Saturday, August 30, 2008

Things I'm Loving Right Now

Only 9 days left! I am starting to get so sore and tired and I have an annoying cold, so instead of focusing on the negative, I decided to post today about things that I'm loving. (most of which involve shopping...LOL!)

Mama bargains: I love looking at their great deals. I've only ever bought one thing from them, but I totally love it! I got the Fleurville Escape Pod in yellow seedpod for super cheap! It is such a cute little diaperbag/purse. I'm excited to start using it!

Bubele Boutique: I found these guys on one of the other mom shopping websites. I fell in love with their double knotted hats, and when they had a 50% off everything sale, I got two super cute outfits complete with the cute hats. Both of the outfits I got are on their front page. Also, they have amazing customer service. I had a problem with one of the pants that arrived (pocket sewn on the wrong place), and it was fixed and I had a new pair of pants within 2 days!

Etsy: I totally love Etsy! I could spend all day browsing all of the neat handmade stuff. I have bought three things (from three different sellers) that I love. My favorite is the minky blanket and burp cloths that I bought for Sam. The seller even embroidered Sam's name on it, so cute!

Old Navy Flip Flops:
I knew I was going to be happy with my stock-up of flip-flops this year. How do you NOT get a bunch of colors at $2.50 each??? :-) These are the only shoes I can really put on by myself right now, and when my ankles start to swell at night, they still fit and don't hurt!

Tums: I am going through these so fast! I'm just glad there is something out there that can quickly rid me of my heartburn. I swear that EVERYTHING is giving me heartburn right now, I even get it from taking my prenatal vitamin!

Motherhood's secret fit belly shorts:
These are the most comfortable shorts I own, and I am now wearing them multiple times a week. :-) I love that they don't give me a big line down the middle of my belly like most of my other clothes right now, and the belly panel is really stretchy and lightweight, almost like a nylon only much more durable. I wish I would've gotten more of these.

Bob's Books: We found these books at Costco, and after Max started collection 1, we decided to buy all 3 collections. They are such great beginning reader books, Max loves them. Max has now finished all three collections and is onto some of the fun Usborne Books we have laying around, but he still loves pulling out some of his favorite Bob's Books and reading them to us.
Our Thanksgiving Point Membership: I LOVE having a membership to Thanksgiving Point. We go there so often, and it's nice to have a fun place close to home that we can visit whenever we want. Max has loved Noah's Ark this year (especially the bear caves), and we always think it's fun to go to the farm and feed the animals. The Dino Museum has been a favorite for a long time, and we have been visiting it a lot lately to get out of the heat. Hopefully this weekend doesn't get too cold (weather reports can be wrong can't they?) because we're excited to go to the Labor Day Luau at the waterfall on Monday night.
What things are you loving right now?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Don't Forget the Lyrics, Max Edition

Max and I have been listening to a new children's CD in the car, or, as Max likes to call it, HIS MUSIC. We can only listen to my music for so long, and then Max will yell from the back seat that I need to turn on HIS MUSIC! (Unless it's the Beatles, that's one we agree on. . . oh, and he'll listen to "Anyone Else but You" by the Moldy Peaches OVER AND OVER. . .thanks Nat!) I got sick of the old CD we had in, I can only listen to "The Little People" for so long. The new CD is full of animal songs, including "Puff the Magic Dragon". Max had only heard it one or two times when he started singing it around the house. I love his interpretation of the song (and I'm so glad I got it on video before he started to figure out what it was really saying)!
Here's the video:

Vinyl #1

We finished the first of two vinyl quotes for Sam's room. I love it! Riley was so awesome to take the dinosaurs off of the border and turn them into cuttable images (I wanted them to match the room, thanks Ri)! I am so happy with how it turned out. Now I just need to find a good quote for the second one. . .any ideas?
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sam's Room!

We finished Sam's room a while ago, but I thought I'd post some pics I just uploaded. I love the way his room turned out!

I love the lamp!
Now we just need to add a few more finishing touches, we have a shelf to hang up and I want to put a vinyl saying on the wall, I just haven't decided what yet. Only 3 1/2 weeks!
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Monday, August 11, 2008

School is starting! Where did the summer go?

Today was our first faculty meeting for preschool! It was fun to be back, the meetings went great, and I just love the school that I work for (and the people I work with, which makes it very nice), but I can't believe it's already time for school to start! What happened to summer? It seemed extra short this year.
Max is very ready for preschool though, he is getting excited to meet his new teacher and to do "projects". He keeps wanting to work on "scissoring paper", "drawing maps", writing names and reading his books. I love that he is so interested in learning. He's such a smart boy and I'm excited to see what he'll do in school this year!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

At least my 4 year old still thinks I'm cute!

Yesterday I was coming down our stairs trying to fix my skirt (that I couldn't see thanks to the gigantic belly). I could feel that the seams were somehow off, not on the sides, but on the front and back. I couldn't figure out how to straighten them out. Max and Riley were at the bottom of the stairs watching me squirm around in an attempt to make my skirt look decent (Riley thinks it's funny that even getting dressed is becoming super hard on me...LOL). I finally got it fixed (I think, I still couldn't see it) and asked Riley, "Ry, how does this look? Did I get the seams fixed."

My super sweet 4 year old responded, "Mom, those earrings are GORGEOUS, and you can wear that shirt when I grow up and we can get married!" Thanks, Max! That's just what mommy needed to hear. I love you my sweet bean!

Friday, August 01, 2008

An Amazing 8 Years!

"True love is spending one day getting married... And the rest of your life feeling glad you did."Eight years ago today (8/2), Riley got to enjoy a full day in a black Tuxedo in the blistering hot sun. The things we do for love! :-) Seriously, though, it was an awesome day. . .
And, what an amazing 8 years we have had. Happy Anniversary Baby!
Riley is the absolute best husband and father. He is so optimistic, generous, loving, logical, grounded, crazy smart, understanding, accepting, funny, supportive, and very good looking. :-) Being with Riley makes me a better person, and I love that we have spent the past 8 years learning, growing, and building an incredible life together. Max looks up to his daddy so much, and tells me often that he wants to be "just like dad" when he grows up. I adore how much Riley really cherishes his time off work and loves to be with his family, Max and I are always looking forward to dad's days off. I love you Riley! Happy 8th Anniversary!

“The most wonderful of all things in life, I believe, is the discovery of another human being with whom one's relationship has a growing depth, beauty, and joy as the years increase. This inner progressiveness of love between two human beings is a most marvelous thing; it cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it. It is a sort of divine accident, and the most wonderful of all things in life.”--Hugh Walpole, Sr.