Friday, January 31, 2014

Week of February 3-6, 2014

Hello parents!

I have a lot of information for you this week.  First of all, I was so impressed with the "trips" that the students have already returned!  It looks like everyone had a great time and I hope it was fun and educational.

Valentine's Day is on Friday February 14.  We will be having a party and passing out Valentines.  We will be making bags in class to collect the valentines, so you don't need to bring a decorated box from home.  I will send home a class list next week so your students can write the names on the valentines themselves.  This task can be overwhelming so make sure you break it up over several days!

This week we will be starting addition.  I have some more challenging addition homework to send home with those who would like it.  I already put some in cubbies that I assumed would want it.  If you get it and don't want it, don't feel obligated to do it!  Send me an email if you don't get it and want me to send it home.

As always, thanks for all your support and hard work!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Week of January 6-10

Hello parents!
I am continually surprised and delighted at the caliber of our class!  We had a great first day back from break.  Everyone followed directions and got their work done.  It is so nice to have such great students who make my job easier!  Thank you for sending me such good students!  And we had a great time looking at everyone's shape books.  They were all so creative.  I hope you had fun doing this project!

It is very important that everyone is at school next Monday January 13.  We will be having our winter CBM testing.  This is the winter version of the test I did with your students at the kindergarten pre-assessment.  In the past, there has been no school for kindergarteners and the teachers have done this winter test.  This year it will all be done at school in one day by district testers.  So if at all possible, please make sure your students are here on Monday.