Thursday, September 8, 2011

self preparation for his wed

Morning everyone...!!!

I am now at my sister's house..just for another hours we would be headed straight to KL today for my brother's wed;) ...feeling like my baju for the wed is mainly sort of bored in terms of colour and pattern, i try to make it out of boredness by browsing up some hijab tutorial for the wed in youtube...wish that i could style myself out with the help of my hijab...and i didn't bought a new one, just wear what i have..everybody will be in green on that day..i know that all of my naughtiest cousins, niece and nephew would make the wed as a less formal ceremony..haha

pray that everything will work as planned..;)

Monday, September 5, 2011

hari raya

..Di kesempatan ni aku nak susun 1ojari-jemari aku memohon ampun dan maaf dari sanak-saudara, sahabat handai dan kaum seagamanya...kalau ada kata-kata aku yag mengguris, meghiris, melukai atau apa2 perbuatan aku yang buat ada semua terluka da dilukai aku minta maaf...ok,tanpa berucap panjang aku gambarkan hari raya aku tahun ni dengan gambar-gambar kat bawah ni.....;D

Senyuman dan gelak tawa di pagi Syawal;))
ehem2...bulan puasa kan xleh nak ape lagi...hak3;p
"abah...maah banyok deh..." sambil tangan menghulurkan duit raye kat abah tahun ni.....alhamdulillah;))
"mok....mitok maah super duper banyok deh..." super duper?byk sgt dosa 2...hihiii...mok pun dapat duit raya dr aku;))
Setiap org diinterview oleh Manager Guo sebelum menerima duit raya...yg benar2 ada keinsafan di pagi syawal baru dpt duit raya drpnya...kihkihkih
Finally!!! berhempas pulas menangis baru lulus duit raya dari Manager Guo....kih3;p
taraaaa...aku dah bertukar jd bibik...."bikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk", kata Guo..damn!
senang...last2 aku pakai tudung segera ni utk buat keje...simple yet comfortable!! ;p
jage kesihatan tetamu yang datang umah..."xleh minum air batu"...kih2
himawari+hidayah=himawariyah-my niece yg jinak buat seketika...hee

**muka biase2-sedang2**
**muka cam....hmmm**pingsan**;p

what i've cooked for this syawal??
1. popia nestum
2. puding roti+custard sauce
3. kek keladi
4. trifle
5. tart nenas

yang no 5 kunun nak buat tapi xterbuat...nenas da beli, last2 aku potong2 buat colekk buah! heehee
puding roti (custard sauce lam peti)
kek keladi

gambar popia nestum xde...semua seang nak buat...resipi aku google intenet je...;)

Selamat Hari Raya da Selamat Pengantin Baru buat teman2ku yang baru je kahwin..doakan aku cepat kahwin same! isk3

Thursday, August 25, 2011

1st date in 2011

Rather than being idealess again in looking for a title, someone was helped me out by renaming a folder of my pictures as those words above..i don't need even a little of time to nod up and down with what he wrote to that folder..after a year and a half we meet again..after six years then i realized that one thing that i always love about him is now grew stronger..his patience is what i most respect and love about him..i love and will always love how he respects and loves my family..he accepts my family's decision as they are even me myself do feels they are hard to be accepted..when things would sometimes be complicated, he's the one who shows me that they are actually less complicated as the ways things are..he shows me things that goes wrong shall be could be as a best teacher to teach us for a right..sometimes i tell him about one's mistake, and there would always be a perfect excuse created for me not to blame him or her, but he asks me to appreciate every single time i have with him or her..everything he said is loaded with useful thought...
...even you can teach me Japanese and not do teach me a lot about life, love, family and friends indie rosha..tq..

pssssttt: ainul...!! jangan jeles des...terlebih upload pic update kali ni,aahahaaa

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


salam ramadhan every one;)

...hope another fourteen days shall be fulfilled with meaningful deeds...

