Sunday, January 18, 2009

My Chunky Monkey

We went to Sam's 4 month check-up a few days ago, and he's getting so BIG! It's funny that he started out a pound smaller than Max's birthweight, but has now passed Max by over a pound at 4 months. He's definitely a chunky monkey. His stats are:
Weight: 16 lbs. 3 oz. (75%)
Height: 27 inches (+95%)
He continues to be so much fun. He is always happy and smiling, especially if his belly is full. He is becoming so active, he likes to be moving all of the time. He gets his little legs going so cute when he's excited. He's such a strong little guy too. He loves to make himself rock when he's sitting on my legs, and he thinks standing (supported of course) is great. This week, he learned how to roll and he loves to be on the ground rolling, especially if there is a toy nearby to put in his mouth. He is really close to sitting on his own too!Sam loves watching everything Max is doing. He also loves watching Max's cartoons. If you are not paying attention to him, he yells and grunts to get your attention. He LOVES "talking" and "coo"ing to everyone. He makes the cutest little sounds. He loves to click his tongue too.
No more sleeping through the night for Sam. He likes to wake up around 5am thinking he's starving. I am hoping that I get my nights back soon! I had hoped that rice cereal would help, but not so far! He is not a fan of rice cereal. He makes horrible faces when he is being fed. I thought with how much he loves to eat that he would love his cereal, but no. He's all about his milk. He has started to drool A LOT, no signs of teeth yet though.It seems like he is learning something new (and getting bigger) each day, and I am having a blast watching him...I love being a mom!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Happy New Year!

We had a great time celebrating the New Year at my parents house. We had a yummy dinner (steak and shrimp), played games, and chatted the night away. Max got to play his first game of Mario Party with his own controller, and he was so excited! He even made it until midnight, and then we all went outside and made some New Year noise and watched some fireworks.

As far as new year resolutions go, I haven't really made any. . .I don't think I ever really have, at least not one that I've really followed through with. Rachael has a great idea, so I think I'll steal hers. I hope that this year I am able to slow down a little bit and just enjoy life with my sweet family. 2009 is gearing up to be busy, and through it all, I want to make sure that I take time to stop and enjoy.

Happy 2009!