stand-by" statement
2317Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQBFJB to All Stations
2321Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQDN4U to All Stations
15043.0 HF-USB
[22:05:45][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 12 SN 06
18003.0 HF-USB
[22:25:54][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][150009 ][AL0] BER 16 SN 08
3299.0 HF-USB
0108Z - AFF4XC NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S1 net: AFA4UF
3308.0 HF-USB
0200Z - AFA7OS NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM1 net: AFA5GR
3317.5 HF-USB
0134Z - NNN0SVW NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Missouri MARS 7H1B net: NNN0HKF / NNN0QGR
3320.5 HF-USB
0202Z - NNN0RPM NCS for the Navy/MC Region 8 Colorado / Wyoming MARS 8C1B net: NNN0ANH
3325.0 HF-USB
0135Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Indiana MARS 5B1B net: NNN0TFL / NNN0IEA
3349.0 HF-USB
0006Z - Navy/MC Region 3 Maryland / District of Columbia / Delaware 3W1B net: NNN0FKG
0006Z - NNN0KUR NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Arkansas MARS 6A1B net: NNN0AHH
3390.0 HF-USB
0203Z - NNN0ICX NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 MARS 4X9B net: NNN0QAA / NNN0IIE / NNN0LHR / NNN0XPU / NNN0BIF / NNN0SYR / NNN0JOP
4007.0 HF-USB
0032Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Minnesota MARS 5G1B net: NNN0XFB
0132Z - NNN0SVW NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Missouri MARS 7H1B net: NNN0HKF // QSY NBE //
2331Z - NNN0IBG NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D3B net: NNN0XZK / NNN0QGB / NNN0YGW / NNN0UAO
4008.5 HF-USB
2200Z - NNN0AZO NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Oklahoma MARS 6O3B net: NNN0QGC
4011.0 HF-USB
0004Z - NNN0KUR NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Arkansas MARS 6A1B net: NNN0AHH // QSY NBH //
1404Z - Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D1C net: NNN0YGW
4013.5 HF-USB
0004Z - NNN0BTG NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Kentucky MARS 4K2B net: NNN0XPU
4020.9 HF-USB
1306Z - AAR6HB NCS for the Army Region 6 MARS AAA6RD/A net: AAM6AR / AAM6OK / AAR6UCE
4023.9 HF-USB
0032Z - Army Region 5 Ohio MARS AAA5RD/OH net: AAA5OH
4032.9 HF-LSB
0105Z - AAA3DE NCS for the Army Region 3 MARS AAA3RD/G net: AAR3DH
4035.9 HF-USB
1302Z - Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/C net: AAM7TIA / AAT7UY
1403Z - AAM7RT NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/D net: AAR7DZ / AAR7OU
4038.5 HF-USB
0204Z - NNN0HEL NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H2B net: NNN0TBK / NNN0HBJ
0200Z - NNN0QAA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net: NNN0OEE
1304Z - NNN0SWK NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A1B net
1401Z - NNN0TWA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H1B net
2301Z - Navy/MC Region 4 North Carolina MARS 4F2B net: NNN0HJK / NNN0VWS
4041.0 HF-USB
0034Z - NNN0ANN NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Ohio MARS 5N5B net: NNN0KQE / NNN0YBE / NNN0LWN
2335Z - NNN0ZZH NCS for the Navy/ MC Region 5 Michigan MARS 5M1B net: NNN0GKQ / NNN0UZT / NNN0BUX
4517.0 HF-USB
1400Z - AFN7NC NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM3 net: AFA7DI
4604.0 HF-USB
0001Z - Red-Fire-281 Alternate NCS for the Great Lakes Region Indiana "Red_Fire" CAP net : Red-Fire-05 / Red-Fire-47 / Red-Fire-114
0100Z - Bluemound-03 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Wisconsin "Blue-Mound" CAP net
0200Z - Red-Robin-898 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Michigan "Red-Robin" CAP net
1400Z - Red-Robin-898 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Michigan "Red-Robin" CAP net
1430Z - Red-Fire-17 NCS for the Great Lakes "Blue Lake" Region CAP net: Red-Robin-111 / Red-Fox-82 / Red-Fox-79 / Red-Fox-93 / Red-Fire-281 2232Z - Red-Fire-17 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Illinois "Red-Fox" CAP net // net closed 2233Z
2300Z - Kentucky-CAP-148 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Kentucky CAP net
2330Z - Columbus-04 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Ohio "Columbus" CAP net
4623.5 HF-USB
1400Z - NNN0YQP NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Wisconsin MARS 5W4B net: NNN0HYA / NNN0UNK
1503Z - Navy/MC Region 5 Illinois MARS 5I3B net: NNN0SCV
4627.0 HF-USB
1300Z - Wildwood-04 assume duties as NCS for the Southwest Region Arkansas "Wild-Wood" CAP net: Wildwood-46 / Wildwood-1504
4724.0 HF-USB
0018Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ5QW6 to All Stations
0130Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass two 28 character EAMs: OQ6C2Y & OQ5QW6
0138Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass (sound like said 42 but only heard 40) character EAM AE3IWE to All Stations
0230Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ6C2Y
4772.0 HF-USB
0333Z - Link-11 data transmission
4825.0 HF-USB
5004.5 HF-USB
1504Z - NNN0GLK NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 MARS 6X2B net: NNN0WKH / NNN0AAK / NNN0FWM
5078.5 HF-USB
2308Z - NNN0YGW NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 MARS 7X5Y (MT-63) net
6739.0 HF-USB
0018Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ5QW6 to All Stations
0109Z - _______ (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM AEXXMJ
7302.0 HF-USB
1409Z - AFA6FD NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M1 net: AFA6HB
7457.0 HF-USB
1410Z - AFA4IH NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S2 net: AFE4TN / AFN4RD
8968.0 HF-USB
[06:40:24][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADWSPR ][AL0] BER 12 SN 06
[06:44:48][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][PLASPR ][AL0] BER 16 SN 06
8983.0 HF-USB
1510Z - CG 2002 rpt flight opns normal; position: 3603N 07548W to Camslant
8992.0 HF-USB
0010Z - _____(HF-GCS) pass SKYKING, do not answer: (sound like) CZ2; time: 10; authentication: HC
0018Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ5QW6 to All Stations
9025.0 HF-USB
[07:49:27][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNR ][AL0] BER 21 SN 08
[09:19:38][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNR ][AL0] BER 19 SN 04
9047.0 HF-USB
[15:35:17][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][6700AR ][AL0] BER 13 SN 04
10162.0 HF-USB
[19:01:56][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][6700AR ][AL0] BER 16 SN 06
10194.0 HF-USB
[18:49:18][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 13 SN 07
[18:50:27][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC6 ][AL0] BER 16 SN 06
11181.0 HF-USB
[18:21:22][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][MCC ][AL0] BER 16 SN 06
11226.0 HF-USB
[20:18:50][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 17 SN 07
13215.0 HF-USB
[20:51:58][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][JNR ][AL0] BER 14 SN 07
[21:12:07][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 14 SN 06