.....thank you Allah s.w.t for this Ramadhan and for your endless love.....

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

aku off

Hello hye everybody......
since i haven't keep my blog updated, there are so much thing i didn't know about my all of you..hope all of you are doing well friends...i guess that i haven't reveal anything about my new work's not new actually, it's already more than one month I've been working here..working here like providing me a shortcut for my 4months breaks...frankly speaking i am as enjoy as i hope working here..i worked with all the grapes, apples, oranges everyday...i spent most of my time now with fruits until all the staff here called me "Kak Buah" haahaa..manager aku pon memang da serah tanggungjawab bab2 bua ni kat aku...order buah pon semua aku kena lain xleh bawak masuk fon time keje tapi aku boleh..haahaa.

Ok..itu buah-buahan campuran yang aku buat...dan sebelah tu tangan Kak Buah ye...;p

As i am off today, i start to make me myself has a hand in all kind of businesses... i feel like to cook, shop, eat, sleep and all those thing that ca be classified as relax try to be listed for today,hehe..rase sgt gian nak masak...tapi aku masak yang simple2 je....;)

..ayam kicap..

kacang panjang goreng+carrot sket sbb baik utk org rabun mcm aku ni ,heeee

ini ialah bubur barli+kacang hijau, buka bubur lambuk ok! haaha...

baiklah...jgn di salah sangka ye...aku buka bermain di lopak air dpn rumah aku...tapi ini lokasinya di pantai..utk kselamatan ank sedara aku...kite bermain di gigi susu air je ok haikal da hidayah...selamattttt!!! haahhaa

aku dah rindu nka p class...rindu zinie and roza...kangan bangat mahu karok sama kamooooo...t ajok Manager Guo sekali ye zinie! hahaha;p

..hope this 1month will give me skin that's more moisturized..hope i still have time to make my skin livelier again...and make sure that i'm not too fat or not too skinny...haha somebody would fly back to Malaysia this 18Aug ;p..

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011

keje ohh keje

hari terakhir kat humaira...;)
i quit the job kat Humaira Scarf...kawan-kawan kat humaira smua rindu aku,kih3..xnak bg ak brenti, ayat perasan nak mampus..haha tapi jalan terbaik aku rase baik aku berenti drp duk hadap muke bos yg menyakitkan sanubari aku..huhhh..kemudian seminggu aku hadiri kenduri kendara kazen aku da orang2 kampung aku...seminggu duk makan gulai aku stat sakit perut, muntah,mabuk gulai...haha...padan muka..lepas tu stat cari keje lain balik...2hari aku cari keje dapatla keje kat2 area rumah aku...mase mintak keje 2 kaw2 aku tipu kakak interviewer 2, kalau tak konpem xleh kejenye..hehe esok aku masuk keje tempat baru tadi aku dah pegi survey tempat 2 ngan interview budak kerja kat situ sekali..dah ade sket keyakinan nak pegi keje esok..kih2

i will be in a new uniform in the next post...;p

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

l love mirrors;)

I believe that mirror plays a mean in revealing so much about us...Apart of the outer beauty that had been reflected when we stand in front of the mirror, pray that HE will give us a great inner beauty in ourselves;)

...Segala puji-pujian bagi Allah sebagaimana Engkau telah mempercantikkan diriku dan juga akhlakku. Semoga Engkau menjauhkan wajahku dari api neraka”...

