Wednesday, September 07, 2005

My Special Moments

I love looking back at all the fun memories we have captured over the last 17 months. I think Max could possibly be the most photographed baby in the world. We have the camera EVERYWHERE we go! On our Disneyland trip alone we took over 750 pictures and 2 hours of video! I tend to get obsessive with photographing all the funny, new, exciting, strange, adorable, and even sad things Max does. A few days ago I was upset that I didn't have the camera ready when Max was being really goofy. I knew that if I went downstairs to get the camera I would miss watching him, and by the time I got back, he wouldn't be doing it anymore. He was being so cute that I decided instead of getting the camera, I would watch him and enjoy his silliness for a moment.
I stressed about not getting the camera for a while, (there wouldn't be pictures to illustrate the story I tell Riley!!! Dang!!!) and then I realized that the moment we had was one of those "special moments" that only I will remember. There will be no photographs, no video footage of that moment, but I was lucky enough to live that moment with Max and only I will be able to replay the memory in my mind or recount it to Max when he grows up. For the bazillionth time I realized--I am so lucky to be Max's mom!! It is so AWESOME to have these special moments with him--the times that are OURS!