15016.0 HF-USB
1624Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 36 character EAM AEG6A6 to All Stations
1700Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 36 character EAM AEG6A6
1712Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 48 character EAM AEGR7I
1730Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 48 character EAM AEGR7I, more to follow, stand-by
1733Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 36 character EAM AEG6A6
2030Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQCPEF
2100Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQCPEF
2130Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQCPEF
2148Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQOVWC to All Stations
2312Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQYE5N to All Stations
2314Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass SKYKING, do not answer: 4RR; time: 14; authentication: GR
2315Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQUNCL to All Stations, w/ "more to follow, stand-by" statement
2317Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQBFJB to All Stations
2321Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQDN4U to All Stations
15043.0 HF-USB
[22:05:45][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 12 SN 06
18003.0 HF-USB
[22:25:54][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][150009 ][AL0] BER 16 SN 08
The U.S. Army OH-58F Coming Soon
Michael Sharritt on the Milcom list is reporting that the U.S. Army and Bell Helicopters has just approved new OH-58F designation for the Oh-58 Kiowa helicopters. The new designator will reflect several changes to the OH-58D including digital cockpits, hardware and software upgrades, and sensor upgrades. Thanks Mike for sharing that with the rest of us.
New radar systems unveiled at Lakenheath
by Senior Airman David Dobrydney, 48th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
ROYAL AIR FORCE LAKENHEATH, England (AFNS) -- The 48th Fighter Wing became the first U.S Air Forces in Europe unit to receive new radar systems for air traffic control.
The Digital Airport Surveillance Radar and Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System became operational Nov. 18 as part of a project conducted by officials with the Air Force Electronic Systems Center and Federal Aviation Administration to replace aging technology at Department of Defense airfields.
"This is a real team effort, and we appreciate it," said Col. John Quintas, the 48th Fighter Wing commander. "This improvement is about safety and will make our ability to go to war safer and more reliable."
The new DASR system is a replacement for the Generalized Proportional Navigation system previously used to track aircraft and weather conditions in the vicinity of civilian and military airfields.
"The old GPN-20 radar is being replaced by DASR to improve reliability, provide additional weather data, reduce maintenance cost and improve performance," said Xavier Rayford, a 48th Communications Squadron telecommunications specialist and the DASR installation project manager.
In order to get the most use from the DASR system, the STARS consoles were concurrently installed in place of the older Automated Radar Terminal Systems at the radar approach control facility.
Master Sgt. Klane Pierce, the 48th Operations Squadron assistant chief controller, said STARS will allow him and his co-workers to do their job more effectively.
"The new digital system provides a clearer picture of all aircraft that we're controlling, both at (Royal Air Force) Lakenheath and (RAF) Mildenhall," he said. "There are a lot of smaller aircraft and gliders that in the past may have not been detected, or we couldn't see because of ground clutter. The new system eliminates these problems."
Besides the ability to see aircraft more clearly, Mr. Rayford added that the new systems are designed to allow for growth in activity on the flightline.
"The STARS system is designed to accommodate air traffic growth and the introduction of new automation functions which will improve the safety and efficiency of the U.S. National Airspace System as the legacy systems are replaced," he said.
ROYAL AIR FORCE LAKENHEATH, England (AFNS) -- The 48th Fighter Wing became the first U.S Air Forces in Europe unit to receive new radar systems for air traffic control.
The Digital Airport Surveillance Radar and Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System became operational Nov. 18 as part of a project conducted by officials with the Air Force Electronic Systems Center and Federal Aviation Administration to replace aging technology at Department of Defense airfields.
"This is a real team effort, and we appreciate it," said Col. John Quintas, the 48th Fighter Wing commander. "This improvement is about safety and will make our ability to go to war safer and more reliable."
The new DASR system is a replacement for the Generalized Proportional Navigation system previously used to track aircraft and weather conditions in the vicinity of civilian and military airfields.
"The old GPN-20 radar is being replaced by DASR to improve reliability, provide additional weather data, reduce maintenance cost and improve performance," said Xavier Rayford, a 48th Communications Squadron telecommunications specialist and the DASR installation project manager.
In order to get the most use from the DASR system, the STARS consoles were concurrently installed in place of the older Automated Radar Terminal Systems at the radar approach control facility.
Master Sgt. Klane Pierce, the 48th Operations Squadron assistant chief controller, said STARS will allow him and his co-workers to do their job more effectively.
"The new digital system provides a clearer picture of all aircraft that we're controlling, both at (Royal Air Force) Lakenheath and (RAF) Mildenhall," he said. "There are a lot of smaller aircraft and gliders that in the past may have not been detected, or we couldn't see because of ground clutter. The new system eliminates these problems."
Besides the ability to see aircraft more clearly, Mr. Rayford added that the new systems are designed to allow for growth in activity on the flightline.
"The STARS system is designed to accommodate air traffic growth and the introduction of new automation functions which will improve the safety and efficiency of the U.S. National Airspace System as the legacy systems are replaced," he said.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Monitoring EAM Traffic Streams on HF-GCS
If you are sitting on the HF-GCS freqs monitoring EAM traffic streams this afternoon, you have probably heard quite a few passed. I can confirm that the 28 character OQ traffic streams are NOT real world. Earlier heard Turbo 70 ask Andy on 11175 kHz what the current 6 character training message was. Andy passed OQCPEF. At 1900 UTC Andy passed that preamble and the rest of the message as a 28c EAM.