Amin...Ok..i am now doing well in my boss now is not too fussy but turned to a sporting man,hihi he treated us pizza, pattaya, murtabak and may other food that now make me worry because diet is the main reason for me to find a job for my holiday..haha..But, never mind...i like the balance, food and work..;p I like self-shoot in front of the mirror like most girls do..Those are what i have captured when i off;)) i believe that pictures still can be captured in the absence of cameraman or camerawoman..Mirrors could seriously reflecting my images out! ;D


To Jaja: I would like to express my disappointment for not being able attending your wedding ahead in this June...but i pray that more barakah are waiting for you after married..amin...i am happy for you jaja;)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Hye semua!!!!!!!

aku xsuke pakai instant tudung ni..tapi tiap2 hari kena pkai lain2 design..nak promote..customer xrase lgi pakai aku da pakai,heheh biru hijau 2 baju keje aku

Huuh lame gile rase blog ni tak dihupdate oleh business proposal aku di reject oleh Tuk Penghulu kampung aku...aku terpaksa cari idea lain nak habiskan cuti musim panas aku ni...kih2 aku sekarang ni telah dijawatkan sebagai penjual tudung kat Wakaf Che Yeh...Humaira Scarf..aku ingatkan dapat jawatan Assistant Manager ke ape..tgk2 kena jual tudung je.hehe...Keje kat sini ok cuma majikan agak cerewet...maklumlah kedai ni kononnya memperuntukkan gaji yang agak mahal kepada buruh binaannye...jadi kena la cerewet sket ;p keje cam biase 10am-10pm...aku skng ni masih berharap jawatan aku skng ni memampukan aku untuk kembali kurus.,,tapi da 2minggu keje macam makin sihat je,he2..Baiklah info terkini mengenai Si Penjual tudung ni akan diupdate setiap ari Selase...hari aku off..

gua chow dulu..dgn pesanan kawal pemakanan anda dikala cuti ini ;))

Thursday, April 28, 2011

business plan cuti 4bulan

Hello hai semua!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

baiklah...aku dah habis 2paper..jawab pon secukup rase je...keyakinan menjawab xde, tapi keyakinan menembak sgt tinggi..tambah2 lagi exam kom hari tu objektif..70soalan..malas nak pikir panjang aku pon main bedal je...ade satu lagi paper...Psycholinguistics..baru habis bace satu bab aku dah mula rasa ngantuk, malas...dah nak tido tapi teringat kat blog ni dah lame semenjak tuan die sedang sibuk ngan final, konon nak study..malam kul 9 aku dah mula rase ngantuk, 9.30 pegang buku,study atas katil la kunun...kul10 aku dah tido...sekian...itulah rutin hidup aku sepanjang study week ni,hehe

baiklah, sekarang ni ngah pikir nak buat ape cuti 4bulan ni...duk UPM 4bulan tambah dengan class, assignment, naik tangga turun tangga pon badan aku dah naik..duk kat rumah nanti aku tak tahu la macam mane...dengan kenduri kendara kawan sepupu kawen, macam2 orang kawen, konpem laa badan naik, hmmm...bju raye kena ukur lebih 1-2inci..haha

baiklah, berbalik pada kerja, aku ada apply cikgu ganti tapi dah tahu payah nak dapat...xpon aku ikut cadangan abg aku...die suh jual air depan umah kau...nanti aku buat la penambahan sket, jual pisang goreng, nangka goreng, cempedak goreng dan semua benda yang aku boleh goreng...mungkin nama produk aku...TFF-Taq Fried Fruit..harap-harap orang kampung akan sokong bisness aku nanti...hahaha

memandangkan bisness aku berteraskan buah-buahan kampung je..modal mungkin xbanyak tapi untuk tujuan promosi aku kena mintak jasa baik Encik Guo ;D

aku rase gamba ni sesuai untuk buat cover banner bisness aku..gantung kat pintu masuk kampung aku..gambar ala2 separuh ni...biar org tertanya2 sket sape la si penggoreng TFF tu...haha

balik kampung nanti terus hantar proposal bisness aku ni kat rumah Tuk Ngulu Luwi...harap dia approve! hahahaha

ok, nak tido.........;))

Sunday, April 17, 2011

life learnt

hidayah dan kawannya...aka mamanya...hehe

life taught me when and where it is appropriate to say certain use certain discuss certain topics...or wear certain clothes...and when not to...i also come to know through experience what type of people we can and cannot discuss certain topics with or wear certain types of dress around...girls, try all the means out to differentiate whether it is a joke, compliment or serious things to be understood...there's no shortcut to learnt is the best teacher..hope you guys think before you say something...rather than one heart will be hurted..make full use of experience you had been paved every day out..because most this knowledge is derived's easier to make friends if you know how to make others feel good...think!!

i read something...i understood something...i realized something...i tried to stop something...
...pray for me...

