Thursday, September 25, 2008

HBDTY Dad and Craig!

I want to wish my "loving father" a Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day Dad, and the leaves were beautiful for your birth. :-) Enjoy your soap, and next time I see your Bee, it better have your "logo" on it!

Also, HBD to Craig aka "That Boy"! I hope your birthday is fabulous.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Awesome Grandma!

Today, my grandma was featured in an article in the Daily Herald, and what a cute article! My grandma is such an awesome lady and I think that it's neat that she has continued to do things that she loves.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Two Weeks!

I can't believe that Sam is 2 weeks old already! He is so much fun and is such a good baby. We have nicknamed him "lumpy" for now because he's always just happy to sit and chill with us, and he's still such a floppy baby :-) I love it! Here are a few fun pictures from the last two weeks.
The past two weeks have flown by! The first 4 days were spent in the hospital, and the rest have been spent at home adjusting to the new addition. It has been so nice to have Riley home with us. I am not looking forward to having him go back to work.
I haven't really posted much besides pictures since he was born, so here's a little bit about Sam's first two weeks: Sam's C-section had been scheduled since one of my very first OB appointments. It was really nice to know when he would be born, and I only worried a little bit that he would come early. The day before he was born I started having contractions, but luckily they stopped. Monday, Sept. 8, we arrived at the hospital at 6:00am as scheduled. Riley and I both thought it may take a few hours to get things going, but were happy that we were wrong!

The nurses got the IV's and blood draws started immediately, and by 7am we were ready to go into the operating room. Everything was so calm (especially compared to Max's delivery!) and it was very nice. The nurse anesthetist gave me a spinal block and a few minutes later Sam was born! It was so refreshing to hear him cry as soon as he was out.
After his delivery, I spent an hour in the recovery room while Sam was getting bathed and such. By 8:45, I was down in the mother baby unit and Riley brought Sam into me. It was so fun to finally meet and hold him!
The next four days were spent chillin' in the hospital. We kept Sam in the room with us most of the time (except a few hours at night). They had me up and moving as soon as I could feel my feet and legs again. . .ouch! By the third day I was up and about a lot. The hospital bed was not super comfortable to sit in all day, so it gave me the incentive I needed to get out of bed!
We came home on Thursday, 9/11, and we've just been hanging out since. We have ventured out to a few stores and such since I hate feeling pent up in the house. Sam has been lucky enough to visit Costco, Walmart, and Target, my favorite trio. :-) I am feeling great (note to self, the first week after a c-section is by far the hardest!). . .now if we could just get Sam on a better NIGHT sleeping schedule!!!
Max has been adjusting well. We've had a few little issues, but he's starting to figure things out. He likes being our little helper, especially when we're cooking, and he's had a lot of fun playing in his playroom, scattering toys around the house, and watching his favorite shows (and a few new ones thanks to netflix!). He has been a great big brother too with lots of kisses and hugs for Sam. I am so lucky to be the mom of two super cute and sweet boys!

Sunday, September 07, 2008


Here's a fun picture of our little family on last weekends camping trip. Tomorrow, we will grow one member larger! I am so nervous/excited/scared/glad to be done! I just got confirmation from the hospital, we will have a sweet new little (or big, I'm guessing bigger) Sam in the morning! I can't wait to meet him. I will make sure to post pictures and stats when we get home. . .wish me luck! I'm hoping this c-section is a little bit easier than the last one.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Vinyl #2

I finally decided what I wanted the second vinyl design for Sam's room to say, and it's taken me forever to figure out how I wanted to lay it out, but I got it done! I love the way it turned out.