So the current OQ 28c messages are not real world. Can't tell you anything about the 36/48c AE EAM streams.
So the current OQ 28c messages are not real world. Can't tell you anything about the 36/48c AE EAM streams.
Pentagon Monitors Korean Situation With Concern
MMP Note: We are monitoring this situation very close and if any communication opportunities pop up, we will publish that information here on the MMP blog.
By Karen Parrish, American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23, 2010 - The Defense Department affirmed its alliance with South Korea and is closely monitoring the situation on the Korean peninsula in the wake of today's North Korean artillery attack on South Korea.
"We will honor our alliance obligations to the South, and ... we are determined to promote peace and security on the peninsula," Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell said today in an interview on MSNBC.
The attack on the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong is reported to have killed two and injured at least 15.
Secretary of Defense Gates Robert M. Gates is monitoring the situation closely and will be in contact with his South Korean counterpart this morning, Morrell said.
"We take this very seriously, just as we took the sinking of the Cheonan earlier this year very seriously, [in which] the North murdered some 40 South Korean sailors," Morrell said.
Morrell said Gates responded to a reporter's question yesterday about North Korea by saying, "To any question beginning with 'Why?' with regards to North Korea, my answer is the same: I don't know."
North Korea's government is extremely unpredictable, and "they do things you could not possibly have predicted in a rational world," Morrell said.
Morrell said U.S. sanctions in place against North Korea have been strengthened since the March sinking of the Cheonan.
"It's hard to pile more sanctions upon the North than are already there," he said, "and yet it seems they are not foolproof. But we've always known they aren't foolproof."
North Korea's government "is determined to bypass the sanctions [and] to not abide by its international obligations," the press secretary said.
North Korea's irresponsible behavior also is "demonstrated by the fact that it's trying to be a proliferator of weapons, that it's dealing with countries that are also under sanctions ... unfortunately, this is not out of keeping with their belligerent and unpredictable behavior," Morrell said.
The Defense Department views North Korea's actions "with concern," Pentagon spokesman Col. David Lapan told reporters today.
The North Koreans "certainly increase tensions on the peninsula," Lapan said, "and so any type of military incidents between North and the Republic of Korea are viewed with concern, because of contributing to instability in the region, and especially on the Korean peninsula."
Meanwhile, he said, the U.S. government is monitoring the situation and conferring with allies.
"At this point it's premature to say that we're considering any [military] action," Lapan said.
The White House issued a statement earlier today strongly condemning the attack and calling on North Korea to halt its belligerent action and to fully abide by the terms of the Armistice Agreement.
White House Condemns North Korean Attack
By Karen Parrish
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23, 2010 – The White House condemned today’s North Korean artillery attack against the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong.
“The United States strongly condemns this attack and calls on North Korea to halt its belligerent action and to fully abide by the terms of the Armistice Agreement,” according to a White House statement issued today.
The attack on the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong is reported to have killed two and injured 15.
The White House statement affirms the United States is firmly committed to the defense of South Korea and to the maintenance of regional peace and stability.
By Karen Parrish, American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23, 2010 - The Defense Department affirmed its alliance with South Korea and is closely monitoring the situation on the Korean peninsula in the wake of today's North Korean artillery attack on South Korea.
"We will honor our alliance obligations to the South, and ... we are determined to promote peace and security on the peninsula," Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell said today in an interview on MSNBC.
The attack on the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong is reported to have killed two and injured at least 15.
Secretary of Defense Gates Robert M. Gates is monitoring the situation closely and will be in contact with his South Korean counterpart this morning, Morrell said.
"We take this very seriously, just as we took the sinking of the Cheonan earlier this year very seriously, [in which] the North murdered some 40 South Korean sailors," Morrell said.
Morrell said Gates responded to a reporter's question yesterday about North Korea by saying, "To any question beginning with 'Why?' with regards to North Korea, my answer is the same: I don't know."
North Korea's government is extremely unpredictable, and "they do things you could not possibly have predicted in a rational world," Morrell said.
Morrell said U.S. sanctions in place against North Korea have been strengthened since the March sinking of the Cheonan.
"It's hard to pile more sanctions upon the North than are already there," he said, "and yet it seems they are not foolproof. But we've always known they aren't foolproof."
North Korea's government "is determined to bypass the sanctions [and] to not abide by its international obligations," the press secretary said.
North Korea's irresponsible behavior also is "demonstrated by the fact that it's trying to be a proliferator of weapons, that it's dealing with countries that are also under sanctions ... unfortunately, this is not out of keeping with their belligerent and unpredictable behavior," Morrell said.
The Defense Department views North Korea's actions "with concern," Pentagon spokesman Col. David Lapan told reporters today.
The North Koreans "certainly increase tensions on the peninsula," Lapan said, "and so any type of military incidents between North and the Republic of Korea are viewed with concern, because of contributing to instability in the region, and especially on the Korean peninsula."
Meanwhile, he said, the U.S. government is monitoring the situation and conferring with allies.
"At this point it's premature to say that we're considering any [military] action," Lapan said.
The White House issued a statement earlier today strongly condemning the attack and calling on North Korea to halt its belligerent action and to fully abide by the terms of the Armistice Agreement.
White House Condemns North Korean Attack
By Karen Parrish
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23, 2010 – The White House condemned today’s North Korean artillery attack against the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong.
“The United States strongly condemns this attack and calls on North Korea to halt its belligerent action and to fully abide by the terms of the Armistice Agreement,” according to a White House statement issued today.
The attack on the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong is reported to have killed two and injured 15.
The White House statement affirms the United States is firmly committed to the defense of South Korea and to the maintenance of regional peace and stability.
Pentagon Channel Report on North Korea Attack
White House officials say they are in close contact with the Republic of Korea after North Korea launched an artillery attack Tuesday on an ROK island.