Friday, April 15, 2011

pro clean movie;D

i am currently cleaning up all the must-watch-list movies from my laptop;) maybe 2-3days rest before my head starts to scan for all the boring notes,huhhh..this semester is kind of one endless working day without a rest for me..but pretty sure i'm not performed well for this semester...assignment,test,etc..hahaha ;D

let's continue movie girls!!! ;)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

t-shirt switched to cardi

what will you do if a piece of t-shirt gifted from one of your friend is not suited you well?...keep it silently in your wordrobe? or if you think there's no point in keeping it..will you bin it? actually i got that grey piece of a half-long t-short from one of my best friend also my schoolmate, tiehah last year..but, the one handed from tiehah is quite tight for's not really but extremely tight for me to wear it, rather than being suffocated in all my day i did something with that piece..being good in altering and modifying sometimes can make you appreciate the things that can't be use or, i ultimately decided to change the t-shirt to a cardigan..without making any straight line on the t-shirt i freely put my pair of scissors across that piece and cut if off..;)

this is tallest girlfriend forever..i think she is about 174cm..tinggi kan;)) that's how that t-shirt looked before it's being damaged by me,hehe
...switched to...
no just self-shoot..and setting off course toitoi fbmk..haha
tiehah, hope this won't hurt you, this is a mean to show that i'm happy with what you give;) hope you will be glad with how i style it out...;p

ok, got to go..just a quick update actually...someone is waiting for online breakfast..hehe..
have a great weekend lovelies;))

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

online breakfast

we are about the same..sleep early at night;p

I am a kind of person who made breakfast as a compulsory-do-thing before i start my day..before i went to class, even when i am actually deadly rush to class, i will quickly put 2 tablespoons of milk which may serve me a quarter cup of milk as my breakfast..hehe..that's my weirdness..i can't swallow sky juice before i swallow hot drink first;) So, last two days i have changed my primitive way of breakfast to online breakfast..sounds modern right?ahaha we are having a kind of same menu as our breakfast which is cup of hot drinks and several slices of bread that have been spread something on them..for the next second and third slices he then decided just to drawn his bread into his drink;p but me unintentionally deco something before i ate them;p

i wrote then i ate...kejam kan?;p

Sunday, April 3, 2011

mom and baby;)


Ok, it has been a long time i didn't update my blog...i still heart u lah syg;) nothing extraordinary or weird things comes to my life,haha;p...just the same scheduled days..i caught myself multi-tasking with sleep a lot,haha...i am just finished my questionnaire for my socio' mini project...don't worry guys, it will be the most simplest and shortest questionnaire you ever answered, hahaha...lantaklah,janji siap,hehe.

1, 2, 3..budak yang sangat tak suka exercise..yeahhhh...

As my weekend just appears for one time in this week, i decided to have a long sleep today..when i woke up,i switched on my laptop and the first site to click is my blog,haha untillllllllllll...i found a blog of one hot mama..she caught my time there!'s about baby, husband,shawls, siblings, wedding and the most important is things to concern when we are pregnant;p ok, blog ni mungkin sesuai utk kaum wanita je;))

After about an hour scanning through her blog i found this..doa buat ibu mengandung setiap kali selepas mengerjakan solat lima waktu.

