Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Max Lost a Tooth!

Last night was a crazy one. Long story short, because of our work schedules, it worked best to have the boys stay at my parents house last night so the boys wouldn't have to wake up too early and my mom could take Max to school. I tucked Max into Natalie's old bed. . . no loose tooth. No indication that there would be one.

This morning Max woke up and told my mom that his tooth was loose, and that he was so excited because it wasn't a dream and he would finally be losing a tooth. He wanted to keep it secret from me and Riley until he got out of school, but my dad is no good at secrets, as soon as I was off work I heard about Max's tooth.

Max called me about an hour before school got out to tell me he had a really bad headache--after hanging out with him for the rest of the day I can guess why. If I was playing with a tooth and pulling funny faces intent on getting a newly loose tooth out, I would probably have a splitting headache also. I was SURE he wouldn't lose the tooth today. It wasn't that loose to begin with, just a little wiggly. I totally underestimated the determination of my child.

I could tell that his mind was not going to wander far from the tooth this afternoon. I tried to distract him with his homework, reading, TV shows, games, etc. Nothing was working. So, I handed him a cold, crisp apple. He ate the whole thing and he was happy with the progress being made on the tooth. For the rest of the evening, he kept bugging it and pulling at it, but he couldn't get it out.

Finally, it was time for bed. I was tucking him in and he wouldn't quit moving his mouth funny trying to wiggle his tooth. He was excited because he could finally feel the bottom of it on one side if he got his finger in just the right spot. He was also worried that he might swallow it in his sleep. I was afraid he may never get any sleep if he didn't get it out, but I could tell it was still in pretty good and he wasn't about to let me touch it. I told him to start twisting on it and it might come out. Two twists later, I was handed a teeny tiny tooth.

He looked at me proudly and said "I love you mom. I'm so happy I lost a tooth." He was so excited, he wanted to call and tell everyone. He talked to Riley first (Hey dad, I have a lost tooth). Riley had been at work all day, so he missed all of the excitement. :(

After writing the tooth fairy a note ("My name is Max. I lost a tooth. I am happy. I am seeing if you are real"), putting the tooth in a baggy, trying to make funny whistle sounds, and taking tons of pictures and video, he asked me, "mom, is this a dream? It is, isn't it." Funny how much a little tooth means to a 6 year old.

He can't wait to tell his teacher and friends in the morning. He gets to join an elite group of first graders who have stars on the tooth poster in the classroom. And, if the tooth fairy is real, he told Riley that she would probably leave him a dollar. I guess we'll see in the morning. ;-)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It's been a while....SCHOOL STARTED!

Max couldn't have been more excited. It was like Christmas in August for him. He couldn't wait until he could FINALLY be back in school, and eating lunch at school was the icing on the cake.
I am not a mom that loves it when school starts. Perhaps it is because that means that I have to go back to work (I'm sure that has something to do with it). Also, it means the beginning of fall, and while I don't mind fall so much, the crisp air and shortened days continuously remind me that my least favorite season is approaching. Really though, I quite like hanging out with Max, and he's a great friend for Sam too, so this year I was super sad to have him gone ALL DAY! Tears were shed...and they weren't Max's.
Besides having one of my little buddies gone all day, first grade brought with it some adjustments. Max loves recess so much that he wasn't eating much of his lunch (he is a VERY slow eater, we knew he would have issues with lunch). This made for a very cranky after-school 6 year old. It took a bit of convincing, and some menu changes, and I think he's finally getting it.
His teacher and instructor this year are both fabulous. Max couldn't be happier. Riley and I have been so impressed with his school, we love their teaching methods, the student to teacher ratios, their continual commitment to the original charter, their willingness to change things that aren't working, their various communication methods keeping us very informed, I could go on forever. I also LOVE school uniforms. They are so easy, and Max looks so handsome every morning.

I am teaching again this year--less than last year and with a much easier schedule. The year got off to a great start and my students are wonderful. Hooray for a great school year! :)