See a video report at:
See a video report at:
West Coast Korea Crisis Monitor Report
Our friend Brian Herbert on the SoCalMilcom group reported the following at 0913 UTC to the group:
"South Korean government refuses to comment on the situation. One media outlet is reporting North Korean naval vessels are moving towards South Korea. Well over 200 shells have hit South Korea now, one South Korean Marine has been killed. I have noticed an increase in encrypted RTTY traffic between 4-6 MHz. Im also hearing back to back EAMs on 4724 and two way traffic on 6739 but its too weak to make out whats being said. Residents of Pyongyang have fled the island and taken to the high seas so we might hear some related traffic on the ITU channels."
"South Korean government refuses to comment on the situation. One media outlet is reporting North Korean naval vessels are moving towards South Korea. Well over 200 shells have hit South Korea now, one South Korean Marine has been killed. I have noticed an increase in encrypted RTTY traffic between 4-6 MHz. Im also hearing back to back EAMs on 4724 and two way traffic on 6739 but its too weak to make out whats being said. Residents of Pyongyang have fled the island and taken to the high seas so we might hear some related traffic on the ITU channels."
North Korea Attacks South Korea. Tensions High on the Peninsula!
North Korea Fires at South - North Korea shoots dozens of rounds of artillery onto a populated South Korean island, military officials say, setting buildings on fire and causing injuries; South Korea returns fire and scrambles fighter jets.
Yonhap News Agency - (URGENT) N. Korea's military command vows "merciless" military strike against S Korea.
AP Press Report - NKorea fires artillery onto SKorean island, 1 dead
We will continue to watch this situation here at MMP and will be doing some frequency research for the region for posting here.
Yonhap News Agency - (URGENT) N. Korea's military command vows "merciless" military strike against S Korea.
AP Press Report - NKorea fires artillery onto SKorean island, 1 dead
We will continue to watch this situation here at MMP and will be doing some frequency research for the region for posting here.
Milcom Blog Logs - 22 Nov 2010 - USASA MidWest Collection Site
Time for another exclusive HF blog log report from the radio ranch at the USASA MidWest Collection Site.
3299.0 HF-USB
0103Z - Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S1 net: AFA4UF
3308.0 HF-USB
0104Z - AFN7NC NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region MARS NCADS1 net: AFA7HZ / AFF7KS / AFF5IN / AFA7DT / AFA5NF / AFE5RM / AFA5FO / AFA5JM
0202Z - AFA5FM NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM1 net: AFA5IX / AFA5LJ-T
1207Z - Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM2 net: AFA5HF
3320.5 HF-USB
0105Z - NNN0AGV NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 South Carolina MARS 4G1B net
3341.0 HF-USB
[04:50:45][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 13 SN 06
[05:50:40][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 12 SN 06
3349.0 HF-USB
0107Z - NNN0KIP NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 East Texas MARS 6E1B net//close down//
3370.5 HF-USB
0210Z - Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M3 net: AFA6?F
3390.0 HF-USB
0204Z - NNN0BIF NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 MARS 4X9B net
4002.9 HF-LSB
0003Z - AAT4VG NCS for the Army Region 4 North Carolina MARS AAA4NC/A net: AAA4NC / AAV4VN / AAV4TY / AAR4FF
0102Z - AAA4TN NCS for the Army Region 4 Tennessee MARS AAA4TN/A net: AAM4ETN / AAM4TTN / AAA9AC / AAM4ATN
0207Z - AAA4MS NCS for the Army Region 4 Mississippi MARS AAA4MS/A net: AAM4MS
4007.0 HF-USB
0030Z - NNN0XYA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Minnesota MARS 5G1B net: NNN0XFB
0130Z - NNN0KOD NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Missouri MARS 7H1B net: NNN0HKF / NNN0SVW / NNN0QGR / NNN0AJJ / NNN0THC
4008.5 HF-USB
0100Z - Navy/MC Region 6 Oklahoma MARS 6O1B net: NNN0QNN
0200Z - NNN0GLK NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 South Texas MARS 6S1B net: NNN0QMF / NNN0HVB
2200Z - NNN0AZO NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Oklahoma MARS 6O3B net: NNN0QGC
4011.0 HF-USB
0001Z - NNN0AHH NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Arkansas MARS 6A1B net
1404Z - NNN0YGW NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D1C net
4013.5 HF-USB
0001Z - NNN0BDW NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Kentucky MARS 4K2B net: NNN0OGD / NNN0BWS / AFA5KG
4020.9 HF-USB
1202Z - AAR6CE NCS for the Army Region 6 MARS AAA6RD/A net
4023.9 HF-USB
1406Z - AAM5RD NCS for the Army Region 5 Illinois MARS AAA5RD/IL net
4026.9 HF-USB
1204Z - Army Region 4 MARS AAA4RD/C net: AAR4EK / AAR5QM
4032.9 HF-LSB
1201Z - Army Region 3 MARS AAA3RD/A net: AAR3HB
4035.9 HF-USB
0205Z - AAM7EMO calz AAR7JQ & AAR7DZ on the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/B net w/ no joy
1407Z - AAM7TIA NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/D net: AAA7MO
4038.5 HF-USB
0007Z - NNN0TWT NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Florida MARS 4C3B net: NNN0ICX / NNN0BMQ / NNN0ABZ / NNN0IBM // NCS comments has turned down his power as AZ (9A1B) has been complaining of interference //
0205Z - NNN0PCC NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H2B net: NNN0TWA
0302Z - NNN0GAA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net: NNN0GAA-3 / NNN0GAA-4 / NNN0EZC
4038.9 HF-LSB
1205Z - Army Region 2 MARS net: AAM2RD / AAR2PQ
4041.0 HF-USB
2336Z - NNN0BUX NCS for the Navy/ MC Region 5 Michigan MARS 5M3B net in MT-63: NNN0GKQ
4506.0 HF-USB
1403Z - North Central Region Nebraska "Red-Cloud" CAP net: Red-Cloud-194 / Red-Cloud-144 / Red-Cloud-124