"Ya Allah,peliharalah anakku selama didalam kandunganku dan sembuhkan ia,sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Penyembuh,tiada sembuhan melainkan penawar Mu,sembuh yang tidak meninggalkan kesan buruk. Ya Allah,lahirkanlah ia dari kandunganku dengan kelahiran yang mudah dan sejahtera (selamat). Ya Allah,jadikanlah ia sihat sempurna,cerdik,berakal,berilmu serta beramal soleh. Ya Allah,elokkan akhlak,fasihkan lidahnya dan perelokkan suaranya untuk membaca Al-Quran dan Hadis dengan berkat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.".

our behaviour reflects who our babies are;)

Monday, March 28, 2011


when the heavy cloud was descending slowly...
when the fog was beginning to thicken ...
when the horizon was turning invisible...
she was finally ready...

every move was slow...every touch was soft...
every breath comes heartily...
every passion comes delicately...
every desire comes roughly...
every meet comes together until

she knows there would come a day when the word she writes more times than she could count would be impossible to read...mst ingt biru2 kn;p is an attempt the erase the pain...

but is this considered as an art? ;D

Saturday, March 26, 2011

GOD bless you uncle=)

The one i hold is my new Hazel...quite frustrated with the quality of pic...but never mind..i love you too dear=)

Just to make sure that my blog is keep updating...i have uploaded this pic as an attempt to show my new glasses...haha;D i heart my new glasses because it is cheap but nice! alhamdulilah, the uncle is the nicest optometrist i ever met...outside, it cost me 600hundreds ringgit but with that uncle i got it 23ohundreds ringgit (actually 250 tapi aku mintak 230, alasan nak buat makan minggu ni..sambil buat muke innocent.haha;D) might derive some questionable thought when i am telling you that my glasses actually worth 600..the reason is my "power silau" is now reach until 500 for both of my that pic, the uncle is the man in white...busy looking for the best design for me...and also do scan for yaya in that pic...thanks for accompany me=)

GOD Bless You Uncle=)

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Dear Allah, the Mercy God...Thank you...


I knew 3years there has been a long and tedious journey for you and me...but it was a rewarding journey from God to us...the longest distance that has been officially recorded between us make us tougher..Be strong to pace all the way out..Another two more years there...Hope patience keep accompany you...i am happy with what you have achieved;)) congratulations indie rosha!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

waoh pauh=mangga=mango

i found the hardest time tonight to..all my plan was immediately canceled when i was overwhelmed with food...

Lepas aku bedal burger ayam special..roomate aku Zinie aja aku makan woh pauh atau dalam bahasa standardnya mempelam atau mangga...Dan bak kata orang kampung aku MANGO....ahahaha;D Lepas tu mata memang dah xleh nak bukak...update blog pon sedar xsedar je ni...siyes!

lokasi: dapur bujang taq & zinie !!

mak zinie kirim..bes..manis...lemak2 giteww ;)

part bijik yang bes tuh!!!

aku dah rase aku bukan berada di bumi...bak kata mat yeng di alam loda-loba...haha ngantuk yang teramat sangat...gua tido dulu...chowww!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

kain burok ;D

Just now i said something to Ziny my roomate...

" I don't feel like reading and understanding...but i feel like washing and brushing..." ;p

Then i closed up my book, put nine hangers into my pail...because i have six pieces to be brushed;p washing and brushing do help me to chase my stress away...believe it! ;D

as i was singing and humming in the toilet my hand paced at one of my clothes..then, a form of smile appeared followed by a short yet concise laugh..ape punye ayat laa, haha..i was smiling alone because a remembrance to my aunt dialogue....

Aunt: Baju sapo tu Na?
Mom: Baju sha laa ni Kak Yam
Aunt: Laa..Kak yam ingat kain burok gapo doh sakni...


definitely it was a piece from my bundle collection...i bought it just for i have to prove to my mum and aunt kaen buruk also can look good ok...;p

tekun ;D

ok mommy...aunty...cantik x kaen buruk ni...? ;p

ok bye!!...updated 30minutes from Mr. Den class...;))