Friday, March 23, 2007

Happy 3rd Birthday Max!

This post is finally posted a little late. I kept meaning to post it, but forgetting!
I haven't updated this blog for a while, but what better time to do it than a birthday post for Max!
Max turned 3 yesterday! He had a great birthday, although I'm not sure he knew it was his actual birthday. He kept telling me "mom, my birthday is tomorrow". I think we have confused him by having his parties before and after his actual birthday.
Max is so much fun. He is getting so big and independent. He loves doing things ON HIS OWN. Sometimes it's nice...other times...aggghhh! Like yesterday, we were driving down state street and he decided he needed to open his door. Thank goodness for car seats! We had to pull over and have a talk! He is also a little bundle of continuous energy. He is pretty much done with naps, he doesn't have the time for them. He needs to be going and doing at all times. Luckily, he has learned that we can take breaks to go the just took a while to teach him! Max is also a talker. I love it when he has his little conversations with me, especially when he tries to use big words. He sounds so old. Max sings songs all day long. I am convinced that he will be a singer when he grows up...American Idol, here Max comes! His favorite right now is "I am the egg-man, woooo, I am the egg-man, woooo, I am the walrus, cucukachoo, cucukachoo!" and whenever we're in the car, that is his CD of choice. I can't complain! It's given me a much needed break from Laurie Berkner and other various kids CD's.
His birthday was great. Riley had to work, so he slept for most of the morning, so Max and I went down to the Dinosaur Museum where he got his first present, a Thanksgiving Point pass. He loves it there so much, I'm pretty sure he could go everyday and still be excited about it when we got there. We met up with my mom and dad and my little sister and let him roam the museum as he saw fit. Max had a blast, he even got to have Dino Nuggets before we left.
After we woke up Riley, Max opened all of his presents. I love that his birthday is in March, because I can give him his whole new summer wardrobe for his birthday. He got bored with the clothes really quick though (imagine that)! He was excited to get Hungry Hungry Hippos, a shark kite to fly with daddy, his own piggy bank, and some new Thomas trains. Max was really sad to see daddy leave for work.
I love being Max's mommy and I am very excited to see what adventures his 3rd year holds for us! Happy 3rd Birthday Max!