4517.0 HF-USB
1402Z - AFA7HZ NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM3 net: AFA7DT / AFA5RF / AFA5GK / AFA5NF / AFA7MR / AFA7JW / AFN7NC
4601.0 HF-USB
1430Z - Aspen-Gold-67 NCS for the Rocky Mountain Region Colorado Wing HF net: Blue-Mesa-327 / Blue-Mesa-112 / Blue-Mesa-236 / Blue-Mesa-386 / Blue-Mesa-419 / High-Plains-5904 / High-Plains-04 / High-Plains-7504 / Dark-Garnet-224 / Aspen-Gold-37
4603.0 HF-USB
[00:13:49][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8FEM ][AL0] BER 15 SN 06
4604.0 HF-USB
1400Z - Red-Robin-898 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Michigan "Red-Robin" CAP net
1430Z - Red-Fox-17 NCS for the Great Lakes "Blue Lake" Region CAP net
2230Z - Red-Fox-93 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Illinois "Red-Fox" CAP net
2300Z - Kentucky-CAP-148 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Kentucky CAP net: Kentucky-CAP-247
2330Z - Great Lakes Region Ohio "Columbus" CAP net: Columbus-47 / Columbus-04 / Columbus-43
4623.5 HF-USB
1400Z - NNN0HCO NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Wisconsin MARS 5W4B net: NNN0TDA
1503Z - NNN0EQH NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Illinois MARS 5I3B net: NNN0ETC / NNN0OAR / NNN0AFK / NNN0KRX / NNN0HQN
4724.0 HF-USB
0144Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 42 character EAM AEM53F to All Stations
0151Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQHPG5 to All Stations
4772.0 HF-USB
0303Z - Link-11 data transmission
4780.0 HF-USB
[10:50:28][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 13 SN 04
4825.0 HF-USB
2304Z - NNN0OYS NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 MARS 6X4B net: NNN0GLK / NNN0HZN
5078.5 HF-USB
2308Z - Navy/MC Region 7 MARS 7X5Y (MT-63) net
5135.0 HF-USB
[00:42:01][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][SEM ][AL0] BER 15 SN 05
6739.0 HF-USB
0144Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 42 character EAM AEM53F to All Stations
7302.0 HF-USB
1409Z - AFA6LB NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M1 net
7457.0 HF-USB
1408Z - AFA4WJ NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S2 net: AFA4SA
7635.0 HF-USB
1500Z - Middle-East-34 NCS for the National CAP net: Head-CAP-58 / Diamond Flight-65 / North-Central-54 / Iowa-CAP-101
8050.0 HF-USB
[14:49:30][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 15 SN 05
[21:49:31][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 8 SN 05
8892.0 HF-USB
0144Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 42 character EAM AEM53F to All Stations
1848Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ73QU to All Stations
9047.0 HF-USB
[16:05:29][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][100SWR ][AL0] BER 17 SN 06
10162.0 HF-USB
[17:59:41][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][100SWR ][AL0] BER 17 SN 05
[18:34:08][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][101NCR ][AL0] BER 17 SN 05
[18:34:26][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][101NCRCAP ][AL0] BER 12 SN 05
10194.0 HF-USB
2038Z - Link-11 data transmission
11175.0 HF-USB
1848Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ73QU to All Stations
13200.0 HF-USB
1848Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ73QU to All Stations
15016.0 HF-USB
1730Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass two 28 character EAMs: OQP6WQ & OQVF4S and 22 character EAM OQP3A2
1759Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ2LEJ to All Stations
1802Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass two 28 character EAMs: OQP6WQ & OQVF4S and 22 character EAM OQP3A2
1830Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass two 28 character EAMs: OQP6WQ & OQVF4S and 22
character EAM OQP3A2
1848Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ73QU to All Stations
2133Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQQ6ER
18003.0 HF-USB
[20:49:12][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 15 SN 07
3299.0 HF-USB
0103Z - Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S1 net: AFA4UF
3308.0 HF-USB
0104Z - AFN7NC NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region MARS NCADS1 net: AFA7HZ / AFF7KS / AFF5IN / AFA7DT / AFA5NF / AFE5RM / AFA5FO / AFA5JM
0202Z - AFA5FM NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM1 net: AFA5IX / AFA5LJ-T
1207Z - Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM2 net: AFA5HF
3320.5 HF-USB
0105Z - NNN0AGV NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 South Carolina MARS 4G1B net
3341.0 HF-USB
[04:50:45][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 13 SN 06
[05:50:40][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 12 SN 06
3349.0 HF-USB
0107Z - NNN0KIP NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 East Texas MARS 6E1B net//close down//
3370.5 HF-USB
0210Z - Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M3 net: AFA6?F
3390.0 HF-USB
0204Z - NNN0BIF NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 MARS 4X9B net
4002.9 HF-LSB
0003Z - AAT4VG NCS for the Army Region 4 North Carolina MARS AAA4NC/A net: AAA4NC / AAV4VN / AAV4TY / AAR4FF
0102Z - AAA4TN NCS for the Army Region 4 Tennessee MARS AAA4TN/A net: AAM4ETN / AAM4TTN / AAA9AC / AAM4ATN
0207Z - AAA4MS NCS for the Army Region 4 Mississippi MARS AAA4MS/A net: AAM4MS
4007.0 HF-USB
0030Z - NNN0XYA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Minnesota MARS 5G1B net: NNN0XFB
0130Z - NNN0KOD NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Missouri MARS 7H1B net: NNN0HKF / NNN0SVW / NNN0QGR / NNN0AJJ / NNN0THC
4008.5 HF-USB
0100Z - Navy/MC Region 6 Oklahoma MARS 6O1B net: NNN0QNN
0200Z - NNN0GLK NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 South Texas MARS 6S1B net: NNN0QMF / NNN0HVB
