Thursday, April 28, 2011

business plan cuti 4bulan

Hello hai semua!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

baiklah...aku dah habis 2paper..jawab pon secukup rase je...keyakinan menjawab xde, tapi keyakinan menembak sgt tinggi..tambah2 lagi exam kom hari tu objektif..70soalan..malas nak pikir panjang aku pon main bedal je...ade satu lagi paper...Psycholinguistics..baru habis bace satu bab aku dah mula rasa ngantuk, malas...dah nak tido tapi teringat kat blog ni dah lame semenjak tuan die sedang sibuk ngan final, konon nak study..malam kul 9 aku dah mula rase ngantuk, 9.30 pegang buku,study atas katil la kunun...kul10 aku dah tido...sekian...itulah rutin hidup aku sepanjang study week ni,hehe

baiklah, sekarang ni ngah pikir nak buat ape cuti 4bulan ni...duk UPM 4bulan tambah dengan class, assignment, naik tangga turun tangga pon badan aku dah naik..duk kat rumah nanti aku tak tahu la macam mane...dengan kenduri kendara kawan sepupu kawen, macam2 orang kawen, konpem laa badan naik, hmmm...bju raye kena ukur lebih 1-2inci..haha

baiklah, berbalik pada kerja, aku ada apply cikgu ganti tapi dah tahu payah nak dapat...xpon aku ikut cadangan abg aku...die suh jual air depan umah kau...nanti aku buat la penambahan sket, jual pisang goreng, nangka goreng, cempedak goreng dan semua benda yang aku boleh goreng...mungkin nama produk aku...TFF-Taq Fried Fruit..harap-harap orang kampung akan sokong bisness aku nanti...hahaha

memandangkan bisness aku berteraskan buah-buahan kampung je..modal mungkin xbanyak tapi untuk tujuan promosi aku kena mintak jasa baik Encik Guo ;D

aku rase gamba ni sesuai untuk buat cover banner bisness aku..gantung kat pintu masuk kampung aku..gambar ala2 separuh ni...biar org tertanya2 sket sape la si penggoreng TFF tu...haha

balik kampung nanti terus hantar proposal bisness aku ni kat rumah Tuk Ngulu Luwi...harap dia approve! hahahaha

ok, nak tido.........;))

Sunday, April 17, 2011

life learnt

hidayah dan kawannya...aka mamanya...hehe

life taught me when and where it is appropriate to say certain use certain discuss certain topics...or wear certain clothes...and when not to...i also come to know through experience what type of people we can and cannot discuss certain topics with or wear certain types of dress around...girls, try all the means out to differentiate whether it is a joke, compliment or serious things to be understood...there's no shortcut to learnt is the best teacher..hope you guys think before you say something...rather than one heart will be hurted..make full use of experience you had been paved every day out..because most this knowledge is derived's easier to make friends if you know how to make others feel good...think!!

i read something...i understood something...i realized something...i tried to stop something...
...pray for me...

Friday, April 15, 2011

pro clean movie;D

i am currently cleaning up all the must-watch-list movies from my laptop;) maybe 2-3days rest before my head starts to scan for all the boring notes,huhhh..this semester is kind of one endless working day without a rest for me..but pretty sure i'm not performed well for this semester...assignment,test,etc..hahaha ;D

let's continue movie girls!!! ;)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

t-shirt switched to cardi

what will you do if a piece of t-shirt gifted from one of your friend is not suited you well?...keep it silently in your wordrobe? or if you think there's no point in keeping it..will you bin it? actually i got that grey piece of a half-long t-short from one of my best friend also my schoolmate, tiehah last year..but, the one handed from tiehah is quite tight for's not really but extremely tight for me to wear it, rather than being suffocated in all my day i did something with that piece..being good in altering and modifying sometimes can make you appreciate the things that can't be use or, i ultimately decided to change the t-shirt to a cardigan..without making any straight line on the t-shirt i freely put my pair of scissors across that piece and cut if off..;)

this is tallest girlfriend forever..i think she is about 174cm..tinggi kan;)) that's how that t-shirt looked before it's being damaged by me,hehe
...switched to...
no just self-shoot..and setting off course toitoi fbmk..haha
tiehah, hope this won't hurt you, this is a mean to show that i'm happy with what you give;) hope you will be glad with how i style it out...;p

ok, got to go..just a quick update actually...someone is waiting for online breakfast..hehe..
have a great weekend lovelies;))

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

online breakfast

we are about the same..sleep early at night;p

I am a kind of person who made breakfast as a compulsory-do-thing before i start my day..before i went to class, even when i am actually deadly rush to class, i will quickly put 2 tablespoons of milk which may serve me a quarter cup of milk as my breakfast..hehe..that's my weirdness..i can't swallow sky juice before i swallow hot drink first;) So, last two days i have changed my primitive way of breakfast to online breakfast..sounds modern right?ahaha we are having a kind of same menu as our breakfast which is cup of hot drinks and several slices of bread that have been spread something on them..for the next second and third slices he then decided just to drawn his bread into his drink;p but me unintentionally deco something before i ate them;p

i wrote then i ate...kejam kan?;p

Sunday, April 3, 2011

mom and baby;)


Ok, it has been a long time i didn't update my blog...i still heart u lah syg;) nothing extraordinary or weird things comes to my life,haha;p...just the same scheduled days..i caught myself multi-tasking with sleep a lot,haha...i am just finished my questionnaire for my socio' mini project...don't worry guys, it will be the most simplest and shortest questionnaire you ever answered, hahaha...lantaklah,janji siap,hehe.

1, 2, 3..budak yang sangat tak suka exercise..yeahhhh...

As my weekend just appears for one time in this week, i decided to have a long sleep today..when i woke up,i switched on my laptop and the first site to click is my blog,haha untillllllllllll...i found a blog of one hot mama..she caught my time there!'s about baby, husband,shawls, siblings, wedding and the most important is things to concern when we are pregnant;p ok, blog ni mungkin sesuai utk kaum wanita je;))

After about an hour scanning through her blog i found this..doa buat ibu mengandung setiap kali selepas mengerjakan solat lima waktu.

"Ya Allah,peliharalah anakku selama didalam kandunganku dan sembuhkan ia,sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Penyembuh,tiada sembuhan melainkan penawar Mu,sembuh yang tidak meninggalkan kesan buruk. Ya Allah,lahirkanlah ia dari kandunganku dengan kelahiran yang mudah dan sejahtera (selamat). Ya Allah,jadikanlah ia sihat sempurna,cerdik,berakal,berilmu serta beramal soleh. Ya Allah,elokkan akhlak,fasihkan lidahnya dan perelokkan suaranya untuk membaca Al-Quran dan Hadis dengan berkat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.".

our behaviour reflects who our babies are;)