2200Z - NNN0AZO NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Oklahoma MARS 6O3B net: NNN0QGC
4011.0 HF-USB
0001Z - NNN0AHH NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Arkansas MARS 6A1B net
1404Z - NNN0YGW NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D1C net
4013.5 HF-USB
0001Z - NNN0BDW NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Kentucky MARS 4K2B net: NNN0OGD / NNN0BWS / AFA5KG
4020.9 HF-USB
1202Z - AAR6CE NCS for the Army Region 6 MARS AAA6RD/A net
4023.9 HF-USB
1406Z - AAM5RD NCS for the Army Region 5 Illinois MARS AAA5RD/IL net
4026.9 HF-USB
1204Z - Army Region 4 MARS AAA4RD/C net: AAR4EK / AAR5QM
4032.9 HF-LSB
1201Z - Army Region 3 MARS AAA3RD/A net: AAR3HB
4035.9 HF-USB
0205Z - AAM7EMO calz AAR7JQ & AAR7DZ on the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/B net w/ no joy
1407Z - AAM7TIA NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/D net: AAA7MO
4038.5 HF-USB
0007Z - NNN0TWT NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Florida MARS 4C3B net: NNN0ICX / NNN0BMQ / NNN0ABZ / NNN0IBM // NCS comments has turned down his power as AZ (9A1B) has been complaining of interference //
0205Z - NNN0PCC NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H2B net: NNN0TWA
0302Z - NNN0GAA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net: NNN0GAA-3 / NNN0GAA-4 / NNN0EZC
4038.9 HF-LSB
1205Z - Army Region 2 MARS net: AAM2RD / AAR2PQ
4041.0 HF-USB
2336Z - NNN0BUX NCS for the Navy/ MC Region 5 Michigan MARS 5M3B net in MT-63: NNN0GKQ
4506.0 HF-USB
1403Z - North Central Region Nebraska "Red-Cloud" CAP net: Red-Cloud-194 / Red-Cloud-144 / Red-Cloud-124
4517.0 HF-USB
1402Z - AFA7HZ NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM3 net: AFA7DT / AFA5RF / AFA5GK / AFA5NF / AFA7MR / AFA7JW / AFN7NC
4601.0 HF-USB
1430Z - Aspen-Gold-67 NCS for the Rocky Mountain Region Colorado Wing HF net: Blue-Mesa-327 / Blue-Mesa-112 / Blue-Mesa-236 / Blue-Mesa-386 / Blue-Mesa-419 / High-Plains-5904 / High-Plains-04 / High-Plains-7504 / Dark-Garnet-224 / Aspen-Gold-37
4603.0 HF-USB
[00:13:49][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8FEM ][AL0] BER 15 SN 06
4604.0 HF-USB
1400Z - Red-Robin-898 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Michigan "Red-Robin" CAP net
1430Z - Red-Fox-17 NCS for the Great Lakes "Blue Lake" Region CAP net
2230Z - Red-Fox-93 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Illinois "Red-Fox" CAP net
2300Z - Kentucky-CAP-148 NCS for the Great Lakes Region Kentucky CAP net: Kentucky-CAP-247
2330Z - Great Lakes Region Ohio "Columbus" CAP net: Columbus-47 / Columbus-04 / Columbus-43
4623.5 HF-USB
1400Z - NNN0HCO NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Wisconsin MARS 5W4B net: NNN0TDA
1503Z - NNN0EQH NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Illinois MARS 5I3B net: NNN0ETC / NNN0OAR / NNN0AFK / NNN0KRX / NNN0HQN
4724.0 HF-USB
0144Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 42 character EAM AEM53F to All Stations
0151Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 22 character EAM OQHPG5 to All Stations
4772.0 HF-USB
0303Z - Link-11 data transmission
4780.0 HF-USB
[10:50:28][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 13 SN 04
4825.0 HF-USB
2304Z - NNN0OYS NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 MARS 6X4B net: NNN0GLK / NNN0HZN
5078.5 HF-USB
2308Z - Navy/MC Region 7 MARS 7X5Y (MT-63) net
5135.0 HF-USB
[00:42:01][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][SEM ][AL0] BER 15 SN 05
6739.0 HF-USB
0144Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 42 character EAM AEM53F to All Stations
7302.0 HF-USB
1409Z - AFA6LB NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M1 net
7457.0 HF-USB
1408Z - AFA4WJ NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S2 net: AFA4SA
7635.0 HF-USB
1500Z - Middle-East-34 NCS for the National CAP net: Head-CAP-58 / Diamond Flight-65 / North-Central-54 / Iowa-CAP-101
8050.0 HF-USB
[14:49:30][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 15 SN 05
[21:49:31][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 8 SN 05
8892.0 HF-USB
0144Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 42 character EAM AEM53F to All Stations
1848Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ73QU to All Stations
9047.0 HF-USB
[16:05:29][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][100SWR ][AL0] BER 17 SN 06
10162.0 HF-USB
[17:59:41][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][100SWR ][AL0] BER 17 SN 05
[18:34:08][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][101NCR ][AL0] BER 17 SN 05
[18:34:26][CHN 01][SND][ ][TIS][101NCRCAP ][AL0] BER 12 SN 05
10194.0 HF-USB
2038Z - Link-11 data transmission
11175.0 HF-USB
1848Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ73QU to All Stations
13200.0 HF-USB
1848Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ73QU to All Stations
15016.0 HF-USB
1730Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass two 28 character EAMs: OQP6WQ & OQVF4S and 22 character EAM OQP3A2
1759Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ2LEJ to All Stations
1802Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass two 28 character EAMs: OQP6WQ & OQVF4S and 22 character EAM OQP3A2
1830Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass two 28 character EAMs: OQP6WQ & OQVF4S and 22
character EAM OQP3A2
1848Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQ73QU to All Stations
2133Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 28 character EAM OQQ6ER
18003.0 HF-USB
[20:49:12][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 15 SN 07
Monday, November 22, 2010
Milcom Blog Logs - 21 Nov 2010 - USASA MidWest Collection Site
Time for another exclusive HF blog log report from the radio ranch at the USASA MidWest Collection Site.
3308.0 HF-USB
0105Z - AFF7KS NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region MARS NCM4 net
0204Z - AFA7GD NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM1 net: AFA5GR / AFA5WK / AFE5EC
3325.0 HF-USB
0131Z - NNN0IEA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Indiana MARS 5B1B net: NNN0AIB / NNN0APN / NNN0TFL / NNN0AKT / NNN0BON / NNN0LZD / NNN0ITN
3370.5 HF-USB
0210Z - AFA6DV NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M3 net: AFA6PT / AFA6KJ
3390.0 HF-USB
0215Z - NNN0RBC NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 MARS 4X9B net
4002.9 HF-LSB
0004Z - AAV4SV NCS for the Army Region 4 North Carolina MARS AAA4NC/T net: AAT4WR
0102Z - AAM4ETN NCS for the Army Region 4 MARS AAA4RD/K net
4007.0 HF-USB
0031Z - NNN0BQH NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Minnesota MARS 5G1B net: NNN0XYA
2333Z - NNN0YGW NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D3B net: NNN0UAO / NNN0TUL / NNN0XZK / NNN0AJD / NNN0QGB / AAR7DG / AFA5KD / NNN0ULT / NNN0KRJ-T / NNN0AJJ
4008.5 HF-USB
2200Z - NNN0AZO NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Oklahoma MARS 6O3B net
4011.0 HF-USB
2331Z - Navy/ MC Region 2 Northern New York MARS 2J1B net: NNN0QCA
4013.5 HF-USB
0002Z - NNN0LSO NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Kentucky MARS 4K2B net
4020.9 HF-USB
1310Z - AAR6HB NCS for the Army Region 6 MARS AAA6RD/A net: AAR7DG (IA) / AAM6AR
4026.9 HF-USB
1316Z - (sound like) AAR4MU NCS for the Army Region 4 MARS AAA4RD/D net
4035.9 HF-USB
0202Z - Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/B net: AAA7MO / AAM7EMO
1402Z - AAR7DZ NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/D net: AAM7TIA / AAR7FB / AAR7DG / AAM7EMO / AAM7MO
4038.5 HF-USB
0203Z - NNN0ANX NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H2B net: NNN0PCC
0302Z - NNN0EVT NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net: NNN0SYH / NNN0OEE
1301Z - NNN0SVH NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A1B net
1401Z - NNN0TWA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H1B net: NNN0ZHE / NNN0HBJ / NNN0KRM / NNN0OMR
4041.0 HF-USB
0030Z - NNN0FKW NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Ohio MARS 5N5B net: NNN0KQE / NNN0UAN
4316.0 HF-USB
0412Z - U.S.C.G. New Orleans (NMG) Marine Forecast
4426.0 HF-USB
0410Z - U.S.C.G Chesapeake (NMN) Marine Forecast
4517.0 HF-USB
1404Z - AFD7MO NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region 7 Missouri MARS 7MOS1 net: AFF7MO / AFA5KG / AFE5PI / AFA7WS
1502Z - AFF7NE NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region 7 Nebraska MARS 7NES1 net: AFA7DL
4721.0 HF-USB
[01:41:42][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 12 SN 06
[03:11:51][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 7 SN 04
4724.0 HF-USB
0047Z - ________ (USSTRATCOM ABNCP) conduct comms test count
0100Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass two 28 character EAMs: OQ6TYI & OQC3MK
0130Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass two 28 character EAMs: OQC3MK & OQ6TYI
0200Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass two 28 character EAMs: OQC3MK & OQ6TYI
0230Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass two 28 character EAMs: OQC3MK & OQ6TYI
4772.0 HF-USB
0037Z - Link-11 data transmission
4825.0 HF-USB
2300Z - NNN0KIP NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 MARS 6X4B net: NNN0WKH / NNN0AHH / NNN0HZN / NNN0BDE
5078.5 HF-USB
2308Z - Navy/MC Region 7 MARS 7X5Y (MT-63) net: NNN0GXA, Topeka KS / NNN0GXB, St. Charles MO will be coming on-line - both USCG Aux. members // THE SOUTH AREA ADMIN NET WILL MEET ON 27 NOV 2010 AT 9:00 AM CST ON FREQUENCY "NFN".
5450.0 HF-USB
0433Z - RAF Volmet
5702.0 HF-USB
[09:45:51][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 14 SN 04
6739.0 HF-USB
0200Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass two 28 character EAMs: OQC3MK & OQ6TYI
0230Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass two 28 character EAMs: OQC3MK & OQ6TYI
7302.0 HF-USB
1504Z - AFF6EC NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M4 net: AFA6HB
7457.0 HF-USB
1405Z - AFA4WJ NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S2 net: AFA4QY / AFA4TC / AFA4AO / AFA4CY / AFA4EF / AFA4UZ / AFA4RD / AFF4FL / AFN4RD / AFA4BL
8050.0 HF-USB
[14:49:33][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 18 SN 07
[15:49:31][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 12 SN 06
[17:49:32][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 13 SN 05
8968.0 HF-USB
[06:37:24][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][PLASPR ][AL0] BER 16 SN 05
8992.0 HF-USB
0200Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass two 28 character EAMs: OQC3MK & OQ6TYI
1303Z - Worn-Thin (USSTRATCOM ABNCP) pass 28 character EAM OEL4HN
1530Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 270 character EAM OPKKRE
2241Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 57 character EAM AEWZW4 to All Stations
9106.0 HF-USB
[18:23:22][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][WWLNNN ][AL0] BER 17 SN 05
10194.0 HF-USB
[20:58:42][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC1FEM ][AL0] BER 12 SN 05
[21:13:38][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8FEM ][AL0] BER 12 SN 05
11175.0 HF-USB
2241Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 57 character EAM AEWZW4 to All Stations
13200.0 HF-USB
2241Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 57 character EAM AEWZW4 to All Stations
14389.0 HF-USB
1601Z - AFN4PP NCS for the Air Force Phone Patch Admin Net APCN1: AFA1RE / AFA4QK / AFA5RS / AFA6DD / AFA6GG / AFA9PF
15016.0 HF-USB
1530Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 270 character EAM OPKKRE
2241Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 57 character EAM AEWZW4 to All Stations
3308.0 HF-USB
0105Z - AFF7KS NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region MARS NCM4 net
0204Z - AFA7GD NCS for the Air Force North Central Area MARS NCM1 net: AFA5GR / AFA5WK / AFE5EC
3325.0 HF-USB
0131Z - NNN0IEA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Indiana MARS 5B1B net: NNN0AIB / NNN0APN / NNN0TFL / NNN0AKT / NNN0BON / NNN0LZD / NNN0ITN
3370.5 HF-USB
0210Z - AFA6DV NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M3 net: AFA6PT / AFA6KJ
3390.0 HF-USB
0215Z - NNN0RBC NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 MARS 4X9B net
4002.9 HF-LSB
0004Z - AAV4SV NCS for the Army Region 4 North Carolina MARS AAA4NC/T net: AAT4WR
0102Z - AAM4ETN NCS for the Army Region 4 MARS AAA4RD/K net
4007.0 HF-USB
0031Z - NNN0BQH NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Minnesota MARS 5G1B net: NNN0XYA
2333Z - NNN0YGW NCS for the Navy/MC Region 7 Iowa MARS 7D3B net: NNN0UAO / NNN0TUL / NNN0XZK / NNN0AJD / NNN0QGB / AAR7DG / AFA5KD / NNN0ULT / NNN0KRJ-T / NNN0AJJ
4008.5 HF-USB
2200Z - NNN0AZO NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 Oklahoma MARS 6O3B net
4011.0 HF-USB
2331Z - Navy/ MC Region 2 Northern New York MARS 2J1B net: NNN0QCA
4013.5 HF-USB
0002Z - NNN0LSO NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Kentucky MARS 4K2B net
4020.9 HF-USB
1310Z - AAR6HB NCS for the Army Region 6 MARS AAA6RD/A net: AAR7DG (IA) / AAM6AR
4026.9 HF-USB
1316Z - (sound like) AAR4MU NCS for the Army Region 4 MARS AAA4RD/D net
4035.9 HF-USB
0202Z - Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/B net: AAA7MO / AAM7EMO
1402Z - AAR7DZ NCS for the Army Region 7 MARS AAA7RD/D net: AAM7TIA / AAR7FB / AAR7DG / AAM7EMO / AAM7MO
4038.5 HF-USB
0203Z - NNN0ANX NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H2B net: NNN0PCC
0302Z - NNN0EVT NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A2B net: NNN0SYH / NNN0OEE
1301Z - NNN0SVH NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Alabama MARS 4A1B net
1401Z - NNN0TWA NCS for the Navy/MC Region 4 Tennessee MARS 4H1B net: NNN0ZHE / NNN0HBJ / NNN0KRM / NNN0OMR
4041.0 HF-USB
0030Z - NNN0FKW NCS for the Navy/MC Region 5 Ohio MARS 5N5B net: NNN0KQE / NNN0UAN
4316.0 HF-USB
0412Z - U.S.C.G. New Orleans (NMG) Marine Forecast
4426.0 HF-USB
0410Z - U.S.C.G Chesapeake (NMN) Marine Forecast
4517.0 HF-USB
1404Z - AFD7MO NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region 7 Missouri MARS 7MOS1 net: AFF7MO / AFA5KG / AFE5PI / AFA7WS
1502Z - AFF7NE NCS for the Air Force North Central Area Region 7 Nebraska MARS 7NES1 net: AFA7DL
4721.0 HF-USB
[01:41:42][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 12 SN 06
[03:11:51][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 7 SN 04
4724.0 HF-USB
0047Z - ________ (USSTRATCOM ABNCP) conduct comms test count
0100Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass two 28 character EAMs: OQ6TYI & OQC3MK
0130Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass two 28 character EAMs: OQC3MK & OQ6TYI
0200Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass two 28 character EAMs: OQC3MK & OQ6TYI
0230Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass two 28 character EAMs: OQC3MK & OQ6TYI
4772.0 HF-USB
0037Z - Link-11 data transmission
4825.0 HF-USB
2300Z - NNN0KIP NCS for the Navy/MC Region 6 MARS 6X4B net: NNN0WKH / NNN0AHH / NNN0HZN / NNN0BDE
5078.5 HF-USB
2308Z - Navy/MC Region 7 MARS 7X5Y (MT-63) net: NNN0GXA, Topeka KS / NNN0GXB, St. Charles MO will be coming on-line - both USCG Aux. members // THE SOUTH AREA ADMIN NET WILL MEET ON 27 NOV 2010 AT 9:00 AM CST ON FREQUENCY "NFN".
5450.0 HF-USB
0433Z - RAF Volmet
5702.0 HF-USB
[09:45:51][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][ADW ][AL0] BER 14 SN 04
6739.0 HF-USB
0200Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass two 28 character EAMs: OQC3MK & OQ6TYI
0230Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass two 28 character EAMs: OQC3MK & OQ6TYI
7302.0 HF-USB
1504Z - AFF6EC NCS for the Air Force Region 6 MARS 6M4 net: AFA6HB
7457.0 HF-USB
1405Z - AFA4WJ NCS for the Air Force Region 4 MARS 4S2 net: AFA4QY / AFA4TC / AFA4AO / AFA4CY / AFA4EF / AFA4UZ / AFA4RD / AFF4FL / AFN4RD / AFA4BL
8050.0 HF-USB
[14:49:33][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 18 SN 07
[15:49:31][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 12 SN 06
[17:49:32][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8 ][AL0] BER 13 SN 05
8968.0 HF-USB
[06:37:24][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][PLASPR ][AL0] BER 16 SN 05
8992.0 HF-USB
0200Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass two 28 character EAMs: OQC3MK & OQ6TYI
1303Z - Worn-Thin (USSTRATCOM ABNCP) pass 28 character EAM OEL4HN
1530Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 270 character EAM OPKKRE
2241Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 57 character EAM AEWZW4 to All Stations
9106.0 HF-USB
[18:23:22][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][WWLNNN ][AL0] BER 17 SN 05
10194.0 HF-USB
[20:58:42][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC1FEM ][AL0] BER 12 SN 05
[21:13:38][CHN 01][SND][ ][TWS][FC8FEM ][AL0] BER 12 SN 05
11175.0 HF-USB
2241Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 57 character EAM AEWZW4 to All Stations
13200.0 HF-USB
2241Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 57 character EAM AEWZW4 to All Stations
14389.0 HF-USB
1601Z - AFN4PP NCS for the Air Force Phone Patch Admin Net APCN1: AFA1RE / AFA4QK / AFA5RS / AFA6DD / AFA6GG / AFA9PF
15016.0 HF-USB
1530Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 270 character EAM OPKKRE
2241Z - Andrews (HF-GCS) pass 57 character EAM AEWZW4 to All Stations
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